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£45 to meet Santa?

Hamleys Parade on Regent Street -Photo from HamleysToys on Twitter World famous Hamleys Toy Store in London is charging £45 to meet Santa at their London location. The approximate 1 hour small group visit includes snacks and a gift bag. It's for kids ages 2 to 9.   Read More:

New French law: surplus food to be donated, not dumped

On one of the few issues that can pull together all of France's political parties, the National Assembly voted unanimously this week to require supermarkets to donate unsold or slightly-outdated food to charities instead of dumping it. The law, which will take effect in January, was also passed last year, but with technical defects that caused a court to block it. It will require each market to pair up with an approved charity that will use or distribute the food. The national statistical...

Where the Beatles meditated, India has new tourist attraction

The ashram where the Beatles famously went in the 1960s to practice meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yoga, has now re-opened for visitors, with walking trails and gardens. The Beatles left after a few months, and disagreements with the Maharishi, who nonetheless became a world-famous figure. Once he left the area, near the Ganges in the Rajaji national park, it slid toward abandonment, and closed in the 1970s. It has been overtaken by forest, but has now been cleared. DVS Khati, chief...

Airlines ban hoverboards; batteries could burn on-board

Hoverboards, also known as balance boards, are being banned from most U.S. flights because their large lithium-ion batteries are a fire risk on board. Already banned by JetBlue, Hawaiian and Virgin America, the popular devices, a kind of self-balancing scooter, hit the no-fly list in the last two days for Alaska and the big three (American, United and Delta). Only Southwest, among large airlines, still allows them. Delta put the issue this way: "Poorly-labeled, powerful lithium-ion batteries...

Will sunken treasure mean more tourists for Colombia?

Colombia has found a 1708 shipwreck, believed to be the most valuable sunken treasure ever, off the coast of Cartagena. The treasure is worth $2 billion or more, and has been the object of searches and claims almost since the day the ship, the San Jose, was sunk by a British ship that was trying to take its cargo. Now that Colombia's President has announced the find, can gold- and thrill-seeking scuba divers be far behind? Even the chance of a doubloon or two might be enough to perk up...

Star Alliance adds junior partners to extend its network

Star Alliance has begun to extend its reach to more places by inviting a select group of smaller and low-cost carriers to its network as "Connecting Partners." First to join is South Africa's Mango Airlines. The carriers to be added are "friends of the family" that already work with Star Alliance's 28 existing members. In many cases, they may even be subsidiaries of Star carriers, such as Lufthansa's Germanwings. Star Alliance CEO Mark Schwab's statement spoke of convergence between the...

Air France returns to Tehran in April

Air France will re-open its historic Paris-Tehran route in April with a 3-times-a-week round trip, starting in April. The move is part of the resumption of trade with Iran, possible because of the lifting of sanctions as part of the multi-nation nuclear limits treaty with Iran. Air France previously flew the route from 1946 until 2008, which it was ended as part of the UN and EU sanctions against Iran. The EU is already Iran's fourth-biggest economic partner, and trade is expected to grow.
