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Tagged With "passenger tax"


Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

George G. ·
Almost a Big Mistake in Venice. I remember taking my daughter to Venice for her birthday then buying a $750 ring for her in one of the jewelry stores. The owner told me I could get the tax refunded from the government and he said it would be about $700. I said that is almost the entire price of the ring, then he told me the ring was $7,500 because I converted the Lira wrongly on my calculator due to many Lira zeroes with that currency. She did get a ring but not that one.

Re: Just how much tax is in your ticket?

Ron B. ·
My recent, free Air France ticket - LA to Paris to Barcelona and then Venice to Paris to LA the tax was $577.97.

Re: Just how much tax is in your ticket?

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Ron B.: My recent, free Air France ticket - LA to Paris to Barcelona and then Venice to Paris to LA the tax was $577.97. That's a lot of travel, Ron, but it certainly makes one relook at the definition of "free".

Re: Has the Revolution Started? Ryanair allows 2nd bag and reduces fee

GarryRF ·
The intention is to increase the profitability of Ryanair. For the first half of 2013-14, it announced revenue up 5% to €3.25bn and profit after tax rising 1% to €602m.

Re: Budget Deal Asks Air Passengers to Pay More

DrFumblefinger ·
This is a massive tax increase hidden as a "small fee". There are millions of people flying every day and paying already steep prices for tickets. I can't see this helping air travel or the economy in any way.

Re: Budget Deal Asks Air Passengers to Pay More

Travel Rob ·
I especially don't like it that they call it a fee- so members of Congress can keep their pledge not to raise taxes.The above Forbes link was good to compare it to the gas tax. This reminds me of a Simpson episode where Lisa( in Barts vision) is President. she is told to call a massive tax hike a refund adjustment.

Re: Budget Deal Asks Air Passengers to Pay More

JohnT ·
Ok...I'll bite. I think we have got to realize that air fares are cheaper than ever before, and like it or not security is a much needed part of traveling today. Generally I favour user pay taxes where possible and the U.S. federal government is in no position to subsidize much of anything right now. As far as what to call it... the names that taxes are given bug me too...but I think the public is at least partly to blame for that as well...because if you called it a tax, then there surely...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

Paul Heymont ·
The picture reminds me of similarly-colorful rows of small buildings in Nyhavn (Copenhagen) and on Bryggen (in Oslo). There must be something to the width-and-taxes idea, because it's certainly been true elsewhere. In New York, from colonial times until the early 20th-century, the number of windows affected the property tax rate, and it was only 2009 when the city ended the practice of basing the water rates on "frontage."

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Pheymont. I saw the main BANK OF IRELAND building in Dublin a few days, which is windowless. All the window spaces were filled in with rock (in a tasteful manner). Seems the government decided to levy a window tax. The company responded in kind.

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Travel Luver ·
If this standard were adopted, it might be the single greatest improvement in quality of travel in economy class. 17 inches is alright if no one is beside you, a rarity today. On an Transocean flight, it make sleeping very difficult indeed. I'm glad to see Airbus take this proconsumer stand.

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Mac ·
Airbus has taken a major step in passenger comfort with the introduction of the new Airbus 380, their new double-deck airliner. Just as a large cruise ship will sail choppy seas in much greater comfort due to its size and sophistication, the new 380 is so much more smooth, quiet and comfortable up in the skies. Sure seat sizes and configuration will vary between operators but certainly the overall 'environment experience' is so much nicer

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Paul Heymont ·
Interesting point, Mac. Large planes with bright decor somehow seem to me roomier, even if the seat is the same size. I think there's a balance between physical comfort and "feel" that airlines may not always recognize. On the other hand, I've been on 777s that had so little division of space that my mental image was sitting in a huge concert hall...and felt a bit uncomfortable from that!

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

DrFumblefinger ·
I've never flown an A380, Mac. They still haven't caught on in North America, where Boeing clearly dominates the market. One thing that I've wonder about is with all those people to board (somewhere over 500), is the process of getting on and off the plane very slow or have they figured out how to make this move along with reasonable efficiency?

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Mac ·
It seems as if the terminals that they use have many more access ramps (fingers) to spread the loading and unloading, plus, of course, the terminal also needs to have sufficient immigration desks and baggage facilities. So far our experiences have been good but I can imagine just how it could foul up!

Re: Scotland's vote may help ax high flying tax

GarryRF ·
UK Air passenger duty for under 12's will be abolished from May 2015. Under 16's will have to wait until 2016.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
Everything you say, P, is logical and fair. The problem becomes compliance and enforcement, not a separate issue. A segment of people will always try to game the system and it's impossible to enforce these kinds of regulations in such a complex and populous place. Even here, where I live in a relatively rural place, I suspect I'm the only one in a large county collecting and paying the short-term occupancy tax. I do it, not because I'm honest, but because I don't want to think about possible...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
I missed something...what taxes do they collect? None in my case. I collect it, include the bed tax in my price, which Airbnb gives to me in their payment, and I file a return with the county quarterly when I pay them. Income reported to IRS, but my responsibility to pay any tax due. But I think the rest is reasonable. No requirement that Airbnb enforce anything except in response to local authorities that a rental is illegal. In theory, they already remove substandard listings, so much the...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
I'd love it if they collected the bed tax here. Since they don't, and it's my impression that few here pay it, including it as part of my fee creates an imbalance for me, making it appear as though I'm getting more than I do. I state the breakdown in my listing but hardly anyone actually reads the listings. If they collected it, it would give a fair comparison of the room rate with the taxes added on at the end, as the fees are now. I think, though, despite what seems a good idea from the...

Re: New York Taxis Debut App to Compete with Uber

Paul Heymont ·
Well, even without the app, it's not like the fa e is a blind guess, either. There's a meter, and a rate based on miles and time...just like almost every other big city. And there are online calculators such as WorldTaxi which will tell you about what a specific trip should cost, It's not that there aren't things that could improve, but Uber is no improvement, with its cavalier attitudes (surge pricing, drivers stiffed on rates, lack of or inadequate insurance) and its not paying its share...

Re: Ferry Service to Cuba Approved by US

GarryRF ·
I hope so Paul. I'm happy to take stuff that I don't use anymore. I'm sure their families living in the US bring clothes and shoes. Medicines too. And of course cash. Did you know the Cubans have to pay income tax on gifts from their family ?

Re: Discounts top all in passenger perks survey

DrFumblefinger ·
Everything has relative value -- a hungry person would pick the free meal, for instance -- but at some point people pay for comfort. Many already pay a little extra for legroom by sitting in the exit row (or use points to do so). There comes a point where, especially on longer flights, you want to be comfortable and are willing to pay a little more to achieve that. I definitely consider the pitch and width of airline seats when making purchases, especially overseas purchases. I'll pay a...

Re: Discounts top all in passenger perks survey

Paul Heymont ·
I'd fact, the issue of space is what keeps me from considering some longer flights...and I have been known to change flights for the possibility of a 2-seat row rather than 3...better an aisle and a window without a middle!

Re: Tanzania 'Clean Cookstove' project: hope and health

GarryRF ·
Airlines are paying for efficient cooking areas and wood burning stoves as a way of reducing their "Carbon Footprint" on the planet. Green Tax being used to pay for smoke reduction.

Re: Tanzania 'Clean Cookstove' project: hope and health

Marilyn Jones ·
It's a wonderful program. I am The cookstoves are such a wonderful way to help the Tanzanian people. It's great airlines are supporting it as well!

Re: Rome fountain foot-wash costs €900 fine

DrFumblefinger ·
That's almost €50 a digit! I knew the Italians would find a way to tax toes one day.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, that's only one way of looking at it...another is that it may push many people (I included) to resume cash tips. The "convenient" suggested amounts, which even now appear on many slips can be very deceptive, both because they usually place the normal or usual amount as if it were the lowest "acceptable" amount, but also because often—not always—they calculate percent not on the restaurant bill but on the total of the bill plus tax. The difference can be significant. Interestingly,...

Re: IRS gains power to get passports cancelled

GarryRF ·
There are so many business men into Tax Avoidance schemes that the Government cant watch them all. So I suppose a warning off Uncle Sam saying - " Hey - I'm serious - behave or I'll ground you" could stop their lavish life styles. If everyone paid their Tax due notice then we wouldn't have all the cutbacks on services.

Re: Have you a reservation, sir? Thailand considers selling tickets to country!

PortMoresby ·
I consider it infinitely better to pay a relatively small fee to enter the country than to go through hoops & bother for a visa as we must for a number of Asian countries. Thailand was the first, and I think the only country, where I was required to stop at a booth to pay a departure tax upon leaving the country by air so what possible difference if we pay coming or going (or both?). And I actually prefer the idea of an up front fee rather than having it buried as taxes that can increase...

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

GarryRF ·
Nope - you're still spending $9.95. Is that plus Tax ? 2 phones is just being greedy ! $8 still gets you a NEW disposable phone that works across Europe !

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

GarryRF ·
Tourism isn't hurting from the Tax increases. Passengers through Heathrow have increased steadily: 2011 - 69 Million 2012 - 70 Million All 5 London airports have reached a joint record of 133 Million passengers in 2012 ! So our Government will continue to squeeze the Golden Goose !

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

DrFumblefinger ·
It's always hard to prove a negative, and I'm glad that there is growth in passenger traffic through the London airports, but I suspect these numbers would be a lot higher if it weren't for the tax. Can't prove that, though, but it makes sense that they would be. The golden goose will be squeezed until it's dead and then -- surprise, no more golden eggs.

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

Former Member ·
They charge the departure tax to tourists because they don't want them to leave. Awwww

Re: Where is the 6th largest French City ?

DrFumblefinger ·
I have heard a lot of French people are leaving the country because of more favorable tax structure elsewhere, especially true of bankers, investment folks and the like. Could you comment on that?
Blog Post

Charleston and its Single Houses: Where Gumbo Was #79

Paul Heymont ·
TravelGumbo member Club2013, by e-mail, was the only one to correctly place Gumbo’s secret destination: Charleston, SC. He found the special characteristics in an almost generic “old town” streetscape, and hit the nail on the head....
Blog Post

Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Paul Heymont ·
Airbus, the big European planebuilder has urged airlines to go with 18"-wide seats, up from the standard 17" in use now. Their studies indicate that the extra width makes a BIG difference in passengers' ability to sleep on long flights (which are...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember being in Wales several times and looking across the sea to the west, thinking that I needed to get to Ireland.  Well I finally made it, completing this journey with my brother on our annual "getaway trip"!  It was a trip we really...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 13, 2013: Jeronimos Monastery

Paul Heymont ·
Sunlight and shade highlight the complex carving of this stonework at the Monastery of Jeronimos at Belem, in Lisbon. This late-Gothic style is called Manueline, after King Manuel I. It’s marked by ornate stonework, often including maritime...
Blog Post

Airbnb to Start Collecting Taxes in Amsterdam

Travel Rob ·
The first official agreement  between Airbnb and a local authority in Europe was signed between Airbnb and city officials.  Hosts will pay a tourist tax to Airbnb  which will then be passed on to the authorities.   Read More:...
Blog Post

In wake of terror, EU considers airline security

Paul Heymont ·
Proposals in the EU Parliament calling for more information about airline passengers to be made available to national authorities are on the table; they would make the Passenger Name Record (PNR) of all passengers arriving and departing EU available....
Blog Post

Hats off to Judy! Alaska employee rescues stranded Delta passenger

Paul Heymont ·
If this customer service story had been made up by Alaska Airlines to embarrass West Coast rival and also codeshare partner Delta, it would have been unbelievable...but they didn't, and it happened. USA Today reports on a Delta business traveler who...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 3: A Sunny Day in Sonoma

PortMoresby ·
  March 11, 2015    The drive down California Highway 1, along the Mendocino and Sonoma County coast, was a bit of a bust.  It started to rain as I arrived at Point Arena and Fort Ross was closed, it turned out, on weekdays, so I...
Blog Post

Britain ends air passenger tax for under-12s

Paul Heymont ·
Today's the day Britain's Air Passenger Duty ends for under-12s in economy, reducing the cost of flying by £11-97 ($17-150) per ticket.   The tax, hated by families and blamed by travel industry companies and airlines for shooing away...
Blog Post

Spain's "ghost airport" will come to life with Ryanair

Paul Heymont ·
Spain's embarrassingly-empty Castellon-Costa Azahar airport, unused since it was opened with great ceremony nearly five years ago, will finally get passengers. Ryanair will announce a schedule of flights from U.K. and northern Europe today, according...
Blog Post

Crowded planes a safety hazard? Witnesses say so...

Paul Heymont ·
Flight attendants, at a Federal hearing, pointed to "legroom wars" and increased air rage. A safety expert pointed out that the FAA's evacuation tests use planes with more legroom than you're likely to get, and Charlie Leocha of Consumer Traveler...
Blog Post

Visiting Cuba pt 2. + more cars !

GarryRF ·
EXPLORING CUBA   (Missed pt 1 ?..... )   Getting about in Cuba varies dramatically. In the populated areas they have regular buses. Out in the countryside you'll have to take a taxi or go on an...
Blog Post

Airlines, Airports split over new fees

Paul Heymont ·
You'd think the airlines had never heard of a fee they didn't like, but now they've found one. Maybe what they don't like about it is that the money goes to airports, not airlines. The charge, which the airlines call a "tax" is the Passenger Facility...
Blog Post

German court: Continental breakfast isn't breakfast

Paul Heymont ·
Coffee and rolls, the traditional 'continental breakfast' isn't really breakfast for tax purposes.
Blog Post

American Airlines CEO: 'we'll never lose money again'

Paul Heymont ·
American Airlines CEO Doug Parker is sure his airline will never lose money again, but analysts are not so sure what would happen in a recession.
Blog Post

Sweden considers new tax on airline tickets

Paul Heymont ·
Sweden's considering a per-ticket tax on airlines to discourage travel and reduce carbon emissions—but the idea is under attack.
Blog Post

Bait-and-switch airfare legislation is back

Paul Heymont ·
A House committee gives new life to letting airlines hide the taxes (and the total price) until late in the ticket-selling process.