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Tagged With "theft"


Re: "The Norwegian Job" runs out of juice

Travel Rob ·
Maybe the guy was just trying to get into this Norwegian luxurious prison?

Re: "The Norwegian Job" runs out of juice

DrFumblefinger ·
If they're interested, I think the Norwegian authorities could run the vacant cells as AirBnB units. Might be very profitable.

Re: "The Norwegian Job" runs out of juice

Travel Rob ·
Actually the prison is more like a resort complete with Bansky style art, a gym ,a recording studio and a library.,00.html

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

DrFumblefinger ·
You would think the cost of all this fraud would be more than enough to validate new chip and PIN rollout in the USA. Can't quite understand why the US banks are so resistent to this PHeymont. Have you an understanding of what their reasons are?

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
It's been a long path. For a long time, observers thought it was because they were committed to contactless (RFID) technology as the next step...but that hasn't advances as fast as some predicted, and it has big security issues, too. Now that MC and Visa have set down a "you must comply or you will be responsible for fraudulent charges" rule for next year, we're seeing motion. far most issuers have been sticking to chip-and-signature, not and-PIN, which guts the whole process.

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

PortMoresby ·
I don't quite see why using a pin would prevent fraud of the type we're seeing on a large scale. Presumably, if the hackers continue to target terminals, the pin would be compromised too. Yes, we could change the pin but it would need to be done immediately, before the damage is done. What am I missing?

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

DrFumblefinger ·
As I see it, PM, mostly they are just stealing the data off the magnetic strip. Or the PIN in the card has data that can also be copied, but that's a little hard than just scamming the read off the strip. With a PIN, that data, validated by your unique PIN (which you pick) are encrypted and sent off to the bank for approval. Not just the strip data, but the two together are the key. I have a credit card with a Canadian bank (chip and pin) which I prefer to use over the swipe and sign USA...

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
In the most secure system, the PIN is known to you, the user, but is not in your records at the issuer. That's why if you forget your PIN, a new one can be generated, but no one can send you your "lost" PIN the way that passwords can be. In the PIN system, the first communication takes place at the terminal. The terminal reads the PIN from the chip on your card, and asks you to enter it on the pad. If it matches, the terminal does NOT send the PIN to the clearing house or only...

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

PortMoresby ·
So, if I understand it then, even if the hackers can read the entered pin keystrokes from the terminal keypad which we enter, it cannot be used without the card with the unique chip, which cannot be duplicated as a magnetic strip can be duplicated?

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
That's correct. It is, of course, not totally impossible to create a duplicate chip, but it takes major equipment, not $5 worth of RadioShack parts...and it would also require much more information than can be harvested easily. The relative security (and it is relative) has driven over 80% of the world's credit card fraud toward the U.S. as other areas become more difficult. And once everyone is on board, the Trojan Horse mag stripe can come off the card as well.
Blog Post

New Target for Thieves: Frequent-flier miles

Paul Heymont ·
If you believed all the whining about how this airline's or that airline's loyalty programs were no longer worth anything...a ring of thieves didn't, and have turned frequent flier accounts into new targets for thefts.   Both American and United...
Blog Post

Pompeii frescoes, stolen in 1957, return to Italy

Paul Heymont ·
Three frescoes, missing from Pompeii since 1957 have turned up in the U.S., and been returned to Italy. They are part of a larger trove; a number of other pieces have already been recovered.   These three apparently spent the past almost-60 years...
Blog Post

How safe is that Hotel Room Safe?

DrFumblefinger ·
    Many of us assume the safe stashed in the closet of our hotel room offers security for our valuables.  Well, it's certainly better than nothing but far from completely secure.    Take a look at this video, a demonstration...
Blog Post

Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
White Lodging, which operates hotels under a number of major brands including Westin, Marriott, Sheraton and Holiday Inn, has acknowledged a major theft of customer credit card information including names, numbers, security codes and more. The breach...
Blog Post

Thieves hit Verona's Castelvecchio Museum

Paul Heymont ·
Masked thieves invaded the art museum of Verona's Castelvecchio, one of the Italian city's prime tourist attractions, Thursday, and left with 15 artworks, including paintings by Tintoretto, Rubens, Bellini and Giovanni Francesco Caroto.  ...
Blog Post

"The Norwegian Job" runs out of juice

Paul Heymont ·
In a move reminiscent of the movie "The Italian Job," a hapless Norwegian stole a miniature (electric) car...and then ran out of juice in a tunnel.