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Adventure Travel

WWII forts at sea could become luxury hotel

A series of seven forts built at sea to fend off a Nazi invasion have been proposed as a setting for a luxury hotel by a design firm trying to lure investment and a developer. The forts are off the coast near Whitstable, and can only be reached by sea or helicopter. The forts, called the Maunsell forts after their designer. have been out of service since 1956, and an eighth one in the group was removed as a shipping hazard. It appears that technically the forts are ownerless, but they are...

Solar plane to resume its round-the-world trip

Solar Impulse 2, a sun-powered plane that has completed half of its intended round-the-world trip without a drop of fuel, is almost ready to tackle the second half of the trip. The Swiss-built plane which uses solar energy to fill its batteries and power the engine, has been grounded in Hawaii by battery damage suffered during a 5-day flight from Japan to Hawaii. Yes, it doesn't fly very fast! Project staff say that they've raised enough money for the repairs, and can be in the air again by...

They Googled WHAT? 2015's Top 10 Travel Questions

You can google just about anything—note the lower case 'g'—but only Google is keeping track of what people are looking for, and releases annual lists  of the top searches in dozens of categories. For last year, the U.S. list of top travel questions seems very basic and location focused, whereas last year's top questions had more of a "How-To" flavor. Here's the 2015 list: What to pack for Cancun? Where is Disneyland? What airport is ORD When is whale watching season in San...

Rocket flights to nowhere available for booking on Kayak

The space-age equivalent of the old cruise to nowhere—sail out into international waters and return—is now available for booking on, at prices ranging from £63-80,000 for a 40-minute trip from Curacao to Curacao. The  flights are being offered by XCor, one of several companies competing for rich space tourists. Passengers, one per flight, will take off horizontally, go vertical on rocket power to about 40 miles up and then glide down in a 'slow' sightseeing...

Will sunken treasure mean more tourists for Colombia?

Colombia has found a 1708 shipwreck, believed to be the most valuable sunken treasure ever, off the coast of Cartagena. The treasure is worth $2 billion or more, and has been the object of searches and claims almost since the day the ship, the San Jose, was sunk by a British ship that was trying to take its cargo. Now that Colombia's President has announced the find, can gold- and thrill-seeking scuba divers be far behind? Even the chance of a doubloon or two might be enough to perk up...
