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Worst plane seat design ever?

nightmare seats


Is it possible for airlines to treat economy passengers worse than they currently are?  The answer apparently is yes, at least if a new seating concept gets implemented.


A new and radically different concept for airplane seating was unveiled in a patent application from Zodiac Seats France.  Called, "Economy Class Cabin Hexagon", the design turns the middle seat in rows of three around so that this passenger is facing the other two in that row.  Why?  So that airlines can squeeze more people into the plane, why else?   Even though there would be increased space for shoulders and arms, the entire thing looks even more sardine-can like than current layouts. 


The zig-zag seating pattern to my eye makes evacuation look difficult for those in a window seat.  I've can't remember a worse seating idea since "stand up" seating was proposed. 


Most have not reacted favorably to this design.  For example, Shawn Langlois (MarketWatch) called the design "the worst air travel idea since pay toilets."


Currently we know of no airlines who plan on installing these hexagonal seats, but anyone want to bet that Ryanair is giving them a close look?


More on this story at Wired magazine on this link.



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  • nightmare seats

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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