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Tagged With "Austria-Hungary"


Re: November 15, 2017: Liechtenstein Castle, Lower Austria

DrFumblefinger ·
It does seem the perfect stereotype of a medieval castle. Lovely photos, Professor!

Re: Prague: Fancy Rooftops, Flashy Facades

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember having the same feeling about Prague. A beautiful city of great architectural variety and all types of style. One of the more memorable views of the city is from up high, say from the observation deck of City Hall. The rooftops and towers are beautiful.

Re: Our Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg, Austria - Part Two

George G. ·
I took my wife on the Sound of Music tour from the old Chiemsee Armed Forces Recreation Center when the US Army occupied it. I remember on our bus as we drove away, the guide wanted us to show hands of who saw it just once, and went through the numbers to see who saw it the most. She never asked who never saw it which was only me. Still haven't seen it. Everyone ooohed and aaaahed when we arrived at the gazebo as I stood bewildered and I was the only one that didn't know the do-re-mi song...

Re: Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Kaprun, Austria.

TravelingCanuck ·
This looks like an amazing place to go to. Thanks.

Re: Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Kaprun, Austria.

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like a challenging -- but beautiful -- place to go for a hike. Any idea how long that trail is?

Re: Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Kaprun, Austria.

Marilyn Jones ·
Wow! So beautiful and what a climb!!! Thank you for sharing these amazing photos!

Re: Pasterze Glacier, Grossglockner, Austria

Marilyn Jones ·
It is shocking to see how much of the glacier is gone, but what is left is beautiful and your photos illustrate wonderfully its beauty.

Re: Krimml Waterfall, Austria

Samantha ·
I absolutely love waterfalls and this one looks amazing. Hope to get to see it some day soon. Thanks so much for sharing.
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November 1, 2017: White Storks at Rust, Burgenland, Austria

Professorabe ·
Always a memorable sight on the rooftops of Europe, Professor Abe shares his experiences with the storks of Rust, Austria
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November 15, 2017: Liechtenstein Castle, Lower Austria

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe shares images of a lovely castle built in the 12th century by the Liechtenstein (yes, the ones with the tiny country named after them).
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Austria says OK to hoverboards for BTTF anniversary

Paul Heymont ·
Austria's government has just issued rules for travel by hoverboard, granting them legal status for use anywhere a skateboard would be legal. But so far, hoverboards, which skim along just above the surface, don't actually exist. Or didn't until the...
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June 13, 2018: DC Tower 1 - Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha shares pictures of the DC Tower 1 from her trip to Vienna, Austria. She found it very interesting and unique.
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One Hundred Years Ago: On the Eve of War

Paul Heymont ·
One  hundred years ago, July 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, a young Serb nationalist shot and killed Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, which then ruled Bosnia and quite a few other places now independent . Their goal was an...
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Heroes Square, Budapest: Where Gumbo Was (#48)

Paul Heymont ·
  Lynn Millar and MAD Travel Diaries both identified where Gumbo was: Heroes’ Square, or Hosok tere, in Budapest. This giant square has served many kinds of memories and movements, beginning with its construction beginning in 1896 as a...
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Austrian Railways add sleepers as Germany drops them

Paul Heymont ·
Austria's railways swim against the tide, increasing overnight sleeper service at a time when other railroads are reducing them.
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Mark 2017 calendar: 1st October Saturday events

Paul Heymont ·
Paris and Austria have big late-night events going on today...add them to your trip planning calendar for next year!
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Latest Austrian attraction: Yodeling classes

Paul Heymont ·
Learning to yodel...hasn't it been your dream? Now there's a 90-minute class on an Austrian mountaintop...the hills can be alive with the sound of you!
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December 24, 2016: Silent Night

George G. ·
George G shares a photo taken while visiting Austria. A plaque recognizing the birthplace of Joseph Mohr, the priest who wrote the lyrics of the beloved Christmas Carol, Silent Night.
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Ooops! A Tale of too-many wrong mattresses and a helicopter

Paul Heymont ·
An Austrian mountain hotel, reachable only by air or on foot, finds itself juggling hundreds of old and new helicopter-delivered mattresses.
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Yes, there IS a kangaroo in Austria!

Paul Heymont ·
Despite the souvenirs that play on confusion Australia, it turns out there are more kangaroos in Austria than you'd think...and some are on the run.
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The Prater, Vienna: Austria's Playground for Everyone

Samantha ·
While in Vienna, Samantha and her husband spent a few hours checking out Austria's playground, the Prater. The giant Ferris Wheel is the draw to the park, but there is so much to see and do.
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Our Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg, Austria - Part One

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had a wonderful time exploring some of the sights from the Sound of Music. Today she shares Part 1 of their tour.
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Our Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg, Austria - Part Two

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had a wonderful time exploring some of the sights from the Sound of Music. Today she shares Part 2 of their tour.
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Pasterze Glacier, Grossglockner, Austria

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook visits and shares great images of the beautiful but receding Pasterze Glacier, Grossglockner, Austria.
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Atop the Pasterze Glacier, Grossglockner, Austria.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares images from a visit to the top of the Pasterze Glacier in Austria
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Austria coffee-drinkers in for a chill?

Paul Heymont ·
Austria considers modifying or ending the ban on outdoor cafe seating before April.
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Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Kaprun, Austria.

Ian Cook ·
Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Kaprun, Austria is a picturesque valley carved by a glacier thousands of years ago,
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Austria's Easter: 50 million eggs, lots of visitors

Paul Heymont ·
Austria's Easter season includes 50 million eggs, many visitors and a lot more. Click to read more, and also news about Easter in Spain and Denmark.
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Austrian town launches arrows against litter

Paul Heymont ·
A small Austrian town, tired of having its roadsides used as a litter dump by passing cars, has planted huge arrows where litter fell to shame the litterers.
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Krimml Waterfall, Austria

Ian Cook ·
Austria's Krimmel Falls descends 380 m in three stages. A hike takes you to the waterfall's edge and provides spectacular views!
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Austrian kangaroo takes last hop (No, not Australian)

Paul Heymont ·
Austria, Australia...this escaped kangaroo apparently didn't know the difference. Sadly, it died in a collision with a taxicab in southern Austria.
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June 7, 2016: Horsemen of the Puszta

Marilyn Jones ·
These Hungarian horses, once trained for battle, still learn not to fear sounds such as gunfire or cracking whip...and can lie down on command!
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Kaprun Dam, Austria

Ian Cook ·
The Kaprun dams and power plant near Salzburg are a popular visitor attraction with beautiful views and a troubling past.
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Back Country Crossroads in Hungary

Amateuremigrant ·
Robert Cranwell, the Amateur Emigrant, explores and is charmed by the remote regions of Hungary. Be sure not to miss this post.
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Oct. 10, 2018: Albertina in Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha was able to see this Keith Haring inspired Albertina display this summer while strolling around Vienna, Austria.
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Nov. 14, 2018: Yard Art - Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha gives us a castle tour in Vienna—but no, it's not that kind of castle!
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Danube Views in Vienna: Unique and Amazing

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had a great time walking along the Danube in Vienna. That was until a storm rolled in, lol. Here are some pictures she was able to take before the rain started.

Re: Austrian kangaroo takes last hop (No, not Australian)

GarryRF ·
He's probably playing Possum. He'll bounce back.

Re: June 7, 2016: Horsemen of the Puszta

Travel Luver ·
Beautiful horses!

Re: The Prater, Vienna: Austria's Playground for Everyone

Paul Heymont ·
The inscription on the memorial translates as The Master dedicated one of his most beautiful songs to the Vienna Prater, In the Prater, the Flowers Bloom Again.

Re: Atop the Pasterze Glacier, Grossglockner, Austria.

DrFumblefinger ·
Glad you didn't get disappear into the depths of a crevasse or get swept away by the glacial streams! Great photos, Ian, thanks!

Re: Austrian Railways add sleepers as Germany drops them

PortMoresby ·
Among my best travel experiences ever were two overnight train trips in single compartments, from Venice to Vienna and from Budapest to Munich, both on Austrian trains. I'm very glad to hear it's they who will continue these services.

Re: Austrian Railways add sleepers as Germany drops them

Paul Heymont ·
I'm glad, too, especially since that Zurich-to-Hamburg-via Salzburg route will also connect to Munich; we have a 2018 trip in planning that counts on a Munich-to-Hamburg sleeper as part of the route (Rome-Verona-Bolzano-Munich-Hamburg).

Re: Kaprun Dam, Austria

Marilyn Jones ·
WOW! I love this set of photos! Well done Ian!
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Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell shares memories of visiting the vastness of the Puszta, a vast plain extending from Europe to Central Asia.
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The Wien Rathaus: City Hall, Vienna

Samantha ·
Samantha loved her tour and visit to the Wien Rathaus in Vienna, Austria. It was huge and amazing. Just watch out for the seats in the chamber room. They were not nice to her. :(
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Vienna: My Top 7 Free Things

Samantha ·
Looking for some free things to do in Vienna, Austria? If so, Samantha shares her top 7 free things to see and do while in this beautiful city.
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GPS: All roads lead to...a tiny Austrian village

Paul Heymont ·
Since July, the software for Garmin's popular GPS devices has tried to direct a bonanza of tourist traffic to Preitenegg, Austria, seen above. Perhaps you've never heard of Preitenegg? No surprise: It has fewer than 1000 residents.
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Going green: Austrian town wins 'organic village' award

Paul Heymont ·
Seeham, near Salzburg, has been named Austria's most environmentally-friendly place to live in a competition sponsored by the state broadcasting system, ORF. It was the top prize among 16 categories.  
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'No Kangaroos in Austria'...well...hmmm

Paul Heymont ·
Anyone who's been to Austria lately will have noticed souvenir shirts, mugs, everything playing on the slogan "No Kangaroos in Austria." It's an answer to a stunningly common confusion of Austria with Australia. But now the slogan seems less accurate after two kangaroo sightings.