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Tagged With "nuts"

Blog Post

Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Samantha ·
Samantha features a highlight of her hotel stay: its extensive twice-a-week indoor farmers market featuring Hawaiian produce.
Blog Post

Small Museums of New York State

Jonathan L ·
While driving across New York following the Erie Canal, Jonathan L had the opportunity to stop at some of the smaller museums that are often missed by tourists.

Re: Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Paul Heymont ·
This market is a really interesting idea, especially since visitors in resort areas sometimes end up eating only what's served, and don't visit local markets. In Hawaii, where there are so many different fruits we don't see in the rest of the U.S., that's especially a shame!

Re: Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Samantha ·
Hi there Pheymont. It was really interesting and different. I actually work with someone here in CO who has an aunt that works at the hotel next door to the Hyatt. While visiting with her, she told us she usually grabs some fresh fruit and veggies every week. She says it is much better than at the store. Look forward to going the next time we are in the area. Thanks for your comment.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 5, 2015: Spice Market, Dubai

IslandMan ·
Markets are fascinating places, whatever country, town or village you may be in. The smells, sights and wares on offer are a delight for the eyes and nose alike.
Blog Post

The Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, New York

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L enjoys American art at the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie, New York

Re: The Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, New York

Marilyn Jones ·
Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing this museum with readers.