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Tagged With "flying Capacity"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 19, 2015: Flying Lessons

Marilyn Jones ·
What a delightful narrative and photos; a great way to start my day -- positive and uplifting!!

Re: French town reaffirms tourism ban: No space travelers allowed

GarryRF ·
Another example of what wine - in excess - does to your brain.

Re: Flying this week? Check your Airline!

GarryRF ·
As "Climate Change" continues to keep Western Europe in a warm Caribbean breeze - then crossing the pond will be fine. Presuming - of course - you get a take off from America !
Blog Post

Airbus flies 5 A-350s in formation...and tells how

Paul Heymont ·
For those of us who are airplane-obsessed, seeing a new model in flight for the first time is a imagine FIVE, all at once! Airbus, which just sent its first A-350 off into service has also released a video of its formation fly-by of five...
Blog Post

Palm Springs Air Museum, California (Where Gumbo was #104)

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting the Palm Springs Air Museum in the California desert, and specifically had the privilege of sitting in the cockpit of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber (like the one in the above photo).  Congratulations to the many who...
Blog Post

JetBlue, Amazon team for free WiFi, Prime benefits

Paul Heymont ·
It's almost enough to make you forget JetBlue's upcoming bag fees. Passengers will continue to enjoy the lower-end (Simply Surf) tier of JetBlue's Fly-Fi product, courtesy of Amazon, and Amazon Prime members will be able to use the service to access...
Blog Post

Where are flights most often delayed? Now you know.

Paul Heymont ·
It's not a trick question, and the answer is not "At the airport."   The Telegraph (UK) has collected delay figures for summer flights involving popular holiday destinations, and fond that Portugal had the worst record last year, with 51 percent...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 19, 2015: Flying Lessons

Paul Heymont ·
Back for a day from our flying time, on the way home from Europe, we spotted this young bird on our Brooklyn stoop, preparing to become a frequent flier.   While the mother perched above, the baby showed all the trepidation and ungainliness...
Blog Post

India Plans to Subsidise Flying on Regional Routes to Make Them Affordable to the Masses

Travel Rob ·
The government of India announced plans to make air travel affordable to more Indians, with schemes to revive ailing airports and airstrips, tax incentives, subsidies and a two percent levy on international and some domestic routes. The plan...
Blog Post

Cruise line updates: Win some, lose some

Paul Heymont ·
Cruise lines have announced some changes in plans and prices recently; two big ones are a trend to higher daily gratuity charges on board, and a move to more flexibility in choosing flights as part of cruise packages. Princess Cruises is raising daily...
Blog Post

December 11, 2017: Flying A Gas Station, Truckee

DrFumblefinger ·
A nicely refurbished service station in Truckee, California, is featured in today's Pic of the Day.
Blog Post

Airlines Ramp up to Meet Demand

Paul Heymont ·
After a few years of reducing flights to force full planes, rising demand has caught up with the airlines, and they are adding planes and seats. According to this Forbes report, all of the major U.S. carriers have increased their "flying capacity"...
Blog Post

French town reaffirms tourism ban: No space travelers allowed

Paul Heymont ·
What sounds like one of those weird laws turns out to be maybe a good publicity stunt, banning space invaders from a French wine village.
Blog Post

August 6, 2016: Airport Art -- Vancouver

DrFumblefinger ·
On my travelers, I've found some interesting art at airports. This piece from Vancouver International Airport is one of the best caricatures I've encountered.
Blog Post

Flying this week? Check your Airline!

Paul Heymont ·
With more winter storms this week, thousands of flights are being canceled...and yours might be affected. The cancellations don't only affect areas that are snowed in, because airlines protect the network by not flying planes into areas where they...

Tips for reducing stress while flying.

DrFumblefinger ·
I know a lot of people are stressed out by flying.  One of my colleagues refused to fly for twenty years because of the sense of fear and panic it induced.  If he couldn't drive or take the train to a destination, he didn't go. He's more or less overcome that "handicap" with a combination of therapy, alcohol and Xanax, although he still doesn't enjoy the air journey.  Last year he actually became a million mile frequent flyer -- wonders sometimes never cease.  I'm not one...
Blog Post

Toyota's new dream: a flying car

Paul Heymont ·
Toyota's filed a patent design for a possible future car, but it's a long way from that to a realistic product. For now, admire a Prius with a stack of wings!
Blog Post

All you can fly app is here

Travel Rob ·
OneGo offers all you can fly subscription app.

Re: Palm Springs Air Museum, California (Where Gumbo was #104)

Mac ·
And I thought that GarryF had snagged the first date with Miss Angela.... I am distraught!! I just love the nose-art on these planes. To have so many fly-able planes too what a collection!! Thanks Dr.F a great piece.

Re: Palm Springs Air Museum, California (Where Gumbo was #104)

GarryRF ·
Another simple photo that inspires lots of chat. I too was wondering who first caught Miss Angela's eye. But then ... gentlemen never kiss and tell ! Love the artwork, something the stuffy Brits would never allow ! The USAF had a base at Burtonwood UK. Close to Liverpool where I now live. The aircraft would fly almost non-stop. New crew and re-load. Not even stopping the engines. (Tales from my Dad) The hundreds of American personnel would hit the bars in Liverpool on R+R. The local men...

Re: August 6, 2016: Airport Art -- Vancouver

GarryRF ·
Art can be fun. If it makes folks smile then it's got to be worth it. Although I've never seen this guy before he does remind me of Orlando. Florida. This guy is so life-like that people stare at him - convinced he will move soon.

Re: August 6, 2016: Airport Art -- Vancouver

TravelingCanuck ·
All my times through the Vancouver airport and I have not seen this fellow. I will certainly look for him next time though. I am sure I looked very similar on a trip or two myself.

Re: August 6, 2016: Airport Art -- Vancouver

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments. Garry, if that is not a real person then kudos to the artist for his life-like detail, down to the whitey-tighties peaking through the shorts!

Re: August 6, 2016: Airport Art -- Vancouver

Travel Rob ·
Good on Vancouver! Although I absolutely love traveling, I no longer enjoy going through airports or customs, something I used to find fascinating. Any attempt to put a smile on travelers faces, I'm all for!

Re: Tips for reducing stress while flying.

GarryRF ·
Thanks for the article. Not that I suffer with stress but I thought it could use some tips to help my 4 flights in 10 days pass with ease. So I read through and agreed with myself that most of the tips for de-stress I use already. The I read the following article too. It appears that Frontier are rated 15 in the worst airlines in the world. I will be flying with them on Sunday this week. I now have a twitch in one eye. Tell me Doctor - could this be the onset of Stress ?

Re: Flying Home: Air Travel in the Age of Covid

DrFumblefinger ·
Glad you made it home safely. Sounds like there are a lot of precautions in place, and some good advice. Hopefully the vaccine will be available in a few months. After that I see international travel normalizing.
Blog Post

Flying Home: Air Travel in the Age of Covid

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob offers his observations about air travel now

Re: Flying Home: Air Travel in the Age of Covid

Travel Rob ·
Thank you. I actually thought there would be more distancing and more people following the rules on mask wearing than it turned out. I hope next year willl be different too!
Blog Post

Bar Flying U Ranch, Grand Teton National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits one of the historic ranches on the Grand Teton National Park.
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Fear of Flying: Does it Make Sense?

Samantha ·
Samantha shares some thoughts on the fear of flying, and whether she thinks it's justified, or just plain silly.

Re: Fear of Flying: Does it Make Sense?

George G. ·
In my younger days, I always enjoyed flying and even strong turbulence never bothered me, but my fear of flying developed over time for a number of scary instances. Taking off in a jet from a Caribbean island, one of the engines failed and we ran off the runway into a field nearly ditching in the ocean. The plane was brought back, maintenance worked on it and after reboarding the captain said he was going to give it another try. Then on a military 12 passenger fixed wing plane, we...

Re: Fear of Flying: Does it Make Sense?

Paul Heymont ·
I don't know about pilots refusing, but there are a few airports here and there where only pilots with special training are allowed to land or take off, places with narrow margins of ocean and mountain or special wind conditions. My general thought is that I'd just as soon go somewhere else... I'm not really afraid of flying—just skeptical. For all the times I've flown, there is always that moment, heading down the runway, when I'm sure that this huge thing simply cannot get off the ground,...

Re: Fear of Flying: Does it Make Sense?

Samantha ·
Wow George, that sounds like a LOT. I can see why it can create anxiety and fear. So many scary instances. So crazy, but like you said, when you're military, you have to get on those planes. I've had a few scary instances myself but nothing like any of that. We did miss a landing strip once in Ontario, CA due to crazy high winds. Had to pull up and try 3 times before we landed. Wasn't real scary, just weird and wondering what would happen if we skidded off and hit a building, etc. It's...
Blog Post

Salmon River and its Canyon, Idaho

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the beautiful Salmon River, a river that begins and ends in Idaho. It offers fabulous rafting and fly-fishing opportunities.
Blog Post

Grizzly Hackle Fly Shop, Missoula

DrFumblefinger ·
Fly fishing, like many hobbies, can inspire fanaticism. Grizzly Hackle Fly Shop caters to hobbyists.
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10 Smart Things to Pack in Your Carry-On

Samantha ·
There are many "rules" regarding flying today, and sadly it's getting worse, but, here is Samantha's list of 10 Smart Things to Pack in Your Carry-On.

Re: 10 Smart Things to Pack in Your Carry-On

DrFumblefinger ·
That's all very good advice, Samantha. BTW, there have been well documented cases of TSA screeners stealing from your carry-on bags as they move them down the X-ray machines ramp, so I keep my carryon locked unless they want to check it, in which case I unlock it and watch what they are doing. For folks who wear eyeglasses, it's a good idea to have a spare pair of glasses packed in case yours break. Recently while in Morocco, this was a godsend, as my frame broke. Without my spare glasses,...

Re: 10 Smart Things to Pack in Your Carry-On

Paul Heymont ·
I don't carry spare glasses, but I do keep a copy of my prescription in a gmail message i can get to. Also a small roll of duct tape, a mini-vial of crazy glue and a plastic coffee cone. The cone takes up no space when filled with socks, etc., and it's my insurance against cranky or unpleasant coffee makers. One sheet of paper towel as a filter and I'm off to a good start!
Blog Post

Tips for Travelers Who Are Scared of Airplanes

Destiny (Guest) ·
Flying can be a source of anxiety for many travelers, whether it's the fear of heights, turbulence, or the general unfamiliarity with air travel. However, several strategies can help alleviate these fears and make flying a more pleasant experience (sponsored content).