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Tagged With "farmers"


Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Canters Deli and the Original Farmers Market, Los Angeles

Paul Heymont ·
Somehow, I never knew about Canters...have to try them next time! How do you feel they compare to Langers, which is my favorite (I tell people the pastrami is as good as but different from Katz's, and the bread is better).

Re: Canters Deli and the Original Farmers Market, Los Angeles

Travel Rob ·
Canters menu is expansive, their bakery is great and it's open 24 hours a day. I'll leave it to others to decide which deli is best but I think it's one of those iconic places that won't let you down.

Re: Canters Deli and the Original Farmers Market, Los Angeles

PortMoresby ·
My Cantor's story is one day in the late '80s while living in LA, I got a call from the manager of the restaurant. I had a wallpaper installation business and Cantor's wallcovering needed repairs. So I and my worktable spent an afternoon in the dining room, surrounded by people enjoying their sandwiches. I also have fond memories of the Farmer's Market, where I first went with my Aunt Ruth and many times thereafter. Thanks for the memories, Rob.

Re: Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

GarryRF ·
What an extravaganza of colours ! That's the type of market I love. All the fresh produce in front of the counter so you can select your own choice. When I'm on the road touring I have to be reminded that I cant cook all those delicious vegetables. There's a few there I couldn't name - never seen them before ! Wonderful display !

Re: Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for reminding me of my time in Boulder. The city's been such a pioneer in healthy foods for years .

Re: Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

Paul Heymont ·
I love markets...and the history they embody, from those like Basel that have been in the same place for hundreds of years to the 19th century enclosed markets that many cities developed (and some kept!) but I have an especially good feeling about markets like this one, and our New York Greenmarkets that have revived the market tradition in places where it was nearly gone, and made a success of it. What a long sentence!

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

Ottoman ·
Great photos. I would comment further but suddenly I feel very hungry and need to get a snack.

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

GarryRF ·
I give in !! What are those yellow Cucumbers with a green hat (below the Tomato's) ? Never seen them in the UK before !!

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF -- They are one of a hundred varieties of squash. I believe you guys on the Isles like to call everything of this type "pumpkin". Excellent in stir fry, in a pasta sauce, or grilled with olive oil and pepper.

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

GarryRF ·
I've seen different "squash" varieties - never this one locally. Pumpkins have always been the Hallowe'en type. But - I'll learn ! I've always loved Home Made Cranberry Sauce in the UK. Made with American Cranberries. Never seen them from anywhere else. My amazement at a US Thanksgiving dinner to see so much home made produce. But Cranberry Sauce from a can ! Oh what sacrilege !

Re: A day at The Forks Market: Winnipeg, Canada

Dr.Y ·
Looks like a fun place to go in the deep freezing Winnipeg winter! Nice collection of photos. Thanks Karl.

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Lestertheinvestor ·
Great photos of a very enticing place to be.

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Jonathan L ·
Wonderful pics. Is this the market on the former military base? That was one of our favorite reasons to drive into Calgary when we were in Canmore! The was a wonderful pit shop in the food court - best savory pies around!

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, Lester and Jonathan. There are several Farmers Markets in Calgary because it is a fairly large city (well over a million people). This featured market is the one on Blackfoot Trail, close to 77th. There is a market more on the western end of town which would be closer to Canmore. And both have those great savory pies, which are delicious

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Mac ·
Great pics Dr. F, wonderful bountiful Calgary produce of all shapes sizes and hues, makes me hungry just to think what I could do with them all! Lovely memories of our trip over there to meet you!

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Mac: Great pics Dr. F, wonderful bountiful Calgary produce of all shapes sizes and hues, makes me hungry just to think what I could do with them all! Lovely memories of our trip over there to meet you! It was delightful to meet you and your lovely wife. Next time you come, we'll not only have to put away a great steak by try some of those great pies in the market!

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Mac ·
My slack's belt is being adjusted in anticipation!!!!

Re: Fairfax District, Los Angeles (Where Gumbo was #338)

PortMoresby ·
Reminders of good times at the Farmer's Market with my great aunt who lived at the top of Fairfax Ave.

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Travel Luver ·
My home city! Thanks for featuring this. I love going to the market. Besides all the food and stuff, there's a lot of people selling their handicrafts. Some beautiful things!

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

DrFumblefinger ·
My mouth is watering looking at all of this good stuff!!!! The produce and seafood at the market are the best anywhere! You pay for it, but the quality if definitely there! Thanks for the nice photoessay, PHeymont.

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

IslandMan ·
Great article PH! Very interesting, especially the historical aspect of the location. Markets are fascinating places, no matter what city they are in. Lots of characters, different stalls and of course the mouth watering delights you can come across. Your pictures had me salivating and made my stomach rumble. I could almost smell the produce!

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Paul Heymont ·
I wish I had some good pictures of the crafts workers there—some are at a very high level! My wife is an addict of fascinating glass earrings made by one woman there...she has several pair (and the interesting thing is that each pair is two earrings that match in feel but are not identical!)

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

GarryRF ·
Absolutely fascinating PHeymont !! I keep going back to the Amish Markets near Lancaster PA. As a Brit tourist I don't recognise half the food on sale there. So I enjoy the samples ! Amazing colours and smells of freshly produced local food ! I could do to a tour and just include markets !

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

DrFumblefinger ·
A few photos of some of the crafts for sale at Pike Place Market....

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Paul Heymont ·
GarryRF... I should have mentioned is possibly the oldest continuous in the U.S. I'm glad you enjoy finding the exotic-to-you, routine-to-us items, because that's what I love to do when I travel (it's one of the blessings of renting apartments: you can cook as well as look!) Of course, occasionally reading gives me a clue in advance; Agatha Christie taught me ahead of time what a "vegetable marrow" is...

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Jonathan L ·
I also like the Reading terminal Market in Philadelphia. It is about 1/3 the size of Pike and has a higher proportion of prepared food. But it is a great place for lunch if you are in downtown Philly.

Re: Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Jonathan L: I also like the Reading terminal Market in Philadelphia. It is about 1/3 the size of Pike and has a higher proportion of prepared food. But it is a great place for lunch if you are in downtown Philly. Yes, that is a great market, Jonathan! An old market but with great food! I lunched there every day while attending a meeting in Philly.
Blog Post

A Taste of Fall and More: Ithaca Farmers Market

Paul Heymont ·
Everywhere I go, my wife and I seem to find ourselves wandering aisles of fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood, cheeses and breads and more. But most often, aside from our local weekend Greenmarket in Brooklyn, our stroll is in the huge and chaotic...
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Prospect Park Greenmarket

Paul Heymont ·
By a quick count, I’ve photographed markets in nearly three dozen cities in the U.S. and Europe; they’ve often appeared here on TravelGumbo. And yet the market I visit most often, and where my wife shops almost weekly, hasn’t found...
Blog Post

Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Samantha ·
Samantha features a highlight of her hotel stay: its extensive twice-a-week indoor farmers market featuring Hawaiian produce.
Blog Post

Calgary Farmers' Market

DrFumblefinger ·
       Farmers' markets in regions that have four seasons are, as you'd expect, different in character than those you find in tropical climates.  Harvest is seasonal, so the best times to visit them is during the summer and...
Blog Post

Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the Seaport Farmer's Market adjoining Halifax's harbor.
Blog Post

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her visit to the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa. She says it is one of the best Hyatt Brand Resorts she has visited.
Blog Post

A day at The Forks Market: Winnipeg, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Experiencing local food is an essential part of being in a new destination -- the mortar that binds the many pieces of the travel experience.  For this and other reasons, TravelGumbo loves visiting markets around the world.  On these pages...
Blog Post

Gallery: St. Lawrence Market. 1) The Produce

DrFumblefinger ·
  Readers of TravelGumbo know that we've great affection for Farmers' Markets, and we visit, shop at, and feature them often.  One of the finest markets I've ever been to is the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto.  This market was...
Blog Post

Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
     One of the best Farmers Markets I've ever been to is Boulder's, the largest in Colorado.  The Market focuses on locally grown vegetables, fruit, meats, flowers and wines, sold by the farmers that actually produce them....
Blog Post

Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the oldest Farmers Markets in Ontario is found on the Niagara peninsula, in the pleasant small city of St. Catharines (nicknamed the "Garden City").   The market has been held since the early 1800s and is currently located in Market Square...
Blog Post

Canters Deli and the Original Farmers Market, Los Angeles

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob looks at two iconic places on Fairfax Ave in Los Angeles that are even better than he remembers.
Blog Post

Fairfax District, Los Angeles (Where Gumbo was #338)

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L walks us through the history and color of one of Los Angeles' most popular attractions.
Blog Post

Where the Food IS the Tourist Attraction

Paul Heymont ·
Food, glorious food! What better sight for a tourist than endless displays of food, presented at its best by farmers and marketers, tempting and at the same time healthy. In the right setting, you can even put a "halo of health" on a glazed...
Blog Post

Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had a great time at the Pearl Brewery Farmers Market. It's close to the Riverwalk and full of fresh merchandise from local vendors.

Re: Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Paul Heymont ·
This market is a really interesting idea, especially since visitors in resort areas sometimes end up eating only what's served, and don't visit local markets. In Hawaii, where there are so many different fruits we don't see in the rest of the U.S., that's especially a shame!

Re: Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Samantha ·
Hi there Pheymont. It was really interesting and different. I actually work with someone here in CO who has an aunt that works at the hotel next door to the Hyatt. While visiting with her, she told us she usually grabs some fresh fruit and veggies every week. She says it is much better than at the store. Look forward to going the next time we are in the area. Thanks for your comment.

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

Travel Rob ·
It is a very interesting waterfront. If you can, avoid driving in rush hour. The narrow streets weren't built for the traffic Halifax gets today.

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

GarryRF ·
I'm a Brit who's never tried Maple Syrup. Canadians tell me I don't know what I'm missing. Brits who have tried it tell me it's way too sweet. We only see it in the stores when they have an American Produce Week. (We still see Canada as an American Country). After 2 weeks its all cleared at a reduced price because it's unsold. So apart from Pancakes what does it taste good with ?

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

DrFumblefinger ·
Maple syrup is sweet, but not nearly as sweet as the other syrups you buy for pancakes (eg. Aunt Jemima, Buttersworth). And it has a very rich and interesting taste that I enjoy. You use it for anything you'd use a syrup for -- pancakes, waffles, french toast. I like it over vanilla ice cream. Commercially it is used to make maple candies, baked goods (eg. tarts, pies, cookies) and so on. Anything you could use sugar for you can use maple syrup for if you wanted, more or less. It is pricey,...

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

GarryRF ·
Who's Aunt Jermima ? Maple Syrup sounds like a a swop for Honey on the things that we have. Thanks K.

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

DrFumblefinger ·
Much thinner than honey and less sweet, with a different taste, but yes, the same idea. Here are America's popular syrups....

Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market

GarryRF ·
Re: Halifax's Seaport Farmer's Market