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Visa: Travelers opting out of cash


Data from Visa, one of the leading payment processors, tells a tale of travelers using cash less and less in their travels, with as many as 97% of travelers in the Asia Pacific region not bothering to bring cash along.

Overall, Visa says, 31% of travelers brought cash to their destinations in 2023, down from 79% in 2020."We are witnessing a significant shift in travellers' behaviours and payment preferences post-pandemic, with many opting for safe, digital, and touch-free payment methods, " according to Visa officials.

Although the study doesn't track how many travelers draw cash from ATMs on arrival, the conclusion seems solid: throughout the world, the growth of tap-and-pay on a variety of devices, combined with a merchant willingness to take cards for even very small transactions, has changed the picture sharply in only a short time.

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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Call me old-fashioned, if you want, but I always like to have the safety net of cash in my back pocket (or wherever it seems safest). There have been many situations where I have had to rely on that - and it often gives you a better chance of striking a bargain.

Like ProfessorAbe, I still carry some cash, although in my last two trips to Europe, totaling about 6 weeks, I spent only about €150 in cash.

But for that cash, I'm going to disagree on buying Euros from a U.S. bank; that's generally one of the worst rates and annoying fees. ATMs in Europe (bank ATMs, not ones run by currency exchanges) use an exchange rate a tiny fraction above the interbank rate. The exception is if you allow 'dynamic currency conversion,' meaning that you agree to have your account debited in dollars rather than Euros.

Also: Charles Schwab, the brokerage and bank company, allows you to open a no fee, no minimum balance checking account that has no ATM fees, no foreign transaction fees and repays any ATM fees charged by other banks.

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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