Gumbo leaves the quaint fishing village of Peggy's Cove in Maritime Canada and hops on a jet to go to his next destination. His next stop is a truly special place, greatly appreciated by locals and also those visitors who take the time to find it.
Your first clue is taken from within our destination of interest. There's a lot of information just in this one photo, and some of you might recognize it right off. But not to worry if you don't.
There will be new and progressively more revealing clues posted each day this week and the solution to the puzzle will be revealed on Monday. Keep checking in, observing, suggesting, reading and commenting along with your fellow readers. Good luck!
- Share your suggestions, hints, observations and discussions with others by posting them here as comments...
- If you absolutely know what and where it is....please give others some time to work on it before you pounce. Email us your answer to We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the 'reveal' is posted on Monday in the order these answers are received.
- To leave a comment, you need to be a member...but that's free and easy. Just click HERE.
So, where is Gumbo visiting this week? We are looking for the name of this building and the community in which it's located. Good luck!
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