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Tagged With "meditated"

Blog Post

Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Shannon @ Life, Other Than ·
Shannon was approaching 40, and looking for an experience that would blur the line between herself and the world. Was skydiving the answer?
Blog Post

Where the Beatles meditated, India has new tourist attraction

Paul Heymont ·
The ashram where the Beatles famously went in the 1960s to practice meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yoga, has now re-opened for visitors, with walking trails and gardens. The Beatles left after a few months, and disagreements with the Maharishi, who nonetheless became a world-famous figure. Once he left the area, near the Ganges in the Rajaji national park, it slid toward abandonment, and closed in the 1970s. It has been overtaken by forest, but has now been cleared. DVS Khati, chief...

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Travel Rob ·
Shannon, a wonderful piece! I love your descriptive writing ! Welcome to TravelGumbo!

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Old Car Guy ·
Great blog! Now I know more about meditation and skydiving!

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Shannon @ Life, Other Than ·
Thank you! Glad to be here! I appreciate you guys featuring my post!

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Shannon @ Life, Other Than ·
Thank you!

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

FlashFlyer ·
I'm freaked out about the idea of jumping out of a plane, but if I could really get a grin like that...maybe, maybe... You make it seem so real...

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

Shannon @ Life, Other Than ·
Trust me - it's totally worth it. DO IT.

Re: Living in the Now - My First Skydive

DrFumblefinger ·
This was a fun piece to ready -- an interesting blend of adventure and self-awareness. The photos really help bring the piece to life! When's the next skydive? Hope to hear more soon. Thanks for the post, Shannon!