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Tagged With "Federal Department of Transportation"


Re: United, Delta ready to retire 'Queen of the Skies'

GarryRF ·
I'm afraid to say that the changing modes of transport are a yard stick to measure your life-span. I remember with great affection travelling on a steam train. But fail to recall the hot ash that went into your eye through the open window. My favourite childhood vehicle .....

Re: August 5, 2017: The Potter and his Wife

Amateuremigrant ·
An interesting insight garage med by poking around in unexpected places. The caste system is still a blight on Indian society, though breaking down in towns and cities due to the pressures of modern life (sharing transport for example), in rural areas it can be deadly serious when low caste people try to assert democratic rights

Re: Edinburgh, Scotland for 2.5!

PortMoresby ·
Have you considered visiting the Royal Yacht Britannia in Leith, near Edinburgh? Various transport options here: http://www.royalyachtbritannia.../your-visit/find-us/ I'm sorry to say I didn't visit during open hours, an Edinburgh friend drove me there just to see it and it looks lovely, will go again next opportunity. Say hello to Greyfriars Bobby Pub for me, just in front of the cemetery, once owned by my father-in-law. I love Edinburgh!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: Jan. 16, 2014: Liverpool Victoria Gallery

GarryRF ·
My favourite time to visit attractions is May-June-July. Before the little monsters are released on school vacation. Liverpool has hundreds of things to do - no exaggeration ! Here's 128 to go on with Liverpool makes a good hub for visiting nearby Chester with its 2,000 year old Roman Walls and Tudor Buildings. The River Dee and North Wales. All using local public transport - mostly trains. You can get a flight, Liverpool - Dublin from...

Re: FAA: Now you can use electronics gate-to-gate

DrFumblefinger ·
About time!

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Former Member ·
In Europe, I have had good luck finding value accommodations at and Europe-Stays. com. Those sites list hostels with their ratings and prices. A quick peek for June shows several promising choices for around $ 21 USD per bed per night. Unless you just want company, you might budget hotels pricing similar to the hostels. They often charge per person, not per room, which is a big help for the solo traveler. Tune Hotels will work for the London part of your trip, but they are not in...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Former Member ·
also keeps you from being called unflattering names behind your back. No worries - I find that people don't mind calling me unflattering news to my face Dave B. has given this issue a lot of good thought. My policy in the US is to tip 15 percent for adequate service. I add and subtract 5 percent from there, depending. According to the guidebooks, many servers outside of the US are paid professional wages. In that case, we do not tip, but simply round up the bill. Hope that this is not wrong.

Re: Best Outdoor Workout Spots?

Former Member ·
We travel indie style, taking public transport whenever possible. Jumping on and off buses and trains with luggage takes a certain level of physical fitness. We try to start trips in good shape because, if not, we shape up the hard way with all of that walking to bus stops and running for trains. You have not really lived until you have jumped, with bags, at the last possible instance, to catch the ferry behind Amsterdam Centraal just before it pulls away from the dock.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Former Member ·
This story is a delight. Thanks for posting this. One reads about cases in which customs ceases endangered animals in transport. Perhaps this is ibe reason - some of that cargo is going via Lufthansa Cargo and passing through the Frankfurt Animal Lounge. So that is important work that they are doing there. They both keep the animals safe in transit and look out for those who should not be shipped at all. DrFumblefinger - The pony looks very healthy. You must know a lot about animals. Do you...

Re: For those who hate Heathrow, Gatwick plans new allure

PortMoresby ·
Maybe part of a proposal for Heathrow could include making it less complex to negotiate. I've never had a problem with it, although I know it's the airport people love to hate. Never having flown into Gatwick, I can't compare. The other 2 I have used are Stansted & Luton, but, like Gatwick, transport to them is limited compared to Heathrow. I'd prefer they get it all right at one, rather than have 4 less than convenient. Maybe I'll just charter a plane and go into City next time, which I...

Re: London- multiple questions

chickpea ·
Thank you for all of the information. I am finally ready to finalize some things since we leave at the end of this month! We have decided not to do Liverpool...seems like we should come back and do that someday. I am thinking the Megabus option may be the way to go to Salisbury and catch the shuttle to Stonehenge from there. That way we can see the cathedral while we are there. Do you know if it is a short walk to the cathedral or will we need to take a taxi from the Megabus stop? Do you...

Re: Back to the Future: Transit Ridership Keeps on Rising

Travel Rob ·
Besides traveling, I never really used public transport on a daily basis until last year.Gas prices in recent years I think have driven me and others to not use the car as much.I dont really miss using a car daily, but I do miss taking as many car roadtrips.I wonder if daytrips by car is down too?

Re: How loooong does it take to get to your airport?

TravelGirlJenn ·
I think it depends on where one lives. Yes, those three cities may be faster; however should someone live IN Oakland, it may take them mere minutes using public transportation to get to the Oakland airport. And, using Oakland as an example, it takes me less time to get to the Oakland airport from my house using public transport than it would if I were to take my car simply because of traffic. However, to travel to my home to San Francisco (SFO) it is actually longer to take public transport...

Re: Airlines defend holding onto fuel surcharges

GarryRF ·
Yes Paul. We've been paying for the 3 mile tunnel under the River Mersey for 50 years. It was supposed to be free 2 years ago - fully paid for. We're still paying now - with an increase to subsidise better public transport. Again - I smell a rat in the kitchen. A greedy one as well

Re: Finally a Cheap Way to Get From CDG Airport to Paris

PortMoresby ·
Rob, thanks for this, and for the information on the site on their transport to London's Luton & Stansted Airports as well, which I've always found a nuisance compared to LHR.

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

IslandMan ·
very informative and useful article, PHeymont. Yes, I can relate with most of this, especially trying to make connections with only minutes to spare. We've now taken to seeking alternative forms of transport like trains and buses just to avoid airports!

Re: Safety tip: Hold that Instagram!

Amateuremigrant ·
Another angle to this came to the front of my mind recently. A female friend is doing a solo walk along a long distance trail through very unpopulated areas. She attracted a lot of followers from her Instagram prepping, but soon became aware of a group of supportive women hikers advising her about known unwanted followers. In particular she was advised not to post locations until they were long past so it would be more difficult to track her movements. This could equally apply to any form of...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

DrFumblefinger ·
What a mess. The very agency that is to protect citizens from terrorist activity is creating an environment wherein "tent communities" are springing up at America's airports. How embarrassing is that. Talk about a target rich environment for the bad guys. The TSA's funding, even with "cuts", is about US$ 7.3 billion for 2016. In contrast, Canada, which has 1/10th the population of the USA, has an airport screening budget of about CDN $0.56 billion, and Transport Canada acknowledges it has...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

Paul Heymont ·
To be fair to the TSA (which I find hard to do), the $7.3 billion is not all for screening, only about half is. That said, while airports are looking to outsource the screening, maybe they should hire Transport Canada! As for the PreCheck point: TSA can't seem to make up its mind. When it started, they semi-randomly selected 'extra' people to go through it, on the theory that they would like it enough to buy it—and some did, but not enough. Then the people who had paid for it started to...

Re: Vienna's Naschmarkt: 500 years of food

GarryRF ·
A wonderful display of fruit and vegetables Paul. No - never too many photos. I could be there myself ! Really enjoyed that excursion into epicurean delights. Not so sure about some of those prices, but they certainly looked fresh as could be. I'm just going back for another look - I'm sure I could smell the Pataks Curry ! The Stinkefrucht "Dorien" comes from Singapore as your photo says. But if you take it on public transport there - you will be pushed off the bus !. You may see it hanging...



Re: Romania-top 10 destinations of 2014

Former Member ·
If you want to visit Europe, you can also visit Romania and try the Transylvania Citadels itinerary which you can find on the site of Expert Travel agency I'll recommend this one because is kinda cheap and you'll learn new things about Romania and the medieval times. The itinerary consists in 3 days of travel with bus transport, accommodation in 3* guesthouse or hotel and a tour-guide. Also this tour will be made in group of 20-40 people.

Re: Finding Reiner #2: Chasing Ghosts

HistoryDigger ·
Merci encore une fois, Vivie. Je suis sur le point de partir. Thanks for reading. I'm about to depart. Hope you'll follow along.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
UPDATE ON REPLACING AN iPHONE 5 IN EUROPE: Cologne's Apple store didn't have a US iPhone 5 in stock and the technician offered to order one for us. However, the phone would not arrive for a week, and we would be in London by then. So we made an Apple store genius bar appointment at London's Stratford City-Westfield location near the Olympic Park. WARNING: we made this appointment a week in advance, which is standard for Genius Bar schedules in Europe. (For laptop appointments, the wait is...
Blog Post

$118 Round Trip- NYC to Charleston,SC

Travel Rob ·
December is really turning out to be a great time to buy tickets for spring.   Below is one example of Jet Blues current sales. $118 round trip- NYC to Charleston. A lot of dates available .   Buy  while this sale is on . DEPART WED,...
Blog Post

FAA: Now you can use electronics gate-to-gate

Paul Heymont ·
Government safety rules are changing to let airline passengers use most electronic devices from gate-to-gate.Government safety rules are changing to let airline passengers use most electronic devices from gate-to-gate. The change will let...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 8, 2015: Toledo and Madrid

Non Stop Destination ·
  My first solo trip was to Madrid and Toledo in Spain.  I had been travelling for years, but always in a group.  This time I was on my own, and a little petrified.  I shouldn't have been as Madrid is easy to get around and the...
Blog Post

$399.00 RT Per Person -New York to Milan

Travel Rob ·
This is a good sale on Emirates ,a high rated airline. You must buy two tickets for this price.  I saw this-Feb 8 to Feb 16 $399.00 per person total when you buy two tickets. Read More:...
Blog Post

Cold in Canada? Good Fares to Hawaii

Travel Rob ·
Here is a good deal from Calgary to Honolulu round trip  on United.Feb4- Feb11 494.91 Canadian dollars( $ 413.32 US Dollars )If you check the  round trip price from Denver- where the connection is- it's a lot higher. There are other...
Blog Post

A summer trip to Valencia, Spain

Andre Pur ·
Last Summer, in 2014, I went on an internship program in Valencia, Spain. My internship took place in a nice hotel near the center of the town and lasted 3 months.  While I was there I could visit and enjoy many touristic points while also...
Blog Post

Ambitious Plans Presented For High -Speed Train & Mega Road to Link Europe to Asia

Travel Rob ·
In the future,will you be able to take a high speed train and or drive a modern road from Europe to Asia or even Europe to the US? Some ambitious plans were presented at the Russian Academy of Science. Vladimir Yakunin ,head of the Russian Railways ,...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

PortMoresby ·
  March 13, 2015    I was born in San Francisco and it was the only place I wanted to be on this ending-in-zero birthday.  More specifically, in Chinatown, like China, but better in some ways.  I’ve loved it for as long...
Blog Post

Air Europa buys 22 new 787s

DrFumblefinger ·
Air Europa, a private Spanish air carrier, has submitted a purchase order to Boeing for a total of 22 of its popular 787 aircraft, replacements for its aging Airbus 330 fleet.  The rollout of the aircraft will occur over the next several...
Blog Post

Visiting Santiago de Cuba

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I really had no idea what to expect of  Santiago de Cuba , afterall the next biggest city in Cuba is always overshadowed by Havana. So Santiago was going to surprise us - it could only leave a good or a bad impression right? We showed...
Blog Post

Traveler advocates ask DOT to cap change fees

Paul Heymont · has petitioned the Federal Department of Transportation to put a $100 cap on change fees for international flights. The fees, which used to run around $50 to $100 now go as high as $750, and the group says they have no relation to the...
Blog Post

Columbus Antiquities Discovered in the Unlikeliest of Places

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Who would have thought a great collection of Christopher Columbus artifacts could be found in a small Pennsylvania town. Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares her discovery!
Blog Post

Bridge not far enough, Take 2

Paul Heymont ·
Norway and Russia dedicate a new road link in the far north, but 400 meters of road to complete the link are waiting for diplomatic decisions.
Blog Post

London to cancel Uber's license

Paul Heymont ·
Uber's license to operate as a transit service in London is being revoked by the city over a number of concerns, but the company denies them.
Blog Post

Back to Oaxaca: Hoofing It, El Picacho & Teotitlan

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby sets out on the first of several walks in the countryside of southern Mexico, ending in a Zapotec weaving village.
Blog Post

November 15, 2017: Liechtenstein Castle, Lower Austria

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe shares images of a lovely castle built in the 12th century by the Liechtenstein (yes, the ones with the tiny country named after them).
Blog Post

Svartisdal, Norway, Part 2

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell continues his tale of visits to the Svartisdal region in Norway, and some of the potential perils of hiking around this beautiful piece of geography.
Blog Post

New airport kiosks know where they're needed

Paul Heymont ·
Star Wars, meet the airport. Sita Labs intelligent kiosks can not only check you in and take your bags—they know where to go to greet you.
Blog Post

Why Zurich Is The Place To Be In Summer

Roger T ·
Roger T makes an excellent case why Zurich (especially during its short but beautiful summer) should be on your travel list!
Blog Post

They've got a ticket to ride—to every station in UK

Paul Heymont ·
A British couple, looking for a cheer-me-up is spending 3 months riding to or through every railroad station in Great Britain.
Blog Post

Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Budapest to Kiev

Wilbur's Travels ·
Do you love unusual train journeys as much as Wilbur does? Check out this fascinating adventure through eastern Europe.
Blog Post

With 'rescue' plan dead, future looks grim for Alitalia

Paul Heymont ·
With the latest 'rescue' plan turned down by employees and the Italian government unwilling to offer a bailout, Alitalia's situation looks grave.
Blog Post

Venice and Tourists: New plan mixes carrots and sticks

Paul Heymont ·
Venice is using a mixture of carrots and sticks to try to reduce the crush of tourists by spreading out the load.
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Journey through Karnataka: Hampi

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's fascinating journey through the Karnataka region continues with an exploration of the fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hampi.
Blog Post

A Visit to Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum

Samantha ·
Join Samantha on a visit to the memorial for the 168 who died when a right-wing terrorist destroyed a federal office building in 1995.