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Tagged With "Aircraft Delivery Expectations"


Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

PortMoresby ·
How very Soviet.

Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks rather like a stuffed goose trying to take flight. The kind of aircraft that belongs in an aviation museum, not in the sky.

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
I fully agree. You might expect this sort of con from a few of the budget airlines, but it seems it has now become BA's policy to lure people into accepting something that might prove utterly worthless: I can always ask the credit card company to charge the amounts back to my card, but I should not have to do that. As to EU 261 compensation, they obviously assume that few people will bother to take things further. They might just be wrong...

Re: France: Cameras are watching more than speed

Amateuremigrant ·
I'm very wary of surveillance when it applies at an individual level. However, traffic, often high speed traffic, has to be regulated (Highway Code) for us to expect to survive most journeys. Who is it that would object to bad driving being scrutinised ? They may well be grateful some day that someone else's misdemeanour has been noted. if you mindfully do that stuff, you shouldn't. And if you won't behave among the rest of us, then maybe you shouldn't drive.

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Mac ·
Hi Dr. F! We anticipate staying around 2+ weeks (flexible) and whilst "leaf watch" is the prime excuse, we expect that the route will touch on all 6 counties (?) of New Hampshire. I cannot believe how long it has been since we were able to travel...

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

DrFumblefinger ·
Great interview and obviously Gary German is a man of vision. I like Gary's ability to come up with win-win situations. One that benefits both consumers and his corporate clients. I expect we'll be hearing a lot more from Orion in the years to come and I wish the company great success!

Re: Sea World gives up its killer whale shows

DrFumblefinger ·
I grow weary of political correctness. Orcas are highly intelligent animals, no doubt -- and have the "cruelty" we expect of intelligent animals (anyone who's seen them hunt a baby gray whale for hours, only to kill it, eat its tongue and let the rest go to waste knows what I mean). I never saw Blackfish, but I do recall at the old Marineland park in Southern California. The park was closed for a number of months, and the orcas got depressed. Listless, didn't eat, didn't look good. Someone...

Re: Motel 6 freshens its rooms...and its image

DrFumblefinger ·
I used to stay at Motel 6 when I was a poor starving medical student. But I abandoned the chain because of how inconsistent the different sites were. Some a offered a decent room. Others were dives. Hopefully along with the face lift there will be an greater effort to standardize their properties. For example, when I'm I stay at a Courtyard, I know exactly what to expect and am never disappointed.

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Professorabe ·
I am looking forward to your comments on the costs (direct and indirect) of getting those Sterling and Euro notes. I often look at the buying/selling rates advertised at exchange places with sheer disbelief! You probably used other ways to obtain your cash, but I expect the banks still got a sizeable chunk of your hard-earned money.

Re: Signs of the Times, and Smiles

DrFumblefinger ·
This one from Prague. It's the type of spelling you expect in a language with too many consonants.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World. She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets) When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect. She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !! I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
Regarding his feeling about slavery, I have no doubt, because of the nature of the man as shown by the things he did write, he was conflicted. And while he seems never to have come to a personal solution I don't believe, either, that his lack of action was de facto support for the institution. Sometimes there just isn't time to resolve one's own conflicts and be a father of a new nation too. We may be asking too much of human beings if we expect tidy packages and complete resolutions in 1 ...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I didn't expect anyone to twig it quite that fast, and it's not just because of a polar route. Although we usually don't think of Hawaii extending north of Kauai, in fact the state includes the entire Hawaiian Ridge/Emperor Seamount chain, running up to the Aleutian trench, just off Alaska's Aleutian islands. Mostly underwater, mostly administered by Federal agencies as a preservation/conservation area. Kure Atoll and Green Island is the northernmost habitable place in Hawaii, and it's...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
By the's my solution to the other charger issue (plugging in at home). It's a 5-port USB host that has a short cord to plug in (no brick to get in the way at the outlet) and takes 5 standard USB cords for your devices...the kind that come with your device, although more are available cheaply. The five outputs include 2 2100mA for iPad, 2 1000mA for most phones, and 1 1300mA for Samsung. All can be used for any device up to the designated output (that is, you can plug your phone...

Re: Flight Attendants Say NO to Phone Calls

FlashFlyer ·
I have mixed feelings on this one... Been on buses, been on trains where people can use their cells. With a few exceptions--and you can find them on the street, in the airport in restaurants, too--people just don't act as bad as some of you expect. P.S....before people get too excited, this isn't going to be cheap, either. You will pay extra to use the relay circuits that go plane to satellite to cell tower!

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

DrFumblefinger ·
I certainly understand GarryRF's comments completely. A guest has a right to expect a good quality meal with good service. That should be part of the dining experience. That said, because I was raised and have lived in Canada/USA my life, I have a sensitivity to food service employees not being paid well and being stressed by their employers. So I tend to follow Dave B's guidelines (thanks for outlining these, Dave!) If I see a waitress is trying hard, I'll leave the 15% tip (and don't come...

Re: Thanksgiving Flyers: More than 25 Million!

Travel Luver ·
Sadly, I'll be one of the throng. My least favorite time of the year to travel, but the most fun weekend of the year to be with family. Makes it all worthwhile All it will take is a bad snowstorm somewhere and things will really come undone. Expect all flights to be completely full, so good luck rescheduling. There's probably more people flying over the Christmas and New Year period, but this travel is spread out over 2 weeks, rather than just 4-5 days.

Re: Paris warned: bigger floods will happen

GarryRF ·
The River Seine drains an area of about 30,000 square miles. When it rains for weeks - almost non-stop - anyone who lives near a natural River knows what to expect. "Experts" just like to add to the misery. Does someone pay these people ?

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

DrFumblefinger ·
I thought the same thing when I saw the photo Rob include with the post, that of Cinderella's castle with Tinkerbell--type flight over it. Disney is very protective of its intellectual property rights. I expect that suit is already being drafted.

Re: More Art under Your Feet

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Those are not just beautiful, but functional in another way...if not as utility covers, then as guides for pedestrians. Do all the streets have them? The streets crossing the main street in Banff (Banff Ave) have them, although I don't believe all the streets in town have them. I expect they're just up on the main pedestrian areas of town. But I agree, they are nicely done.

Re: No Champs Elysees Christmas market this year

kerouac2 ·
Christmas markets everywhere are always full of crap, mixed in with the good stuff. I went to Strasbourg last year, which is one of the best Christmas markets in France, and even in Strasbourg there are some stands selling crap. Then again, I always wonder what people are expecting. "The best Christmas items in the world?" And about half of the people claim that the items are too tacky and that the items on sale should be higher end. The other half find everything overpriced and would like...

Re: What do travelers like least about airlines?

GarryRF ·
The thing I like least is when something goes wrong. Of course you can expect things to go wrong sometimes. But I really hate the B.S. reasons you get told. And if your flight gets cancelled then you really become an unwelcome guest.

Re: French Designer: Get rid of airplane windows

Travel Rob ·
I hope this doesn't happen anytime soon to commercial airlines.Part of the fun of a trip is looking out the window. I also wonder if airsickness would occur more without windows? I know in a car or bus, if I can't see where I'm going, I feel queasy.

Re: French Designer: Get rid of airplane windows

DrFumblefinger ·
The thought of flying in a small solid metal tube with 200 strangers pressed against me makes me feel very claustrophobic and definitely like staying home. Add a few windows to the mix and it becomes bearable.

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall always be satisfied". - Mark Twain P.S. Even the jaded would have to admit the following intact in situ T-rex skeleton is awesome!!

Re: Airbnb now open for business in Cuba

GarryRF ·
Many of my Canadian friends travel independently to Cuba. They all stay with these guys -Pinot and Agnia. Too far from Havana to travel but it will give you a taste of what to expect from Casa Particulars.

Re: Beautiful, Majestic, Mount Rushmore National Monument

Travel Rob ·
Great photos and description on what to expect! I hope to make there as it has been on my list for years.

Re: Airlines defend holding onto fuel surcharges

GarryRF ·
There is no excuse for collecting money for fuel surcharges. That's not what it is being used for. That's just dishonest and fraudulent. Which is what we expect from people who think they have a better use for other peoples money. It's just like taking unemployment benefit after you've gone back to work. Just not acceptable.

Re: Canada snowbirds fight travel health cut

DrFumblefinger ·
Many -- probably most -- Canadians already buy or have supplemental health coverage when they travel abroad because of the already poor reimbursement provided by their provincial health plans (eg. these plans often pay less than 10% of emergency medical bills one might encounter in the USA or Mexico). Many of Canada's larger employers provide these plans as a perk for their employees. As provinces wrestle with rising health costs due to an aging population and new technologies, I expect that...

Re: Emirates cuts U.S. flights, blames 'Trump Slump'

DrFumblefinger ·
Having just flown Emirates from Dubai to Colombo and back, and having gone through security at DXB several times, I have these observations to share: 1) Emirates offers among the finest service of any airline in the world. And at a very good price. If it was a convenient option, I wouldn't hesitate to fly Emirates again. The only other airlines in my experience with a similar level of service are Singapore and Thai. American and European airlines don't even come close. 2) DXB has security we...

Re: Boeing Announces the Biggest Aircraft Order Ever by China

DrFumblefinger ·
The deal is worth a $38 billion to Boeing in the short term. What the long term costs will be to the company are impossible to know. There's also details on this story at this link .

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#134)

Travel Rob ·
Today's clue will be the biggest clue before Monday's reveal, but it's not a photo. It's a little history. It's not the kind of history you might expect, though. What makes this lighthouse so famous is that it was involved in some aviation history. The pilots did not succeed in what they wanted to do, but they were still viewed as heroes worldwide. And what the pilots were able to accomplish was quite an achievement. Their accomplishment still has an impact on many flights today. So history...

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

Jonathan L ·
I rode a 747 to and from China a few months ago. It was the first time in years that I had been on one, and it reminded me that not all coach flights have to be like a sardine can. The wide body had room to walk and stretch on the 13 hour flight, and toilets were actually comfortable. I wish they were still using them on cross country flights.

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the bit of history, Pheymont. Nicely written and I, for one, found it very interesting. Looking forward to part II.

Re: How do you buy your travel?

Paul Heymont ·
I'd definitely agree about They generally seem to have a much deeper inventory than Expedia, including the small local hotels I like. I also appreciate the fact that most of the bookings don't expect me to pay in advance and allow free cancellation. Often, too, the price I pay through with those privileges is the same that Expedia offers as a "special" that must be pre-paid! I would also be less than honest if I didn't mention that TravelGumbo receives a small but...

Re: A kind word for

DrFumblefinger ·
That's good to know. Many companies don't understand how important good customer service is. is my preferred hotel booking site when I travel abroad because they do such a good job describing the accommodations. You'll pretty much know exactly what kind of room to expect. Also, if you are a frequent user you qualify for your their "genius" discounts from select hotels -- an extra 10% off. Nice! For example, when we visited Palermo, we stayed at a top quality hotel with excellent...

Re: March 28, 2017: Annual Carol service at Stokesley, North Yorkshire

DrFumblefinger ·
I expect this is a very popular local tradition.

Re: Have you a reservation, sir? Thailand considers selling tickets to country!

Mac ·
Ah but this has some merits! We are going to Thailand for 57 days, hence we are buying the 60 day visa for GBPounds 25 each (USD 40 - quite good value, I guess). However, if we want to come back in again for 7 days to use Bangkok as a point of exit back to Europe, we appear to have to be prepared to pay the same amount again . At least a daily charge is manageable. Actually, on reflection, it seems a unfair to expect genuine tourists (who will probably spend quite a lot of money in the...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Well, for a start, make sure you visit Reno, Travel Luver. It's a much small town than Vegas but still has all the casinos, restaurants, etc that you'd expect from a Nevada City. From here it's easy to do a day trip to Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, or down to Carson City. Reno is actually the closest major city to Great Basin National Park, say about a 3-4 hour drive. Vegas is 6-7 hour drive away. Salt Lake City is closer to Great Basin than Vegas. But you really can't do it as...

Re: Name Your Favorite Restaurants for Atmosphere, Past or Present

PortMoresby ·
Green Chili Restaurant, Nyaungshwe, Burma. Setting: A simple elegant house in a garden, converted to it's current use, in a residential neighborhood off the beaten path. Seating on the veranda or in the high-ceilinged dining room. Service: Like the decor, low key. Responsive and friendly. In a word, perfect. Friends from the 2nd visit. Food: The best Burmese I had in several weeks in the country. After the first try I couldn't eat anywhere else for the duration. I didn't expect to find a...

Re: Crater Lake — The Most Beautiful Lake In The World(!?)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, Garry. The lake, as you would expect for one so high up, is too cold for most people to want to swim in it. But it's pretty awesome, eh? I'd say the "eh?" is perhaps the best way to identify a Canadian. Awesome I've heard used most everywhere I go, and Awesome certainly can be applied to this lake. Hope you have a very pleasant New Year, GarryRF!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 11, 2014: Hotel Tadoussac, Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a great place, Garry, and no, I didn't get inside (was traveling with my then younger children who weren't interested in going in, much to my regret). But I expect the lobby will be every bit as appealing as the exterior. And I'm not sure looking at those white walls in the snow wouldn't blind you.....

Re: The Future: A plane with NO window seats?

DrFumblefinger ·
No windows???? NO thanks! I'll look for the antique aircraft to fly my aging bones then.

Re: The Future: A plane with NO window seats?

GarryRF ·
Sounds like the new Boeing Dreamliner . When the Captain decides it's bedtime - he darkens all the windows to an inky shade of blue. You miss the sunrise and sunset. The amazing scenes of clouds on fire as the sun reaches the horizon. The spectrum of blue to deep orange as the morning sun puts on its best show of the day - at sunrise. Sounds too claustrophobic for me !

Re: The Future: A plane with NO window seats?

Paul Heymont ·
I'm inclined to agree. I'd rather they put their effort into strong but lightweight windows so that we can see the real view...not the potentially-edited one with the commercials soon to come... Come to think of it, the perfect plane's already been invented: it's just that it appears to be reserved only for Wonder Woman!

Re: The Future: A plane with NO window seats?

GarryRF ·
Ah! Diana Prince and the perfect plane in one place. The dreams of a young man - and maybe an older one too !

Re: The Future: A plane with NO window seats?

DrFumblefinger ·
For those folks in the audience born after WWII, this is what Garry and Paul are talking about:

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#61)

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, not what you'd typically go there for...although they have created a full-meal space more recently. More a place where you'd expect to get your just desserts. (wink, wink)

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 17th, 2014:Boeing Dreamliner

GarryRF ·
Hi Rob ! Yes the wings are different. They don't have all those flanges and slides popping in and out. And they don't flap like I'm used to. Very technical description I think. Maybe not. But yes Rob - they seem to stay more in a fixed shape. And oh so quiet ! But they still retain those curtains so the wealthy don't have to see us paupers having pigs trotters and cabbage for lunch ! I enjoyed the experience DrF. But when they darken all the windows suddenly on a sunny day and go to warp...

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
I do expect a tax. If it's terrible, my husband will do without a phone. I remember we had to pay a big tax even when bringing in our own (used) car from the USA to use during the two years we lived in Germany. It was cheaper to ship our own car to Germany than to buy or rent one for two years. But, back to to phone...We will update this post with relevant news.