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Tagged With "MasterCard Send"


Re: Nov. 12, 2016: Memorial to Women of WW II, London

GarryRF ·
The Cenotaph in London is a remembrance of all the war dead from all the British Empire. Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and many more. They all send servicemen to represent their own countries in a march past. Did you know that Belgium has a parade of armed soldiers at the London Cenotaph too ?

Re: Trains in Cuba

Wilbur's Travels ·
Thanks for the info. I too love Mark's site. I will try my damnedest to do a train journey if I can so I can send you details. Wilbur.

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
British Airways are trying their best to hold on to their customers' money. We have had 4 flights from Frankfurt to London cancelled by them (on two separate bookings). Whilst by law they should simply refund the money to the credit card, they send you links involving only 'travel vouchers' and phone numbers with automated messages directing you to the same vouchers. It is extremely difficult to find anything to do with actual refunds, but I am persisting. I also am pursuing claims under EU...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Good discussion! WiFi has for me become an indispensable part of traveling. It allows me to stay in touch with family easily and cheaply (remember how hard it was even 25 years ago -- a phone call could run you $5 a minute? And there was no email). It lets me spend evening hours clearing out a hefty email que, and doing research on what I am going to see tomorrow and the next day. And with "Gumbo on the Go", it lets me share my travels as they happen with fellow Gumboites! I echo PHeymont's...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Paul Heymont ·
I may not be much help, because we tend to send postcards to the grandchildren from each city, with notes about what we've seen and think they would be interested in, and to avoid filling the suitcase with physical items. But for those few things we do buy, we usually go to the market! One of our travel rituals, on the first day when we stock the apartment, is to look for a local preserve or jam that we don't see at home (skyberries in Stockholm, for instance). Once we've found one we really...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 4, 2013: Patterns from the Air

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Louie Louie, It has happened to me once, but usually it's not an issue. I have a small pocket camera I keep at hand when flying. When I see something that interests me, I pull it out and take a photo. (remember to turn the flash off, it won't help and will cause a big bright spot on the window) So long as you don't send or receive a signal, it isn't a problem. With the softening of TSA inflight electronic requirements, this should be even less of an issue in the future.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Here's the last set of clues! Send your answer to This first house was built for a wealthy commission merchant, that was modified many times. A neoclassical revival front porch with ionic columns and a circular pavilion was added to the main Italianate structure. Also, a carriage house was added made from bricks of the demolished house next door (mentioned in Friday’s clue). It is now listed as a Victorian Mansion on a list of historic registered places and landmarks.

Re: Where in the world is TravelGumbo (#251)

Jonathan L ·
Here are the last two clues. Send your guesses to today, before tomorrow's reveal of where Gumbo has been this week:

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#69)

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, thanks! The e-mails will be published on Tuesday night, if you’d like to send your guess to if you’d rather not wait to make your claim!

Re: GPS v. Sicily = WTF

DrFumblefinger ·
I have mixed feelings about GPS. Sometimes they're a good send. Other times they make for hazardous driving. As a rule, I still prefer old fashioned maps. Call me old fashioned..... As Pheymont said, hope you can share some of those great Sicilian travel experiences with us, Rbciao!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 15, 2015: The Tea Lady, Istanbul

GarryRF ·
Think I need to send you some "Tetley Tea Bags " in the post Paul. I have to bring my own T-Bags to the US. Very weak brew you get in Restaurants. One day we'll get you a T Pot to complement your kitchen.... and maybe some fresh tea (not bagged)

Re: How to Irk the Brits

GarryRF ·
The first thing that surprises me on this blog is how eager people are to believe any of the pure drivel that film makers produce. Yahoo send a team to London to be controversial. That's the script. They don't want to tell a story of people who are just like the folks you left behind in America. No. That's not going to grab anyone's attention. PHeymont has lived in both countries and knowingly avoids such divisive journalism. Wherever you travel in the world you find people who are giving ,...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#124)

Jonathan L ·
Well, we have the right continent, but this is not New England. Here are a couple of more photos to help: This is a bridge visible from the patio of the structure Here is the building from its lower patio. One other hint. This building is one of the oldest buildings in its municipality. Keep the ideas coming, but please send any serious guesses to .

Re: Ethiopia Musings: 2) Languages and People

DrFumblefinger ·
Another fascinating look at a rarely visited place, Lester, thanks! I've heard that the Ethiopians send their bureaucrats to China for training. Any evidence of that in your visit?

Re: Lost a US Passport Overseas? What I learned this trip.

GarryRF ·
I send an email to myself with a scan of all my travel documents, tickets and passports. Then even if I lose the lot I can soon get a copy.

Re: Max Gate - home of British author Thomas Hardy

PortMoresby ·
It was right at the end of about a week walking on that killer path, the Southwest Coast Path, and isn't SO far from Dorchester. But you don't need to be impressed, Mac, I ran out of gas just as I was leaving Hardy's Cottage to start back and instead of returning on foot, called the hotel and had them send a taxi to fetch us. But walking does put me in the mood to visit historic places. Arriving by car, which I've done with friends and in rental cars, just isn't the same. There's nothing...

Re: One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

PortMoresby ·
" You have until Monday midnight to send your answer . . . " Midnight where?

Re: One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

DrFumblefinger ·
Exactly. Sometimes the blog from which the mystery clue is taken posts Tueday, sometimes later. The deadline, surprisingly, has never been an issue so far. Usually people who solve it get it very early. But we'll accept midnight Hawaii time.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#337)

Paul Heymont ·
Here are Friday's clues... We've stepped out of the building to have a look at its near neighbor and its facade. The weekend is approaching, so keep in mind the deadline of Sunday night to send answers to

Re: Where in the World #334

Jonathan L ·
Two more clues today, two more tomorrow. Send your guesses in. The reveal will be on Monday.

Re: Georgia on my Mind

Wilbur's Travels ·
Hi Good Doctor, Thanks for publishing this. I have more I want to send you, but just need to find the time somehow! In the meantime I have started blogging on Cuba if you see my blog Let me know what you think if you get a chance to have a quick look. Thanks again. Wilbur. Sent from my iPad > On 26 Jan 2017, at 18:03, TravelGumbo < > wrote: >

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
The comments on "orphan parks" made for some interesting thoughts. How do we (as a society) choose what to save for parks? When you consider urban parkland, the point is obvious: people who have no land of their own need areas for public recreation. In other cases, individuals with wealth and influence have created parks in areas important to them personally (think of Acadia and the Rockefellers, Palisades Interstate Park and Morgan partners). But setting aside and maintaining areas like...

Re: Managing Your Money on the Road

Travel Rob ·
This is a great compehensive post. Time to try and cash the money order that you've been holding! LOL

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
As you've seen in the Great Escape, taking prisoners into the forest and killing them wasn't just a Russian idea. It was used against the Allied POWs by the SS. But there were many allied airmen shot down over Germany who returned home after the war with life saving surgery by the "enemy" Metal plates fitted to the skull where the bone had been shot away I remember. Shall I send an email to your website Whitney ?

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
GarryRF. Yes please send that email. Or DM me on Twitter @whitneystewart2. My uncle was shot down by Germans, but was saved and mended by Partisans. See Finding Reiner #2.

Re: Check Your Statement! A Big Hotel Credit Card Breach...

Paul Heymont ·
In the most secure system, the PIN is known to you, the user, but is not in your records at the issuer. That's why if you forget your PIN, a new one can be generated, but no one can send you your "lost" PIN the way that passwords can be. In the PIN system, the first communication takes place at the terminal. The terminal reads the PIN from the chip on your card, and asks you to enter it on the pad. If it matches, the terminal does NOT send the PIN to the clearing house or only...

Re: Where else in the world would you find "Spam" favored nuts

Joan Heymont ·
Do not send him a case. I want him to live longer than that.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Hello HistoryDigger, I have some friends in Cologne who might be able to give you some on the ground advice. I'll send you their contact info via dialog. Check for the top right corner for a message.

Re: Credit Card size Cameras ! Any Good?

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Garry! I think we might need to send you there at midnight with that camera!
Blog Post

Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#81)

Paul Heymont ·
Last few weeks, our intrepid wanderer has shown a definite taste for stones—perhaps he'll soon head back into nature, but for now, here's where he is. But where is that?   To win the prize, which is simply the admiration of your fellow...

Books That Send You Packing...

Former Member ·
The thread on films here started me thinking because I'm more likely to think about going someplace because of a book than a film. I've seen elsewhere about people traveling inspired by mystery novels with really local characters like Inspector...
Blog Post Changes as Travelers Change : Interview With Stuart Frisby

Travel Rob ·
One of the biggest stories in travel over the last 20 years has been the growth of accommodation website, It was founded by a computer scientist, Geert-Jan Bruinsma in 1996 and is based in Amsterdam. Priceline bought in 2005...
Blog Post

Spring 2015! Selfie Garden Debuts at Keukenhof

Travel Rob ·
              Photo of Keukenhof : Wikimedia Commons , Author Alessandro Vecchi   Keukenhof Estate is a 32 hectare park in the Netherlands filled with over 7 million flowers in Spring....
Blog Post

Ithaca,New York tells Visitors to Go to Florida

Travel Rob ·
You got to love the honesty of tourism officials in Ithaca , New York.Here's what was posted on their site yesterday. A great marketing campaign!   "That's it. We surrender. Winter, you win. Key West anyone? Due to this ridiculously stupid...
Blog Post

New device uses walkers' muscles as GPS receiver

Travel Rob ·
German researchers at the University of Hannover developed a new  Satellite Navigation device that guides walkers using an electrical pulse to stimulate the sartorius muscle. The researchers claim it feels like a like a gentle tug in one...
Blog Post

Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#100)

Paul Heymont ·
    Don't be too quick to draw a might be right, you might not. This one may go fast, but I'm not so sure it will.   In any case, as it says below, join in and nudge it along—but if you're absolutely totally sure...
Blog Post

Eye on the Sky is China's new attraction

Paul Heymont ·
A huge Chinese radio-telescope has become a tourism attraction as well as a center for research. But no photos, please!
Blog Post

Cheetos and Ripley's: Can orange dust be art?

Paul Heymont ·
In a bizarre marriage of snacks and curiosities, a contest asks for Cheetos that look like something else. Don't they all?
Blog Post

New airport kiosks know where they're needed

Paul Heymont ·
Star Wars, meet the airport. Sita Labs intelligent kiosks can not only check you in and take your bags—they know where to go to greet you.
Blog Post

Soles Truncos: Unique in Puerto Rico

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L continues his exploration of San Juan's unique architecture and the work of the Puerto Rico Historic Building Drawing Society.
Blog Post

Apr. 20, 2017: World's Longest Train Journey?

GarryRF ·
A new rail route provides the first-ever direct service between England and eastern China.
Blog Post

200 Years of History on the Erie Canal

Jonathan L ·
After 200 years, the Erie Canal is still at work, and at leisure. JonathanL follows it from Buffalo to Albany for a great tour.
Blog Post

Malta's lost arch is new dive attraction

Paul Heymont ·
The Azure Window at Gozo, once one of the island's prime tourist views fell into the sea last year, and has become a prime attraction for divers.
Blog Post

Chinese faves in UK: Harry Potter, Man United

Paul Heymont ·
Data from VisitBritain turns up some surprising favorites of Chinese visitors and some advice for hotel owners.
Blog Post

'Mouse that Almost Soared' delays BA flight

Paul Heymont ·
BA's London to San Francisco service is interrupted by an unwanted passenger known for chewing cables rather than airline food.
Blog Post

How Can You Apply for a Tourist Visa to Visit France?

Darren Wilson ·
Some information about applying for a French visa for those travelers who need one (sponsored content)
Blog Post

One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

DrFumblefinger ·
This is all the clue there is: Is it enough for you to name the scene of a future TravelGumbo blog? Email answers by Monday midnight to
Blog Post

One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

Paul Heymont ·
This is all the clue there is: Is it enough for you to name the scene of a future TravelGumbo blog? Email answers by Monday midnight to
Blog Post

One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

DrFumblefinger ·
This is all the clue there is: Is it enough for you to name the scene of a future TravelGumbo blog? Email answers by Monday midnight to
Blog Post

One-Clue Mystery: Name the Place!

Paul Heymont ·
This is all the clue there is: Is it enough for you to name the scene of a future TravelGumbo blog? Email answers by Monday midnight to