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Tagged With "SIM card"


Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
British Airways are trying their best to hold on to their customers' money. We have had 4 flights from Frankfurt to London cancelled by them (on two separate bookings). Whilst by law they should simply refund the money to the credit card, they send you links involving only 'travel vouchers' and phone numbers with automated messages directing you to the same vouchers. It is extremely difficult to find anything to do with actual refunds, but I am persisting. I also am pursuing claims under EU...

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
I fully agree. You might expect this sort of con from a few of the budget airlines, but it seems it has now become BA's policy to lure people into accepting something that might prove utterly worthless: I can always ask the credit card company to charge the amounts back to my card, but I should not have to do that. As to EU 261 compensation, they obviously assume that few people will bother to take things further. They might just be wrong...

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
And don't forget: use a miles-earning card for everything you DO spend! Between bonuses for new cards and steady use, you can go a long way!

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Yep, it definitely adds up. Thanks for the comment. Make sure to read part 2 coming this week.

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I think the banks have a fairly minimal (as small as I can make it) impact on my currency transactions, in part because I never deal with exchanges; I use bank ATMs. That way, the exchange takes place not on my account, but as an interbank transaction at the base rate banks use with each other. I used to use my ATM card from Citibank, but eventually they began charging a 3% foreign exchange fee even on withdrawals. At that point, I opened an account with Charles Schwab, a brokerage...

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Professorabe ·
The Schwab card sounds like a good deal. I have a (UK) Halifax Clarity card, which also gives me a reasonable deal on credit card transactions - no fees/commission and the actual market rate for the currency conversion. It's a significant saving compared to other credit cards.

Re: Gallery: A Beautiful Building in Bangkok

Paul Heymont ·
Even the furniture is lovely...and I'm glad to see they have not abandoned their card catalog. I love computer searches, but I would never want to lose years and years of librarians' and patrons' notes on those cards...

Re: Your Favourite Travel Camera (or 2)

Paul Heymont ·
I see I'm in good company--I'm joining the two-camera brigade for the first time in years (years ago I traveled with two SLRs, one with color film and the other B/W, and then for a while with a film and a digital). I've been working for the last dozen years with a single compact (been through a Fuji, a Canon, Panasonic Lumix and recently a Nikon S9400 ). All have been good, and on an escalating curve of features. All the left-behinds are still in use elsewhere in the family. I actually...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
It's a nightmare! A fair chunk of my packing now includes various chargers, connection cables and mains power adaptors for phones, iPads, Kindles. cameras.... Oh, plus a universal backup power supply battery (RAVPOWER - good value) in case I cannot get to a mains socket - just to keep in touch! I have to say that the Euro proposal to have ONE single charger for all devices has some merit!! PS - watch out that chargers that are sold as suitable for iPhones are often not powerful enough to...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 2

Travel Rob ·
This is a great report PHeymont!Exactly the step by step instructions we all need.Can't wait for parts 3 and 4.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
The RAVPOWER unit that I went for is shown on the following link (a real mouthful): This model has enough power to fully recharge an iPad! Currently available from Amazon for USD 36.00 They also do more powerful packs. (Hope this doesn't cut across any "No Advertising" policies

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 2

Former Member ·
There is a lot to know on this topic. Thank you so much for the education.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
No, Mac, that doesn't cross any sort of policy. We want to help travelers get good honest feedback about products that might be helpful to them on the road (or conversely that aren't worth the money). What's not tolerated is people paid to promote products on our website and providing dishonest information. Ravpower is exactly the kind of unit I'm looking for. Need to go order it soon.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
In the Duel of the Devices, I'm going to declare the RAVPower unit the winner. Both of these devices are essentially external batteries, something that's becoming more popular as more phones come with non-removable batteries. There are two critical differences, however: capacity and output. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh (about half the power held by an average cellphone battery) and a maximum output current of 700mA (phone chargers usually supply 1000mA). The RAVpower device has a...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
By the's my solution to the other charger issue (plugging in at home). It's a 5-port USB host that has a short cord to plug in (no brick to get in the way at the outlet) and takes 5 standard USB cords for your devices...the kind that come with your device, although more are available cheaply. The five outputs include 2 2100mA for iPad, 2 1000mA for most phones, and 1 1300mA for Samsung. All can be used for any device up to the designated output (that is, you can plug your phone...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
PowerStick only charges from a USB port. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh Perfect ! That is all that I need for my modest travel needs - just a little juice for a camera or my old flip (!) phone, if needed during a day of sightseeing. The PowerStick is only about the size of a pen, takes no thought to use and does not involve batteries. My kind of tool. Travelers who carry a lot more toys have greater needs than little me.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Well, I understand the urge for simplicity and not getting tied down...but both the PowerStick and the RAVPower ar e batteries. The RAVPower isn't big; about the size of a cellphone. But it costs 30% less, and will actually put a full charge on a phone, which the other won't. In fact, it will put a full charge on about 6 phones.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Ran across this device for charging smartphones

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

Paul Heymont ·
Not sure I agree with the "burn 'em" philosophy. At the premium class end, there's certainly been a lot of creep, but not so much in coach, which is more price-sensitive, even for awards. True, summer awards to Europe have generally gone from 50K to 60K, but on the other hand, off-season at American went DOWN to 40K--and with the flexibility of taking one-way awards and combining them in interesting's actually a better situation. Also, there are some card-linked sales on flight...

Re: When Debit and Credit Cards aren't your best traveling choices

PortMoresby ·
I've been places where it was not possible to use a credit card much of the time, even when I was told that I could, by the very people who then returned and said, sorry, not working, cash please. But Burma was the only place I can recall that was, when I was there a year+ ago, 100% cash. It's changing now, even there, I've heard. So this has been very interesting, reading about Argentina. Who'da thought?

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

PortMoresby ·
I LOVE my airline credit card, but it's great to have all this information in one place to see if I could do better. Probably not without some whopping fees, but whopping bonuses, too. Thank you sir, for showing us all these choices!

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

rbciao ·
I have a Delta American Express Platinum card that has served us well. The fee is higher than the gold card, but we can check two bags free, priority boarding, and a free companion pass yearly. We fly two or three times a year and the value of the waived baggage fee and the companion pass far exceed the $150 annual fee. The card also accrues one mile for each dollar spent and lately has offered cash back incentives. For example: spend $15 at Panera's using the card and receive $5 credit on...

Re: AAA Premier a Good Idea for Budget Travelers

DrFumblefinger ·
That's an excellent point, Travel Rob. The Premier AAA card is the way to go. But I believe it is only offered to long-time valued members of AAA. You can't walk in off the street and ask to be a Premier Member, at least that's my impression. They will offer it to you. But you should ask for it if you've been a AAA member for quite a while for all the reasons Rob outlines.

Re: 'Dude, Where's My Car?' for real!

Travel Rob ·
I don't think he staged it, but I do think he wasn't searching too hard for the car after he met the lady. And that would make a nice story if they got married. If he wanted to find the car quick, he would of called his bank or credit card issuer to see the location of his first try to get his money and started his search from there.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug 21st, 2014:The Cigar Man

Travel Rob ·
GarryRF, I could only think of the Visa Credit Card ads when I saw this great piece about Hector! Cost of one of the worlds finest cigars ,$10 . Experience of spending time with Hector, Priceless. My guess is , it's cash only in Hector's case.

Re: Sick of Your Credit Card Being Declined While Traveling? Visa Offers New Service

DrFumblefinger ·
The credit card companies are shy about any purchases abroad of a substantial amount, because of they risk they pose. Even if I call and let them know my step by step plans, I can still run into trouble with one or more cards. I don't carry my cell phone on major international trips (yet) and don't like the idea of geotracking me. If someone has stolen wallet, they could just as easily have stolen my identity. PIN identifications works fairly well, but even that is not without glitches as I...

Re: Do Airlines offer the Best Loyalty Rewards Programs?

Paul Heymont ·
A very interesting interview...and one of the points that comes clear from it is the one I've always made: What are you looking for? He gives examples, for instance, of how younger people may want low-cost rewards (dinner, say) that they can get immediately. Others may be mainly interested in the free wifi, lounges and upgrades some hotels offer. And others, like I, who seldom stay in hotels (Airbnb, thank you!) are interested mainly in convertibility to air travel. For those in my...

Re: Do Airlines offer the Best Loyalty Rewards Programs?

DrFumblefinger ·
Agreed, especially if you are clever enough to find a great back door to use your points the way you like. I think the point of the video was that your hotel gives you a lot more for the money you spend there than airlines do. I use a generic rewards card in Canada that builds up a dollar amount of bonus. I buy the hotel, flight, car rental I want and the money is returned to me. That way it's simple and easy.

Re: Traveling Essentials for Everyone

George G. ·
Don't forget to notify your credit card company where and when you will be traveling. Many companies today will suspend your card if you use it outside of your normal places leaving you in a financial bind in your new country. In London I had my bank debit card captured by the ATM for suspected fraud. Also, I suggest a camera with a big zoom lens since many great photo opportunities don't allow you to get close to the attraction.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
It is safer that the card doesn't leave our sight with the chip cards and cash tips seem to be the answer. I don't know the statistics on the percent of people not carrying cash, but I know several young people that almost never carry cash.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Paul Heymont ·
Note that the tip suggestions on the machines have a habit of creeping up. New York cab tips were about 15% for years, as a standard, and as recently as 2 years ago, a Times survey found that was about the norm. But...when you pay by credit card, the machine offers a choice of 20%, 25% or 30%. To use 15%, you have to go back one step in the process, make a manual entry, and then back to the close-out screen...all while you're trying to get out of the cab and stop holding up traffic. I'll bet...

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

PortMoresby ·
Bank ATMs in the UK are all, I believe "no fee", meaning no use fee charged by the owner bank for using their machines. Other machines and other places, I believe, tell us what the fee will be, if any, before we complete the transaction and allow us to abort if it's too much. And we know that the foreign transaction fee charged by our own cards' bank can vary, usually 1-3%, a given to convert currency using a card. Then there's the exchange rate which has always been the best available using...

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

Jonathan L ·
I would love to see this series. BTW, AAA is now offering a no fee refillable ATM card to use overseas and avoid the 1-3% charges from yiur home bank.

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

PortMoresby ·
I just opened a Capital One checking account, chip & pin debit card, 1% foreign currency conversion fee, rather than the 3% my local bank charges. The 1% is standard for MasterCard branded debit cards, seems no way to avoid it. But Capital One charges no additional. Will check out the AAA card. The series, 'Anatomy of a Trip', will start September 9th, if all goes as planned (does it ever?)

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

PortMoresby ·
Jonathan, do you have a link for the AAA card you mention. This is the one I found: It charges a 3% foreign transaction fee and it can't be used in some countries I plan to visit. Maybe there's a newer version?

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

Jonathan L ·
My computer is not going to the AAA site, but, in looking back at the email, it was a "no purchase fee" card, so that is what I get for not reading the fine print.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 3

Former Member ·
PH - You are explaining so much about mobile communications. Thank you for putting it in words non-geeks like me can understand. I am learning a lot by reading this series.

Re: The least loved airline fee is...

Paul Heymont ·
I think you're right that unavoidability is a big factor in the hatred of bag fees. As you point out, not everyone cancels or bothers to pay a seat fee, and many people carry their own food. The other factor is the sheer size of the fee. A couple with two suitcases, round-trip, have added $100 to their cost (regardless of distance). If they decide to take a bigger case and share it, they save $50, but are now condemned to drag an oversize bag as they go. No wonder some of the loyalty credit...

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
It's been a long path. For a long time, observers thought it was because they were committed to contactless (RFID) technology as the next step...but that hasn't advances as fast as some predicted, and it has big security issues, too. Now that MC and Visa have set down a "you must comply or you will be responsible for fraudulent charges" rule for next year, we're seeing motion. far most issuers have been sticking to chip-and-signature, not and-PIN, which guts the whole process.

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

DrFumblefinger ·
As I see it, PM, mostly they are just stealing the data off the magnetic strip. Or the PIN in the card has data that can also be copied, but that's a little hard than just scamming the read off the strip. With a PIN, that data, validated by your unique PIN (which you pick) are encrypted and sent off to the bank for approval. Not just the strip data, but the two together are the key. I have a credit card with a Canadian bank (chip and pin) which I prefer to use over the swipe and sign USA...

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
In the most secure system, the PIN is known to you, the user, but is not in your records at the issuer. That's why if you forget your PIN, a new one can be generated, but no one can send you your "lost" PIN the way that passwords can be. In the PIN system, the first communication takes place at the terminal. The terminal reads the PIN from the chip on your card, and asks you to enter it on the pad. If it matches, the terminal does NOT send the PIN to the clearing house or only...

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

PortMoresby ·
So, if I understand it then, even if the hackers can read the entered pin keystrokes from the terminal keypad which we enter, it cannot be used without the card with the unique chip, which cannot be duplicated as a magnetic strip can be duplicated?

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
That's correct. It is, of course, not totally impossible to create a duplicate chip, but it takes major equipment, not $5 worth of RadioShack parts...and it would also require much more information than can be harvested easily. The relative security (and it is relative) has driven over 80% of the world's credit card fraud toward the U.S. as other areas become more difficult. And once everyone is on board, the Trojan Horse mag stripe can come off the card as well.

Re: The Do's & Don'ts of Traveling to a Third World Country

Mac ·
Excellent advice Karina. On the "cash or cards" issue, I have found that the pre-loaded cards (with cash) available from companies like Thomas Cook (UK) & Moneycorp are very useful as you can get cash from an ATM when you need it or use it like a credit card - but the big plus is if it gets lost or stolen you get a fast replacement with the full balance of your account transferred to the new card.

Re: Cuban Cars 2

Travel Rob ·
This should be on a post card! A great photo!

Re: Flood of new agents to speed up Customs at JFK and Newark

GarryRF ·
The hold up in NY is that passengers - mostly just changing flights - have to enter the US. Then leave the US before getting an onward flight to other parts of the world. In non-US countries you can enter the International Lounge to wait for your next flight with no customs or visas. Just onward boarding card and passport. Quick and easy.

Re: Time To Hang Up My Boots - Almost !

DrFumblefinger ·
Garry was one of our 1st anniversary contest winners. Glad to see that you'll be using the gift card to promote future travels and exploration! Walk on!! I've got a pair of hiking boots not unlike your walking shoes, that I'll either need to get re-soled or throw away. They're so comfortable I think I'll need to get new soles on them.
Blog Post

Visiting historic Skagway, Alaska

My Thatched Hut ·
    Skagway, Alaska owes its existence to the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s.  There were three main routes to the Klondike.  One route was across Alaska.  A second was the all-Canadian route starting at Edmonton and...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 2) The King's chariots

DrFumblefinger ·
      Elvis loved cars and mechanical toys of all types, including motorcycles and airplanes.  He had the money to indulge his passions, and you can see many of his favorites right across the street from Graceland .  The Elvis...
Blog Post

Update: Loyalty Programs and Credit Cards

Paul Heymont ·
For some of us, credit cards are more than a convenient way to pay—they are the lifeline to free travel through loyalty programs. Between points for purchases and bonuses for opening or upgrading credit card accounts, it's possible to get quite...