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Tagged With "Airbus teams up with Uber"


Re: Uber has built partnership with the GM’s Maven- a car sharing service

Roopana ·
This article is very informative. Amazing write-up. Thanks and keep sharing. To create on-demand service app like uber visit us:

Re: Ryanair's O'Leary: I have a way to make flying free

Paul Heymont ·
I hope I didn't sound as if I were kicking him, although at points he's opened himself to it, and I think his business, gejotting noticed is important and he's good at it. And, as you point out, he's reshaped an entire industry, nearly on a worldwide basis. Even Uber and Airbnb haven't achieved that degree of 'disruption.'

Re: Airbus celebrates 10,000 planes

DrFumblefinger ·
That's quite a landmark! Congratulations to Airbus for contributing to our collective travel experiences.

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

GarryRF ·
CICAK. No one gets upset over a few words here. Unlike my family in the US who think that an exchange of views is the start of WW3. I enjoy exchanging opinions and alternate ideas. As do most people here in the UK. Constructive criticism is a wonderful thing ! DrFunblefinger likes to throw me some "bait" occasionally - but he knows I wont bite the hook. PHeymont likes to rock my boat too. But it's just "light hearted teasing" and we've all been friends for many years ! Some of the...

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Travel Luver ·
If this standard were adopted, it might be the single greatest improvement in quality of travel in economy class. 17 inches is alright if no one is beside you, a rarity today. On an Transocean flight, it make sleeping very difficult indeed. I'm glad to see Airbus take this proconsumer stand.

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Mac ·
Airbus has taken a major step in passenger comfort with the introduction of the new Airbus 380, their new double-deck airliner. Just as a large cruise ship will sail choppy seas in much greater comfort due to its size and sophistication, the new 380 is so much more smooth, quiet and comfortable up in the skies. Sure seat sizes and configuration will vary between operators but certainly the overall 'environment experience' is so much nicer

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Paul Heymont ·
Interesting point, Mac. Large planes with bright decor somehow seem to me roomier, even if the seat is the same size. I think there's a balance between physical comfort and "feel" that airlines may not always recognize. On the other hand, I've been on 777s that had so little division of space that my mental image was sitting in a huge concert hall...and felt a bit uncomfortable from that!

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

DrFumblefinger ·
I've never flown an A380, Mac. They still haven't caught on in North America, where Boeing clearly dominates the market. One thing that I've wonder about is with all those people to board (somewhere over 500), is the process of getting on and off the plane very slow or have they figured out how to make this move along with reasonable efficiency?

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Mac ·
It seems as if the terminals that they use have many more access ramps (fingers) to spread the loading and unloading, plus, of course, the terminal also needs to have sufficient immigration desks and baggage facilities. So far our experiences have been good but I can imagine just how it could foul up!

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Former Member ·
I am no shopper so I try to make this gift-buying task easy. When I arrive at the large entry airport, I like to stretch my legs, get a cup of takeaway coffee, and cruise the airport gift shops. Almost always, I can find little magnets of the country flag, local tiles, miniature photos, the sports team, or handiwork mounted on refrigerator magnets. I pick up a few of those and am good to go for my visit. One more thing off of my list. Refrigerator magnets are easy to carry, no problem with...

Re: Is JetBlue thinking of Europe?

GarryRF ·
As cross Atlantic fares remain excessive then there's still plenty of room for the new kid on the block to make a good living.

Re: Allegiant takes off in new directions

GarryRF ·
Reading the revues on Airline Quality - it appears this airline suffers from delays and cancellations due to technical problems. Hopefully with recently made aircraft - their unreliable older planes will cease to be.

Re: Uber To Earmark 1 Billion Dollars for India Over Next 9 Months

Paul Heymont ·
I find myself a bit uncomfortable around Uber and its well-oiled connections in the press, which often seems to regard it as the best thing since sliced bread (and what's so good about that, by the way?). All over Europe, Uber has been in trouble for evading rules, taxes and court rulings; in New York, it operates without paying the taxes other operators must, and with insufficient insurance in some cases—and they have a nasty habit of raising its rates whenever demand is high (double or...

Re: Uber To Earmark 1 Billion Dollars for India Over Next 9 Months

Travel Rob ·
I think some of the reasons Uber has been so successful is users know what they are going to pay in advance and don't have to worry about getting an over charged from a taxi driver, which happens. Also, the passenger can see what time they will be picked up . Whether Uber can continue as successful as regulations catch up with the their industry, I don't know.

Re: The search for the right-sized airplane

DrFumblefinger ·
I believe that's the best summary of modern jet development I've ever read. Interesting and fun, thanks!

Re: Showdown in Florence: Contemporary Artists vs Michelangelo

Travel Rob ·
I don't know how these contemporary artists feel, but it's a tall order to be compared to Michelangelo. I think I'd rather take on the original Dream Team in basketball in their prime then what these artists up against.

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Travel Rob ·
Too bad Banksy and Disney couldn't team up in the making of an amusement park. With Disney's money and know how and Banksy's great imagination they could really make something

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

PortMoresby ·
I suspect neither of them are real team players. I think it must be Disney OR Banksy, no meeting in the middle.

Re: Airbus opens new Factory in the USA

GarryRF ·
On my frequent visits to Philadelphia from England I always fly with US Airways. Not an exciting experience - just a reliable journey with convenient times. But my last round trip was an amazing transformation. AMERICAN AIRLINES and US Airways have merged and the staff were amazing. The plane was a new Airbus 330 both times. The legroom was more than enough. I usually purchase extra legroom and this time I'm glad I didn't. The food was good and served hot. Free cans of Cola and orange etc.

Re: Airbus opens new Factory in the USA

DrFumblefinger ·
There's a lot of competition on the TransAtlantic routes, so airlines need to put their best effort into drawing in customers. Just so you know, that's not usually what American is like when you fly it domestically. But I'm glad you had a great experience with them.

Re: Airbus opens new Factory in the USA

Travel Rob ·
Really happy that Mobile, Alabama got that as it's bringing in a lot of jobs to the area.

Re: Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

PortMoresby ·
I n the mid-90s the National Park Service sent a team of professionals to do a survey of surviving road and features of the entire route, Chicago to the Santa Monica Pier, with my husband as illustrator for the report. I don't know if it's generally available but it might be interesting reading for someone with more than a casual interest.

Re: What if the exit row weren't a row?

PortMoresby ·
Maybe the overhead bins have, as they say, been binned. Back to the days when it was considered a luxury to let someone else handle one's luggage. I still think it is.

Re: What if the exit row weren't a row?

DrFumblefinger ·
I think that seating arrangement would work well in zero gravity. Think of the PanAm space cruises in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Unless planes will be designed in a flying saucer shape, I can't envision what the Europeans are planning.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 24, 2014: Beijing Olympic Park

DrFumblefinger ·
DrY, I see you've taken several young members of the Canadian Olympic team to Beijing. Their athletic potential is apparent!

Re: New York Taxis Debut App to Compete with Uber

Paul Heymont ·
Anything that pushes back at Uber is generally fine with me, but there are a few side issues here...starting with the "aging taxi fleet," which is actually newer than it's been in many years. The NV2000 boondoggle (and that's what it is) started with the previous mayor, Bloomberg, who decided that all owners should be forced to use the same cab..and then chose the NV2000, which does not, and cannot, meet ADA standards. For it to be wheelchair accessible requires an aftermarket conversion...

Re: New York Taxis Debut App to Compete with Uber

Paul Heymont ·
Well, even without the app, it's not like the fa e is a blind guess, either. There's a meter, and a rate based on miles and time...just like almost every other big city. And there are online calculators such as WorldTaxi which will tell you about what a specific trip should cost, It's not that there aren't things that could improve, but Uber is no improvement, with its cavalier attitudes (surge pricing, drivers stiffed on rates, lack of or inadequate insurance) and its not paying its share...

Re: Revillagigedos: the world’s friendliest mantas and dolphins!

DrFumblefinger ·
What an absolutely amazing experience, Goni! The photos are beautiful, and your narrative made me feel like I was part of the diving team. Thanks for sharing this unique experience with us.

Re: How to Irk the Brits

GarryRF ·
The first thing that surprises me on this blog is how eager people are to believe any of the pure drivel that film makers produce. Yahoo send a team to London to be controversial. That's the script. They don't want to tell a story of people who are just like the folks you left behind in America. No. That's not going to grab anyone's attention. PHeymont has lived in both countries and knowingly avoids such divisive journalism. Wherever you travel in the world you find people who are giving ,...

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

GarryRF ·
Ever wondered how Airbus bring together all the parts of an Airplane for assembly ? This is a frequent sighting in the skies above Liverpool. It takes the wings that are made in Wales UK to Germany. The body of an Airbus fits inside this huge Aircraft too. So big when it passes it doesn't appear to be moving at all !

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

DrFumblefinger ·
Interesting GarryRF! Surprised the Beluga only has two jet engines.

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

Paul Heymont ·
Only two, but they're as big as whales! Boeing has a similar strange craft that moves its stuff around...I'd love to be somewhere I could see either!

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

DrFumblefinger ·
I guess I'm a cup is half empty kind of guy. Two engines are great if they both work. If one fails things must get interesting in the cockpit. (I am aware most planned only have 2 engines).

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

Paul Heymont ·
Here's what it looks like head-on, going into its hangar. A little like the Pillsbury Doughboy, no? More pictures of the Beluga, including one with all 6 of them at once, and some flying in formation with French Air Force aerobatics team... CLICK

Re: Airbus logs #9000, an A321 for VietJetAir

Paul Heymont ·
DrF, I admit that I used to worry about too few engines...but of course, the plane is designed so it can fly safely with one. Or so they tell us. That reassures me a little...almost enough to overcome my belief (which I only believe while waiting for takeoff) that flight of such a huge and heavy thing is totally impossible and I'm going nowhere but the end of the runway. Every take-off and landing seems a miracle, although I'm not among those who clap on landing.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

DrFumblefinger ·
I flew on Spanish budget carrier, Vueling, this past spring. It was a pleasant enough flight, but the aircraft had the tightest pitch of any airline I've ever been on. The pocket in the seat in front of you, where magazines and the air sickness bag are stored, was removed to allow for crowding of rows and even my knees were wedged in tightly to the seat back in front of me (seats couldn't be reclined, for obvious reason). I'm not sure how a seriously tall person could ever fit in.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
I'm flying on an Airbus 330 next month. 4,414 miles non-stop on each leg. So I've booked extra legroom near the exit. Wise investment for 9 hours 21mins. If only I could get those aerobics fans to stop tripping over my feet when I'm asleep.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Paul Heymont ·
Which airline, Garry? I'll be interested to compare in a couple of months; in July we'll be on AirBerlin's A330 NYC to Berlin...and I'm hoping for comfort. My wife's cousin, who's logged more passenger miles than most pilots have flight miles, has advised us to give up our window preference for aisle-and-aisle, across from each other...

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook charter flight Paul. I think they give 31" per seat. (Says on my ticket) So I've gone for the extra space.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Paul Heymont ·
Was just reading in the Telegraph this week that Thomas Cook is the most-complained-about airline in the UK...hope they give YOU no reason!

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook do charter flights - they sell you a complete vacation. Hotel, food, car rental, adventure tours from your hotel and flights. Probably find something in there that's not up to scratch. But complain ? No... not I. I'm looking forward to your report from Berlin. Maybe we'll do a long weekend from Liverpool to Schoenefeld (nr. Berlin) Easy Jet do it for £25 - £45 each way. And for that price I'll sit on the wing for 2 hours !! Would TravelGumbo sponsor you to write a report on this...

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Was just reading in the Telegraph this week that Thomas Cook is the most-complained-about airline in the UK...hope they give YOU no reason! What struck me when I saw that article is that Ryanair was the least complained about airline of the 37 listed.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps it has to do with expectations. There has been so much negative buzz about Ryanair for years that perhaps passengers simply know they won't be happy about anything but the price and getting there!

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Travel Rob ·
Besides being happy with the low price I got, I thought their service was good the last time I flew them. And, as they let you know about, they have a great on time rate.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

DrFumblefinger ·
Ryanair has also been using a "softer" sell which seems to be working. An article recently in the Guardian points out a 28% growth rate (comparing March 2015 to 2014), a truly impressive gain! I've never flown Ryanair and before I would I would need to talk with someone like Rob and Garry to make sure some of the perceptions I've got about them aren't fact-based anymore.

Re: TravelGumbo Blogger HistoryDigger Wins National Travel Journalism Award

HistoryDigger ·
Thank you very much. Team effort! Three cheers!

Re: Visiting Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Hi HistoryDigger. We always get the leader of the Animation Team - he organises the shows and dancing inside the hotel. He knows all the local places of interest. Obviously It depends on which region you'll be visiting. He'll organise a 12 seat Hyundai van for the day 8 - 4pm. Including gas and driver it costs us around $200 equivalent. (Divide that by 10 in the group) Lunch in a restaurant another $15 each. Nice tip for the driver when you start off and he'll be your friend for ever ! The...

Re: SNCF: Oooops, we made the trains too big!

Paul Heymont ·
I suspect, although without evidence, that since the trains are very close to the previous size, that someone looked, saw a fairly familiar measurement and said, say “2.6 meters…that’s not so different from 2.5…OK!” Puts me in mind of the rocket that missed Mars because one team was measuring in metric units and the other in English…

Re: September 20. 2019: Drying Fish, Beruwala, Sri Lanka

DrFumblefinger ·
The Sri Lankans sure know how to make some delicious curries from those dried fish, Professor -- thanks for showing how it's done, so simple really. It's surprising how the tradition lasts, even in days of good refrigeration. For example, in Alaska many of the dog team owners dry hundreds -- even thousands -- of salmon each year with which to feed their teams (and themselves) over the long cold winter. Spaniards remain fond of dried salted fish for their dishes, and I'm sure there are other...

Re: 100 Years of Flight in Kitty Hawk, NC

DrFumblefinger ·
I empathize with your rainy, muddy experience. That is no fun. As I recall, Kitty Hawk is also very windy, one of the reasons the Wright brothers chose it. They knew if they could fly their plane into the wind for some distance, no one could challenge the fact that they had flown a heavier than air machine. I regard this as one of the greatest stories of the 20th century. Two creative guys from a bicycle shop in the midwest designed and developed a successful flying machine. It didn't take a...