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Tagged With "Pythagora Street"


Re: VW Microbus: Back to the Future?

GarryRF ·
The VW Campervan has never gone out of fashion. It's still a vehicle that draws attention when seen on the street. Stands a good chance of revival - Scooby Dooo !

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger. This whole no travel thing is making me insane, l We've missed two trips already, one because of sickness over Valentines Day and one one because of this irritating virus issue. We also have two more (2+ week road trip through 11 states for our anniversary, and a trip to Atlanta for a convention) before the end of June that will prob not happen. Just so frustrating. I am also worried about a trip to AZ in Sept, NH, VT, and ME in Oct and CA in Nov. Not knowing when...

Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Loiza - Afro-Puertorican Culture

PortMoresby ·
When I lived in PR, in Santurce between Old San Juan and Isla Verde, the commercial street that served the area half a block from my apartment on Calle Taft was Loiza Street (Appears, from a google map to now be numbered, road 37). I wonder if it was the original road from San Juan to the town of Loiza in the early days. Do you know Jonathon? It certainly goes in the right direction.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2014: Frutta Fresca, Roma

PortMoresby ·
No market here, just this free-standing kiosk on the sidewalk in the location I described, which is why it's such a surprise. Nothing else around it except a busy street and landscaping which you can see on the left of the photo. No cheese, just a Colosseum.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
A review for London ? Haven't been there for 40 years Paul. Really don't like big Cities and the "too busy to care attitude of people who live there" It's just my personal opinion. On the Tube Train into London people don't make eye-contact or talk to strangers. Here in Liverpool you'll be in conversation with 3 or 4 strangers and share a few laughs on the journey ! Someone falls on the street here ( and most of Northern England ) and folks rush to help. London they step over you. Rant over...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

GarryRF ·
Yes DrF.... Those Ozzies have some strange habits ! First time in Coogee Bay Hotel Sydney I ordered Steak and Chips (Fries) Guy showed me a Tupperware Picnic Box full of raw steak. You choose, then he puts it on a plate for you. You take it outside to the "Barbee" (BBQ). You cook it how you like it. Then come back in for your Chips and salad ! I stopped at a Restaurant in Bondi Beach and the waiter asked me if I would like a bottle of wine with the meal. "Yes please" I said. "Well git ya...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 22, 2013: Fantastic Skylight in Barcelona

Paul Heymont ·
Well, turns out to be a moment of mis-identification. The building I was in, 1 Broadway, had been the offices of United States Lines; Cunard was up the street at 25 Broadway. I haven't a picture yet for the booking hall-turned-bank, but here are two shots of Cunard's Great Hall, which is now a postal facility.

Re: Flight Attendants Say NO to Phone Calls

FlashFlyer ·
I have mixed feelings on this one... Been on buses, been on trains where people can use their cells. With a few exceptions--and you can find them on the street, in the airport in restaurants, too--people just don't act as bad as some of you expect. P.S....before people get too excited, this isn't going to be cheap, either. You will pay extra to use the relay circuits that go plane to satellite to cell tower!

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Paul Heymont ·
In a way, most of the places in the world worth visiting have some history of being "dirty, industrial" places--that's where people cluster and societies are forged. The ancient cities of the Middle East and Greece, and Rome itself were like that! We recently visited the excavated Roman city under central Barcelona, and were surprised to see how much of the area in the center of the ancient city was given over to commercial laundry, large-scale dye works and industrial-scale wine-making. The...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Here's a good quote Paul PORTRAIT OF AN UNHEALTHY CITY - NEW YORK INTHE 1800'S by David Rosner Columbia University When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. In addition to lacking street cleaning, the city also had no sewage system and no flush toilets. Garbage--which included both human and animal waste--was basically thrown out windows and onto city...

Re: We All Need a Place to Slow Down

Paul Heymont ·
As steep as so many streets in Lisbon are...stopping places seem like almost a medical necessity! But the sofa in the last picture is priceless. I've only seen one other example of such comfort on a street...and it was sculpture, not furniture. Here it is, in Chicago...

Re: AAA Premier a Good Idea for Budget Travelers

DrFumblefinger ·
That's an excellent point, Travel Rob. The Premier AAA card is the way to go. But I believe it is only offered to long-time valued members of AAA. You can't walk in off the street and ask to be a Premier Member, at least that's my impression. They will offer it to you. But you should ask for it if you've been a AAA member for quite a while for all the reasons Rob outlines.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Thursday's clue tells us more about our mystery location. In addition to private homes, this famous street has a few buildings used for other purposes. The church with the sharp steeple was built in the high Victorian Gothic style, while the Jewish Temple was built in the Queen Anne style with neoclassical revival details.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Here's the last set of clues! Send your answer to This first house was built for a wealthy commission merchant, that was modified many times. A neoclassical revival front porch with ionic columns and a circular pavilion was added to the main Italianate structure. Also, a carriage house was added made from bricks of the demolished house next door (mentioned in Friday’s clue). It is now listed as a Victorian Mansion on a list of historic registered places and landmarks.

Re: Aug. 25, 2016: Fargo Walk of Fame, North Dakota

GarryRF ·
Some beautiful street art in there Ottoman ! Outside in the sunshine and open to touch. Living Art.

Re: Japan gears up icons for 2020 Olympics

Travel Rob ·
Tokyo really can be a confusing city to navigate and it has little to do with symbols or written English translations, which they are getting better at. Just a couple issues I've seen. It's hard to find a street address because it's difficult to find smaller street names posted. And there are very few public trash cans.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 11, 2015: The Black Death!

GarryRF ·
On a less serious note. I found this sign in Chesapeake Bay earlier this week. I was spotted laughing in the street. No one came by to ask me why.

Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Bluragger ·
Great piece! Yes, it is good to hear from our children about what they learned in the past decade living in New Orleans after the storm. So many were impacted, many were harmed and suffered PTSD. Great to hear kids speak about the positive outcomes from their Katrina experiences. I can't wait for the new LA Childrens Museum to open in its new and amazing facility in City Park, another NOLA gem. Ya'll come visit soon and often to experience a city like no other, New Orleans. It has not been...

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

PortMoresby ·
"Disney has refused to comment on notorious street artist Banksy's latest work of art - a seaside theme park called 'Dismaland' that skewers the Happiest Place on Earth...The silence from Disney is strange, considering the company's history of fiercely defending it's copyright of Mickey's image. In 2012, the company filed a complaint against the EDM artist Deadmau5, who performs wearing a Mickey-esque face mask." More:

Re: More Art under Your Feet

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Those are not just beautiful, but functional in another way...if not as utility covers, then as guides for pedestrians. Do all the streets have them? The streets crossing the main street in Banff (Banff Ave) have them, although I don't believe all the streets in town have them. I expect they're just up on the main pedestrian areas of town. But I agree, they are nicely done.

Re: Prague's Jewish Quarter: An Emotional and Educational Journey

Amateuremigrant ·
Such places have a much deeper impact, even, than the actual lives lost. It is an example of what Alisdair Maclean called 'cultural erosion'. Places, activities, landmarks all lost to future generations from the memories of those gone. I remember discovering a small forgotten Jewish cemetery at Tokay, Hungary on the confluence of the Tisza and Bodrog rivers. Many locals had no knowledge of it a mere 300 metres (across the river) from the main street.

Re: Halifax Waterfront

GarryRF ·
A unique approach to "Street Art". Makes you think ! Mission accomplished.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#221)

Travel Rob ·
Does this nearby street give you any clues as to the location of the art ?

Re: Sept. 27, 2017: Balloon Man Running, Denver

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fun piece, Sam! I do love finding an interesting piece of street art.

Re: April 3, 2018: Vilshofen, Germany

GarryRF ·
Sometimes I love the untidiness of a city street. With its adverts and street performers. Small Town Germany makes a refreshing change with its prim and proper spotlessly clean and tidy streets. Just like it looks on the Postcard. Maybe too sterile at times.

Re: Krumlov Castle, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic. Where Gumbo was #68

GarryRF ·
Cesky Krumlov like many of the cities behind the old "iron Curtain" seem to be frozen in time. I'm glad I visited eastern Europe before the arrival of McRonalds appeared on street corners. The Czech Republic has produced excellent cars for 50 years but was starved of cash by Moscow for many years. But it's just now become one of the top producers in Europe.

Re: Rio de Janiero - Part 2

PortMoresby ·
I requested a can for recycling recently from the collection company. It was delivered with my address in black marker on the lid. The house number was correct but they got the street name wrong, calling it Sugarloaf. Maybe it's a sign!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

GarryRF ·
I've travelled to Brisbane Australia looking for clues to my fathers war record. It was a hot summers day when I found Roe Street Barracks - still in use ! I was convinced it would have gone years ago to a development. I stood in the entrance and I felt a shiver run down my back. A feeling I've heard described as "someone walking on your grave"

Re: Gallery: Signs of Prague

Paul Heymont ·
Here's another odd Prague sign (although it may be gone by now, and the merchandise sold). We saw it on a large and perhaps-not-lovely street sculpture that was seeking a new home in 2003. It was also seen in a Gumbo blog a while ago...

Re: Gallery: Union Station, Los Angeles

Travel Rob ·
It is spectacular and I was impressed it's become such a transportation hub.The chairs are really comfortable. If your waiting there, remember Olvera St, is across the street and Chinatown and Little Tokyo are just a few blocks away!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#45)

Paul Heymont ·
By e-mail, PortMoresby suggested this answer: I haven't seen these details anywhere, but because of some other similarities and the date, I'm going to say the Bank of England, London. " 1925-1939 Sir Herbert Baker Between 1925 and 1939 he demolished what had become known as 'The Old Bank' or 'Soane's Bank' (then regarded as one of London's architectural gems) and built a new headquarters for the Bank on the same 3 ½ acre Theadneedle Street site." Unfortunately, not the right answer! ONE MORE...

Re: Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

DrFumblefinger ·
Are the homes all private, or are some of the open for tours? It sure seems a pretty city, and I'd never even heard of Government street before. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Re: Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for the nice comments. Wait until you see the public buildings on Government St in Part 2 ,equally as impressive! The houses above are mainly private homes. A few homes on the street have offices in them. Some of the homes might make it on the historical homes tour once a year, but you'd have to check in advance .!homes/c1hpk The Mobile area does have open to the public the Bellingraph Gardens and Home which is highly regarded and another place on...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#42)

Paul Heymont ·
Well, another one bites the dust...Jonathan L identified it by e-mail as a view of Stockholm Cathedral in the background, and it is. You're looking up HelgaLekamensgrand from Stora Nygaten, and Jonathan recognized it from the Stampen jazz club in the foreground—and Mac's remark makes it clear he's got it, too! So, tomorrow more on the street and the area, and on Sunday...Puzzle 43.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I did, indeed, go to the two exhibits at the Met...and they actually have a relation to the SF show that PortMoresby has described. Marville, in particular, was working at the beginning of photography, without all the digital devices, or even a light meter, and with media so slow that a photograph of a relatively busy street appears to be empty of traffic—because during the 30 seconds needed to expose that plate no one stayed in front of the camera long enough to register an image! The Paris...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

GarryRF ·
I enjoy photos of local history. Places that you can visit today with buildings that remain mostly unchanged. This is Lord Street Liverpool around 1890. ....and present day Lord Street - (from a different angle)

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

Paul Heymont ·
Graffiti is always a good way to start a hot conversation, because the line between art and vandalism is so hotly contested, as is some people's comfort level with work that is clearly art, but which confronts their vision both of art and society. That confrontation can be sharp, because street art often comes from people who don't have the resources to take part in the "conventional, comfortable" art world. Ironically, people are now paying huge sums for work by the late Keith Haring, who...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all interesting comments, PHeymont. And I do love the attached photo! I am not a fan of graffiti, although I love great street art of the type shown in this blog. But I do recognize the importance of the former as a type of political speech. For example, in Prague the "John Lennon" wall (see photos below) was an important symbol of the resistance to Soviet Communism. After the great singer/songwriter was assassinated, graffiti sprang up on one wall in the city mentioning him and...

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

Grand Escapades ·
Hello Dr. Fumblefinger, Thank you for your Feedback! To answer your questions: 1) The infrastructure is good to very good, and it is extremely easy to travel within Iran: there are lots of buses and excellent trains, there is a wide range of hotels, from simple guesthouses to world-class 5 stars hotels, restaurants going from street food stalls to fine dining, ... I have read that with the very fast development of tourism, the high-end category of hotels is the one that might get overbooked...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 9, 2015: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum

PortMoresby ·
Last time I was at Top of the Mark I was in high school. It was THE place to go on prom night, along with the Tonga Room across the street at the Fairmont. I actually seriously considered staying at one place or the other on this road trip but opted for the free parking at the hostel, so annoying was the price of parking on Nob Hill. Interesting how decision-making can work. And btw, check in next Saturday and see where I actually did have a drink after dim sum.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#109)

Paul Heymont ·
The free-form shape and the large single entrance lead me to think of a concert for a big auditorium within. The windows are too irregular for offices or apartments, but might work for galleries or studios. Recent? Last 10-15 years? Hmmm...the grass rather than street setting makes me wonder if it's on a campus?

Re: Wait! Wait! What Was THAT?

Paul Heymont ·
Here's an add-on for the story! Walking through Boston's North End last night, we spotted this sign, which surely belongs with the rest. And pooh! on the person who points out that it is actually North Margin street...

Re: Lego Store, NYC: Only the Best is Good Enough

GarryRF ·
The Lego Store is becoming a High Street regular. I spent way too long admiring the model of Hogwarts School at a store in Pennsylvania. Lego is something you never grow out of.

Re: A Month in Chiapas

PortMoresby ·
I think I'd have to say, probably not. Neither was perfect and we're always looking for some sort of perfection, aren't we? I am certainly, not a member of the "it's only a place to sleep" club. It's my home for the time I'm there & even on a paltry budget, I'm fussy. I liked the 1st place, in part because I had it to myself nearly the entire 2 weeks. But the bed wasn't great. The 2nd place (located on, my other favorite site) was very comfortable but the noise would rule it...

Re: Homes of Leadville

GarryRF ·
Before its founding in 1793, Danville was a huge tobacco producer when no other crop would succeed except the “Bright Leaf” tobacco which made Danville tobacco one of the most sought after varieties and top tobacco producing areas in the world. Competing tycoons built many homes along Main Street trying to one up each other. As a result, Danville’s Millionaires’ Row of homes became a symbol of Victorian and Edwardian architecture in the early United States. George G.

Re: My Favourite City in Malaysia, George Town.

Travel Rob ·
Great informative blog with terrific photos Janey Mae! Welcome to TravelGumbo! The street art of George Town looks amazing.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

DrFumblefinger ·
Very informative and interesting post, TravelingCanuck! I lived in Winnipeg for about a dozen years during my teens and early 20s, and go back often to visit my elderly father who still lives there in a retirement home. I've seen some of the street art in the city, but not these very interesting murals. I note on the Valour mural photos there appears to be white stuff falling from the sky. This could, of course, happen almost any time of year in Winnipeg. Anyways, thanks for sharing and hope...

Re: Around the World in a Day with Coca-Cola

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Samantha! The Taste It Sampling Bar was by far the highlight for me too. I enjoyed the sodas from Africa the best. The Downtown location of the museum is great. The Georgia Aquarium is across from it, the Civil and Human Rights Museum is behind it and on the other side of the street is Centennial Olympic Park. Not to mention you're only a few blocks away from one of the great hamburger and hot dog drive-in's, 'The Varsity' .

Re: We're more than Tokyo, Japan tells tourists

HS ·
A few simple items to remember when transiting Tokyo ... In Tokyo, JR/Subway maps are available for the asking (FREE from the station attendant) with stations listed in either English or in Japanese. Get a copy of both. Have someone write your destination in Japanese. When approaching someone on the street with a "Please direct me towards xxxx" written in Japanese I have ALWAYS been given good directions. (A mix of English and Japanese does NOT often work) This includes traveling solo in...