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Tagged With "airport design"


Re: Best and Worst U.S. airports: No surprises

GarryRF ·
I believe Airports should be judged solely on whether you had a pleasant experience. There is no way Orlando isn't in the Top10. New York is a disgrace. But I pass through as an alien - US residents see no problem. Philadelphia is a dream. Excellent Airport.

Re: Just how much tax is in your ticket?

Ron B. ·
My recent, free Air France ticket - LA to Paris to Barcelona and then Venice to Paris to LA the tax was $577.97.

Re: Just how much tax is in your ticket?

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Ron B.: My recent, free Air France ticket - LA to Paris to Barcelona and then Venice to Paris to LA the tax was $577.97. That's a lot of travel, Ron, but it certainly makes one relook at the definition of "free".

Re: Dale Chihuly at the New York Botanical Garden

seesaw ·
Looks like a very enchanting exhibit. I really like the rectangles in the reflecting pool...clever design!

Re: October 12, 2016: Randy's Donuts

DrFumblefinger ·
Yummmmm. Randy's donuts are great!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

WorkerBee ·
The design details of this structure indicate to me that it is Roman. Unfortunately, remains of at least 230 amphitheaters built by the Romans have been found. Of these, dozens are sufficiently intact to provide the type of access shown in the pic. A few are in better condition throughout than this one. A very few are still in use!

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
I believe you can tell a great deal about someone from what they leave behind. On a visit to Monticello I was struck by the design of the house and the distinct sensibility it indicated regarding the creative mind of it's designer. I bought a sundial in the gift shop and am reminded of the man every time I look at it.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
So far we've only had one stab at the solution, by member Andredeya ( Florida- Miami Design Preservation League- Beach Patrol Headquarters Building). Appreciate the effort, Andredeya, but that is not the correct solution. So I'm offering up two additional clues today: This is a view of the interior of the hotel, again with strong nautical influence And this is the view south from the hotel's pool. The next piece of real estate to the south is Antarctica. So, where in the world is Gumbo?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #5.5

WorkerBee ·
Interesting clues here but nothing definitive. The vegetation growing through the cobblestones might indicate a moderate climate throughout the year. This path appears to be residential and not one frequented by tourists. Maybe Mediterranean or a colonial city in the Americas. The cobblestones are on the small side and are more common, I think, in southern Europe. Also the light fixtures are a modern design and not typical of a city trying very hard to preserve the old look and feel of the...

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
T&N, you make an interesting point about the air circulation and coolness of Eiffel's building. These days we are constantly reading about advances in "green design," intended to reduce excess energy use. Ironic how well some of those principles of making life bearable were known so long ago by those who didn't have the option of mechanical air-conditioning! Another example is in today's blog about Gaudi's Casa Battlo in Barcelona, which uses an open well through the center of the...

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

GarryRF ·
The most popular car in the world is believed to be Czech. The plans for the VW Beetle (similar to the T97 above) were found by the invading forces and were presented to Adolf who then laid claim to it being a German design. Czech cars in Europe are very popular and reliable. Skoda Superb

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, there are a number of different stories of how Ferdnand Porsche, under Hitler's direction, designed the Beetle. Another fascinating possibility surfaced last year in the Daily Mail (UK), showing similarities to a project by a German Jewish engineer, Josef Ganz, which Hitler saw at an auto show in 1933. Another aspect: the sort of streamlined design represented in all of these cars was not a unique design at the time; aerodynamic research was starting to have an effect on car design...

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

Paul Heymont ·
It's interesting how we perceive age. In the U.S., we have few buildings over 200 years old, while in other places buildings older than that are part of the housing stock. And here we have a building of intricate design and decoration old enough that we hardly know any of the history of its builders. A reminder to us how much there is to see and know that is beyond our daily lives. Thank you for the tour!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

DrFumblefinger ·
Canadian legislative buildings are of similar design as well. Sure it's not one of those?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Canadian legislative buildings are of similar design as well. Sure it's not one of those? Hmmm. It is snowy enough. And there are also several other snow belt states' capitol buildings that have similar domes. However, since Utah is the beehive state I will stick with my original guess.

Re: World's most dangerous airport? Would you land here? Lukla, Nepal

PortMoresby ·
Your pictures remind me very much of the Shimla Airport, same end of runway in space, same commitment required by pilot and passengers alike. The plane was tiny, I sat immediately behind the pilot, a Sikh with headphones perched atop his turban rather than over his ears, unique in my experience. The view was a bit too immediate for my liking but we made it off just fine and bounced in the heat all the way to Delhi. Thanks for the memory, DrF.

Re: World's most dangerous airport? Would you land here? Lukla, Nepal

Paul Heymont ·
I try not to let any aspect of travel faze me, but I'm perfectly happy to have watched the video and call it a day on that one!

Re: controversial architecture? - Parasol Sevilla

JohnT ·
The building was commissioned to revitalise the area in the early 2000's. It holds a public market now. There are multiple levels where you can sit/look out etc. Other than that I believe it is a design piece first and foremost.

Re: Holiday Flying: How to Beat the Wrap

PortMoresby ·
Just a note of caution, if, as PHeymont suggests, the airport mall tempts you to pick up holiday cheer and other liquids, don't forget connections and possible second trips through security. Just because you bought it at the airport doesn't mean they won't snag it if you have to leave airside to get to your connection. I can imagine very well supplied TSA holiday parties courtesy of some chagrined passengers.

Re: Holiday Flying: How to Beat the Wrap

Paul Heymont ·
PM is right, and the caution applies especially to liquids. There are some exceptions for duty-free items sealed in special bags, but not always.

Re: Holiday Flying: How to Beat the Wrap

Former Member ·
Thanks for the good information. I would not have thought about the airport mall, Amazon Locker or the big box stores. Those are terrific ideas. I have given up on gift wrapping and just toss a few colorful gift bags and some tissue paper into my luggage. Later, I put the gifts in the bags for the big "reveal" for the recipient.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger- I couldn't pull up that link.Does a person need to be a Wall St Journal Subscriber? Frankfurt's airport is also pretty nice for people.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

DrFumblefinger ·
That's strange TravelRob, because I run into the same issue today, while yesterday it loaded fine (and free, I don't subscribe to the WSJ). You can hear about it in the free podcast. I've added the link to this above.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Former Member ·
This story is a delight. Thanks for posting this. One reads about cases in which customs ceases endangered animals in transport. Perhaps this is ibe reason - some of that cargo is going via Lufthansa Cargo and passing through the Frankfurt Animal Lounge. So that is important work that they are doing there. They both keep the animals safe in transit and look out for those who should not be shipped at all. DrFumblefinger - The pony looks very healthy. You must know a lot about animals. Do you...

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Voyager. I did find the piece about animals in transit interesting. I know a little about animals. It's my wife who is the Dr. Doolittle. She loves them in all sizes and shapes and they seem to like and understand her.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Former Member ·
they seem to like and understand her. Animals - including birds - know who the "friendlies" are. Must be an innate trait for survival.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Theodore Behr ·
That's a cool story! I work in showbiz (behind the scenes stuff) and there's a great movie or series to made from this.

Re: Shipping Container as Your Next Hotel Room or Apartment ?!

PortMoresby ·
I'm a big fan of the industrial esthetic in design. I'm trying to get a handle on the "sleeping around" part, the hotel. It sounds as if, although I can't find exact wording to that effect, they move the rooms from one location to another periodically, calling it "pop-up". If that's the case, I'm not sure I see a purpose unless they can't afford to produce more and are encouraging guests to think of it as a benefit. The website also says they're taking a break so maybe that, too, is a...

Re: Shipping Container as Your Next Hotel Room or Apartment ?!

Travel Rob ·
I loved the design of the South African Student Housing.It was pretty cool. I hope someone can post their own photos of them on TG. As for the hotel, I'm guessing that would go good in places were there is only a seasonal demand . I imagine local laws might get in the way. I'd try it though if the price is right

Re: Denver airport leads the charge for your phones

DrFumblefinger ·
Having traveled to Denver in the past month, I'll vouch for that fact there a lot of places to charge your devices. And there are still lots of gates that completely lack chargers, so they still have a long way to go. The free wifi at Denver is quite fast and widely available. Much appreciate! I think this should be a top priority for all airlines -- places to charge that phone and iPad before you fly. It would be good if the consumer organizations provided comparative scores.

Re: "Doggie-Door" makes lockers easier to use

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a good and useful idea. Kudos to the Doggy Travel locker door.

Re: "Doggie-Door" makes lockers easier to use

Travel Rob ·
Great idea!

Re: Look both ways...

DrFumblefinger ·
Classic sign!

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
You must be civilised in Canada too - cricket ! The original design for Central Park NY was made here - near Liverpool UK Birkenhead Park. Same guy did both. Just a bit smaller. We're a bit pushed for space over here !

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted won a design competition to improve and expand Central Park with a plan he entitled the Greensward Plan . 8 years AFTER Olmsted visited the Peoples Garden - Birkenhead Park England. He said "that in democratic America there was nothing to be thought of as comparable with this People’s Garden" So he took the plans back to New York. Entered the Central Park competition 8 years later. And won using Paxton plans from the Peoples Garden in England as a guide.

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
Apr 13, 2013 The boss of New York’s Central Park hailed his first visit to Birkenhead Park which inspired its design as “a dream come true” Doug Blonsky, president and chief executive of the New York Central Park said: “You drive around Birkenhead Park and there is no question that the physical similarities between here and Central Park are there" “To come here and take a look at it is a dream come true for me."

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#76)

Paul Heymont ·
Here's something to chew on... 1. We're looking at North America 2. The steeple is far newer than the church, but it's design is older...

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 2) The King's chariots

DrFumblefinger ·
Just a short post-pubication note. Apparently the estate has the two airplanes for sale now. Not sure how this will impact visitation, but the Lisa Marie is especially interesting because of the thought and design Elvis put into its renovation.

Re: Taos NM - Indian, Mexican, and Yarn

Jonathan L ·
Going to Taos, for me is a lot like going to Banff. How long you want to stay depends on how much you want to do. I would say 2-3 days minimum to get a feel for the town AND go to the Taos Pueblo, which I didn't write about because we didn't have time to go this trip. The Pueblo is a must see. The rest depends on how many hikes and river rafting trips and other outdoor stuff you want to do. As for the tee-shirt, well, it wasn't design for men orginaly so......

Re: Chicago's Harold Washington Library: Where Gumbo Was (#59)

Travel Rob ·
I thought it looked like a newer building but I love the design!

Re: The Reason To Love Cambodia

Paul Heymont ·
So often people travel without real contact with the ordinary people around them...makes moments like yours very special! thanks!

Re: The Reason To Love Cambodia

DrFumblefinger ·
Somehow I have no difficulty imagining the seems to fit your nature perfectly, TravelwithLamb. A nice travel moment, thanks!

Re: Picturing Dolls in Different Places?

PortMoresby ·
Google search:

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
Have the guessers given up? Perish forbid. Here's a hint to get the juices going... This station, in a city that has two rail mass transit systems, is near a well-known center of design and crafts.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
CALLING ALL GUESSERS! Tomorrow is Day 7 for this puzzle, and if no one has the answer by midnight, the Puzzler gets to gloat (just a little) and the answer will be revealed Sunday morning...but wouldn't it look good with your name as the solver? Let's see if you can get 'er done! Last hints/notes: 1. Two more cities with dual heavy-rail transit systems: Philadelphia and San Francisco. Not that that's relevant to the puzzle, because Gumbo is, yes, definitely in Europe. 2. Where (see early...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Lynn Millar ·
Sorry, I've been on pain meds this week. All I see are Xs and Os. Design and craft center?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
The station shares a name and some history with a nearby center that houses numbers of design and craft spots, and whose design exemplifies some. But the station is not the center!

Re: Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

GarryRF ·
Fascinating look at some American history Rob. I enjoy seeing the similarities in architecture. Many European and American buildings share a common design. It's always interesting to see where the style came from. Each building has a story to tell. Interesting subject Rob.

Re: More WiFi in NYC Subway...soon...maybe.

Paul Heymont ·
Transit Wireless is a company formed for this project; it's owned by the phone and data carriers, which have paid part of the costs. The other revenue stream is the potential for advertising, and also sponsorships ("WiFi at this station is sponsored by...") Everything here seems to be a big to-do; we've been on lots of European systems that have had full service, including tunnels, for quite a while. We're also way behind on "train will arrive" signs, because the NYCTA way is to design from...

Re: Hotel rooms for Millennials

DrFumblefinger ·
I have seen the future. And the future has hotel rooms that are 90% bed (by surface area), 9% flat screen tv, 1% room for walking. No room for anything else. Except for the TV part, it could have ben Caligula's design.