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Where in the World is Gumbo? #41

 WITW 41


Gumbo's restless feet took him from the steamy warmth of Bangkok to a cooler place.  In his wandering, he came across this interesting complex; a sturdy looking structure by water, it certainly looks safe and secure -- maybe a little cool in the winter but Gumbo thinks it would be cozy with a warm fire blazing in the hearth.



  1. Share your suggestions, hints and discussions with others by posting them here as comments...
  2. If you absolutely know where it is....please give others a couple of days to work on it before you pounce. If the answer is burning your fingers, e-mail it to and we'll publish it Tuesday night...right or wrong!
  3. To post here, you need to be  a member...but that's free and easy.  Just click HERE


So, exactly where is Gumbo today? 



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  • WITW 41

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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