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Tagged With "Parc Guell"


Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Travel Rob ·
Your piece will serve inspiration for many future trips,I'm sure of that.I had no clue as the extent of Eiffel's work but I now want to see several of them in person. This serves as an example of why TravelGumbo is so different and needed

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

WorkerBee ·
PHeymont, Your post reminded me that I had seen a pre-fabricated church designed by Eiffel in Baja, Mexico. It is in the small town of Santa Rosalia and still in use. There is more info here .

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Mac ·
Absolutely fascinating, thank you. And I thought that UK's Isambard Kingdom Brunel was prolific!

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
Brunel has fascinated me since reading a book on the Great Eastern, an unlucky ship he designed. Perhaps someday I can find time to post about his work...unless I hear a volunteer? Thanks!

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

PortMoresby ·
I'm personally acquainted with one of Brunel's railway bridges, the Gatehampton Bridge over the Thames in Berkshire, England. I was advised by my Thames Path guidebook that I was approaching it. There was a strategically placed bench in a meadow where I sat, had a snack and looked at it from a distance for a bit before walking under it. Not at all knowledgeable, or even much interested, in bridges I tried to get at least a glimpse of what the guide meant when it said "one of Brunel's Great...

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
T&N, you make an interesting point about the air circulation and coolness of Eiffel's building. These days we are constantly reading about advances in "green design," intended to reduce excess energy use. Ironic how well some of those principles of making life bearable were known so long ago by those who didn't have the option of mechanical air-conditioning! Another example is in today's blog about Gaudi's Casa Battlo in Barcelona, which uses an open well through the center of the...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 12, 2014: Sunday in the Park with Dog

Travel Rob ·
Great photos that shows why parks in Paris are so special! Hands down my favorite park experiences are in Paris. Parisians enjoy their parks and gardens so much, it's contagious!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 12, 2014: Sunday in the Park with Dog

DrFumblefinger ·
I like city parks like this one, though they in no way compare to National Parks, which I enjoy infinitely more.

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

Jonathan L ·
I love Barcelona. It is one of the few cities that I feel I could live in, if I were to leave NYC. Large enough to have an active cultural and social life that is not dependent on tourists, small enough to be able to get around and do things without a car. Lovely things to look at. Great food.

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

Paul Heymont ·
I'll second Jonathan L on of the two or three cities I'd be willing to live in, besides Brooklyn...and you found my favorite tapas place, too!

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

DrFumblefinger ·
Great post! Have yet to visit Barcellona, but will soon. An unrelated question. Is that Madonna as in the entertainer, or Madonna as in the mother of Jesus?

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
My friend jokes that I am the Queen of reinvention - much like Madonna (the musician type). Forever having a complete change of heart about my life's direction. But I've decided to embrace that now change is good! Keeps things interesting. Wholeheartedly agree Jonathan and Paul. In fact I applied for a few jobs there in the summer! I'm still considering it... Oh, and that tapas place! Just brilliant. Was completely worth the 40 minutes we had to wait for a table!

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for the great post and I'll have to try the Tapas Place next time! I got the same impression in my visits as you - that the locals seem very happy and proud of their city , as they should be.

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
It was a pleasure to write. Glad you enjoyed it! Yes you simply must check out Taller De Tapas - the atmosphere is amazing and the food is to die for!

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

IslandMan ·
excellent article and pictures.... I can relate with many of the personal comments you make; decisions you make in life should be for yourself first. I too made a decision to leave home, family and friends and see the world. It was tough at first, but, once you explore and experience, you don't look back. Congratulations!

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
Thank you Islandman! And congrats to you too! Here's to a life of incredible experiences.

Re: The Petite Ceinture, Paris: Where Gumbo Was (#71)

Travel Rob ·
Fascinating! I've been by the front many times and I never knew!

Re: The Petite Ceinture, Paris: Where Gumbo Was (#71)

Lynn Millar ·
Fascinating past. Love the bike gate.

Re: The Petite Ceinture, Paris: Where Gumbo Was (#71)

Paul Heymont ·
In an e-mail, Jonathan L provides an update—a happy one—on the Gare Ornano. It appears that about a year after I took my pictures, the station was sold, the KFC is gone, and a new cafe+recycling center has renovated the station; a picture below shows a view of the rear very different from the one below the KFC picture above. The site now also hosts food trucks! Thanks to Jonathan L for finding the followup, which can be found at It's in French, but if that's a...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#51)

Jonathan L ·
Congratulations to PortMoresby for recognizing Parc Guell in Barcelona. The full reveal will come tomorrow (Saturday) and a new Where In the World will be unveiled on Sunday.
Blog Post

And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
Can you recall a moment from your travels that has really shaken your soul? A moment that has changed you forever?   Well, here's mine.   As I sat watching that sun set over Barcelona from the incredibly beautiful Parc Güell earlier...
Blog Post

Casa Batllo, Barcelona (Where Gumbo was #101)

Jonathan L ·
      Roderick Simpson and Dr.J have both correctly placed Gumbo as visiting Casa Batlló in Barcelona.Honorable mention  goes to HistoryDigger for getting the city and architect.   Designed by the premier Catalan...
Blog Post

General Grant National Memorial, New York

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont becomes one of this national monument's few visitors and finds out more about its history.
Blog Post

Barcelona, wary of tourists, has more hidden gems

Paul Heymont ·
Barcelona, and its new mayor, have recently expressed worries about too many tourists, and about their behavior (see yesterday's NewsLink below), but the crowd is not likely to stop anytime soon.   And if all the famous sights were not enough, a...
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A Neighborhood Market in Barcelona

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits and enjoys a small market in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona.
Blog Post

Where in the World was Gumbo #51 - Park Guell Barcelona

Jonathan L ·
Congratulations to PortMoresby for recognizing that this market place is in Park Guell in Barcelona. The park was designed by the famous Catalan architect   Antoni Gaudi. He is best known for designing in the Modernisme style. One identifying...
Blog Post

Spain worries about too many tourists and not enough

Paul Heymont ·
Spain worries about being swamped in tourism as other countries lose business, and also worries that the visitors are not spending enough.
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Barcelona's new plan: Spread out tourist housing

Paul Heymont ·
Barcelona is trying a new tactic to reduce tourism impact: a plan to spread tourist accommodations around the city and reduce the number in the center.
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'Uncomfortable memory' tour faces Barcelona slave history

Paul Heymont ·
Barcelona, and other cities, confront the 'uncomfortable memory' of slave-built fortunes that paid for many of their famous sights.
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Barcelona Shoebox: the rest of the story

Paul Heymont ·
Beyond the most famous sights and names, Barcelona has a lot more to see and visit. Have a look!
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Palau Güell, Barcelona (Where Gumbo was #170)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting on of Gaudi's first home projects, Palau Güell, in Barcelona. See the fine architectural details of this interesting home.
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Best Places to Visit in Europe

Lee L. (Guest) ·
Soon Europe will be ready for tourists again. Lee has some suggestions on places you should consider visiting (sponsored content)
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Brussels Park

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the largest public park in the city of Brussels, directly across from the Royal Palace.
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Barcelona: Painting the town white?

Paul Heymont ·
University researchers are pushing a plan that would help lower city temperatures by painting roofs white to reflect heat away from buildings.
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Gaudi in Paris

Paul Heymont ·
A special exhibit at the Musée d'Orsay spotlights not only Gaudi's development from his student days on but the breadth of his design interest
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Casa Vicens: Gaudi's first big project

Paul Heymont ·
The earliest, and one of the most interesting of Gaudi's major works is well worth a visit to see his genius at an early stage.
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The Wonderful World of Park Guell

Paul Heymont ·
One of Gaudi's Barcelona masterpieces is the hillside park that started out to be a suburban real estate development.
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Experiencing the Interior of Sagrada Familia

Paul Heymont ·
The interior of Sagrada Familia, only opened after more than a hundred years of construction, is a breathtaking experience
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Insights from the Sagrada Familia Museum

Paul Heymont ·
The museum on the lower levels of Sagrada Familia offers a fascinating look at Gaudi's methods, and his hopes for the basilica's future
Blog Post

Reconsidering Palau Guell

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont returns for another look at one of Gaudi's earliest major projects and finds his views shifting
Blog Post

A Rambler in Barcelona

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares images and memories of walking and wondering in one of his favorite cities
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Barcelona's hiding a bus route

Paul Heymont ·
Barcelona has taken a bus route off transit maps, hoping to make it less crowded for locals
Blog Post

Barcelona bans 'bad taste' souvenirs

Paul Heymont ·
Barcelona wants its name off sexist and homophobic memorabilia
Blog Post

The Petite Ceinture, Paris: Where Gumbo Was (#71)

Paul Heymont ·
Where Gumbo was, as Jonathan L, with help from Lynn Milar recognized, was behind an abandoned station on an abandoned rail line—the Petite Ceinture—that once girdled Paris, connecting its rail stations and freight yards, and providing both passenger and freight service.
Blog Post

The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
Everyone knows the Eiffel Tower, or Tour Eiffel. You could probably draw a pretty accurate sketch without even looking. And quite a few folks know that that Gustave Eiffel, who designed and built it, also provided the iron skeleton that keeps the Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor.
Blog Post

From Where I Sit: A Gallery of Benches

Paul Heymont ·
In a recent Gumbo blog , Jonathan L. pointed out that travelers (and locals) need a place to rest from time to time while visiting or going about daily life...and part of the need is what's called—logically—street furniture. 
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 12, 2014: Sunday in the Park with Dog

Paul Heymont ·
A Sunday afternoon brings many Parisians into the parks, including this woman who brought her chair, her dog and a bag of treats to the Parc des Buttes Chaumont in northeastern Paris.  