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Tagged With "reservations"


Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

Marilyn Jones ·
I too went on a tiger safari in India. What a thrill to see one of these magnificent cats. Your photos are excellent!

Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, Marilyn. Tigers sure are magnificent any place you see them. But to watch them hunt was a very special experience.

Re: December 6, 2019: Mkhaya Game Reserve, eSwatini

DrFumblefinger ·
Some terrific photos, Professor!

Re: December 6, 2019: Mkhaya Game Reserve, eSwatini

Professorabe ·
The experience will stay with me for a very long time. I never expected to see so many rhinos and get so close to them.
Blog Post

TripAdvisor reserves a table in Portugal

Paul Heymont ·
TripAdvisor, which bought European restaurant reservation LaFourchette a year ago and has picked up several others since then, has now acquired BestTables in Portugal, which also books seats for a number of restaurants in Brazil.    ...
Blog Post

AA, USAir: Next step, combining reservations

Paul Heymont ·
USAir, AA planes at Washington on the morning of their 2013 merger. That was the easy part...   Now that American/USAir is past the legal hurdles, tidied up labor contracts, and merged the loyalty programs, they're ready for the big one: merging...
Blog Post

OpenTable "re-brands" and spreads its reach

Paul Heymont ·
OpenTable, the online restaurant reservation service acquired 9 months ago by Priceline, is starting to show off its new directions and ambitions. First up, a new logo and slogan. The logo is a stylized round table and seat; the slogan gives a broad...
Blog Post

Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve

Marilyn Jones ·
      My adventure in Kenya begins in Maasai Mara, widely considered to be Africa’s greatest wildlife reserve. With more than 200 square miles of open plains, woodlands and riverine forest, the Mara is joined by privately-owned...
Blog Post

Finding Nature in England: Holkham National Reserve

Kirsten Hines ·
Kirsten Hines continues her voyage of natural discovery in England, this week with a stop at Holkham National Nature Reserve.
Blog Post

Finding Nature at England’s Holkham National Nature Reserve: Spring Hares

Kirsten Hines ·
Kirsten Hines' series on exploring nature in England continues, this week finding some "boxing" hares in coastal sand dunes. What does it mean? Read on to find out.
Blog Post

September 11, 2017: Wild Elephants at Periyar Tiger Reserve

Professorabe ·
A last minute encounter with a group of elephants turned an otherwise disappointing afternoon on safari into a cherished memory.
Blog Post

On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger goes on a safari in India, his quest to spot the elusive tiger. Mission accomplished!
Blog Post

December 6, 2019: Mkhaya Game Reserve, eSwatini

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe shares some terrific photos of wildlife from the newly-named country of Eswatini. Successful rhino conservation is a highlight of his visit to Mkhaya Game Reserve!
Blog Post

Chase's new card: Big bonus, big benefits - Right for you?

Paul Heymont ·
Chase is offering a big bonus and big benefits...but check carefully to see if it's the card for you because it also has a big fee!
Blog Post

July 8, 2016: Swans and Cygneets, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Some photos of Swan and Cygnets, Hollywell Nature Reserve, Northumberland, UK.
Blog Post

More hotels push for direct booking

Paul Heymont ·
A growing number of hotels are offering discounts and free Wi-Fi when customers book direct.
Blog Post

Air consumer protections at stake in Senate

Paul Heymont ·
The U.S. Senate is working on a transporation bill that contains language that would prohibit the Department of Transportation from enforcing rules that allow you to cancel an airline ticket within 24 hours, or to hold the fare for 24 hours before...
Blog Post

Grey Seals, Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Grey seals from Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, U.K.

Re: Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve

GarryRF ·
Amazing pictures! I always wondered about the accommodation when you go on safari. Not quite living "rough" is it ? Very nice indeed. Recognise myself in that yawning photo ! My kids prefer "Glamping" to Camping. Enjoyed this blog - thanks.

Re: Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you! It was a fascinating experience getting so close to the wild animals!! And the camps were so luxurious! Maybe your kids like to camp, but I'll bet you'd love to glamp!!!

Re: Finding Nature at England’s Holkham National Nature Reserve: Spring Hares

GarryRF ·
Sounds like a human relationship - but with less glitter and alcohol !

Re: More hotels push for direct booking

Travel Rob ·
I still don't know if it's any cheaper booking direct. For instance, on Hyatt site , It's 10% off is off standard rates. I often see higher % discounts on for Hyatt hotels.

Re: Grey Seals, Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, Northumberland

Marilyn Jones ·
I love this post! The grey seals are adorable! You really captured them expertly; well done!!

Re: Grey Seals, Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, Northumberland

DrFumblefinger ·
Seals always seem to be having such a wonderful time! As Marilyn mentioned -- beautifully captured, Ian -- thanks for sharing these with us.
Blog Post

West Coast of Kauai, Hawaii

DrFumblefinger ·
Some scenes of the mountainous coast of western Kauai.
Blog Post

Where Elephants Rule

Judy Barford ·
This pesky pachyderm gave Judy the opportunity for some action photos.
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Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Barry Barford ·
Sabi Sand shares a border with Kruger National Park, a 50-kilometre unfenced boundary across which wildlife is free to wander.

Re: Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Marilyn Jones ·
I love South Africa. I really enjoyed your narrative and photos!

Re: Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Barry Barford ·
Thank you, Marilyn, nowhere quite like Africa.
Blog Post

Armstrong Redwoods State Nature Reserve, Guerneville, California

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L explores Sonoma's redwood forest