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Tagged With "Hotel Room Safe"


Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Mac ·
Wow! HistoryDigger that is fantastic information, thank you, I will now 'dig' more (pardon the pun) on the web and put some plans into place around those excellent suggestions!! Please - a crucial question for us - would we be "safe" to just book hotels for the arrival and departure days of our tour and simply rely on finding local accommodation as we progress round - or is it really SO busy in this season that I must book every stop along the way? We prefer the 'flexible' approach as it can...

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

rbciao ·
Free wi-fi is a nice perk that should be a part of the standard room fee. Years ago the introduction of coffee pots and coffee packets in the rooms were a big step in the right direction. Some chains offer a free breakfast, so why not wi-fi. Free wi-fi is just another step in the right direction.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Good discussion! WiFi has for me become an indispensable part of traveling. It allows me to stay in touch with family easily and cheaply (remember how hard it was even 25 years ago -- a phone call could run you $5 a minute? And there was no email). It lets me spend evening hours clearing out a hefty email que, and doing research on what I am going to see tomorrow and the next day. And with "Gumbo on the Go", it lets me share my travels as they happen with fellow Gumboites! I echo PHeymont's...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

rbciao ·
Free room wi-fi is one amenity that influences where we stay here or in Europe. We've noticed more and more Italian hotels and b&b's are offering this free service. In fact, we've seen free wi-fi zones in small Italian towns. Let's hope the expansion trend continues because it certainly makes attending to home and business much easier.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by JohnT: Maybe it's the old capitalist coming out in me, but I think "should" is a strong word. Free access to wi-fi certainly helps me determine where I'll stay, just like free breakfast is...but if a hotel has enough other amenities so that people are willing to pay for it's wi-fi then so be it...although it is easy enough to get free somewhere, I don't value it enough to pay for it. I agree with you John, that market forces will drive this. But the demand for "free"...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
CICAK, may I suggest you encourage your wife to see the big picture. When you're in a hotel room you are not required to savage the minibar. When you're in an apartment you aren't required to cook. The kitchen just exists quietly should you desire it. What you're there for is to spread out, have privacy with all the comforts of home, possibly be in a more interesting neighborhood & surrounded by people who interest you and who may even be interested in you and any number of other...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

Theodore Behr ·
Good tips about Google Maps street view. I guess I should have thought of it, like as a good way to scout out an area. But I guess I still don't know if that is a safe area. How can you see of a place is safe. PortMoresby has a good point. I like having space in a room and being able to spread out. That doesn't mean you have to cook.

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
Armed with the street address, online maps and Streeview you can certainly see all you need to know about a neighborhood. If it looks spiffy and interesting it's a safe neighborhood. If, on the map it's in close proximity to something you'd rather not be near then look on. See well dressed residents on the sidewalk and inviting bistros? Good neighborhood. Auto repair shops and shady-looking characters? Maybe not. It's not difficult.

Re: Tour in a BMW Isetta?

Former Member ·
Uh oh. They had to put the door of that car in the front because the back end is missing. If you hired a guided Isetta. would there only be room for you and the driver ? Cozy

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
As Kermit the Frog says, It's not easy being green ! I like products in bright colors. It keeps me from losing things, especially when I travel. Hard to miss a bright green tablet, even in the gloomy corner of a budget hotel room or tucked into a dark airplane seat pocket. It is good to read about these bargain tablets. They can only get cheaper during the upcoming holiday sales.

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

Travel Rob ·
I think that's very similar to American Airlines carry-on allowance. A lot better than EasyJets etc. Whether my bag was over, I can't say. My original bag was lost by Megabus, if you can believe it, so I had a different bag and clothes than what I was planning on The thing about the 787 is there's actually room for the carry-on. in the overhead.

Re: How to Irk the Brits

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I can see both sides (and have been on both sides). When I stop to take a picture I try to stay out of the way of people trying to pass by...and when the shoe is on the other foot, I try to leave room to avoid ruining someone's picture. A little bit of common courtesy all around makes it all (generally) work...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

DrFumblefinger ·
Some people claim the newer generations of jet-liners, like the Boeing 787, will reduce jet lag because they allow higher humidity in the cabin and higher air pressure (more oxygen). In fact that was discussed right here on a TravelGumbo during an interview with Norwegian Air . A few more points. I try not to have more than one or two connections on any flight, especially on overseas trips (for people traveling from small cities, this can be challenging). I find the fatigue factor clouds my...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

GarryRF ·
You're quite right DrF ! Usually when I return on a long flight the cabin is like a Doctors waiting room. Coughing and sneezing and spluttering. Headache. But the Dreamliner was - a dream ! So much healthier and with the windows darkened 'til just before breakfast - most people slept well - even the babies on board

Re: Unusual Hotel Rooms

Travel Luver ·
I once stayed at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, California. It has all kinds of unusual room designs. Believe ours was jungle themed, but it was unusual and made for a fun stay. It's a nice midway point between San Francisco and Los Angeles if you're driving along the PCH. Here's the link:

Re: How do you use the internet while traveling?

DrFumblefinger ·
I see what you are getting at! I don't stay at a place unless it has WiFi. It's as important to me as a good bed and a quiet room. I rarely use public WiFi except at airports because I don't think it is as secure. So I can't really comment on that.

Re: Neighborhoods in Santiago de Cuba

GarryRF ·
I'm not familiar with Santiago de Cuba. Casa particulares will provide you with meals and drinks. Stores and Restaurants are hard to find and most food is still rationed to the Cubans. Cuban water is safe for the locals but carries a high mineral content, which may cause gastro problems. Bottled "Montero" water is available and low cost. Quite nice too. Santiago de Cuba is not on the tourist lists for us Brits. Most Cuban food uses - Rice -Beans - Eggs - Chicken - Pork (No Beef) - Fish...

Re: A kind word for

DrFumblefinger ·
That's good to know. Many companies don't understand how important good customer service is. is my preferred hotel booking site when I travel abroad because they do such a good job describing the accommodations. You'll pretty much know exactly what kind of room to expect. Also, if you are a frequent user you qualify for your their "genius" discounts from select hotels -- an extra 10% off. Nice! For example, when we visited Palermo, we stayed at a top quality hotel with excellent...

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

JohnT ·
Hi Doc Over the years it seems I've joined so many of these programs, but I really don't travel enough on business and I tend to use airline reward credit cards...I guess I have gotten free nights before with Hilton and Starwood.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
The main usefulness that I have found for these loyalty programs is not the tangible rewards. The staff just seems to be more attentive and accommodating when they see that I am a regular with their company. There have been times when the extra attention has made a big difference in an otherwise harried trip.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Travel Luver ·
I'm a Hilton guy. Stay there whenever I can.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

SayMoi ·
I'm a Holiday Inn Express or La Quinta member. On my most recent road trip, I did get upgraded at the HIE for being a member. The free nights are always great too and that's the main goal. I've used many La Quinta free nights when I do workshops out of town. With HIE, I usually use the points for a discounted rate in expensive areas, like Sonoma or Paso Robles - wherever a vineyard may be!

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Travel Luver ·
That's what I do, too, SayMoi. I think it's a good plan. Use my rewards for expensive cities. Pay in lower priced cities and built up more points there. It is nice to get little upgrades and free nights for being a member of a program. Plus I like having a place of consistent quality I can count on. I like knowing what kind of room I'm going to get.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
Using the points for the expensive properties works well. We have stayed at the Marriott very close to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It was a treat just to see the Leidesplein and Vondlepark from our room . We have used points to stay at the Hotel George V in Paris, just around the corner from Champs-Élysées . Why stay extra nights in Des Moines when you can be in Paris ? Not knocking Des Moines - but, hey, Des Moinesians would go to Paris, too.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

DrFumblefinger ·
I've heard that in the US, the favorite destinations for people to use their rewards for free rooms are (drumroll.......)...............1) New York City..........2) Maui. No big surprises there.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

FlashFlyer ·
Interesting to see this many people actually using hotel rewards programs! I always looked for ones whose points could be traded for airline miles...not as easy as it used to be!

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
We have used the points for hotels from time to time. We did not really want to use them for hotels, but it seemed complicated to do anything "out of the system".

Re: Visiting great places -- before they're gone

GarryRF ·
When I first visited Cuba back in the 90's it was a different Country to the one today. No TV's - Radio - Phones and many had no electric ! The Cuban Government asked visitors not to show the locals photos of our 3 cars - 2 houses and 14 acres of land by the beach. And how we had a Colour TV in every room. It upsets them. Not surprising really - and quite cruel ! Now its Air Con and fast catching up with the World ! The people are now free to leave and travel. They watch American Satellite...

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Theodore Behr ·
I like the Holiday Inn Express hotels. And I'll go out of my way to stay there when I can.

Re: The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you so very much for this fascinating piece on Dracula!! I grew up scared of vampires as a small boy because I''d watched Bela Lugosi when I was a little to young to understand. But at least I knew I was safe in the day, as vampires could not come into the sunlight. Amazing what an industry Vampires have become, with hundreds of movies, television series and books written about them. You've give us yet another reason to visit Romania. The country moves further and further up my list of...

Re: Experience with hotel bidding sites?

DrFumblefinger · has a generic "star rating" hotel, unknown to you as to which brand and exact location, at discounted prices. I've use them a few times and been satisfied with the results. For example, I got 4 star rooms in downtown Montreal for less than eighty dollars a night, probably a quarter or less of their rack rate. Generally I do like to know where I'm staying, but good luck. Let us know how this works out for you.

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
I can't recommend an agrotourismo, but I'd suggest you consider staying in Bayeux. Very small town, charming medieval core, great cathedral and of course its famous tapestry. We stayed at a nice B&B which was near the heart of the historic town core, very convenient to everything. Owned by a wonderful couple who were great hosts and were fascinating to talk to. And they helped us outline highlights of what to see in the area. An elegant home -- maybe larger than you need and not quite...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

PortMoresby ·
I imagine there's a real difference between staying on the Mont, compared to staying near the Mont. Yes, you'd give up the view but could always make the trek to get a photo at the appropriate hour, then go back. I was there some years ago and we had no plan regarding where we'd stay. It was off-season so we weren't worried. We found a very modest, friendly hotel on the main street as it begins it's climb, with a view of the cobblestones below and it was perfect. But then, under the...

Re: Romania-top 10 destinations of 2014

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm not sure why more people aren't coming to Romania, but I think in the next decade you'll see that change. And alphabet is right. You might get tired of all these masses. Twenty years ago no one was in Prague and now millions visit it every year (to the point where the locals are definitely tired of us) The country certainly is lovely. I presume it's pretty safe for independent travelers to get around in. What would be the best season to travel, especially to enjoy the beautiful mountain ...

Should a budget traveler "splurge" sometimes?

DrFumblefinger ·
I read an interesting post written by Rick Steves, discussing the importance of splurging a little even when you're on a tight travel budget.  Rick Steves is somewhat of a travel icon these days, and a very wealthy man who can spend as much or as...

Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
Hi...I'm in Atlanta, home of some great food (including barbecue, soul and MaryMac's Tea Room which you've all got to get to someday). Anyway, right after New Years, I'm packing my family (2 of us and 2 kids) and driving to Denver for my parents'...
Topic Featured

Renting an apartment in Europe

Former Member ·
I saw the news item on TravelGumbo yesterday that Expedia is going to rent apartments on its site with some other company. I kind of like the idea, because cheap hotel rooms only seem to have enough room for me, my GF and suitcases...but I don't know...

Safe to fly on New Years?

Former Member ·
We're coming home from our Christmas break on a red-eye that gets in at 12:15 January 1--15 minutes into the new year. A co-workers is suddenly very concerned, she says its bad luck to travel at times like that. She says its not superstition,...

Anyone Familiar with Croatia & Slovenia?

TravelGirlJenn ·
Hiya!   My parents and I are heading to Croatia and Slovenia this summer (early September) by way of Italy and I'm trying to figure out the most fluid way for us to hit all of our destinations.   Renting a car is a must; however, I would...

Unusual Hotel Rooms

DrFumblefinger ·
There's millions of hotel rooms around the world and most are fairly standard.  Bed of varying size and comfort, bathroom with show/tub combo, maybe a desk, maybe a comfortable chair in which to sit.  Most rooms just differ by their size and...

3 Alternatives To b&b Accommodation In France

Ruby Daub ·
With reliably warm weather, beautiful scenery and gastronomic delights; France is a very popular holiday destination. As parts of the country are only hours away, it is a hit with both those looking for long summer vacations or short weekends away. France offers a huge variety of holiday and accommodation options, so there is something for everyone. While hotels and B&B’s are a very popular choice, if you’re after something a little different on your holiday to France then here are three...

October - A perfect month to explore Udaipur and nearby sites

Pratap Singh ·
Udaipur, which is also known as the lake city of India, is a beautiful and romantic tourist destination, in the state of Rajasthan (INDIA). Udaipur has been the home of the Mewar Kingdom, which has built a strong empire from 11th to 20th century and has not surrender to major empires in India like the Delhi Sultanate, Mughal, etc. Now as said in the title, October is the best month for a couple (or family traveler) to explore Udaipur, as the weather is quite good (not hot or too cold). And...

4 Best Riverside Hotels in Varanasi

David James ·
As Varanasi is listed among the most visited cities in our country, it is obvious that the city is boasted with some of the best hotels in India. Here we have brought to you the list of 4 best hotels in Varanasi near Ganga River . Scroll down and make your sojourn more divine. 1. Kedareswar Bed and Breakfast Kedareswar Bed and Breakfast Kedareswar Bed and Breakfast is one of the most loved and adored property of the country. This is actually a real gem that come under the moderate price with...

Are We bored of Abroad? - Why UK holidays are the Next Big Thing

Christina Woodard ·
Millions of holidaymakers are abandoning the beaches of far flung climes and sticking with a staycation in the UK - and in bigger numbers than ever before. Good news for the domestic economy, holidaying Brits are choosing to spend their hard-earned cash and home. The figures make for great reading… In the first quarter of 2016, 10% more people were holidaying in England than at the same time in 2015, a Rise of some 7.3 million holidaymakers. But why? What has changed to prompt people to stay...

Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

ArronHidd ·
A couple years back when I was first planning this simple vacation, I never thought it would be as life changing as it was. But life is unpredictable that way, and this story is definitely one for the grandkids. My husband and I were planning a short trip to Brisbane to get away from our 9 to 5 lives, so we booked a room in a hotel and went there for a few days. It was impossible not to fall in love with the atmosphere of the city on the very first day. My husband is a nature lover, so he...

7 Steps Guide to Easier Travel Packing

Candice Larson ·
Hey people, if you are travelling, make it comfortable for you to enjoy the trip. Of course you don't want your travel to be a hilarious disaster and the value for money won't be achieved. So if I were you, I'll be more practical and creative to enjoy the travelling period on your chosen destination. As a budget traveller like myself, here are some tips (seven tips to be exact) when packing things for your trip. This is based from my personal escapades in the recent years and of course, tips...

Know Everything About Goa Travel Information

Abhishek Mathur ·
Why Goa? India is one of the countries which have always fascinated different countries. Some invade it while some ruled it. Some brought blunders to this heritage country while some others made such wonders which made their names immortal with their works. The state of Goa is part of India and is situated at the west coast of the country. The state is rich with the Portuguese’s culture, heritage and history. Goa and the Tourism Goa is listed among the best tourist destinations in India.

Know 11 Interesting Facts About Amber Fort in Jaipur

Abhishek Mathur ·
Royal state of Rajasthan, the state of kings and kingdoms has its own charisma when it comes to the grandeur of rich and historical monuments. Filled with many amazing and wonderful cities, Rajasthan plays a vital role in Indian Tourism. One of the major cities in Rajasthan is Jaipur, the pink city of India. Boasting a plethora of amazing forts, palaces and havelis, Jaipur is coronating the crown of Rajasthan Tourism . One of the major tourist attractions in Jaipur is Amber Fort. Famous as...

The Best 7 Healthy Foodie Lunches in London

John Peter ·
While there are many healthy options in the form of coffee shops and restaurants in London, few are mouthwatering. Healthy eating does not need to be boring, especially when you are paying to have it made for you! Here is a hit list of restaurants that are serving healthy food which doesn’t negate your morning workout. 1. Ottolenghi – Notting Hill, Belgravia, Islington, Spitalfields Mouthwatering Middle Eastern food My husband is Israeli and as a result, we have long been paying homage to...