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Tagged With "hearing impairment"

Blog Post

Spain: a campaign for quiet dining

Paul Heymont ·
A Spanish charity that works on behalf of people with hearing impairments has asked Spanish diners—and visitors—to keep it down a bit while out to eat.   The group, Oir es Clave, says that "Spain is the second noisiest country after...

Re: Spain: a campaign for quiet dining

GarryRF ·
This is a big problem in the Caribbean too. You book a table in a fine restaurant. Candles on each table. Napkins and best silver cutlery. And the gentle tones of a Spanish Guitar soloist provide the entertainment. Then 2 families sitting at tables 15 feet apart discover they both come from Michigan. They have to shout to each other to be heard above the music. The soloist takes a break. The conversation continues and the noise level stays the same.
Blog Post

Discover the Thrills of Underwater Adventures: A Guide to Scuba Diving

Scuba lover (Guest) ·
Scuba diving offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the underwater world, and it's not that difficult to learn (sponsored content)