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Tagged With "Florida East Coast Industries"


Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

George G. ·
Nicely done Stephanie ! The Swigart Car Museum was on my list for a future travel blog since I travel Route 22 but go east from I-99 to my brothers' residences in Punxsutawney and Parker, PA. I always seemed to be short on time to take the detour to go west on Route 22. Your Swigart photos whetted my appetite to now take that detour and visit that place. Loved the automobile photos and the stories behind some of them.

Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Thank you George. They close in the winter, so call first to be sure so that it's not a wasted trip.

Re: Sweden jumps into night-train market

Paul Heymont ·
I'd agree on the Amtrak experience: fine trip, but not sleep-friendly on the Sunset Limited or the Coast Starlight. But I also found the Catania-to-Naples night train not the smoothest either, but it did come with the excitement of the entire train being loaded onto the ferry for the crossing to the mainland!

Re: South America, part 3 - Nesting Leatherback Sea Turtles

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating! I was just visiting Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia today and discovered that leatherbacks like to spend their summers off the coast feasting on jellyfish. Amazing what long journeys they make to lay their eggs.

Re: Oct. 3, 2016: Old Store & Post Office, Evinston, FL

DrFumblefinger ·
A very cool destination! I love old places like this, especially ones that still work! You don't stress it, but they have a nice display of Elvis memorabilia. Makes me wonder if he stopped by long ago when he was touring the southeastern USA>

Re: Oct. 3, 2016: Old Store & Post Office, Evinston, FL

Travel Rob ·
We were in Micanopy at a antique store and the proprietor suggested seeing the antique coca -cola cooler in the Evinston Post Office. By the time we got there, it was 4:57pm, three minutes to closing. But the gentleman running the office welcomed us and was not in a hurry at all. I hope to stop by again and ask some more questions at this really neat place. A really great surprise on our day trip. A few years ago, NPR did a story about the Post Office which is well worth reading. ...

Re: How Low Can You Go? Norwegian Air's Chief Bets on It

Travel Rob ·
After seeing todays prices ,he's not joking around. He's putting the loss leaders right out there to set the tone. The West Coast prices are absolutely incredible. I sure hope it lasts

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

WorkerBee ·
It is an MGB. The rubber-covered bumpers first appeared on 1974-1/2 models. The appearance didn't change much after that. The wheels on this car lead me to believe that it is no later than a 1979 model.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

Paul Heymont ·
I think '79 or '80 was the end of the line for MGB, so you're probably in the right time-frame. Sad thing about the could never look to me like an MG. Tell me MG, and this is what I see...

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
I do like the look of the little white convertible! Thanks WorkerBee and PHeymontfor your help pinning it down. Presume that metal rack on the back hood was to "tie down" excess baggage. Don't see stuff like that much anymore.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

Paul Heymont ·
"excess baggage?" No, just baggage period! The T basically had room at the back for a few tools and maybe a lunch; there was also a wee bit of space behind the seats. I'm pretty sure there the C had space for an overnighter back there, just that and a spare tire.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
Look at what I discovered this afternoon! Adler-Trumpf, Germany, made 1933-1939 Citroen Half Track, France, pre WWII Claveau, France, 1956 Panhard Dynamic, France, 1936-1939 More to follow!!

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

Travel Rob ·
Wow DrFumblefinger,I can't wait

Re: Hop a Cheap Flight to Turkey

PortMoresby ·
Rob, I like your recurring posts when you see these great fares. I hope you continue doing it, including from airports other than the east coast. Good work. PM

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

GarryRF ·
Last launch I watched was from the East Coast of Florida - maybe near Cocoa Beach. The Sky was complete darkness, just a few stars and the moon. We were listening to the launch radio station from about T minus 15 minutes - as NASA described the last minute checks. A few seconds before launch time you could see the ground at Cape Canaveral illuminated like a bright white flare. The steam from the launch pad turned into a white cloud and on "Zero" the rocket was moving slowly into the air. For...

Re: Sunrise over Tampa Bay, Florida #2

Former Member ·

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
Re the name "Montreal": there is a town in France with the same name so it is not certain that the City of Montreal is called that because of Mont Royal. Apart from that small quibble, I heartily agree with all you have written about my home city. Oh, wait ... it really isn't so that "almost everyone speaks English quite well". Venture east of Blvd St Laurent and you'll soon find that isn't the case. But then the average visitor, unless by accident, will not find him/herself in the part of...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
To say that Ireland is typically wet and cold is true of Winter. The Summers are often pleasant and warm but when you get to the West Coast then the wind blows in of a cold Atlantic Ocean. But the weather can change 4 times a day - so there's something there to please everyone. Ireland has wonderful fresh food. Fresh from the sea and farm. Try a locally produced Vintage Cheddar Cheese or an 18 year old Jamesons Whiskey. Soda bread is a local speciality. But stay away from the home made...

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your note, Arion! I really didn't run into anyone in Montreal who couldn't speak some English. My French is weak at best, but got by here. That certainly wasn't the case as we headed further east. Maybe we can convince you to do a piece on the "hidden Montreal" -- the places only locals know about. I'd like to explore some of them the next time I'm there.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other. (Part 5) The Elephants of Pinnawala

PortMoresby ·
I'm becoming more intrigued by the day. On the practical side of things, specifically how to get there, what's your usual route, DrF, or is there a best way. From the US west coast. I'm thinking about using miles and I haven't found a cheap way yet for an onward flight from, say, BKK or HKG to Colombo. India is the obvious closest but costs more miles to get to than BKK. Any ideas? AA miles if have any experience with that alliance.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other. (Part 5) The Elephants of Pinnawala

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, PortMoresby! And we've not even been to the sacred tooth relic in Kandy, the medieval ruins of Polonnaruwa, the beautiful hill country filled with tea plantations and "The World's End", a wildlife safari at Yala National Park, nor any of the nice beaches (but keep reading -- reports on these are coming). Sri Lanka is a great destination, especially now that the civil war is over. I was doubly lucky to not only be able to visit a dear friend there but to have time to leisurely explore...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hi Hank. If you enjoy hiking and the weathers fair then you can go up to the Snow line and above. Take the Train up, then continue on foot to the peak. Train from Llandudno Junction on the North Wales coast Plenty of info here: for the Mountain Railway .

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #15

DrFumblefinger ·
I believe WorkerBee, our master puzzle solver, has figured this one out. Go ahead and spell it out, WorkerBee. It's Friday evening now (somewhere, if not the west coast). Time for the reveal!

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Racing_snake ·
I agree it's a spectacular sight not to be missed and that there's more to Greenland that just the ice sheet. 2014 will see me on my 7th month-long visit in the last 9 years. I will again hike alone from Sisimiut on the west coast to a location north east of Kangerlussuaq (something like 110 - 120 miles) and then join colleagues doing wild goose research. By all means aim to set foot on the ground there and enjoy camping in the remote arctic landscape - being alone out there is a unique...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Paul Heymont ·
In a way, most of the places in the world worth visiting have some history of being "dirty, industrial" places--that's where people cluster and societies are forged. The ancient cities of the Middle East and Greece, and Rome itself were like that! We recently visited the excavated Roman city under central Barcelona, and were surprised to see how much of the area in the center of the ancient city was given over to commercial laundry, large-scale dye works and industrial-scale wine-making. The...

Re: Finally some good news! Whistler or Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't ski either (bad knees), but I've visited both of these destinations. There are pros and cons to each. Both is a little over an hour's drive from their closest major airport, Vancouver for Whistler and Calgary for Canmore. Whistler is close to the coast, but high up. So they usually have good snow, but depending on the year, it can get soggy by spring and sometimes ice crusted. Banff area is far more likely to have nice light powder during the spring break season. Some people swear by...

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

DrFumblefinger ·
I think you'll find reward trips from the Western USA are harder to get for European travel than from the East coast. But if your schedule is flexible, you could be lucky.

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

Paul Heymont ·
John's point about the ratio between the two tiers is interesting (we looked at that a little in a forum post this week on value of miles). My guess--and it's just that--is that the same kind of yield-management used to set prices has taken a look at this and is carefully balancing loyalty vs. burn... I can't really compare East vs West availability personally; my school schedules have defined when I can travel well enough that I'm able to start hunting tickets 330 days out, when the...

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Andre, and welcome. As DrY is away on vacation, I'll try to answer your question before he gets back. Yellowstone National Park does sit on what is known as the "Yellowstone Hot Spot". You see this in its geysirs and hot water pools. This does have the potential to become a massive volcano and cause a tremendous eruption. As big as any volcano in recorded history and then some. The jet stream would carry the ash and smoke mostly east (towards the Atlantic Ocean), so those areas would be...

Re: Ryanair: Sell the Extras, Give Away the Tickets?

PortMoresby ·
For those who were traveling to Europe about 30 years ago, you may or may not remember the short-lived airline, People's Express. I bought 2 tickets from the US West Coast to Brussels for $300 each which was, if I recall, an introductory price and very cheap even then. They didn't last long which I lamented as I liked the CEO's attitude and approach. On the other hand, I think O'Leary has something up his sleeve, he always does, making noise for the publicity. A most unpleasant man, from all...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #20

Paul Heymont ·
Friday hint: The sun rises in the east...and this is North America.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#252)

Paul Heymont ·
Here are Thursday's clues, and The Puzzler hopes they find you all in better weather than he is anticipating on the U.S. East Coast!

Re: Norway getting an all-electric fjord ferry

DrFumblefinger ·
The modern world still needs oil so I'm glad Norway is able to help add to a world supply that makes us all less reliant on the volatile middle east. But they do have abundant hydroelectricity, as does Canada, and it's places like this that I see as good testing grounds for battery powered experiments like this ferry because charging the batteries here doesn't add much pollution. Hydroelectric dams may be somewhat controversial (what isn't?), but once they're built they generate lots of...

Re: Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt seeing visitors again

GarryRF ·
The Canary Isles are an all year Spanish hot spot - located off the coast of Africa. Perfect for a Christmas Vacation too !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#261)

Travel Luver ·
They look like cypress tress, maybe from the California coast?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 22, 2014: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida

Ottoman ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: What's the best ride? Hi Travel Luver! I can honestly say that I enjoyed all the rides at the Universal Studios Theme Parks, but if I had to pick a favorite or favorites, I would have to say that I particularly enjoyed the 3-D rides such as "Despicable Me Minion Mayhem" (where Gru turns you into a Minion and you embark on a wild ride through Gru's lab), "The Simpsons Ride" (where you embark on a wild ride through Krustyland and Springfield), and "The...

Re: Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

Paul Heymont ·
I've only had the pleasure of a small part of the road (east of Flagstaff and yes, passing that corner in Winslow, Arizona, but Route 66 is pretty much the symbol of the feeling so many of us have, of wanting to discover a past still visible in the present, and worth holding onto. Another good book for "shunpikers" is George Cantor's "Where the Old Roads Go: Driving the First Federal Highways of the Northeast." It's an easy and rewarding read even if you're not setting out on Rte 6, Rte 20,...

Re: Visiting historic Skagway, Alaska

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoyed this piece, Tom, and find the little town of Skagway charming if there's no cruise ships around. Make sure if you visit that you also go to the town's little cemetery and see if you can find the grave marker of the villainous Soapy Smith. There was a different way to reach the Klondike in addition to those Tom writes about, which while safer was not very successful. That involved sailing all the way up the coast of Alaska, entering the mouth of the Yukon river and navigating...

Re: Fares to Europe for as Low as $301 Round Trip Total!

Travel Rob ·
For those of you on the West Coast,Norwegian still has some outstanding deals like this one from Oakland to Stockholm $376.00 rt total Oakland - San Francisco - Stockholm-Arlanda Friday 23. Jan 2015 10:00 PM - Terminal: 1 Flight DY7068 - LowFare 1 Adult $185.00 Return Stockholm-Arlanda - Oakland - San Francisco Friday 30. Jan 2015 6:30 PM - Terminal: 5 Flight DY7067 - LowFare 1 Adult $190.10 Total price incl. all taxes and surcharges $375.10

Re: The Top South Florida Beaches to Visit

Paul Heymont ·
Beautiful! I've only been to Florida beaches once...was impressed by the very gentle surf and slow incline where we were. Great for young kids!

Re: The Top South Florida Beaches to Visit

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Katy ,some great beaches The water is great for swimming in Florida.The beaches are great .If your coming from out of state though, realize summer is hot,humid and rainy

Re: The Top South Florida Beaches to Visit

Katy ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Which is your favorite beach -- or aren't you going to share that special place with the rest of the world? I honestly love all of them for each of the reasons I mentioned!

Re: Canada: See it all while you're young (Summer Rail Passes)

DrFumblefinger ·
A one way flight from Vancouver to the east coast of Canada might run you $700.00. Remember, you're talking about distance of almost 4000 mi/6000 km between Vancouver and Halifax. Travels north towards the Yukon and NWT are also expensive, so if you will actively travel for 2 months, this is a good value.

Re: The Top South Florida Beaches to Visit

DrFumblefinger ·
Which is your favorite beach -- or aren't you going to share that special place with the rest of the world?

Re: What To Do In Miami When It Rains

Paul Heymont ·
Great blog idea! I remember when my kids were young (they're all in 30s and 40s now, bad weather was always one of the issues on vacation, and we had to scramble for things to do that would keep them occupied and happy. Some of your ideas here look great for adults and kids!

Re: What To Do In Miami When It Rains

DrFumblefinger ·
That bookstore really looks appealing to me....always one of my favorite destinations on a rainy day. That, and a library. I love visiting libraries in cities when I visit. The quality of a town's libraries tells me a lot of that city's priorities.

Re: A Surreal Visit to the Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for this great look at such a unique museum.Ive been meaning to visit for years but knew very little about it!

Re: A Surreal Visit to the Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
An amazing building and a most interesting artist, thanks for sharing this! My favorite Dali painting is the Persistence of Memory .