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Tagged With "Thomas Cook"


Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 19, 2014: Bouillabaise

Travel Rob ·
Another reason to go back to Marseilles!I hadnt even given thought to go fishing in the natural harbors of the Calanques.Who's going to cook my catch?

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Travel Rob ·
Thanks ,it truly is a highlight of any trip to the area.I loved the Location and setting of the house.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Paul Heymont ·
Jefferson has always been a fascinating and difficult character, with many sides to his life and work. Aside from the Monticello and other designs, he was also a pioneer agriculturalist, importing many varieties of flowers and vegetables, and improving them by breeding. But for me, the hardest task, mentally and emotionally, is to reconcile the brilliant political and philosophical words with an absolute refusal to even question the institution of slavery, when many others of his time in...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, I never try to judge historic figures through the prism of modern values. Remember in the 18th century slavery was a global institution -- absolutely every country in the world had slaves. And being from Virginia, he knew the southern states wouldn't join northern colonies in forming a new country without slavery being allowed, so I don't think he thought it was time to fight that fight. I think he valued the formation of the new country above all else -- risking his life to do so...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Paul Heymont ·
I would agree that presentism is a real danger for historians...but without wanting to veer this discussion too far off course, you'll note that I cited two of his close colleagues and acquaintances in Virginia alone, not to mention Lafayette and many others IN HIS TIME AND ACQUAINTANCE who had already concluded that it was time, and many others were acting on it. It was an active debate in his time and place, he was aware of it, and sadly...he took the wrong side.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

DrFumblefinger ·
I agree his side was not the right one, PHeymont, but I also believe of greatest importance for him was forming the new country. I don't think we'll ever know his personal feelings about slavery because he didn't write about them.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
I believe you can tell a great deal about someone from what they leave behind. On a visit to Monticello I was struck by the design of the house and the distinct sensibility it indicated regarding the creative mind of it's designer. I bought a sundial in the gift shop and am reminded of the man every time I look at it.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
Regarding his feeling about slavery, I have no doubt, because of the nature of the man as shown by the things he did write, he was conflicted. And while he seems never to have come to a personal solution I don't believe, either, that his lack of action was de facto support for the institution. Sometimes there just isn't time to resolve one's own conflicts and be a father of a new nation too. We may be asking too much of human beings if we expect tidy packages and complete resolutions in 1 ...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Hank ·
I visited Monticello as a kid and enjoyed the views. I need to go back now and look at the architecture here and especially at the U of V in more detail. My favorite John Kennedy quote (to his staff at a dinner in the White HOuse) I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. Read more at

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
CICAK, may I suggest you encourage your wife to see the big picture. When you're in a hotel room you are not required to savage the minibar. When you're in an apartment you aren't required to cook. The kitchen just exists quietly should you desire it. What you're there for is to spread out, have privacy with all the comforts of home, possibly be in a more interesting neighborhood & surrounded by people who interest you and who may even be interested in you and any number of other...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

Theodore Behr ·
Good tips about Google Maps street view. I guess I should have thought of it, like as a good way to scout out an area. But I guess I still don't know if that is a safe area. How can you see of a place is safe. PortMoresby has a good point. I like having space in a room and being able to spread out. That doesn't mean you have to cook.

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

arion ·
Of course, you don't have to cook. But it is nice to make a pot of coffee in the morning and eat nice warm croissants fetched from the bakery down the street, before you venture out into the city. It's also pleasant once in a while when you are tired at day's end to pick up something to heat in the microwave and maybe a bottle of decent wine for only a few euro, and sit with feet up and watch TV. Ahhh....

Re: Spark Street Performers, Alnwick, Northumberland

George G. ·
AMAZING ! I just wish I had 1% of the photographic talent of Ian Cook. I look forward to every photo post from him.

Re: Spark Street Performers, Alnwick, Northumberland

DrFumblefinger ·
I agree, George. Ian's posts are always a treat and enjoyed by many. I appreciate how generous Ian is in sharing his beautiful photos with us.

Re: Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

GarryRF ·
What an extravaganza of colours ! That's the type of market I love. All the fresh produce in front of the counter so you can select your own choice. When I'm on the road touring I have to be reminded that I cant cook all those delicious vegetables. There's a few there I couldn't name - never seen them before ! Wonderful display !

Re: Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

Andre Pur ·
My favourite ones are: Voronet Monastery for its beautiful blue painting and the Black Church because is near my living place . About the Easter Holiday yes it is a wonderful time in my country, almost because we cook a lot of great and tasty food specific for this time of the year. I will post another article later these days with our food traditions maybe you would like it

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook charter flight Paul. I think they give 31" per seat. (Says on my ticket) So I've gone for the extra space.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Paul Heymont ·
Was just reading in the Telegraph this week that Thomas Cook is the most-complained-about airline in the UK...hope they give YOU no reason!

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook do charter flights - they sell you a complete vacation. Hotel, food, car rental, adventure tours from your hotel and flights. Probably find something in there that's not up to scratch. But complain ? No... not I. I'm looking forward to your report from Berlin. Maybe we'll do a long weekend from Liverpool to Schoenefeld (nr. Berlin) Easy Jet do it for £25 - £45 each way. And for that price I'll sit on the wing for 2 hours !! Would TravelGumbo sponsor you to write a report on this...

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Was just reading in the Telegraph this week that Thomas Cook is the most-complained-about airline in the UK...hope they give YOU no reason! What struck me when I saw that article is that Ryanair was the least complained about airline of the 37 listed.

Re: Wadsworth Atheneum - Hartford CT

HistoryDigger ·
I loved going when I was a college student. Recently I discovered that these Wadsworths are in my family tree. So glad my ancestors appreciated beautiful art.

Re: Wadsworth Atheneum - Hartford CT

Paul Heymont ·
Nice! We've also enjoyed the Wadsworth...which makes a nice break in a trip between NY and Boston, as well. It's also hosted some interesting temporary exhibits that have made it worth a trip of its own.

Re: June 23, 2016: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I like this memorial, especially at night time, when the bronze figure of Jefferson really stands out against the light colored dome. Thanks, Ottoman!

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

Travel Rob ·
A great piece! Amazing to me how some of the best products of their day were not built commercially . Even when they were, sometimes they were not successful. Cars like the GE-100 are great examples of that. A true find and thanks for teaching us more!

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

DrFumblefinger ·
Love it! Exactly the type of finding that makes a trip memorable. Something proponents of electric cars seem to forget or choose to ignore -- where does the electricity come from? Currently mostly from coal and oil fired plants, so the practical side of having them for most doesn't currently make that much sense (might as well burn the oil product in the car engine, right). But I am hopeful that was energy technology improves, as it surely will, we'll develop better ways of charging these...

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

Paul Heymont ·
The argument, and I'm not informed enough to judge it, is that the amount of fossil fuel needed to generate electricity for a plug-in is far less than that required to run a gasoline engine. The same sort of argument that points out that a gallon of fuel moves far more freight on a diesel train than a diesel truck. On the other hand, that's about plug-in cars. For hybrids, it's a different story because the batteries charge while the car is running on gas. So less gas is used than using gas...

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

DrFumblefinger ·
As I understand it, with hybrids the batteries charge when the car brakes are applied (transferring the energy of moving to the battery), so they're especially well adapted to city driving in places with lots of stop signs and traffic lights. Less useful for driving on open road because you don't brake often. So living in Brooklyn, I think the hybrid would be a reasonable choice for you. I don't think battery technology is anywhere near "ripe" yet, but as with the Mercury and Gemini...

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

Paul Heymont ·
Much further to go, of course, but even in a highway driving situation (and a city/highway mix), hybrids are generally cheaper to run than their gas-only counterparts. That's Camry vs Camry hybrid, for example, not Corolla vs Prius.

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

Paul Heymont ·
A little further research confirms what I thought: at least in the Toyota and Ford hybrids, the gasoline engine powers a generator/charger while in use. That's in addition to the power captured from braking.

Re: Museum find: GE's 'missing' electric car

DrFumblefinger ·
I have some friends with a Prius, and their greatest fuel efficiency comes when driving in the city, not on the highway. Paradoxical, but it shows how good the braking is at building up a charge. Good to know there is a backup generator. While the hybrids save on fuel, they also cost thousands of dollars more than their non hybrid counterparts. For an average consumer, it takes many years to recapture that extra cost for the hybrid on fuel savings, if they ever will. And there's the issue of...

Re: Anatomy of a Trip, Oaxaca: Food

DrFumblefinger ·
That was a delicious piece -- my favorite in this series so far --and your photos of your food made me want to eat Mexican tonight. Sadly, Canadians just don't know how to cook Mexican food.

Swara Segal

Swara Segal

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Re: Name Your Favorite Restaurants for Atmosphere, Past or Present

PortMoresby ·
For the sake of the memory I'm going to add another place here where I had possibly the best meal of my life. I cannot tell you the name of it or if it had a name or even where it is exactly, somewhere along the country road between Jinghong (Yunnan, China) and the Burma border. I'd hired a guide/driver to take me to the tribal market, famous in those parts, and on the way back suggested we stop for lunch. I'm one of those who believe regional Chinese is the best food in the world and this...

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

GarryRF ·
The views of other Governments regarding APD are irrelevant. They are trying to take business away from the UK because they have failing airlines and airports. Other EU Countries are giving financial support to their airlines - against EU Rules of fair competition. Meanwhile the UK leading Tour Operator "Thomas Cook" has started taking delivery of 23 new Airbus 321 Aircraft ready for next year.

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Paul Heymont ·
GarryRF... I should have mentioned is possibly the oldest continuous in the U.S. I'm glad you enjoy finding the exotic-to-you, routine-to-us items, because that's what I love to do when I travel (it's one of the blessings of renting apartments: you can cook as well as look!) Of course, occasionally reading gives me a clue in advance; Agatha Christie taught me ahead of time what a "vegetable marrow" is...

Re: Hawaii: Coping with Hurricane Ana

DrFumblefinger ·
That flag must have been inspired by Captain Cook. And we all know what happened to him on these islands....(if you don't, google it).

Re: Hawaii: Coping with Hurricane Ana

GarryRF ·
The Flag was adopted 70 years after the death of Cook. It was designed by the Head of the Hawaiian Navy. Who's previous employment was with the British Royal Navy.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 9, 2014: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Pennington County, South Dakota

Ottoman ·
Hi Travel Luver I apologize for the lateness of this response. In answer to your question, I unfortunately did not see the monument lit up at travel schedule didn't permit it. I too hope to go back to Mount Rushmore in the near future, primarily to see it lit up, for I have heard it is quite special, and the photos I have seen confirm that. When you make it back to Mount Rushmore, I hope you will share your adventures with us. Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it. Take care,...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 9, 2014: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Pennington County, South Dakota

Travel Luver ·
Amazing place! I saw it once as a boy but see I need to get back and study it more. Did you see it lite up at night? I seem to recall that's quite special.

Re: Granville Island Market, Vancouver. 1) The Produce

DrFumblefinger ·
Completely agree, Garry! Can't beat the quality of food from a Farmer's Market. Besides all the lovely produce, there are dozens of food vendors will to cook you breakfast, lunch or dinner, or make that cup of latte or glass of lemonade. Great place to spend a morning!

Re: The Do's & Don'ts of Traveling to a Third World Country

Mac ·
Excellent advice Karina. On the "cash or cards" issue, I have found that the pre-loaded cards (with cash) available from companies like Thomas Cook (UK) & Moneycorp are very useful as you can get cash from an ATM when you need it or use it like a credit card - but the big plus is if it gets lost or stolen you get a fast replacement with the full balance of your account transferred to the new card.

Re: Canada's Westjet enters Trans-Atlantic market

Paul Heymont ·
If they do as well at this venture as they clearly hope, that could change rapidly, especially since the 737s are what make it necessary to stop in Newfoundland and fly no further than Ireland. They already had a "wet-lease" arrangement with Thomas Cook, which provided 2 757s and pilots for Hawaii service, and according to this article they are considering dry-leasing (their own pilots) 767s, A330s or more for expanded European routes, perhaps as early as next year.
Blog Post

Jestine's Kitchen, Charleston

DrFumblefinger ·
  In the past decade or so, Charleston has emerged as a food/foodie travel destination.  On an extended weekend visit to Charleston, we enjoyed superb food every single meal.  Most everything is fried and a little "heavier" than we're...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 24, 2014: Saddler at Bar U Ranch, Alberta

Mac ·
Nestling in the rolling plains leading to the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains beyond is the National Historic "Bar U Ranch". First established in 1881, today Bar U Ranch continues to be a living showpiece of the daily life and skills of...
Blog Post

Casas Particulares in Cuba

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Visiting Cuba has forever changed the way I view accommodations when I travel now. For one I was always a chain hotel kind of girl racking up my points and being loyal to said luxury chains.  I had the option to book luxury hotels in Havana...
Blog Post

Thomas Cook celebrates 150 years on the road

Paul Heymont ·
Thomas Cook and Sons, widely regarded as the world's first real travel agency, opened its doors just 150 years ago, in Fleet Street, London. Cook himself was a 20-year veteran of leading groups on tours.   The Telegraph (UK) has an...
Blog Post

Pu`uhonua O Hōnaunau National Historical Park (The Place of Refuge), Big Island of Hawaii (Where Gumbo was #113)

DrFumblefinger ·
    Perhaps the best place on the Big Island to enjoy a sunset (from many great possibilities),  Pu’uhonua o Honaunau  (the Place of Refuge) is a remarkable destination.  This is a National Historic site which should be...