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Tagged With "Amazon Local"


Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Mac ·
Wow! HistoryDigger that is fantastic information, thank you, I will now 'dig' more (pardon the pun) on the web and put some plans into place around those excellent suggestions!! Please - a crucial question for us - would we be "safe" to just book hotels for the arrival and departure days of our tour and simply rely on finding local accommodation as we progress round - or is it really SO busy in this season that I must book every stop along the way? We prefer the 'flexible' approach as it can...

Re: Experience Lalgarh Palace with Palace on Wheels Train

Professorabe ·
Without doubt this mode of travel appeals to some people. However, on our travels through Rajasthan we encountered tour groups from the Palace on Wheels on a couple of occasions and felt that going by road, with a car and driver, suited us much better. You simply saw a hell of a lot more, had much more contact with the local people, and were not tied to any schedule. We stayed at the Laxmi Niwas Palace, which is part of the Lalgarh site, and it was very pleasant indeed. (Whilst there are...

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
Actually, the Hua Shan (Mountain Hua) is close to the city of Xi'an (where Terracotta warriors museum is located). I visited both in a same trip few years ago. Regarding to the Hua Shan trial, there was a local advise "if you want to climb to the tea house, better do it during night, because you do not see what is around you, ha ha! ". Of course, now a days, you can get there comfortably by riding a Gondola.

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
To be precise, the Hua Shan trial has two sections. The longer scarier section with local advise to be done during night is now equipped with Gondola. Only the hard core climber will try that section now. There are park ranger standing by the entrance to screen if some one is really fit for the climb (after seeing the trial in person, i realized that the screen is not just for increasing the Gondola revenue! ). Not be too relaxed yet, even after the Gondola ride, to reach the tea house, one...

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

FlashFlyer ·
A lot to be said for what might be the ultimate travel app category: Maps and GPS. I know people have their favorites (Google's not the only one, according to my wife...) but almost everyone uses some version on their phone or tablet. Another good one is local transit. Most big cities have a route-finder on their transit site, but you have to find it. But Google Maps and HopStop and some others have transit info for most big cities. One downside: Apple is as bad as Google about business;...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
I took a look and it looks like just what I need. I can even use the info to plan our route. I had my mom look at it, too, and she said it reminds her of when she was a kid and my granddad had a book called Duncan Hines that had local places all over. I wonder if that's the same Duncan Hines as the cake mix?

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
England is only as big as Florida ! I haven't seen a Guide book that sub-divides us! Wales is full of Castles, Mountains and Lakes. Tourists often divide England between the North and South. The North is often cooler and wetter than further South. But your Dollar will go twice as far up here in the North! And we're much friendlier. Have a look at places you'd like to visit. York (the old one) will keep you busy for 2 days. Train or Bus from Liverpool. Or a day or two in Europe from Liverpool...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi Everyone! Hope you had a good Christmas. I spent mine with my parents, which was nice. I've been busy planning this trip that you've helped me with and I think I'm making good progress. Largely starting to arrange places to stay and developing a list of "must see" things for myself. Using the hostels and airB&B I've been able to get decent looking and affordable places for me. I still need to find something for London and Paris, but the rest of the trip is mostly worked out. Might...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Paul Heymont ·
I may not be much help, because we tend to send postcards to the grandchildren from each city, with notes about what we've seen and think they would be interested in, and to avoid filling the suitcase with physical items. But for those few things we do buy, we usually go to the market! One of our travel rituals, on the first day when we stock the apartment, is to look for a local preserve or jam that we don't see at home (skyberries in Stockholm, for instance). Once we've found one we really...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Former Member ·
I am no shopper so I try to make this gift-buying task easy. When I arrive at the large entry airport, I like to stretch my legs, get a cup of takeaway coffee, and cruise the airport gift shops. Almost always, I can find little magnets of the country flag, local tiles, miniature photos, the sports team, or handiwork mounted on refrigerator magnets. I pick up a few of those and am good to go for my visit. One more thing off of my list. Refrigerator magnets are easy to carry, no problem with...

Re: Photo sharing services

Paul Heymont ·
I've used Picasa Web Albums (linked with the Picasa desktop software, by the way) from Google for that; I upload the raw pictures as an archive (not shared) and then a selection of edited ones that are shared with whoever I give the link to. Free up to a point, and added storage is pretty cheap. the one downside is that you occasionally have to click some links to say that NO, you do not want it linked to Google+ The other reasonable choice is DropBox; once you've created a folder in your...

Re: How to not miss a connecting flight

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! There's a lot of good advice in there, including the factor that often isn't thought of in the standard connecting times: walking. So many terminals have gates so far apart that it can take 15-20 minutes just to walk the distance, which can eat up the time between flights quickly. And, as one of our NewsLinks pointed out last week, airports are developing more local restaurants with regional cuisine to tempt you while you wait.

Re: Welcome to The Golden State.

PortMoresby ·
Later today, after I'd posted this photo, I was watching the local 6:00 news, Sacramento. A fire had started in Lincoln, NE of Sacramento, a yard full of trucks engulfed and spreading into grass, moving toward a subdivision. A spotter plane left the Grass Valley Base, flew over my house and I looked to see what it was. About 10 minutes later the news helicopter showed it arriving low over the fire to inspect it. I went out again to watch the next plane, a retardant tanker, possibly the one...

Re: A Morality Tale: An iPhone's Solo Excursion in Paris

PortMoresby ·
I've just put in a request for Gopnik's 'Paris to the Moon' at my local library. The title is so familiar to me that I thought I must surely own it or have read it. Or maybe one that I had every intention of reading and forgot. We'll see. He sounds like one of those valuable writers who condense a million of our own half-thoughts into a few words we all wish we could assemble ourselves.

Re: Help with mobile phone for Morocco

Paul Heymont ·
If you take a look at, you’ll see the reason for PortMoresby’s recommendation. It’s not the cost of the phone, it’s the cost of every minute, often many times that of a local SIM. For example, the Mobal SIM comes with a rate for Morocco of $1.50 a minute outgoing and $1.50 a minute incoming. Meditel, one of the Moroccan carriers, charges (depending on plan) about 10c a minute up to 40c a minute, and no charge for incoming. Mobal will sell you data at $28.99 for ONE...

Re: Four Days in Berlin

Paul Heymont ·
I'll be posting some Berlin blogs in the next few weeks, since we visited last month...but for the moment, I'll start with one of our best experiences—a food walking tour. It's a great way to meet other visitors and to experience local foods and their history. We started at a small cafe/sweetshop and ate our way through breads and meats and pastries and ended up at a beer garden run by a small artisanal brewery, where the owner/brewmaster sat with us and then took us on a tour of his...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

TravelGirlJenn ·
My method is similar--get on the local schedule as best as I can. I do not nap upon arrival. Fortunately, I am usually so dang excited that adrenaline takes over and am usually fairly alert until after dinner time. Unfortunately, that also means I have nearly an impossible time sleeping on planes. Even with a sleep aid. I've read of people adjusting their schedule for up to two weeks ahead of time to make up for the change in the schedule, making their sleep rhythms in tune with the local...

Re: How do you buy your travel?

Paul Heymont ·
I'd definitely agree about They generally seem to have a much deeper inventory than Expedia, including the small local hotels I like. I also appreciate the fact that most of the bookings don't expect me to pay in advance and allow free cancellation. Often, too, the price I pay through with those privileges is the same that Expedia offers as a "special" that must be pre-paid! I would also be less than honest if I didn't mention that TravelGumbo receives a small but...

Re: How do you buy your travel?

HistoryDigger ·
I use the most for hotels and apartments because I can cancel. Sometimes I can't decide what part of town I want to be in, so I book more than one and keep researching until I have found the right spot. (I don't hold extra reservations long...just sayin'.) I love that now shows apartments and houses via because I always refer having a kitchen when I travel. I, too, use OTAs to see prices and schedules, and then I go to the airline's web page for booking.

Re: Is a stopover in Iceland worthwhile

Paul Heymont ·
Speaking of good things to eat, stop in a local store for some skyr--that's Icelandic yogurt made from skimmed milk. Slightly tart and wholly delicious.

Re: Weekend getaways. Where's your favorite spot

Dan Carter ·
Haven't gotten into West Coast stuff yet, but back east I had a few favorites I'd suggest to anyone. One is Lancaster County, PA. I know it's overflowing with fake Amish stuff and all, but behind that there's a real local history and culture (and some real Amish culture as well)...and the Strasburg Rail Road, a steam road that's an afternoon's fun...and the Pennsylvania State Railroad museum...and the National Toy Train Museum (which could take up a whole day if your companions share your...

Re: Need help planning Morocco trip

Mac ·
If you can, pay the extra to go straight into Marrakech as going in via Casa is more hassle and time that detracts from the fun of your holiday. This is especially if you have to fly via a European hub first as it is all airport, airport, airport, Marrakech is "THE" experience of Morocco and honestly very "full on" - just please hook up with local guides, probably and preferably via the hotel, who will deflect some of the more 'enthusiastic' locals who might make life a bit tedious. There is...

Re: Road Trip: The Movies and the Cars

rbciao ·
Speaking of classic old cars... I've wanted a 1931 Model A sedan since I was 14 years old. So a few years ago the search began with the help of the president of the local Model A club. Using this guy's expertise plus online searching and suggestions from a financial guy I made a purchase in 2011. However, it was not a 1931 Model A sedan. This whole undertaking reminded me of the old axiom, "A camel is really a horse designed by a committee." While looking for the Model A I was talking my a...

Re: Planning a Road Trip

DrFumblefinger ·
That's an interesting tripod, TravelandNature, but you won't catch me on anything that potentially could launch me as a projectile at 60 mph. And, unless you're very macho, you'll not enjoy yourself in bad weather. So if you want to walk on the wild side, rent a convertible, or buy an older one, drive it for a month and sell it in Seattle (not exactly a city for convertibles, except on rare days). Regarding on where to go and how to plan the trip, I'd make a point of going by my local AAA...

Re: Spain or Portugal?

Travel Luver ·
That's very helpful. I'll give them a look and see what I find that suites me. Also, for getting around Portugal and spain, should I take the train? Bus? local planes? Any idea which works best (cost and efficiency both matter, but so does easy connections)


Dr.Y ·
Hi Tahir, If you are not a local, join a guided tour is the easier way of visiting. There are many choices of packages from abroad or from the Zangjiajie, depending on how many sites you would like to visit, as well as hotel, meal and transportation selection. At least three days are needed to visit the area. "C-trip" is a very popular and reliable web site to book the China trip, I have done few times. Enjoy and have fun. Dr. Y

Books That Send You Packing...

Former Member ·
The thread on films here started me thinking because I'm more likely to think about going someplace because of a book than a film. I've seen elsewhere about people traveling inspired by mystery novels with really local characters like Inspector...

Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
Hi...I'm in Atlanta, home of some great food (including barbecue, soul and MaryMac's Tea Room which you've all got to get to someday). Anyway, right after New Years, I'm packing my family (2 of us and 2 kids) and driving to Denver for my parents'...

Beating Jet Lag

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the most frustrating things about traveling between continents is jet lag.  It's a little different for everyone but basically is caused by your body's 24 bio-rhythm (internal clock) being thrown into disarray by changing time zones,...

Tough Trains

PortMoresby ·
  It's Sunday afternoon, I actually accomplished something midday, then turned on the telly for a break, just in time for Globe Trekker on PBS.  Sometimes I'm interested, occasionally not, but I hit the jackpot today.  Tough Trains! A...

3 Alternatives To b&b Accommodation In France

Ruby Daub ·
With reliably warm weather, beautiful scenery and gastronomic delights; France is a very popular holiday destination. As parts of the country are only hours away, it is a hit with both those looking for long summer vacations or short weekends away. France offers a huge variety of holiday and accommodation options, so there is something for everyone. While hotels and B&B’s are a very popular choice, if you’re after something a little different on your holiday to France then here are three...

Things To Take Care Off While Travelling Europe With Kids

kylesfunadventures ·
In case, you are looking for some tips for traveling with kids in Europe here is a unique Europe travel guide for you. There are few ways you can use to prepare your kids for Europe travel. Here we go: First of all you need to start by letting your bank know that you will be going across the borders and also name of the countries that you will be visiting. It will help them get prior notice about your tour and will have better chances of preventing frauds. Try to skip all those currency...

Top 5 island destinations to revisit in 2017

Rebecca Brown ·
Dreaming of distant oceans, white, sandy beaches, a Mojito in your hand, while a gentle breeze is just ruffling the waters lounging a few feet from your feet? Waking with the sounds of exotic beats trumpeting the air while you lie in a hammock, munch on a coconut and daydream the day away? Might be it’s high time to take a vacation. If you equate vacation with island , paradise and offline , stick with us. We know there are about seven hundred and forty one thousand articles on the best...

Are We bored of Abroad? - Why UK holidays are the Next Big Thing

Christina Woodard ·
Millions of holidaymakers are abandoning the beaches of far flung climes and sticking with a staycation in the UK - and in bigger numbers than ever before. Good news for the domestic economy, holidaying Brits are choosing to spend their hard-earned cash and home. The figures make for great reading… In the first quarter of 2016, 10% more people were holidaying in England than at the same time in 2015, a Rise of some 7.3 million holidaymakers. But why? What has changed to prompt people to stay...

Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

ArronHidd ·
A couple years back when I was first planning this simple vacation, I never thought it would be as life changing as it was. But life is unpredictable that way, and this story is definitely one for the grandkids. My husband and I were planning a short trip to Brisbane to get away from our 9 to 5 lives, so we booked a room in a hotel and went there for a few days. It was impossible not to fall in love with the atmosphere of the city on the very first day. My husband is a nature lover, so he...

6 Ways to Save Money on Food While on Vacation

Ryan Holman ·
Are you planning a trip to Monterey, California? You will want to make the most of your vacation and see all the sights. Eating out three meals a day can be a huge expense. Don't worry. There are ways you can save money and enjoy your trip while staying on budget. Here are a few tips that can help. Choose a Place with Cooking Facilities : Many hotels have kitchenettes or even full kitchens. Renting an apartment, a condo, or a vacation home will offer the benefit of a kitchen where you can...

Know Everything About Goa Travel Information

Abhishek Mathur ·
Why Goa? India is one of the countries which have always fascinated different countries. Some invade it while some ruled it. Some brought blunders to this heritage country while some others made such wonders which made their names immortal with their works. The state of Goa is part of India and is situated at the west coast of the country. The state is rich with the Portuguese’s culture, heritage and history. Goa and the Tourism Goa is listed among the best tourist destinations in India.

The Best 7 Healthy Foodie Lunches in London

John Peter ·
While there are many healthy options in the form of coffee shops and restaurants in London, few are mouthwatering. Healthy eating does not need to be boring, especially when you are paying to have it made for you! Here is a hit list of restaurants that are serving healthy food which doesn’t negate your morning workout. 1. Ottolenghi – Notting Hill, Belgravia, Islington, Spitalfields Mouthwatering Middle Eastern food My husband is Israeli and as a result, we have long been paying homage to...

Taj Mahal in 2017

Pratap Singh ·
Visiting Taj Mahal in 2017 has become a unique experience. Since the last one year, the local government has resumed restoration work on Taj Mahal after 1980's and now Taj Mahal is as while as it was prior the fall of Munich wall. Have a look at this picture taken in March'17, as by now 80% work on Taj was completed. For more information on Taj, check this .

The 3 Best Markets in France

Jacob William ·
The city of fashion, Paris is the place where you can enjoy the real meaning of fashion. Not only fashion for which Paris is known for, its rich history, mesmerizing tourist spots and exotic heritage site make Paris a prominent tourist destination in the world which can be explored once you obtain your visa to france . Seeing the popularity of the place we have brought to you the list of best markets in Paris that will offer you best and ultimate things during your visit to Paris – 1. Food...

Things you should do in Singapore

khush ·
Singapore is a tiny island and may be smaller than many major cities around the world, but this country has succeeded to create a high level of discipline among its people and is today being looked up upon across the world. However, don’t let the country’s inclination for law frighten you. Singapore can promise can extraordinary vacation, as long as you follow certain simple tips that will make your tour much more enjoyable. 1. Throw your litter into the bin Though this is quite a basic...

Your Dog-Friendly Guide to Santa Barbara

Jhon Issac ·
I recently got a puppy shortly after my graduation. Living alone without having anyone to give my endless love was starting to bother me. Plus, as far as the word goes- A dog is a man's best friend, it's very true. So I got myself some time off from work and decided to travel to Santa Barbara. But I was in a real pinch. I have a four-legged friend who needs constant attention and care. I didn't have anyone to leave him behind with, and I personally didn't want to. So I decided to embark on...

The Value of Traveling to Where Your Ancestors Came From

pitter beraton ·
America is the melting pot of the world. There are people here from every area on the planet. It's what makes this country so great. However, when all cultures mix together, it can dim the light on what makes each culture so unique and special. Some people don't even know their heritage. Luckily, there are ways to get this information. For instance, you can use the 1840 census to learn where your ancestors came from. Once you have this information, you may want to explore your main country...

How to Get the Most Bang From Your Travel Cash

ForeignXchange ·
Traveling is hard work! Yes, I’m serious about travelling it really is a lot of work, for starters you need to find flights and accommodation that fit your budget, next you have to think about visas, transport and this is only the tip of the ice-burg. As you can see just creating a checklist for your holiday can take up some valuable time! So how does one go about getting the best rates for their travel currency given the short time frame of going from booking flights to sipping cocktails on...

Lost a US Passport Overseas? What I learned this trip.

Travel Rob ·
I had the bad fortune of losing my passport in Belgium this trip so I thought I'd share what I noticed about the process. First, i reported the passport lost at the train station. I lost it on the train. In Belgium, the station was really too busy to...

Welcome to The Golden State.

PortMoresby ·

5 Reasons why Rajasthan is one of the most Romantic Place

RS Rajawat ·
Rajasthan, the place of the kings and rulers has been attracting tourists and visitors from across the countries for the magnificent forts and palaces, lakes and temples and also the fairs. Rajasthan is one of the most sought-after place by the explorers and adventure seekers. Choosing Rajasthan holiday packages from Royal Adventure Tours helps you explore the vivid culture and enjoy the most in the most romantic place in the country. The fascinating features in Rajasthan have made it one of...

Culinary Extravaganza that is "Made in Mumbai"!

RS Rajawat ·
Apart from serving some of the best street food in India, Mumbai also has a world of swanky dining options where you can indulge in the finest cuisines from across the globe. The city has a lot on its platter- from Chinese to Italian, Tex-Mex to Japanese, almost every cuisine is available here. Take a look: Arola A first of its kind in bar in Mumbai, Arola in JW Marriott is a haven for those who love Spanish food to the core. The dishes here are prepared by the Michelin chef, Sergi Arola and...

5 Best Places To Visit In Europe in 2018

John Peter ·
Europe has always been a fascinating destination for travellers and there is nothing like visiting the continent that has been at the four fold of human civilization. In this post, we have compiled a list of the 5 best places to visit in Europe that you must surely visit in 2018: 1. Hamburg, Germany: The city of Hamburg is often known as the gateway of the world since ancient times and rightly so. Hamburg will probably blow you away with its rich architecture and maritime wonders around the...