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What to Do in Nusa Penida?


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Nusa Penida is perfect for both seasoned travelers and first-timers to Bali. It offers adventure and fun. You can dive in clear waters as a group with IDC Nusa Penida or you can just explore hidden beaches like Crystal Bay and Atuh Beach. Our journey here will fill you with awe and wonder. Let's uncover the many wonders Nusa Penida has to offer.

Abut Nusa Penida

- Nusa Penida is the largest island southeast of Bali, Indonesia, measuring 17km long.

- The island’s stunning turquoise waters and vibrant coral reefs make it ideal for diving and snorkeling.

- Notable Nusa Penida attractions include Kelingking Beach, Crystal Bay, and Atuh Beach.

- Professional dive centers offer friendly and patient instructors with various discounted Nusa Penida Diving Packages.

- Nusa Penida remains largely underdeveloped, preserving its natural beauty for a serene escape from the bustling Bali.

Adventure Activities in Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida is a paradise for those who love adventure and nature. It offers a wide range of adventure activities that will amaze you. From snorkeling to exploring waterfalls and enjoying stunning views, there's something for everyone.

Explore Kelingking Beach

Kelingking Beach on Nusa Penida is a top spot in Indonesia. Its unique T-Rex-like landscape draws both explorers and photographers. It's in the Klungkung Regency, Bali, offering stunning views and exciting activities.

What Time Should I Go to Kelingking Beach?

Choosing the right time to visit Kelingking Beach is key. Morning is best to avoid crowds and get great photos. The dry season, from April to October, is perfect for hiking and outdoor fun. This is the best Kelingking Beach time to visit for beautiful scenery and fewer people.

Steps to Kelingking Beach

The trek down to the beach starts with the "stairway to heaven" trail. It's steep but short, taking about 40 minutes. The path is safe, but be careful due to strong waves and cliffs. The effort is worth it for the peaceful spot at the beach's end, especially the cave.

Our Kelingking Beach guide says both experts and beginners will find it rewarding.

Why is Kelingking Beach famous?

Kelingking Beach is famous for its stunning views and clear waters. The T-Rex bay view draws tourists and sparks wonder. Its unique cliffs look like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, earning it the "T-Rex Beach" name. Over 400000 photos of Kelingking Beach have been shared on Instagram, making it a top spot on the island.

Here is a detailed table to understand more about Kelingking Beach:




Klungkung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Best Time to Visit

Morning (April to October)

Trek Duration

40 Minutes

Unique Feature

T-Rex Cliff Formation

Visitor Statistics

Over 400000 photos on Instagram

There's so much to see in Nusa Penida, one day isn't enough. From the T-Rex bay to the clear waters, Kelingking Beach is unforgettable. Our Kelingking Beach guide helps you enjoy every highlight, from hiking to enjoying the views.

Snorkeling and Diving

Snorkeling and diving in Nusa Penida are top-notch underwater experiences in Indonesia. The clear waters, diverse marine life, and organized dive centers make it a great spot for aquatic adventures.

Snorkeling with Manta

A Manta Ray snorkel tour is a highlight of Nusa Penida. You can swim with mantas at Manta Point, where seeing them is almost guaranteed. The water is warm, between 15-25°C (60-77°F), making it comfy for snorkelers. But, remember not to touch the mantas as their skin can get hurt easily.

Diving with Sharks

For a thrilling dive, Nusa Penida offers a chance to dive with sharks. You can see different shark species in their home. The water is clear, and depths vary, making it good for all divers. Safety is a top priority with emergency oxygen and first aid on the boat.

Nusa Penida Diving Packages

The Nusa Penida snorkeling adventure is more than just mantas and sharks. Divers can pick from many packages at  IDC Nusa Penida. These packages include day trips, 2 to 3 dives, lunch, and drinks and snacks. You'll dive in small groups with patient instructors.

For those looking to improve, Nusa Penida has special courses for diving skills. Here's a look at the Nusa Penida diving packages:

Dive Sites

Type of Dives


Temperature (°C)

Depth (Meters)

Cost (USD)

Manta Point

Drift, Marine Biology

10-15 meters


0-30 meters

$100 - $170

Crystal Bay

Deep, Photography

30-50 meters


5-30 meters

$130 - $215

Other Sites

Drift, Marine Biology



10-30 meters


Looking for a Manta Ray snorkel tour, a dive with sharks, or a calm Crystal Bay diving experience? Nusa Penida has it all. It's an underwater paradise ready for you to explore.

Hikes and Viewpoints

Starting your journey on Nusa Penida means exploring stunning viewpoints. You'll see lush hills and towering cliffs. Each spot offers a unique adventure you won't forget.

Climbing the Teletubbies Hill

The Teletubbies Hill trek is a top choice for hikers. It looks just like the hills from a popular kids' TV show. The green hills give you a view that's truly amazing. It's a great place to begin your Nusa Penida hike.

Take Photo in Thousand Islands

If you love taking photos, don't miss the Thousand Islands Viewpoint. It's on the island's east side and shows off the rugged coast and blue sea. Don't forget your camera to capture these stunning views.

Walking to Banah Cliff Point

The Banah Cliff Point adventure is a must-do on Nusa Penida. The cliffs offer dramatic views and the walk is an adventure. Watching the waves crash below makes it all worth it.

Here’s a quick overview comparing some of the top hikes and viewpoints in Nusa Penida:



Best Time to Visit

Teletubbies Hill

Lush green hills, picturesque views

Early Morning

Thousand Islands Viewpoint

Panoramic coastal views, photo opportunities


Banah Cliff Point

Dramatic cliffs, wave watching

Late Afternoon

No matter the time you have, Nusa Penida's hikes and viewpoints are unforgettable. So, put on your hiking boots and get ready for an adventure!

Relaxing Beaches

Exploring Nusa Penida's beaches shows that one day isn't enough to fully experience its magic. This island is home to some of the world's most beautiful beaches. It's a paradise that deserves more than a quick visit.

Diamond Beach

Diamond Beach is perfect for sunbathing, with dramatic cliffs by its side. Getting there is a bit tough, but the view is worth it. It's a quiet spot for relaxation and escape. Sadly, it was once spoiled by plastic, showing us the need to keep it clean.

Suwehan Beach

Suwehan Beach is a hidden paradise for those seeking peace. It offers stunning views and a calm atmosphere. It's a perfect escape from the busy world, with beautiful scenery all around.

Atuh Beach

Atuh Beach is a top spot for sunrise lovers. Early birds get to see the sky light up against the rock arch. The colors and calm make it a great place to start your day in Nusa Penida.

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay is a must-see for its snorkeling. The clear waters are full of colorful marine life. After snorkeling, visitors often stay to watch one of the island's stunning sunsets. It's a memorable way to end your beach day.




Diamond Beach


Stunning white sand and cliffs

Suwehan Beach


Seclusion and tranquility

Atuh Beach


Idyllic morning views

Crystal Bay


Clear waters and marine life

Nusa Penida's beaches invite travelers to enjoy their peaceful escapes. From sandy shores to beautiful sunrises, there's always a perfect spot to discover.

Local Culture Activities and Temples

Exploring Nusa Penida culture means diving into its grand temples and traditions. The island's spirituality shines through its sacred sites.

Goa Giri Putri Temple

The Goa Giri Putri Temple pilgrimage takes you on a unique journey. You'll enter a massive underground cave that holds thousands during ceremonies. The entrance is only 80 centimeters wide, making it a humbling start to a sacred space.

Here, you'll see deep-rooted Balinese traditions in Nusa Penida. The one-way entrance adds to the special feeling, making you feel part of something exclusive and sacred.

Seganing Falls

For nature lovers, the Seganing Falls hike is a must. It's a less crowded path that shows off Nusa Penida's culture. You'll see cliffs and a beautiful waterfall, making your visit unforgettable.

Island Traditions

Exploring into Nusa Penida's traditions shows the island's balance and harmony. The Pura Ped is a key temple, full of power and cultural importance. Families and villages have their own temples, showing the deep roots of these customs.

Visiting the Goa Giri Putri Temple, hiking Seganing Falls, or experiencing Balinese traditions is key to understanding Nusa Penida. These experiences let you see the island's true beauty and culture.

If Not Today, Then When?

Planning a trip to Nusa Penida means thinking about the best time. The island is full of adventures, like diving, climbing, hiking or enjoying beaches calm beauty.

The best time to visit Nusa Penida is from May to September. This period is perfect for both land and sea activities. You can hike Teletubbies Hill, take photos at Thousand Islands, or dive in Crystal Bay's clear waters. Nusa Penida has something for every traveler.

Before you go, make sure you have everything you need for Nusa Penida. Good shoes are a must for the rough paths, and a map will help you find the island's secret spots. Don't forget a sarong for temples like Goa Giri Putri, or be ready to rent one for 5000 IDR.

Try to stay at least two days to enjoy everything without rushing. Renting a motorbike for 70000 IDR a day and eating cheap (like 15000 IDR for tea or 25000-40000 IDR for a meal) makes your trip better without spending too much. And don't miss the diving, which costs about 60€ for two dives with gear.

Nusa Penida is unforgettable, and the best time to visit is now. With careful planning, you'll make memories that last forever.


What can we do on Nusa Penida?

Nusa Penida is full of activities. You can see sights like Kelingking Beach and Atuh Beach. Or explore temples and meet marine life through snorkeling and diving. It's perfect for those who love adventure and relaxing.

How can we experience adventure activities in Nusa Penida?

Adventure lovers can try the Manta Ray Snorkel Tour or the BEST of Nusa Penida Day Tour. You can also dive with PADI IDC Nusa Penida instructors. Or rent a car to explore the island at your own pace.

What time should we go to Kelingking Beach?

For the best experience at Kelingking Beach, go in the morning. This way, you avoid crowds and get great views with the best lighting. It's also quieter and more peaceful.

How difficult is it to reach the bottom of Kelingking Beach?

Getting down to Kelingking Beach is a bit tough and takes about 40 minutes. The path is steep and needs careful attention. But, the clear waters and beautiful views make it all worth it.

Why is Kelingking Beach famous?

Kelingking Beach is known for its stunning views and a unique T-Rex cliff. It's one of the top spots on Nusa Penida and a must-see for travelers.

Can we snorkel with manta rays on Nusa Penida?

Yes, the Manta Ray Snorkel Tour at Manta Point is a top activity. You can swim with these gentle giants in their natural home. It's an unforgettable snorkeling experience.

Are there opportunities to dive with sharks on Nusa Penida?

Yes, diving in Nusa Penida lets you see many marine animals, including sharks. The island's dive spots are known for their rich marine life. It's a great place for underwater adventures.

What diving packages are available in Nusa Penida?

Nusa Penida has diving packages for both beginners and those already certified. Beginners can start with Open Water diving courses. Certified divers can get more advanced training with PADI IDC Nusa Penida instructors.

What hikes and viewpoints should we explore on Nusa Penida?

Don't miss Teletubbies Hill, Thousand Islands Viewpoint, and Banah Cliff Point. These spots offer amazing views and great photo ops for nature and adventure fans.

What is the experience like at Diamond Beach?

Diamond Beach is peaceful and beautiful, with new paths for easy access. You can enjoy the white sand beach, dramatic cliffs, and amazing coastal views.

What cultural sites should we visit on Nusa Penida?

Check out Goa Giri Putri Temple, Seganing Falls, and local Balinese traditions. These sites give you a peek into the island’s spiritual and cultural life.

How can we experience Nusa Penida's island traditions?

Learn about local traditions and visit sacred sites to understand Balinese culture better. Join in local ceremonies or watch the islanders' daily life to see their traditions up close.

When is the best time to plan a trip to Nusa Penida?

The best time to visit Nusa Penida is from May to September. The weather is great during this period. Plan well and pack the essentials for a great trip to the island.

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