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Tagged With "King Tut's Mask"


Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

Paul Heymont ·
This seems to be a good year for royal discoveries; the remains of Richard III were found under a parking lot in Leicester last year. Now if only someone could locate Jimmy Hoffa...and Judge Crater!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't think we'll find Hoffa until they start tearing down some of these old ball stadiums... Somewhere deep in the concrete I think!

Re: How do occupy your time while flying?

PortMoresby ·
I've never been able to do anything useful on planes. I can't even seem to concentrate enough to read, except maybe a magazine. If it's nighttime, I put on the headphones with some classical music, get out my own little pillow, put on my silk eye mask and sleep as much as I can. If the timing isn't conducive to sleeping, I'll just watch movies. But I don't mind any of it and, while it seems to be a general rule these days to abhor airports & flying, I never have. I'm going somewhere!

Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
Archaeologists believe they may have found some of the bones of 9th century British monarch, King Alfred the Great, an important ruler during his day.  DNA tests were performed on a pelvic bone dug up at the medieval abbey in Winchester and...

Adventure Atlanta: Stories of Exploration and Discovery

Shahzaib rajput ·
Have you ever traveled? Many people need to learn how to express their travel experience through writing. Travel writing is a skill when a writer expresses his feelings about their travels very interestingly to grab readers' attention and compel them to dive deep into their imaginations as if they were there themselves. What makes a writer a good writer at this? Good writers make their stories so adventurous that people read them so excitedly. When we read an adventurous travel story, it...