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Tagged With "Montreal Tourism"


Re: Iceland: 'No we're not Disneyland'

GarryRF ·
Now that Rekyjavik is on the European Budget Airlines destinations list its hard to avoid a rush. It was one of those places you wouldn't visit unless you had a business interest and an expenses account. They're still advertising Iceland on TV, so someone must be pleased with the extra income tourism brings.

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
British Columbia, if you've never visited, is a really spectacular destination. The BC tourism board uses the term "SuperNatural British Columbia" when describing it -- and if you don't know why you will after you visit. And it is a nice safe environment for raising polite kids. Canadians, as you known, are mostly polite to a fault (present company excluded).

Re: July 3, 2017: Fun Street Art in Montreal

Jonathan L ·
I waited for a bus next to that statue the last time I was in Montreal (in my pre-TG days).

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps not a trainee journalist. Since the list came from the government's tourism promotion agency, we might presume the author to be a Trainee Bureaucrat, who someday will be, sadly, writing the rules! Originally Posted by GarryRF: The Author of these "Do's and Don'ts" is a Trainee Journalist and has gathered this list without leaving the comfort of her armchair. Lazy journalism based on stereotypes you find in cheap travel guides. Maybe we could start a list of "Do's and Dont's" for US...

Re: Biggest Apple Ever: NY Gets 54M Tourists, Expects More!

Paul Heymont ·
We'd have to compare the methods used by the two cities in counting. Tourism figures are notoriously difficult (are business travelers disaggregated? Regional visitors? etc.) It's possible that if Paris used the NY methodology, it would have a much larger figure.

Re: Biggest Apple Ever: NY Gets 54M Tourists, Expects More!

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: We'd have to compare the methods used by the two cities in counting. Tourism figures are notoriously difficult (are business travelers disaggregated? Regional visitors? etc.) It's possible that if Paris used the NY methodology, it would have a much larger figure. Gotcha. A bit of an apples and oranges comparison. Sort of whether to count all migratory birds or only the snowbirds.

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
Re the name "Montreal": there is a town in France with the same name so it is not certain that the City of Montreal is called that because of Mont Royal. Apart from that small quibble, I heartily agree with all you have written about my home city. Oh, wait ... it really isn't so that "almost everyone speaks English quite well". Venture east of Blvd St Laurent and you'll soon find that isn't the case. But then the average visitor, unless by accident, will not find him/herself in the part of...

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your note, Arion! I really didn't run into anyone in Montreal who couldn't speak some English. My French is weak at best, but got by here. That certainly wasn't the case as we headed further east. Maybe we can convince you to do a piece on the "hidden Montreal" -- the places only locals know about. I'd like to explore some of them the next time I'm there.

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
Hmmm. Hidden Montreal. I'll have to think about that.

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
Please do. I think it would be great!

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

Travel Rob ·
Yes Arion,please do. There are a lot of us US travelers that are really unfamiliar with what our great neighboring country has to see.

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
I'll give it some thought while cruising the Hawaiian Islands later this month, if I have a minute when not learning to hula dance, eat poi and look down into volcano craters. Aloha from Montreal, in the Province of Quebec where our provincial government wants to pass a law making it illegal for Muslim women to wear the hijab, for Jewish men to wear the skull cap (forget the proper name) and for South Asian men to wear turbans, if they work in government institutions (i.e. schools,...

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
A word of warning about poi. It's even more tasteless than you've heard.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

GarryRF ·
Is Montreal a French speaking area of Canada or is it multi-lingual ? I've heard that French tourists have difficulty with Canadian French. Any thoughts ?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
Montreal is multilingual, although most natives speak French as their primary language. You can easily get by here with only English and it's a great city to visit. That's not true in the smaller villages of rural Quebec where you might find it difficult to find someone who doesn't speak French. Canadian French split off from continental French 400 years ago, and the two versions of the language have diverged somewhat over the years. I don't speak much French so I really can't give you many...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

vivie ·
Montreal... my hometown!! When visiting the Olympic Stadium/Botanical Garden you should also take the opportunity to visit the Insectarium, the Planetarium rio tinto alcan and my favorite the Biodome. Information to all these can be found on the same website as the Botanical Garden. Enjoy!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Vivie! TravelGumbo loves Montreal! It's such a great city!! Thanks for the tips on other things to see and do in the city. The insectarium is especially cool to see if you have kids who love to look at "gross stuff". These were some of my favorite specimens!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

vivie ·
Yes Montreal is great. Wish I could go back more often. The fun thing about these attractions is while they are all near one another, there is also a metro station nearby. Cheaper than the taxi and an experience in itself. This is only the tip of the much more to see and experience.

Re: Visit Canada! Kiss a Canadian

DrFumblefinger ·
I think there are three main problems Canadian tourism faces. 1) The weather. Very limited season, unless you want to ski. 2) Expensive airfares. In the last 5 years, air fares went from being competitive to being very expensive -- overly taxed, I guess. And predictably, when you charge more for something you get less of that activity. 3) Heightened border security between Canadian and US border can cause long delays and has greatly reduced cross border crossings in the past 15 years. It's...

Re: British Parents Prosecuted For Taking Vacation During School Time

Paul Heymont ·
Often we find that the problem is greatest for the working parents with the fewest resources: those working in low-wage service industries whose cycles don't match those of schools. For instance, hospital workers have time off spaced through the year--no slow season, sadly--and workers in tourism-based industries are often most in demand at the very same time that their children are off! I think the solution goes in two directions: First for parents to consider all other alternatives first,...

Re: Greek debt deal will raise taxes on tourists

DrFumblefinger ·
It will definitely hurt tourism, especially for those who want to stay awhile and relax in Greece. The increase in food and accommodations will take a bite out of most budgets. It won't hurt the cruiseship travelers, though.

Re: A House in Essaouira

Mac ·
Well PortMoresby now you are disturbing old memories... With all it's fading here is a photographic snip of my memories of Essourira around 1980. Note your blue boat is already there but I wonder if more boats became blue with the advent of tourism. Property in the town was only just starting to be purchased by foreign folks at that time. It was always an place of charm and tranquility and great for a sea food Sunday lunch.

Re: Eiffel Tower Premiers Ultra Modern Glass Floor to Public

Travel Rob ·
I'm kind of excited to see it ! Paris seems to handle tourism so well and change while holding on to something unique.

Re: Italian Competition Authority fines TripAdvisor €500,000

Travel Rob ·
I know TripAdvisor has had some problems with a minority of people posting false reviews so I can kind of understand in 2012 the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK telling TripAdvisor not claim the reviews were from real travelers or use the word trusted describing reviews. As far as the Italian Competition Authority goes, below is their Press Release when the investigation started in May. It seems like it would be very difficult for TripAdvisor to prevent fake reviews , so I'm not...

Re: Gallery: A visit to Cuba

IslandMan ·
Great post and pictures Dr Y...definitely on my wish list. Is tourism on the increase you think??

Re: 7 of many reasons to choose Bulgaria for your next trip

Travelling Buzz ·
I'm glad you liked the article. I would be more than happy if the post make you visit the country. @DrFublefinger I believe the best time to come to Bulgaria is september-october from the weather perspective, but if you want to see the charm the blooming trees give to the city, you should come in the spring. The summer is really, really (I mean really) hot and dry! The country lies between the strongly contrastic continental and Mediterranean climate zones, so it has an unusually variable...

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

Grand Escapades ·
Hello Dr. Fumblefinger, Thank you for your Feedback! To answer your questions: 1) The infrastructure is good to very good, and it is extremely easy to travel within Iran: there are lots of buses and excellent trains, there is a wide range of hotels, from simple guesthouses to world-class 5 stars hotels, restaurants going from street food stalls to fine dining, ... I have read that with the very fast development of tourism, the high-end category of hotels is the one that might get overbooked...

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

GarryRF ·
Mac. Cuba has already changed since my first visit 15 years ago. Buses and cars are everywhere now thanks to those intrepid Chinese salesmen. Living standards are rising rapidly thanks to the tourist dollar. Fields of Sugar Cane are now rare. Castro has decided that Cuba's future lies in tourism. Bicycles prevail in most Towns and a horse and buggy are common. When I first went to Cuba it was painfully poor. It's like going back in time to a 3rd world country. But with safety and very civil,...

Re: Visual Bulimia? A Bloated Surfeit of Images?

Paul Heymont ·
Sheer volume has become a digital-age issue not only for images. The constant flow of e-mail (more spam than real, often); tweets about celebrities' teeth, clothes and turmoil; TV and radio repetitions as well as Konstant Kardashians are serious forms of mind pollution. Sometimes it takes an extended series of images to create a picture, an insight. But too many will mask, not highlight, the point. That's why I enjoy well-curated exhibits of the work of thoughtful (not merely skillful)...

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

GarryRF ·
How did you discover Galle ? Did you read of its existence prior to your travels ? Or merely stumble upon it and get the urge to explore further. It appears to be untouched by tourism - or is it on the tourist itinerary ? After all these invaders what language do they speak now ? Good collection of photos - gives a real taste of this town.

Re: U.S. plans big increase in "pre-clearance" sites

DrFumblefinger ·
If you've ever used one of the foreign country based US customs clearances, you know that this is easy to do. So this is a wonderful idea and will help improve tourism to the USA>

Re: Canada to New Citizens: Travel your new country!

DrFumblefinger ·
I think it's a great idea. The country is so large and varies so much fro region to region, it takes a long time to explore all it has to offer.

Re: U.S. cuts most Cuba air routes

Professorabe ·
Whilst it certainly is true that many Cubans and some airlines overestimated demand, there can be little doubt that without the actions of the Trump administration there would by now be significant tourism flows from the US into the island. In that sense you probably were the leading edge of a wave, albeit not the giant one which some people expected.

Re: Nov. 4, 2019: Reich Brothers, Montreal

George G. ·
TRAVEL ROB has a good photographer's eye.

Re: Mosaic Floors, Paphos, Cyprus

TravelingCanuck ·
I love this blog. I had the pleasure of spending 7 months in Cyprus in the early 80s and made several trips to Paphos (my favorite spot on the island). This was before the tourist resort invasion and there was only a couple of smaller hotels in Paphos. The town still had all the old charm, the harbor had some great family owned restaurants and the Tombs of the Kings was a pleasant 30 minute walk in the countryside. Sadly, like so many charming little places it has been caught up by the...

Re: Icelandair adds Montreal as 5th Canadian city

DrFumblefinger ·
I've flown Icelandair several times. The fares are reasonable but there's nothing exceptional about the flight experience except the opportunity to visit Iceland at no extra charge. THAT is well worth doing!

Re: Rhode Iceland? State tourist video shows Iceland in error

Paul Heymont ·
Not a great day for Rhode Island tourism folks, I think. Besides the video, they are catching heat from people who dislike the state's new ad slogan: "Rhode Island, Cooler and Warmer." And they don't like the logo, either! Click HERE to read...

Re: February 3, 2016: Another Notre Dame Cathedral

Marilyn Jones ·
So glorious. I am not Catholic, but I so admire their beautiful cathedrals; many beyond description!!

Re: February 3, 2016: Another Notre Dame Cathedral

Samantha ·
Amazing pictures. I have been to the Notre Dame in Paris but not this one. We are heading to Canada this year, but only to Vancouver. Will have to plan another to see this beautiful building. Thanks for sharing.

Re: February 3, 2016: Another Notre Dame Cathedral

Paul Heymont ·
Looking forward to what you find in Vancouver! On my bucket list but I keep missing...

Re: February 3, 2016: Another Notre Dame Cathedral

DrFumblefinger ·
Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever visited. PHeymont, by all means go. Samantha, you'll love your time there!

Re: February 3, 2016: Another Notre Dame Cathedral

Samantha ·
Thank you for the comment. Hope you make it someday. Will definitely be sharing posts after our visit.

Re: We're more than Tokyo, Japan tells tourists

Travel Rob ·
US News published a story by the AP on problems that were occurring with increased tourism in Tokyo.

Re: Sun Life Building, Montreal, Canada

Paul Heymont ·
Nice! The angle turns a cliche 'looking-up" picture into a really fresh view!

Re: Have you a reservation, sir? Thailand considers selling tickets to country!

Paul Heymont ·
I find the idea that fees will bring better tourists a bit bizarre, myself--although it's also clear to me that they would not be too unhappy about discouraging some of the young backpackers who stay "too long." I suspect that if they really wanted to end the sex tourism, they'd have done it long since, simply by shutting down places and arresting customers. That would only have to happen once or twice for the word to spread...

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

DrFumblefinger ·
Not a huge increase this time, but there's nothing like encouraging less of an activity (in this case tourism) than charging more for it. I can only imagine that this is hurtful to the tourist traffic in the UK. With those kinds of fees, people will avoid UK airports (say flying in the the Netherlands or elsewhere) and that means less UK jobs, and so on.

Re: Not Again!? British Air Tax Increase confirmed

GarryRF ·
Tourism isn't hurting from the Tax increases. Passengers through Heathrow have increased steadily: 2011 - 69 Million 2012 - 70 Million All 5 London airports have reached a joint record of 133 Million passengers in 2012 ! So our Government will continue to squeeze the Golden Goose !

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 6) Murano and Burano

rbciao ·
Dr. Fumblefinger, Nice slideshow with great pics. We were in Venice in 2012 for 6 or 7 days and made an excursion to Burano as a day trip. The first thing we noticed was that tourism has reached the tiny island. There was a new docking station for the vaporetti and all sorts of kiosks selling the usual stuff. The first time we were there was in 2008 and it was a sleepy island that time seemed to forget. In fact, we came across four elderly ladies sitting on a bench gabbing and knitting. I...

Re: Tokyo on the Cheap

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: A nice piece, Rob. I've always been intimidated at tackling Tokyo on my own, but you've helped me summon up the courage. I especially want to visit that fish auction. When is the best season to travel to Tokyo? Maybe answer this from two perspectives 1) Best weather 2) Least busy with tourists. I would answer Spring for both cases. Fall would be my second choice. The summer can be humid and the winter a bit chilly. While foreign tourism is up, most likely...

Re: Behind the Rides: Orlando leads U.S. in visits and low-wage jobs

DrFumblefinger ·
I am not sure if an employee working in tourism in NYC would have a higher quality of life even if paid more. Orlando at least is cheap. Also many folks in the tourist trade make a lot of their earnings from tips which rarely are fully reported as income. So I never know what to make of studies like this