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Tagged With "Francisco Oller"


Re: July 28, 2016: Coit Tower, San Francisco, California

DrFumblefinger ·
It really is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. Thanks for reminding us of these great views!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 20, 2014: The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the pic Ottoman. I have traversed this bridge on 2 separate visits and and was fascinated by its size, architecture and grandeur.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 20, 2014: The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a great photo of a great bridge! And likely a rare day. Most of the times I've been in SF the fog and gloom preclude a nice photo of the Golden Gate.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 20, 2014: The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

GarryRF ·
I would recommend renting a bicycle at Fishermans Wharf. Take your time crossing the Bridge Stop at Sausalito - Starbucks - Take in the beautiful surrounds. Watch the Fishing Boats. Take the Cycle track and head for the Ferry at Tiburon. Come back to SF on the Ferry and watch as the City rises from the fog. Great day !

Re: BoltBus Adds Las Vegas, SF to Los Angeles Routes

Former Member ·
If it is not a crazy question, please - Are MegaBus and BoltBus essentially the same, just different companies with different routes ?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 27, 2014: Painted Ladies in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Many Victorian buildings that survived the 1906 earthquake were destroyed in the fires that followed. Those, like these, that escaped both were largely located west of Van Ness Ave, the line at which fire fighters dynamited buildings, creating a fire line to save at least part of the city. I'm glad these were saved, PHeymont, or the City would be a very different place, wouldn't it. Thanks.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I did, indeed, go to the two exhibits at the Met...and they actually have a relation to the SF show that PortMoresby has described. Marville, in particular, was working at the beginning of photography, without all the digital devices, or even a light meter, and with media so slow that a photograph of a relatively busy street appears to be empty of traffic—because during the 30 seconds needed to expose that plate no one stayed in front of the camera long enough to register an image! The Paris...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Maybe "monochrome" is a better word for what we think of as black & white photography. An extreme example would be cyanotypes, in shades of blue. Many thanks, PHeymont, for your descriptions of the Met shows, and for reminding me that everything old is new again. The addition of Man Ray's fantastic picture above is perfect. Joyeux Anniversaire, Tour Eiffel.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Speaking again of black&white, the monthly events newsletter from Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts store in Berkeley just arrived. Down at the very bottom was this intiguing notice which I mean to check out in person in 11 days. Mrs. Dalloways is at 2904 College Avenue in Berkeley. "The Watchmaker Series." Beautiful black and white silver gelatin prints on archival quality paper. Ready for 8 x 10 frame. $65. When Craig was asked to fix a case that contained a...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

DrFumblefinger ·
Among my greatest photography influences were Matthew Brady, whose grainy and gritty images of the Civil War made it so very "real" to future generations just learning about it in history books. And of course the great work of Ansel Adams. Far from gritty and grainy. Truly a visionary.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Did you know that the visionary faked 'Moonrise, Hernandez'? Yep. I guess you could say "enhanced". There was no moon. Information courtesy of a friend who worked with AA. Said he was the nicest guy ever.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

GarryRF ·
I enjoy photos of local history. Places that you can visit today with buildings that remain mostly unchanged. This is Lord Street Liverpool around 1890. ....and present day Lord Street - (from a different angle)

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Another addition to the list of current shows of great photography, this one in Paris. Ten years after his death, Henri Cartier-Bresson at the Pompidou, until June 9th.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
One more for the list of wonderful things to see, the world's largest pinhole photograph at Washington D.C.'s National Air & Space Museum. So many things, so little time.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this really special blog that links two cities I've only visited but have come to love. Of course, San Francisco can't live up to my description of Lisbon as "steep, but cheap!"

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

GarryRF ·
When I'm in San Francisco I love the Micro Breweries. The sampler tray is a must have in each bar. But when you're in Lisbon just try the Sagres Lager. Often named as the Best Beer in Europe you'll be pleasantly surprised ! Nothing like a "Lite" Beer, it has a wonderful taste and sparkle. Or try a sparkling Mateus Rose if wine is your preference.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
Thanks, @PHeymont! You're totally right that SF cannot be described as 'steep but cheap'. It's definitely the former but not the latter. The quirkiness of San Francisco is hard to put a price on though.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
@GarryRF - I'm more of a wine person but did enjoy a Sagres or two in Portugal. You can't beat the price. Love the microbreweries in San Francisco and agree that the tasting trays are definitely the way to go!

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
I love your premise and the visual comparisons, Jennifer. I hope to see Lisbon for the first time before the year is out and I'll remember your twinning of the 2. Then, as a San Francisco native, I can be nostalgic for Lisbon when I'm in The City.

Re: Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

Mytraveledroad ·
San Francisco such a beautiful city. I've never been to Fort Mason next time might have to check it out. $45 per night not too bad of a deal considering it is an expensive city to be in.

Re: Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
San Francisco is, indeed, remarkable. Next Wednesday's episode of 'Road Trip' is also in Fort Mason and the following week in Chinatown. Tune in again, Mytraveledroad.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 9, 2015: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum

DrFumblefinger ·
I hope you washed down that dimsum with a nice drink at the Top-of-the Mark. No better place to enjoy the sunset in San Francisco, PM.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 9, 2015: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum

PortMoresby ·
Last time I was at Top of the Mark I was in high school. It was THE place to go on prom night, along with the Tonga Room across the street at the Fairmont. I actually seriously considered staying at one place or the other on this road trip but opted for the free parking at the hostel, so annoying was the price of parking on Nob Hill. Interesting how decision-making can work. And btw, check in next Saturday and see where I actually did have a drink after dim sum.

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great way to end a roadtrip. I've visited Chinatown many times in the 20+ years I lived in California, always on the agenda when going to the Bay area. But you saw things in it that I just didn't appreciate. I mostly went for a great meal. You seem to have experienced a genuine slice of China in America. A belated Happy Birthday, PM! Wishing you many more.

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

Travel Rob ·
What a great roadtrip and insiders view of San Francisco!

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
Great post! I love Chinatown in SF! I used to walk through every day on my way to work between Pacific Heights where I lived and the Embarcadero where I worked. It's been five years since we moved to Ireland and I still miss this daily walk. Here are some posts and photos I have taken over the years in SF Chinatown.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 16, 2015: Coffee & Dessert in North Beach

DrFumblefinger ·
Had I know such a good-looking almond croissant was at stake, I would have flown to SF to help you celebrate your natal day, PM! Belated happy birthday, and thanks for sharing this trip with us.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 16, 2015: Coffee & Dessert in North Beach

PortMoresby ·
Thanks DrF. So then, should we go to such a place together sometime, it had better not have just one almond croissant left. It could get ugly. I know what a gentleman you are, but everyone has their limits.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 16, 2015: Coffee & Dessert in North Beach

DrFumblefinger ·
Precisely. But I am also easily distracted in a bakery such as this, so I might just let that almond croissant slide by as I reach for a slice of black forest cake!

Re: SF: Walls take revenge on public urination

TravelGirlJenn ·
Time will tell to see if this will work. In that particular area of the city, the worse offenders are usually (1)too drunk to notice until it is too late or (2) are transient. If it does work, I say that they add this special paint to all areas of the BART stations! Please! It sure is a wake up call on certain mornings!

Re: SF: Walls take revenge on public urination

Travel Rob ·
It sounds like a potential Yakov Smirnoff joke to me. " In Soviet Russia walls pee on you"

Re: February 17, 2020: San Francisco Views

GarryRF ·
Go to Fishermans Wharf. Rent a Bicycle. Ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. Stop at all viewing spots. On to Sausalito. Stop for Coffee and a cake. Sit on the sea wall and watch the Fishing Boats cleaning their nets. The Seagulls will steal your piece of cake when you're not looking . Back on the Bicycles and on to Tiburon using the Cycle Tracks. Find the Ferry Terminal then back home to base. Wonderful days excersise !

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I see that it started at the Tate, and has been at the Getty...and much as I'd love to join you in SF, I'm too booked up between now and September. Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.?

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.? I have no idea. Enlighten us, please, Pheymont.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I’ve been searching and found nothing…I hoped perhaps someone else had information! Tomorrow I will call the DeYoung and ask.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Don't let them hear that capital D in de Young. If you change your mind and visit SF before July 19th, you can hop over to the Legion of Honor and catch the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection show, too.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

DrFumblefinger ·
It sounds appealing but I also have a summer of commitments... But please do report back on what you find, PM! I love Turner's work.

Re: Visit San Francisco, Learn to Cook.

DrFumblefinger ·
Yumm!!!! Thanks for the heads up. That could be a fun way to spend a day by the Bay.
Blog Post

Michelin's new maps focus on food

Paul Heymont ·
Michelin, the French company that makes tires, maps and food ratings has now leveraged the maps and food into a new product—quick reference maps of where to eat. The first in the series, the "New York City Map of Great Places to Eat 2015" went...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 25, 2014: Macy's Christmas Tree, Union Square, San Francisco

Ottoman ·
  A few years ago I had the pleasure of visiting San Francisco.  I had visited this city a few times before, but this was the first time I was there at Christmas time.   San Francisco is a beautiful city throughout the year, but...
Blog Post

A Home for Caribbean Artists: The Puerto Rico Museum of Art, San Juan

Paul Heymont ·
Sometimes, at home or traveling, you miss an obvious place to visit, just because it’s nearby and you can fit it in “any time.” On our last day in Puerto Rico, we finally got to visit the museum around the corner and a few blocks...
Blog Post

Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
A feeling of déjà vu washed over me when we landed in Lisbon and set out on foot to explore the city for the first time.  As the days passed, I finally figured out what it was.   Lisbon totally reminded me of San Francisco...
Blog Post

NYC-LAX for $32—-is it possible?

Paul Heymont ·
Jet Blue is doing some amazing promotions these days, including limited numbers of seats at ridiculous prices if you can grab them.   Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays through Feb. 21; other destinations include San Francisco, Austin TX, Fort...
Blog Post

Delta upgrades West Coast shuttle with more seats, amenities

Paul Heymont ·
Delta's West Coast shuttle that links Los Angeles to San Francisco—Silicon Beach to Silicon Valley—is getting an upgrade with larger planes on most of its flights. Eight of the daily 15 flights will now be on Boeing 717s, with more seats,...
Blog Post

A Road Trip Gallery: Fort Mason Community Garden & the Man in Pink

PortMoresby ·
  March 12, 2015   I discovered the community garden on this visit to Fort Mason, having missed it the first time I stayed at the hostel.  I walked in, looking around for possible subjects, and didn’t notice the thin man in a...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    March 12, 2015   I drove south through Sonoma and Marin Counties, past the houseboats on the bay at Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, and arrived earlier than the hostel’s official 3:00 check-in...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

PortMoresby ·
  March 13, 2015    I was born in San Francisco and it was the only place I wanted to be on this ending-in-zero birthday.  More specifically, in Chinatown, like China, but better in some ways.  I’ve loved it for as long...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 9, 2015: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum

PortMoresby ·
  March 13, 2015   Dim sum is one of the all-time fun and delicious meals, in principle, and, one would think, just about anywhere in San Francisco’s Chinatown that offers it would be good enough for the average gweilo woman. ...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 16, 2015: Coffee & Dessert in North Beach

PortMoresby ·
  March 13, 2015   Getting organized to spend the day in San Francisco, I skipped coffee in the morning in favor of a mug of tea I made for myself in the kitchen of the hostel at Fort Mason .  I spent much of the day with my pal, Deb,...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 3: A Sunny Day in Sonoma

PortMoresby ·
  March 11, 2015    The drive down California Highway 1, along the Mendocino and Sonoma County coast, was a bit of a bust.  It started to rain as I arrived at Point Arena and Fort Ross was closed, it turned out, on weekdays, so I...