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Tagged With "aircraft seating"


Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

PortMoresby ·
How very Soviet.

Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks rather like a stuffed goose trying to take flight. The kind of aircraft that belongs in an aviation museum, not in the sky.

Re: Trains in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Great question...and possibly not an easy clear answer. Cuba's trains have generally been in poor shape in recent years as older equipment has run down and spares not available. However, according to Mark Smith (The Man in Seat 61), that's changing with the arrival of a fleet of new Chinese-built locomotives. On his site ( ) he has an extensive update of recent changes in schedules, routes and locations (that's important because Havana's main station is closed for a 3-year...

Re: Qantas eyes more UK-Oz nonstops

GarryRF ·
After sitting on an airplane seat for 12 hours it's an absolute pleasure to ride an exercise bike in Kuala Lumpur Airport - before my onward journey to Oz. Just for 20 mins so the lower part of my body regains the will to live. I thought a few minutes jogging would help me - until I realised I had presented myself as a moving target to the Airport Police. The thought of a 17 hour direct flight in cattle class is awful. Maybe travelling in business class - with room for my arteries to...

Re: Canada gets its first non-stop to India

GarryRF ·
You can take your own entertainment on the Dreamliner DrF. The large screen in the seat back in front of you also has a USB port. The Menu has a USB option and you can charge those devices you've taken with you. I also recommend Bluetooth headphones to keep all those singing babies away ! I have a selection of music to sleep to.

Re: WestJet Scraps TV's on Back of Seats for New Routes to London Gatwick

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm a little surprised by this. Westjet has free back-of-seat televisions on virtually all of its planes, and people like that feature a lot. It makes me wonder if this will be their new direction -- streaming to you, instead of providing you their television. If people are prepared, and if they provide charging outlets, I think consumers won't mind about this.

Re: Now an airline charge for NOT flying!

GarryRF ·
If you do call the airline to cancel your return ticket you get no refund. They will probably sell your seat for more than your two-way ticket cost. If you try to reschedule your return for another day they will charge full price with no discount for being polite and doing the right thing. So you just walk away and find another airline. The Philosophy of W.C. Fields. "Never give a sucker an even break"

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

TravelandNature ·
Puzzle Master - Clarification needed - Port Moresby suggested 4 locations - Rome, Verona, Arles, and Nimes. Did the Puzzle Master receive a submission via email with a commitment to only one answer ? TravelandNature simply supplied information in response to a question. TandN does not participate in the puzzles; they are too hard. Artsnletters followed the Puzzle Masters instructions "you can e-mail your answer to . On Friday night, the vault will be opened, and...

Re: Not-Favorite Fliers: Inattentive Parents, Boozers, Chatty Cathy

Former Member ·
Conde Nast was far too kind to narrow things down to only a few categories. There are many other inconsiderate sinners. Incidentally, when I have offered to trade seats with the inattentive parent of a seat kicker, I have always been refused. Apparently, they worry that, if the tables were turned and I were seated behind them, there would be payback. They are right.

Re: Baby born on plane. Ticket, please ?

Former Member ·
Whatever the little guy's name, he probably was born kicking the seat ahead of him.

Re: The morphing airline seat. An idea whose time has come

PortMoresby ·
And until then, when steerage is unavoidable, maybe The Morphine Airline Seat.

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Mac ·
Airbus has taken a major step in passenger comfort with the introduction of the new Airbus 380, their new double-deck airliner. Just as a large cruise ship will sail choppy seas in much greater comfort due to its size and sophistication, the new 380 is so much more smooth, quiet and comfortable up in the skies. Sure seat sizes and configuration will vary between operators but certainly the overall 'environment experience' is so much nicer

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Paul Heymont ·
Interesting point, Mac. Large planes with bright decor somehow seem to me roomier, even if the seat is the same size. I think there's a balance between physical comfort and "feel" that airlines may not always recognize. On the other hand, I've been on 777s that had so little division of space that my mental image was sitting in a huge concert hall...and felt a bit uncomfortable from that!

Re: AA Plans to Squeeeeeze More Seats into 737s and MD80s

Former Member ·
Everyone was right the other day when they suspected that BA was charging for the seat in the restroom. BA finds new Revenue Stream ?

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

DrFumblefinger ·
Good for Airbus! It seems the airline industry may have reached a tipping point where people will pay a little more for a little comfort. I hope that's the case and that they listen and provide options. I always look for a good airfare, but I also look at what kind of comfort that airfare buys me and am willing to pay a little more for a little more. 8-12 hours on a plane is not great fun, although I can divert my attention usually. But it's made infinitely more pleasant by a few extra...

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

FlashFlyer ·
Anyone remember the movie Westworld? Where nothing can go wrong...go wrong....go wrong... I'm okay with the pilot using automation, but the idea of automation REPLACING the pilot....nah... I want someone who can grab the controls and fly by the seat of his or her pants, not have the plane crash because some tiny part shorted out. Same goes for robot cars on the highway. I don't wanna get killed head-on by a car reacting to a sunspot in GPS. OTOH if you could get government on autopilot...oh,...

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice piece, Rob! You would look good wrapped in the driver's seat of one of those Mercedes. Attached photo is of a showroom we went to this spring, on the Champs-Elysees in Paris. Future inductees into the Mercedes Museum?

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
As Kermit the Frog says, It's not easy being green ! I like products in bright colors. It keeps me from losing things, especially when I travel. Hard to miss a bright green tablet, even in the gloomy corner of a budget hotel room or tucked into a dark airplane seat pocket. It is good to read about these bargain tablets. They can only get cheaper during the upcoming holiday sales.

Re: Economy cabin "skycouch" bed to debut in Asia

PortMoresby ·
I'd love it if they'd sell one person all 3 seats for 150% of the single seat price. That would be a real deal! Guess I won't hold my breath.

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

rbciao ·
I have a Delta American Express Platinum card that has served us well. The fee is higher than the gold card, but we can check two bags free, priority boarding, and a free companion pass yearly. We fly two or three times a year and the value of the waived baggage fee and the companion pass far exceed the $150 annual fee. The card also accrues one mile for each dollar spent and lately has offered cash back incentives. For example: spend $15 at Panera's using the card and receive $5 credit on...

Re: Northumbria Gliding Club, Hedley on the Hill, Northumberland.

DrFumblefinger ·
I would have loved to have been in passenger seat (assuming there is one)!

Re: It's a loooong way to the tip of the wing!

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for the welcome! As for the A380, well, it was a comfortable enough seat...but sharing the baggage carousel with 600 passengers meant it took us an hour waiting after the first bags started down the belt...I think the sheer scale of loading and unloading adds to my doubts about the future of super-jumbos...

Re: It's a loooong way to the tip of the wing!

DrFumblefinger ·
The photo reminds me of that famous episode of the "Twilight Zone" series. When a young William Shatner is a passenger on the window seat, looking out at the wing, while a gremlin starts tearing pieces from it. No one can see the Gremlin except for Shatner.... But that doesn't mean the Gremlin isn't there. You didn't happen to see a Gremlin, did you PHeymont?

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

PortMoresby ·
The website states the limits for a carry-on bag are (approximately, stated in cm) 21 x 16 x 9 inches, and 10 kilos/22 pounds. Plus a "small" item that fits comfortably under the seat. Were your bags within these guidelines, Rob?

Re: Alitalia: No money, but new uniforms

PortMoresby ·
I'd suggest that, designer duds aside, Alitalia has arrived at this point in the company history because someone, or someones, has their head you know where. I was on an Alitalia flight this past Thursday and for those hours I was unable to put my knees together, so stingy was the leg room (aka "pitch") for my steerage-class seat. I had to place my feet on either side of the seat-back pocket and there they stayed. I'm a mere 5'6" in height and I felt for the tall guy next to me who was...

Re: Lyndale Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
That's a wonderful oasis of paradise hidden away in a busy city. I love to follow sign posts to what I would call "picnic spots". Take a seat and feel all that strain melt away. Good find Ottoman !

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm not sure if "mandating" certain seat sizes would do anything but raise prices, but it might be nice if they introduced a simple grading system. "A" for business/first class, "F" for the sardine can seating in the most cramped airlines. If I was less than 5 ft tall and weighed less than 100 lbs the current seating system would work fine for me. For most folks it's much too crowded, especially on long flights. All the worse if you have to have your bag under the seat in front of you. Let's...

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not sure it's the case that mandating a decent space would raise the past, we've certainly seen that fares have a resistance point, and airlines have backed down from increases at times. Also worth noting that fares seem largely based on competition rather than actual expense involved; that's why it's often cheaper to fly NY to LA than NY to Kansas City! And, as Chris Elliott points out, having people fighting over seat space has led to expensive consequences, too...

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

DrFumblefinger ·
The trouble with a mandate is that it has deadlines and airlines who fly to the US would have to go through an expensive seat replacement program. That cost is one we share, or that puts the airlines in the red and in jeopardy. Makes sense to pressure them to improve, but that's just my opinion. But I do like the idea of "grading" seats. Helps me know what I'm buying. For example, Canadian airlines definitely have larger seats that American carriers. I'll preferentially fly Air Canada to...

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

GarryRF ·
This debate seems to accept that the profit margins of Trans-Atlantic Flights are squeezed by costs outside the carriers control. The only solution they have is squeeze more seats in to control income. Last month I paid £759 ($1245) for 1 seat UK to Philadelphia - Return - with an American Airline. 7 hours in the sky. Each way. My £759 will also get me a flight to the Caribbean from the UK. 10 hours in the sky. 14 nights in a hotel. Food and drink included. And flight back. The Caribbean...

Re: French Designer: Get rid of airplane windows

Travel Rob ·
I hope this doesn't happen anytime soon to commercial airlines.Part of the fun of a trip is looking out the window. I also wonder if airsickness would occur more without windows? I know in a car or bus, if I can't see where I'm going, I feel queasy.

Re: French Designer: Get rid of airplane windows

DrFumblefinger ·
The thought of flying in a small solid metal tube with 200 strangers pressed against me makes me feel very claustrophobic and definitely like staying home. Add a few windows to the mix and it becomes bearable.

Re: Seat Wars break out in the air...

DrFumblefinger ·
I think on short domestic flights (let's say 3 hours or less), we could do away with the reclining seats. For longer duration flights, more legroom would be a great addition and keep the reclining seats. But I can't see the airlines going this route. Space is so tight I can't even see the screen of my netbook if the traveler in front of me reclines their seat.

Re: How to Sleep in the Air

Paul Heymont ·
For the rest of us, in "main cabin," my best helpers are loose clothing, moderate liquids before and during, avoid getting sucked into inflight entertainment. And seek your best seat: I sleep best in right-hand window seats, others have different preferences.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 16th, 2014: Isle of Man TT Week

GarryRF ·
A really good zoom lens can take us into the action - without leaving our seat. Pity they wont stop and pose for a Pic at 200mph !

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

DrFumblefinger ·
The main clients of larger upscale hotels are business travelers, not mom and pop travelers. These are the same travelers that pay 10x what we pay to fly at the back of the plane for the privilege of a slightly larger seat and being able to get out 4 minutes before I do. Most don't care about wifi charges because their businesses pick them up. I think Marriott's action is a step in the right direction and they should be applauded for it. I've been a premier Marriott member for years so I get...

Re: Coming soon: Adjustable-width airline seats?

DrFumblefinger ·
I would presume the wider seat arrangement would more likely be "Economy Plus" rather than business class. Say two large people buying a 3 row seat and the third seat would get squeeze down by the wider adjustment of the above. International business class nowadays is almost universally lie flat bed seats. To not have these would mean a loss of this lucrative market for the airlines.

Re: New trend: airport lounges for non-members

Paul Heymont ·
It is a pleasure, as well, when making early morning connections in Europe. I've had lounge access through various credit cards for the past few years and truly enjoyed breakfast in a lounge while waiting for the next flight, and even the ability to doze a little, knowing that a) the seat is comfortable, b) my bag is safe and c) the agent at the desk will remind me it's time to walk to the gate! Even at $35 a pop...likely worth it.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18th, 2014: Bears

DrFumblefinger ·
The black bears in Yosemite NP are among the most aggressive and clever in the world. They've been known to pull down a locked closed car door to get at a picnic hamper or cooler in the back seat. They are amazingly strong -- imagine the power needed to peel a locked steel car door off its hinges. And they share this knowledge from generation to generation! Once a bear has eaten human feed, they are "spoiled" forever and often become more aggressive in their hunt for food and may even need...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

Paul Heymont ·
I hate to say it, but I think that Songhua Ni's advice—sleep as much as you can, and walk around a bit—is going to work much better for front-of-the-plane flat-bed-seat people like him than it is for the rest of us. I recently had the pleasure of New York-Doha round-trip on Qatar, bumped up to the front, and it made an immense difference in my sleep, especially the quality of it. Otherwise, my best advice, based mostly on trans-Atlantic travel, is get on the plane to Europe tired, sleep as...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

GarryRF ·
When you arrive at your departure airport set your watch to your destination time. Sleep as much as you want to on the flight. Wear headphones to avoid being woken - listen to some smooth tunes on your MP3. Take snacks and bottled water. Don't eat big meals before and during your flight. Take a puzzle book to keep your mind active while you are awake. Take a pee long before they put the seat belt sign on for landing. (Waiting too long in line for Immigration when you're busting makes you bad...

Re: Family kicked off flight

PortMoresby ·
I think all children should be buckled in, just as the law requires them to be in cars where I live, in car seats when small. There have been a number of cases where children have been among the only survivors of air crashes, the theory being their more elastic bodies withstand trauma better. But a baby (or 3 year old) sitting unrestrained or on its mother's lap would likely not. I know of no seat belt laws that give an exemption for stupidity. The airline was right to remove the family.

Re: Family kicked off flight

GarryRF ·
I'd give Daddy a choice. In a belted seat or in the overhead storage. No time for people who impact on others' travel plans.....

Re: Boeing's 'Cuddle Seat' tackles the economy snooze

Travel Rob ·
I can think up a few problems but maybe the've factored for those. it looks like,instead of getting your knees hit by a reclining seat, it could be your face. And I could imagine getting all twisted up in the straps by the time I wake up.

Re: Boeing's 'Cuddle Seat' tackles the economy snooze

Paul Heymont ·
It looks to me as if any impact by the seat in front would be on the edge of your face pillow rather than your face. And since the straps go one over each shoulder, you'd have to perform an amazing contortion to turn yourself over and twist the straps. I've got a different concern: could I really sleep facing forward and down? Where do my arms go?

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

DrFumblefinger ·
I flew on Spanish budget carrier, Vueling, this past spring. It was a pleasant enough flight, but the aircraft had the tightest pitch of any airline I've ever been on. The pocket in the seat in front of you, where magazines and the air sickness bag are stored, was removed to allow for crowding of rows and even my knees were wedged in tightly to the seat back in front of me (seats couldn't be reclined, for obvious reason). I'm not sure how a seriously tall person could ever fit in.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook charter flight Paul. I think they give 31" per seat. (Says on my ticket) So I've gone for the extra space.

Re: A Price War over Trans-Atlantic? TravelGumbo interviews Norwegian Air

Travel Rob ·
I recently saw a cheap fare from Norwegian posted on The Flight Deal website. What struck me is what they said in the post (below) and how it really demonstrates the same Skytrain price matching problem . I do think consumers have to think that if they choose the legacy carriers price match ,instead of Norwegians, there might not be these lower fares in the future that Delta or United will match. " Norwegian is a low cost carrier so they will charge you for everything – advanced seat...

Re: Boarding Etiquitte and Carry-on Bags

DrFumblefinger ·
I usually try to get a seat in a zone where I'm guaranteed bin space. I usually have a laptop bag for my computer and travel documents, which goes under the seat in front of me. The rest of the items, including spare eyeglasses, camera, medications and clothes go into my carry-on. I can't take the small risk of these items getting lost so I need that carryon with me. It's rare that gate-checked bags get lost but they can. Generally for trips of a week or less, I can get by with just a...

Re: Visiting Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Hi HistoryDigger. We always get the leader of the Animation Team - he organises the shows and dancing inside the hotel. He knows all the local places of interest. Obviously It depends on which region you'll be visiting. He'll organise a 12 seat Hyundai van for the day 8 - 4pm. Including gas and driver it costs us around $200 equivalent. (Divide that by 10 in the group) Lunch in a restaurant another $15 each. Nice tip for the driver when you start off and he'll be your friend for ever ! The...