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Tagged With "fashion industry"


Re: April 15, 2020: Around Brera, Milan

GarryRF ·
A great display of Milan's Artistic talent. Looks good for a City Break !

Re: 6 Fun Things To Do In Miami This Summer

Travel Rob ·
Some great ideas! Your love for Miami shows!

Re: Dec. 22, 2016: Christmas Tree, Fashion Island, Newport Beach, CA

DrFumblefinger ·
Merry Christmas, Ottoman! Yes, a beautiful tree. Sadly, I find the the "green" disclaimer a little off-putting.

Re: Dec. 22, 2016: Christmas Tree, Fashion Island, Newport Beach, CA

GarryRF ·
Beautiful Christmas Tree indeed. Best I've seen since the NYPD chased me with night stick raised in 2002. In Rockefeller Center when they switched on the Christmas lights. Memorable as the best ever Tree Display. "You need to disperse that way Sir" - "Sorry Officer, but you've sent my wife and kids the opposite way " - " You'll do as I told you" - "No way - Watch me......."
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FIT Museum: The History of Fashion

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L explores the history of fashion at the Museum at FIT
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April 15, 2020: Around Brera, Milan

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger wanders the streets of the Brera region of Milan.
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6 Fun Things To Do In Miami This Summer

Katy ·
Watch the World Cup I know we are all excited about the World Cup, right? Even if your country isn’t playing there is so much energy and passion right now in this city surrounding the games you will be sure to enjoy and take part with your...
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Dec. 22, 2016: Christmas Tree, Fashion Island, Newport Beach, CA

Ottoman ·
While exploring Fashion Island, I came across a group of people putting the finishing touches on a beautiful Christmas tree.
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Fashionistas campaign to save Milan cathedral

Paul Heymont ·
Following a trend set in Rome by luxury-goods companies, Milan's fashion houses and others are banding together to raise money for preservation.
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Fashion gets Etihad as official sponsor airline

Travel Rob ·
Fashion Industry has Etihad as their official airline.
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November 2, 2018: Fashion Week, Milan

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger stumbles on to Fashion Week events when visiting Milan.