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Tagged With "Booming"


Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

GarryRF ·
Beautiful piece of country you have there DrF. As someone who's never seen a bear - what precautions do you take ? Looks like excellent cycling country too. But the thought of a grizzly knocking me off my bike worries me !

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, GarryRF. Bear attacks are about as common as lightening hitting folks, but it does happen. I've never encountered a bear while hiking except at a distance (could see them across a valley for instance). Here's what you do to be bear safe 1) Follow the park rules. They're very good about placing warnings (eg. trail closed, bear hovering over a carcass) 2) Hike in tight groups of four or more. Bears have never attacked a group of people this large 3) Avoid baby bears. If you see one,...
Blog Post

Lisbon's Tourism Booming but Residents Feel Unheard

Travel Rob ·
Lisbon Tourism has grown at record pace with an estimated 3.6 million foreign overnight guests expected in 2015. Not all residents are happy and and they feel unheard. They are demanding better garbage collection, limits on public drinking and...
Blog Post

Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
  In a region where every turn of the road brings an even more beautiful view, it’s hard for me to pick favorite spots in Banff National Park.  I've recently grown very fond of the area near Castle Junction, off Highway #93 on the...
Blog Post

Boom and Virgin team up for supersonic airplane

Travel Rob ·
Boom teams up with Richard Branson to make commercial supersonic jets.