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Tagged With "amp"


Re: Shunpiking Through Northern Ohio

GarryRF ·
I enjoy your journeys around " Small Town USA". The US has such a wealth of history. You should write a book so that Brits like me know where to search for new ventures - ready for my next trip across the pond. Thank You.

Re: Touring Historic B&Bs in Charming Havre de Grace

George G. ·
I like the Russian Room and all the outdoor seating areas. Thanks for the terrific article and colorful photographs.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, that's only one way of looking at it...another is that it may push many people (I included) to resume cash tips. The "convenient" suggested amounts, which even now appear on many slips can be very deceptive, both because they usually place the normal or usual amount as if it were the lowest "acceptable" amount, but also because often—not always—they calculate percent not on the restaurant bill but on the total of the bill plus tax. The difference can be significant. Interestingly,...

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

GarryRF ·
In the UK where we've had chip and pin cards for years we never include the tip with the total. Always cash to the waiter. We know how unscrupulous Restaurant owners can be.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
It is safer that the card doesn't leave our sight with the chip cards and cash tips seem to be the answer. I don't know the statistics on the percent of people not carrying cash, but I know several young people that almost never carry cash.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

JohnT ·
We've had suggested amounts for years on the machines. I was just in Ireland where tips weren't usually included as an option on the bill I never had the right amount of cash. Frankly maybe I'm lazy but I don't mind having the option on the machine. It's been a while. Nice to see you all (metaphorically that is).

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Paul Heymont ·
Note that the tip suggestions on the machines have a habit of creeping up. New York cab tips were about 15% for years, as a standard, and as recently as 2 years ago, a Times survey found that was about the norm. But...when you pay by credit card, the machine offers a choice of 20%, 25% or 30%. To use 15%, you have to go back one step in the process, make a manual entry, and then back to the close-out screen...all while you're trying to get out of the cab and stop holding up traffic. I'll bet...

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
According to that link I posted above, tipping is up for NY Taxis 10% with those default setting tips and they are expecting an increase at restaurants too now.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
Good seeing you JohnT!

Re: Walking in England: The Kennet & Avon Canal

Travel Rob ·
Wow, such a cool walking trip! I have to take one of these canal walks now!

Re: Walking in England: The Kennet & Avon Canal

Mac ·
A lovely blog PM delightful to read your 'take' on the canals. We have a very active canal restoration group working in our area - the Stroudwater Canal. They have a virtual lifetime's work ahead of them to complete the ambitious projects that they have underway - but they are making progress!

Re: Walking in England: The Kennet & Avon Canal

Paul Heymont ·
I've enjoyed canoeing and walking on some of our eastern canals (Chesapeake and Potomac, Delaware and a couple of others) but unfortunately we don't seem to have kept serious stretches in shape for either shipping or recreation as has happened in England and France...too bad for us! Looks like a lovely walk...

Re: Walking in England: The Kennet & Avon Canal

Dgems ·
WOW that brings back memories......makes me want to go back to England ! Thanks for the pleasant journey!

Re: Plugged In and Ready to Go?

GarryRF ·
I use this device from "Anker". Its a rechargeable battery that holds 13,000mAh. Or 13 Amps of power to take on the move with you. Two recharge outlets using your USB charge lead. 1amp per hour or 1.5amp per hour. I've had plenty of use from it and keeps its charge for weeks - with its internal Lithium Ion Battery. Excellent company Anker. Emailed me after my on line purchase. Asked if they could be of any further help just Email them. I bought this for $30 when it was on offer with Amazon.

Re: Plugged In and Ready to Go?

Paul Heymont ·
We've been carrying a couple of their external batteries (since our newer phones don't let you change batteries!), although ours are only 6800 mA. They've been great.

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

Paul Heymont ·
Love the pictures, love the names, probably have the answer on Deerlick. Chances are it refers to a spot with a natural salt deposit; deer and other animals lick it to help keep their electrolyte balance, just as we people (in my childhood) took salt tablets in hot weather...

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

DrFumblefinger ·
I love intimate views of Americana like this one, PortMoresby! Thanks for the tour.

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

Paul Heymont ·
And it's fascinating to see how these towns, so near each other and with so much history in common, have become so different in feel and appearance. Sort of like looking at Levittown in 1950 and again in 1990. Or...some years ago, we visited the Eckley Miners' Village in Pennsylvania; it's part of the state's anthracite history museums. When we went, there were still a few pensioners living there with life rights. We didn't notice as we arrived, but on the way back to the main highway, as we...

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

Dgems ·
Good job. Another wonder photo journey of our area. Thank you. Denia

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

PortMoresby ·
Thanks, D. I appreciate it!
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 26, 2015: Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" #229, Two Harbors, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
This behemoth locomotive is the Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range (DM&IR) 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" which is now preserved at Two Harbors, Minnesota. Eighteen of these powerful coal burning locomotives were built between 1941 and 1943. The 2-8-8-4s were retired between 1958 and 1963 as diesel locomotives took over. Sadly, only three of the 2-8-8-4s still survive...Number 229 pictured above, Number 227 at the Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Duluth, Minnesota, and Number...
Blog Post

NYC&Co: We bring you tourists, we'll show you how to serve them

Paul Heymont ·
Taking a step beyond just beefing up the number of tourists arriving, New York City's tourism promotion agency, NYC&Co. has developed a program to help businesses and attractions in all five boroughs be ready for the numbers. And they are impressive numbers. Last year 56.4 million visitors came to New York; the city is pushing to hit 67 million by 2021. The new program, called "Tourism Ready" builds on Brooklyn's success in branding and marketing itself; experts including former...
Blog Post

M&M World, Times Square, New York

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her tasty visit to the M&M’s World Times Square Store on her visit to New York last Christmas. It was a wonderful treat.
Blog Post

Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
While the US has been very slow implementing the chip and pin credit card that Europe uses, US banks are finally starting to roll out the chip and signature cards on a bigger scale.   Under the new system, American chip card users...
Blog Post

Touring Historic B&Bs in Charming Havre de Grace

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger tours some charming B&B's in Havre de Grace, Maryland. These are the kind of places that feel like home away from home.
Blog Post

Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

PortMoresby ·
  “Do you live around here?”  The question came from a guy emerging from the Fippin Blacksmith Shop, while I was admiring a very pretty motorcycle parked in front.  I was pleased he got it right, guessing that even locals...
Blog Post

B&W in LA, July 25 - August 2 Only.

PortMoresby ·
  July 25, 2014:   Until recently I lived in a small Arizona mountain town, rescued by artists when the copper mine shut down.  There were a surprising number of world-class photographers and from time to time I'd organize a show and an...
Blog Post

Shunpiking Through Northern Ohio

Jonathan L ·
Continuing his off-the-Interstates trip to Minnesota, Jonathan L stops to see the sights of northern Ohio.
Blog Post

William Morris at Home: Red House

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby leaves the Thames Path and visits William Morris’s Red House, a milestone in the Arts & Crafts Movement in England.
Blog Post

Plugged In and Ready to Go?

Paul Heymont ·
These days, we seem to carry fewer books and more gear, and while a lot of the gear goes under the heading of "wireless," it really isn't, because eventually it all needs to be charged. We'll take a look here at some of the electrical questions that...
Blog Post

Barcelona's bookstores re-invent to survive

Paul Heymont ·
Fighting to stay alive, Barcelona's bookstores find new ways to draw customers in, including food, meeting space and tournaments.
Blog Post

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame to offer free admission during Republican National Convention

Travel Rob ·
The Rock And Roll Hall of Fame will offer free admission during the Republican National Convention
Blog Post

Banksy exhibit opens in Rome

Travel Rob ·
An exhibit featuring street artist Banksy opened on Tuesday at the Palazzo Cipolla in Rome
Blog Post

Times Square and the Waterford Times Square Ball

Samantha ·
A New Years' visit to New York and a chance to see the iconic crystal ball, both up-close and as it drops to mark the beginning of another year.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 26, 2015: Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" #229, Two Harbors, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
The engineering skills that produced these mammoths must have been colossal. I can get lost for hours looking at one of these works of art. My wife never gets the sense of history that goes with these living monuments to our past. So I take bundles of photos - "Move along - nothing to see here" "yes my dear"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 26, 2015: Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" #229, Two Harbors, Minnesota

DrFumblefinger ·
I've seen that locomotive and it's H-U-G-E! Hard to appreciate how massive from any photos. Thanks for sharing these and reminding me when machines were still built like, well, machines!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 26, 2015: Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" #229, Two Harbors, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry and DrFumblefinger DrFumblefinger, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you enjoyed this POD. Garry, your story is so funny yet so true. It sounds like my wife and your wife have very much in common and would probably get along great. These machines are just so amazing, I too could admire them for quite a long time. What can I say...maybe it's a guy thing... boys and their toys, and all that. Hopefully one day you and I will be able to meet, ditch our wives, and go check...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 26, 2015: Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range 2-8-8-4 "Yellowstone" #229, Two Harbors, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
I know just what you mean Ottoman ! How can an intelligent person look at huge model train layout and just say : "Ok - what does it do ?" Like casting pearls before swine ! Like getting your 15 seconds viewing the Mona Lisa and just taking photos. Like watching the Space Station pass across the sky like a huge sparkling jewel. "Yes - I know it's the same every time - but it's an amazing piece of..... doesn't matter.."

Re: Times Square and the Waterford Times Square Ball

DrFumblefinger ·
Great post and brings back fond memories! There's nothing quite like Time Square and, as the saying goes, a "nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there". Thanks for sharing this, Samantha!

Re: Times Square and the Waterford Times Square Ball

Travel Rob ·
Great post and great photos!

Re: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame to offer free admission during Republican National Convention

Paul Heymont ·
Hopefully, it will help keep the delegates off the street and out of trouble...
Blog Post

Bentonville, Arkansas: Walmart's Home Town

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband made a quick stop in Bentonville to see the Walton's 5 & 10 as well as Walmart's Headquarters.
Blog Post

Eating Out in Beaufort, South Carolina

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L shares some of his favorite restaurants in Beaufort, South Carolina
Blog Post

St Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum, Florida

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob visits one of nicest lighthouses in the country
Blog Post

L & L Hawaiian Barbecue, Oahu, Hawaii

Samantha ·
Samantha shares information about L & L BBQ. One of the plate lunches she and her husband tried while on Oahu, Hawaii.
Blog Post

Queen christens Britain's new biggest cruise liner

Paul Heymont ·
The Britannia, 11th in the world but biggest in the British cruise industry, has been christened by Queen Elizabeth and will shortly begin her maiden voyage to the Mediterranean.   The ship can accommodate over 3600 passengers.
Blog Post

Walking in England: The Kennet & Avon Canal

PortMoresby ·
My discovery of the Kennet & Avon Canal was a revelation. Id been confronted with a dilemma, the fact that I loved walking in the English countryside but had come to the conclusion that I could no longer take on the hills comfortably. Bath is the end point of more than 100 miles of the Cotswold Way and Id completed it in 3 trips. The last section left me wondering if my walking days were over.