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Tagged With "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"


Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Agree with PHeymont. Plan your trips around the leaf watching. Lots of pretty small towns around New England, although many will be pretty booked. I'd leave at least 3-4 days for Boston. Lots to see and do there, including many items relating to the rebellious Yankees throwing off the ties with old King George. And great museums and restaurants and such. We can get into more details if you'd like, but you'll definitely want a good guide book. Many people find a day in Salem (famous for its...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

GarryRF ·
Take a look here for some ideas. Most have All-Inclusive packages. But that doesn't stop me going off exploring on the bus and getting a B+B overnight ! You're not glued to the hotel. Plus you don't want to be on the go EVERY day. Relax and take in the countryside.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Classic American Cars #5

Paul Heymont ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: '55 Ford Fairlane, but there's something about the hood that looks a bit wrong... Well, now I know why it looked a bit wrong to me...I was off by a year!

Re: Classic American Cars #5

GarryRF ·
Looks like one of the many Kit Cars that were fashionable in the 60s-70s-80s . You bought a fibreglass body and a donor car. Usually an accident write off. Changed over all the body parts and engine and you had a sports car for less than a few thousand dollars !

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Paul Heymont ·
or more. This is one case where he might be better off with a Ryanair or the like to Amsterdam and then an AMS-JFK ticket separately. Price it out both ways...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Everyone's been very helpful! I can't tell you what a great welcoming and helpful group of people you are. My uncle is an employee of Delta, so he has some kind of free ticket that requires me to fly on Delta only (no partners). I will have him check into the dates. I like the idea of flying up to Manchester, slowly working my way to London then returning from Paris. I think going to Amsterdam is more than I can bite off now, plus I want to spend the time seeing stuff, not traveling all the...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi everyone! I'm back. Just arrived at my parents home for Thanksgiving. Not had a lot of time to work on this trip since I last visited TravelGumbo, but some progress to report. I have a firm ticket reservation for Manchester, returning from Paris, though a few days off the dates we talked about. But 29 days in Europe! Whooppeee!! I have a guidebook from the Library which I'm going to go through this long weekend (one by Fodors). I think this will help. Anyone know of a good pocket size...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi guys, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was good to be with my family again. Visiting and catching up with everyone took longer than I'd thought, but did do a little research into the trip and came out with this plan. Basically, with GarryRF's advice, I think I'll focus my time in the north to save money cause my budget is limited. After that I'll finish my vacation in London and Paris. I need to find places to stay but more important now just to frame the trip. The details I...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

HeyJude ·
Hi, I've been renting apartments in Europe, mainly Germany, for years, and the only problem I've had was a complete rip-off booked through Ah-Paris. I've rented from probably 3 different people in Berlin and have paid the deposit up front and cash on arrival. Made me nervous at first, but I was never disappointed. Renting apartments is the way to go. Not only do you get much more space, but you can have your coffee in your jammies, the way I like to start my day. Happy travels!

Re: Is Pre-check or Global Entry worth it?

Former Member ·
I dunno...most of my overseas flights have come home through Kennedy in NY or gone out that way, and the way it's been sometimes, I think at $100 for 5 years, I'd take it. I'd probably even take it as a $50 per round-trip deal. When you get off the plane, you want to go home, not wait hours in a line...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Former Member ·
I am no shopper so I try to make this gift-buying task easy. When I arrive at the large entry airport, I like to stretch my legs, get a cup of takeaway coffee, and cruise the airport gift shops. Almost always, I can find little magnets of the country flag, local tiles, miniature photos, the sports team, or handiwork mounted on refrigerator magnets. I pick up a few of those and am good to go for my visit. One more thing off of my list. Refrigerator magnets are easy to carry, no problem with...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

Former Member ·
Thanks, PortMoresby. No, I'm not worried about seeing a doctor. I'm more worried about getting my cousins off my back. Someone else told me that there's an organization that puts out a list of English-speaking doctors all over the world--do you know anything about that? Thanks again...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

PortMoresby ·
Mac says, a good travel insurance policy is an absolute requirement - The part he left off was "for me", for him. Insurance, any kind, is playing the odds. When you buy it you're betting you'll have a disaster. When you don't you're figuring the likelihood of a dire event is low. If you take an occasional trip of short duration and can afford insurance, sure, why not. When the number & length of trips begins to mount and the budget becomes more of an issue then maybe not. It's called...

Re: Best Outdoor Workout Spots?

Former Member ·
We travel indie style, taking public transport whenever possible. Jumping on and off buses and trains with luggage takes a certain level of physical fitness. We try to start trips in good shape because, if not, we shape up the hard way with all of that walking to bus stops and running for trains. You have not really lived until you have jumped, with bags, at the last possible instance, to catch the ferry behind Amsterdam Centraal just before it pulls away from the dock.

Re: Has Anyone Traveled With a Folding Bicycle?

PortMoresby ·
I've never traveled with a bicycle myself, but on my last trip to Asia I met an Englishman who travels often on business to China. We met in Yangshuo, in Guangxi, and he was traveling with a folding bicycle. He seemed a very practical sort, a designer of medical instruments and when I saw him off as he left to go to the airport, he seemed quite comfortable with his bag and another with the bicycle, going into the back of the taxi. I know nothing about it except what I observed, a happy...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

TravelGirlJenn ·
My method is similar--get on the local schedule as best as I can. I do not nap upon arrival. Fortunately, I am usually so dang excited that adrenaline takes over and am usually fairly alert until after dinner time. Unfortunately, that also means I have nearly an impossible time sleeping on planes. Even with a sleep aid. I've read of people adjusting their schedule for up to two weeks ahead of time to make up for the change in the schedule, making their sleep rhythms in tune with the local...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

Paul Heymont ·
I forgot that important point Garry makes...the watch. When you're dozing on the plane, in and out, you lose sense of the time...which makes it the ideal time to fool yourself onto destination time. Setting your watch ahead 6 hours when you're wide awake and just got off the plane doesn't really work.

Re: The world's most expensive flights!

DrFumblefinger ·
Good observations, Garry. But as I recall Wiley Coyote kept falling off cliffs and having heavy things like boulders and anvils land on his head. I think you likely mean you're a RoadRunner!

Re: How do occupy your time while flying?

Travel Rob ·
Great ideas and i especially like the audiobook idea! For me it depends whether I'm going on the trip or returning home. Going, I tend to organize my notes and read about some of the sights I'm planning on visiting. That used to be in guidebooks but now it's a combination of guidebooks and material I've printed off. Coming home, I try to relax and unwind. Maybe watch a movie or read a fiction book. My next trip I want to use that time to learn some French.

Re: Lost a US Passport Overseas? What I learned this trip.

TravelGirlJenn ·
Well, this I think is nearly everyone's worst nightmare, but glad to know it is a pretty efficient process in case it does happen. Making a mental note to add telephone numbers of the US Consulate to my travel documents. Only 32 more days until I set off...!

Re: How do you buy your travel?

Paul Heymont ·
Few more thoughts, following HistoryDigger and DrFumblefinger... 1. Definitely check all your affiliations on car rental; after years of getting better price through AAA than any other way I knew, I recently found that going to the same vendors through USAA (my car insurance) gets me even better. 2. Not only does Priceline have good pricing on cars, I've often found I can get 30-40% lower through their blind-bidding (Name Your Own Price) service. 3. RailEurope is something of a red flag for...

Re: A kind word for

DrFumblefinger ·
That's good to know. Many companies don't understand how important good customer service is. is my preferred hotel booking site when I travel abroad because they do such a good job describing the accommodations. You'll pretty much know exactly what kind of room to expect. Also, if you are a frequent user you qualify for your their "genius" discounts from select hotels -- an extra 10% off. Nice! For example, when we visited Palermo, we stayed at a top quality hotel with excellent...

Re: Walking Tours in Andalusia

JohnT ·
Hi Pheymont I wouldn't worry about the wine and tapas portion. Things are really inexpensive her, and the tapas has been universally good. It's easy to get three or four tapas to share and a couple of glasses of wine for 15 Euro. As for the tours, we didn't take any, but I think for one day in Cordoba it would be a good idea because I think that day may feel really busy. For Sevilla, I have a mixed opinion, I really love to wonder around, get lost and then navigate my way out...but thats...

Re: Visiting great places -- before they're gone

PortMoresby ·
Many times the fact that people feel the need to "visit places before they're gone" is the very reason they'll be gone or at least diminished to such an extent that they are vestiges of what made them great to begin with. This is particularly true of such naturally wonderful sites as you mention in your post above. Mt. Everest is a particularly glaring example of a wilderness reduced to a freeway of tourists with their ever-increasing demands on the environment forming lines to have their...

Re: California road trip ideas

Theodore Behr ·
That helps me figure out what to tell you, Mrs. Briggs OK, so I'd suggest you fly into LAX. You'll need a car rental to get around LA. Spend three or four days here, may go see Disneyland, maybe go see Universal Studios, maybe go to Knott's Berry Farm. Maybe see the making of a TV show. You could easily spend 10 days in LA, but you've got 10 days for the whole trip, I guess, so that's all you'll have time for. Then head out of the city. You'll want to head out on Hwy 101, which takes you...

Re: Road Trip: The Movies and the Cars

rbciao ·
Speaking of classic old cars... I've wanted a 1931 Model A sedan since I was 14 years old. So a few years ago the search began with the help of the president of the local Model A club. Using this guy's expertise plus online searching and suggestions from a financial guy I made a purchase in 2011. However, it was not a 1931 Model A sedan. This whole undertaking reminded me of the old axiom, "A camel is really a horse designed by a committee." While looking for the Model A I was talking my a...

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

WorkerBee ·
I will be there about a month, from February 12 to March 12. I will be in Madrid for a few days after I arrive and then off to Girona and environs for a few weeks. I may wander into southeast France for a few days as well before I return to Madrid for a couple of days before I fly out.

Re: Camera Advice, Please?

GarryRF ·
I heard that it's predecessor the Canon G15 has all you could wish for. And as its not hot off the press anymore - its a lot more affordable now. Photo's and zoom are wonderful !

Re: Planning a Road Trip

Former Member ·
That is a very good suggestion to think in terms of planning your trip as a connection of national (and state !) parks. The parks tend to be, by definition, in the scenic places, which are along the scenic drives. What a coincidence ! How handy ! The champions of finding scenic drives off of the interstates and shunways are the RVers. Check the sites used by RVers for ideas. Here is a good one:

Re: Credit Card size Cameras ! Any Good?

GarryRF ·
Try to find it in WalMart = (UK ASDA where I found it) around $50/£35. Discontinued. That's what caught my eye ! Reviews with like for like cameras scored well. And half the price ! This photo is bigger than the camera ! Sorry P. I just took your pic off the computer screen !

Re: Stinky Seniors - This One's for You

DrFumblefinger ·
When I read the title of this, I thought it'd be about that odd smell old people get -- you know, the way grandpa smelled. I hope it's sometime yet before I smell like Grandpa. Some great tips for getting kicked off a flight, PortMoresby! How many of these have you used to get evicted from a plane?

Re: Stinky Seniors - This One's for You

PortMoresby ·
While I sometimes misbehave, I try hard to not be kicked off planes. I confess, though, I did once not quite get into a country and was threatened with being put on a plane I didn't want to get on. I laughed, which didn't improve the situation. My only experience of being an almost-prisoner. They did feed me, a group feed with other almost-prisoners. But I was allowed to shower, so wasn't smelly. Eventually, a respectable friend of a friend arrived and they let me finish getting into the...

Re: How Dumb can you be? Things not to say to the TSA

HistoryDigger ·
This makes me groan. We finally got TSA PreCheck, and in New Orleans this is worth the price. We sail right through security without taking anything out of our bags and without taking off shoes or belts. I had to bring through medications that could not go through the scanners, but that hand check was swift. This might not be the case at JFK, PHL, or at DFW.

Re: Help with Provence Itinerary

Paul Heymont ·
Good point, and sent me scurrying back to the Airbnb details page—and fortunately, there's on-premise parking. That's good, because we're picking up the car at Avignon TGV at about 8:40. An earlier train would be more expensive and less pleasant... We're staying at a hotel in Marseille that's just at Gare St-Charles, and considered picking the car up there...but decided that leaving central Marseille in the rush hour might not be our favorite thing...and also adds about 54€ to the rental for...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

PortMoresby ·
I imagine there's a real difference between staying on the Mont, compared to staying near the Mont. Yes, you'd give up the view but could always make the trek to get a photo at the appropriate hour, then go back. I was there some years ago and we had no plan regarding where we'd stay. It was off-season so we weren't worried. We found a very modest, friendly hotel on the main street as it begins it's climb, with a view of the cobblestones below and it was perfect. But then, under the...

Re: When Nothing But the Best Will Do - Pizza

Paul Heymont ·
Well. they certainly hit the spot in New York with Di Fara's, but an awful lot of the choices look as if the prize was for most unusual accumulation of ingredients, rather than best pizza. Surely there is an outer limit, where you say "this is not a pizza, it's a take-off on a pizza?" Sort of like when you make a birthday cake and ice it to look like a burger on a bun...

Holiday Gift List for Travelers

Travel Rob ·
Although most travelers would like the actual travel, the Daily Mail came out with a list for the travel addict in your life. And addict is a pretty accurate word, don't you think?   I like the Travel Stub Diary and Scratch Off World Map Poster....

Bye Bye Sky-High Rental Car Fees

Former Member ·
Recently, a company charged me $ 9.00 a day for the privilege of using an e-toll pass to pay $ 2 in tolls during a week's rental.   Renting a car used to be somewhat simple - reserve, present license and credit card, drive, return, pay...

Is Pre-check or Global Entry worth it?

Former Member ·
I keep seeing information about making airports easier, and I saw that even the government is setting up programs to let some people go in a fast lane without having to unpack everything or take everything off. But those programs that I read about,...

Need Suggestions For a Short Stay in Norway

Travel Rob ·
I'll be flying to Oslo with my son (mid 20's) in late May and staying 5 days before heading off. I'd like to see a small town nearby with some historical architecture . We will probably rent a car . We are open to train travel as well.  Any...

Anyone Familiar with Croatia & Slovenia?

TravelGirlJenn ·
Hiya!   My parents and I are heading to Croatia and Slovenia this summer (early September) by way of Italy and I'm trying to figure out the most fluid way for us to hit all of our destinations.   Renting a car is a must; however, I would...

3 Alternatives To b&b Accommodation In France

Ruby Daub ·
With reliably warm weather, beautiful scenery and gastronomic delights; France is a very popular holiday destination. As parts of the country are only hours away, it is a hit with both those looking for long summer vacations or short weekends away. France offers a huge variety of holiday and accommodation options, so there is something for everyone. While hotels and B&B’s are a very popular choice, if you’re after something a little different on your holiday to France then here are three...

Things To Take Care Off While Travelling Europe With Kids

kylesfunadventures ·
In case, you are looking for some tips for traveling with kids in Europe here is a unique Europe travel guide for you. There are few ways you can use to prepare your kids for Europe travel. Here we go: First of all you need to start by letting your bank know that you will be going across the borders and also name of the countries that you will be visiting. It will help them get prior notice about your tour and will have better chances of preventing frauds. Try to skip all those currency...

Are We bored of Abroad? - Why UK holidays are the Next Big Thing

Christina Woodard ·
Millions of holidaymakers are abandoning the beaches of far flung climes and sticking with a staycation in the UK - and in bigger numbers than ever before. Good news for the domestic economy, holidaying Brits are choosing to spend their hard-earned cash and home. The figures make for great reading… In the first quarter of 2016, 10% more people were holidaying in England than at the same time in 2015, a Rise of some 7.3 million holidaymakers. But why? What has changed to prompt people to stay...

Tips For A Perfect Summer season Tour

Humboldt Tours Berlin ·
Summertime’s have struck one of the most of the plain areas with the intense warm days; every passing day is getting hotter. The heat is making is harder for everybody to head out specifically in day time. Summer season breaks in the schools all across the country are almost to start, that makes it an ideal time for the family trip to go for Berlin Wall Tour . This is the time when kids are already set for a daring summertime vacation and they anticipate you to plan a trip to some hill...

The Importance Of a Summer Family Break

Ruby Daub ·
Everybody needs some time away from the daily grind. We all live busy lives at work, home and school and with the pressures of day to day life, there is often too little time to relax and communicate properly with our loved ones. Weekends are often filled with extra curricular activities and catching up with paperwork at home or chores. Holidays are necessary to get a break from the routine, from Lakeside holidays in lush countryside to beach breaks abroad but did you know just how...

The Best 7 Healthy Foodie Lunches in London

John Peter ·
While there are many healthy options in the form of coffee shops and restaurants in London, few are mouthwatering. Healthy eating does not need to be boring, especially when you are paying to have it made for you! Here is a hit list of restaurants that are serving healthy food which doesn’t negate your morning workout. 1. Ottolenghi – Notting Hill, Belgravia, Islington, Spitalfields Mouthwatering Middle Eastern food My husband is Israeli and as a result, we have long been paying homage to...