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Tagged With "Dubai Water Taxi"


Re: Norwegian bank is out of cash, on purpose

Paul Heymont ·
I think what we're seeing here is a blindness in planning, which goes beyond questions of technology. You've identified some scenarios where cashless becomes hopeless/helpless. I see the same kind of lack of forethought when I see several huge residential towers being built in downtown Brooklyn...on top of already overcrowded subway stations, and with no forethought to larger sewer or water connections... In the bleakest possible view, we may self-destruct not through a world war, but...

Re: Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu (Where Gumbo Was #230)

GarryRF ·
On my last visit to Diamond Head we left near to the closing time. A large Limousine was waiting to take us back to Waikiki. I hadn't ordered one but the driver insisted we used him to take us back. "I will charge you the same as the Taxi fare you paid to get here" Sounded like an offer too good to refuse ! Before we arrived back in Waikiki another 4 couples had joined our Taxi ride. Had to admire the driver for ingenuity. Very good earner !

Re: Dubai's Spice Souk

George G. ·
The Doctor really captures the colors and essence of this Souk, so much so that you can almost smell those spice aromas.

Re: Top of the World! A visit to Burj Khalif

Professorabe ·
Thanks - I had been wondering what the views would be like. Now I know. (I'm far too mean to pay for such things myself!)

Re: Al Fahidi Historical District

valentinasdestinations ·
In this area there's a really cool museum that we visited - the Museum of Illusions. Also, make sure to eat at the Arabian Teahouse 5 minutes walking from this neighborhood!

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
How people have solved civil engineering problems is of great interest to many persons. I have visited the Egouts several times over the years. It is very interesting to see how the engineers went about providing - and continue to do provide - this important service for the growing city. A related infrastructure challenge for developing areas is always how to provide clean water for the populace. In Istanbul, it is possible to visit one of the ancient cisterns to see how this feat was...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
IslandMan - Good one ! Your island home of Malta is an interesting case in point of modern water and wastewater management. The limestone and clay geology there leads to rapid groundwater runoff during the winter rains. Because of this, precious water is reused after treatment in one of the two above ground sewer plants. Water has always been a very valuable resource on the island. Perhaps you might like to make a report sometime about the natural springs and history of the Maqluba doline in...

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

Former Member ·
It does not seem fair that one place should have so much going on. Worse, it is less fair that I am not there ! Thanks for the great pics and a bit of history. What are the good months to visit for water sports like paragliding ? Is it winder or the surf stronger some months than others ?

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
Thanks for your comments TatToo. Summer is the best time for water sports,from May to October. Most operators usually shut down over winter. There isn't much surf to speak of unless there is an exceptionally stormy day, but the northern parts of the island are more suited for windsurfing and paragliding as the winds from the northern Mediterranean tend to have more strength in them

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
The puzzlemaster is aghast at his error! He left the most important piece out of the chronology: the winner! And the winner, at 5:34 pm on Thursday, is @IAM_NOTATOURIST, one of our Twitter followers, whose guess was e-mailed in by our Twittermaster, TravelRob. Hey, @IAM_NOTATOURIST!—come on in and join us! The water and the welcome are warm.

Re: Where We Went: London, Paris, Toronto

PortMoresby ·
What's also interesting about the information is that it's from which says in the first line it's helping us find "the best cities around the world". I'm not sure I buy the premise that popular is best. Another index I also find VERY interesting, in the quest to locate interesting places for longer stays on a budget, is the cost of living index for places around the world. While visitor costs and resident costs are not the same, still, it's an interesting tool and also gives us...

Re: Where We Went: London, Paris, Toronto

Paul Heymont ·
That's a great point! I never like "best" lists, anyway...and like to stray into any place that looks good and take a chance on whether it's "Zagat-quality." The cost of living is interesting, too, especially for travelers on tight budgets; my experience in Portugal last summer (see BLOG here on TravelGumbo) has sent a couple of younger colleagues off to plan Portugal trips instead of more expensive parts of Europe.

Re: Made in Puerto Rico - Jibaromania!

PortMoresby ·
It sounds like Isla Verde has come a long way since the days when Cecelia's Place and one other, on the water at the end of Calle Amapola, were the only places to eat outside the 2 big hotels (Americana & El San Juan). It was my home then and it may be time for a return visit.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb. 2, 2014: New York Harbor at Sea Level

PortMoresby ·
My only experience of being on the water in NY Harbor was a lesson in perspective and point of view, as this one is. Seen from a clear distance in this way, a great city is an entirely different beast.

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
On my first visit to Anna Maria I was amazed that the Pelicans would sit next to you on the pier by Allemande Villas. Like a pet dog. They would try and steal your bait as you were fishing. But like a good dog they responded to a "Hey you!" and sat watching you. When I caught my first fish I pulled and fought with the monster! As I lifted my prize from the water my new Pelican friend flexed his wings. He glided off the Pier and with great precision removed my catch from the hook! He passed...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

Paul Heymont ·
The picture reminds me of similarly-colorful rows of small buildings in Nyhavn (Copenhagen) and on Bryggen (in Oslo). There must be something to the width-and-taxes idea, because it's certainly been true elsewhere. In New York, from colonial times until the early 20th-century, the number of windows affected the property tax rate, and it was only 2009 when the city ended the practice of basing the water rates on "frontage."

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 27: Paris's Stravinsky Fountain

Former Member ·
Absolutely wonderful. You can almost hear the music and the splashing water. Thanks for the lovely photos.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

vivie ·
Yes Montreal is great. Wish I could go back more often. The fun thing about these attractions is while they are all near one another, there is also a metro station nearby. Cheaper than the taxi and an experience in itself. This is only the tip of the much more to see and experience.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #15

Paul Heymont ·
Scandinavia, maybe? Lots of mountains near the water...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Sleeping with the fishes--an underwater hotel room!

PortMoresby ·
I saw this featured on (I think) CNN yesterday. I thought, I hope the bedroom is above water, hyperventilated at the thought of sleeping below. I wouldn't mind going down for some awake time but don't think I could fall asleep. But if I could it would be a lovely place to wake up. I'd be interested to know what it sounds like in the room.

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

Former Member ·
This is a no brainer. The money was left behind by frustrated travelers. It should be used to minimize some of the frustration and indignity imposed on travelers at the TSA checkpoints. Little things would make a big difference in the "reassembly area" : + Buy easy-to-clean sturdy benches for the re-assembly area. + Put footstools in front of benches to help with putting on shoes. + Put baskets under the benches so people can place their small backpacks, purses, shoes, and belts out of the...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Dave B. ·
Before I retired, I traveled quite a bit on business, both inside the U.S. and abroad. I still travel frequently to racing and club events, but almost all are in the U.S. or Canada. That said, here’s my take on tipping: Restaurants – According to the sources I checked, in the U.S. the Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13. Most states have set higher amounts, but food service workers are still generally paid much lower wages that other ‘minimum wage’ employees. Unless the...

Re: Family Friendly Attractions in Malta

GarryRF ·
Malta and its people certainly are unique Jason. I remember well the Blue Grotto when your hands turned blue under the water. Its on my list of places I must go back to. You make it sound more tempting ! Interesting blog! Thanks !

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

Paul Heymont ·
Wow! those vivid colors were totally unexpected. I'm assuming different chemicals in the water and rocks are producing them?

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Andre, and welcome. As DrY is away on vacation, I'll try to answer your question before he gets back. Yellowstone National Park does sit on what is known as the "Yellowstone Hot Spot". You see this in its geysirs and hot water pools. This does have the potential to become a massive volcano and cause a tremendous eruption. As big as any volcano in recorded history and then some. The jet stream would carry the ash and smoke mostly east (towards the Atlantic Ocean), so those areas would be...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar.4th 2014: Dubai Water Taxi

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great image, Islandman! I really enjoy photos of people going about their every day lives in different locations about the world, a reminder to me how much more alike we all are than different. This photo is made more interesting by their obviously ethnic diversity -- people who have come to Dubai for a good job and to improve their lot in life. The contrast of the old wooden taxi and modern skyscrapers in the background is great!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#178)

DrFumblefinger ·
Time for some more clues. Besides the water on the hill, our also has an interior attraction. There are two entrances to this interior attraction. The first photo is of the historic entrance, which is now fenced off -- from this opening you descended by rope. The second photo is of the newer entrance to our destination allowing you to walk in. I hope this helps....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#122)

Jonathan L ·
Well, at least I know that this is something to stop squirrels from climbing the water spout.

Re: Uber To Earmark 1 Billion Dollars for India Over Next 9 Months

Travel Rob ·
I think some of the reasons Uber has been so successful is users know what they are going to pay in advance and don't have to worry about getting an over charged from a taxi driver, which happens. Also, the passenger can see what time they will be picked up . Whether Uber can continue as successful as regulations catch up with the their industry, I don't know.

Re: Wandering In and Around Split

GokyB ·
If you're a sightseer and don't want to be in a constant hurry, I recommend 5-6 days for the first visit. Split is, actually, not a very large city, but has a plenty of historic sights and nice places to offer. You'll have enough time to explore the city in a relaxed tempo and doing it on foot would be the best, use taxi/bus only for longer distances. Including the daytrip to the area, round it up to 7 days. Also, Trogir is a charming small town pretty near Split so don't hesitate to take a...

Re: Passau: Small City, Big Past

Paul Heymont ·
We first heard the Three Rivers bit from our cruise director, who pointed out that we would be able, as we sailed downstream, to see different colors in the water as they merged. So, when I spotted the manhole cover, I was already alert to the idea... And yes, Marilyn: I've never been a cruise fan, but this was different, and we'll do another eventually.

Re: Mall of the Emirates

George G. ·
Unbelievable technology to maintain a ski resort in the desert. I believe the world's largest indoor ski resort just opened last summer which is the Wanda Indoor Ski and Winter Sports Resort in Harbin China.

Re: Water rationing set for Rome

Paul Heymont ·
Buon viaggio! As we get older, we get more and more averse to more than two flights of stairs on rentals...but only now do I realize the advantage for water!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Lynn Millar ·
No conversation? Well, it looks limited in the yacht/marina element. Low industrial buildings or shopping center across the water? No signs of big shipping, though larger ships/ferries on other side. Fog bank in the distance. And a somewhat elaborate window from the observer's viewpoint.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all good thoughts, Roderick. You are on the right continent, wrong country. But it gives me an opportunity to provide another clue. It's cold out there. You wouldn't want to go for a swim in that water without a drysuit.

Re: Gallery: Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota

Still Country Photo ·
If memory serves me correctly, the tour was about 90 minutes. Yes, it was quite cool down there but since I had made the trip in late August, it was quite refreshing to be there. At one point, the guide turned out the lights so the guests could see what true darkness really looks like. I have been in the dark before but not like this, it even seemed to mess with your equilibrium and I felt like I wasn't going to stay upright. Yes DrF, that is a "bacon strip" formation. Water running down a...

Re: Trainer for Day: Dolphinarium, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Travel Luver ·
That sure looks like a lot of fun! What was the temperature of the water?

Re: Trainer for Day: Dolphinarium, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Lestertheinvestor ·
Great question -- and I should have put that in. The water was warm -- in the low to mid 80's ( Fahrenheit ). My wife is a woos, so she wore a skin (actually to prevent sun burn). You are not allowed to wear sun-screen as it contaminates the water for the dolphins!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 25, 2014: Statue of Elvis Presley, Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm old enough to remember the Vegas Years, although was too young at the time to go see Elvis in Vegas. Fans always commented that Elvis was at his best in Vegas -- relaxed, chatty (talking to the crowd a lot), and despite it's large size, it was a fairly intimate performance venue with lots of direct audience contact. (Watch the video all the way to the end to see the audience) The statue was unveiled by Barron Hilton just outside the showroom where Elvis performed, and it stood there for...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #86

PortMoresby ·
I learned something new tonight, delving into Gumbo's adventure - "If it doesn’t spout water, it isn’t a gargoyle, it’s a grotesque." I thought for no reason that spouting water was incidental to gargoyle-ness, but it is, apparently, essential. I too, think the building is newer than might be implied by the decoration. The style of stonework above and below the creature seems very modern to me.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #86

PortMoresby ·
Here's a longer excerpt: "They perform a function, taking rainwater and snow melt and spouting it away so it doesn’t run down the face of a building, eroding walls and foundations. If it doesn’t spout water, it isn’t a gargoyle, it’s a grotesque."

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
Across the water looks all the world like an airport to me. Hangars, possibly a fuel truck and what appears to be a runway at the far right.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

GarryRF ·
Water looks very calm.... crossing one of the Lakes on the US / Canadian border ?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
Assuming they're hangars, the doors for the planes would be on the other side, cars on this side employees' cars. I'm thinking now that this could be any airport. Now, finding an airport near water, lots of those, but one with a ferry as a neighbor, not many of those I suspect.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

DrFumblefinger ·
I think it's time for some more clues. Some excellent observations so far. Here's what's true: 1) It is an airport and those are hangers. The hangers do have low doors, implying huge aircraft don't use these hangers. 2) That is a ferry in the foreground of the photo 3) The water is indeed very calm 4) Not a secretive facility. Everyone is welcome. Last clue, another photo. This is what it looks like from the other ferry terminus, looking back at where the original photo was taken. Does this...

Re: Visiting historic Skagway, Alaska

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoyed this piece, Tom, and find the little town of Skagway charming if there's no cruise ships around. Make sure if you visit that you also go to the town's little cemetery and see if you can find the grave marker of the villainous Soapy Smith. There was a different way to reach the Klondike in addition to those Tom writes about, which while safer was not very successful. That involved sailing all the way up the coast of Alaska, entering the mouth of the Yukon river and navigating...

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

GarryRF ·
Without the tourist would many of these places survive? Without the billions of euros spent on Venice to keep the water out would it still be walkable ? Would the Taj Mahal still be showing the scars of conflict if people didn't visit and contribute to its hunger for refurbishment ? Or maybe leave it to fall into ruin like the pyramids. Which do we remove? The tourists or the high heels ?

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

Zohaib ·
I agree that these destinations are famous and must-sees for every tourist, but all of us have an obligation to not destory these beautiful corners of the World. Like for Venice, as mentioned in the article that so many Cruises pass through here (stops) each year, so they must have dig-up the area and hence the water level keeps rising?! If we don't take care, our future generations wouldn't be able to see these historic places.

Re: The Top South Florida Beaches to Visit

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Katy ,some great beaches The water is great for swimming in Florida.The beaches are great .If your coming from out of state though, realize summer is hot,humid and rainy