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Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #102

 WITW 102a

Gumbo's off again, always looking for a new travel experience.  He's come across one of the finest places he's seen in the past decade and thought this might be one to share with others -- or at least have you try to figure out where he is.


Our first clue photo is above and I think tells a lot about the place of interest.  I'll be posting additional photos as clues at a rate of about one a day if the puzzle doesn't get solved quickly.



  1. Share your suggestions, hints and discussions with others by posting them here as comments...
  2. If you absolutely know where it is....please give others a couple of days to work on it  before you pounce.  If the answer is burning your fingers, e-mail it to and we'll publish it Wednesday night...right or wrong!
  3. To post here, you need to be  a member...but that's free and easy.  Just click HERE

So, exactly where is Gumbo today?  Please be as specific as possible.



Images (1)
  • WITW 102a

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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Dangerous to know a little bit only about a lot of things.  Looking at the picture, I see a Moorish influence in the tiles, but eagles in the coat of arms that remind me of Habsburgs. Forget Gumbo...where in the world am I?

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

The Coat of Arms - right of the podium - look Germanic.

With the Crown above the Eagle and the Red/Gold/Black of the German Flag it could belong to one of the Houses of  German Royalty.

Where the building is now ?.... I'll keep looking.


Last edited by GarryRF

The shield (escutcheon) shows the arms of the Kingdom of Sicily, which was also linked at one time to Aragon. Both of these kingdoms at one time had a Moorish influence, so I guess there is where I'd look. I've never been to either place, and a quick google look at Palermo Cathedral shows nothing like Gumbo's picture. So, I await further clues with interest.

When I make a guess, I'm usually in the wrong continent or even hemisphere. So here goes - the coat of arms is from the Aragonese Kingdom of Sicily, but the architecture looks very much like Andalucia. Granada was captured in 1492 by forces of Queen Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon. I've never been to the Alhambra Palace in Granada (or Andalucia), but this ornate design looks as though it should be from there.  

It's an interesting thought, Roderick, but while we're in Europe, we're not in Spain.


Two more visual clues follow, both from the exterior of the structure, which I hope will be helpful:


WITW 102d

WITW 102e


A final clue tomorrow, with the full "reveal" and discussion on Friday. 


Good luck and happy puzzle solving!

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie


Images (2)
  • WITW 102d
  • WITW 102e
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