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Tagged With "Palau Güell"


Re: Barcelona's "Other Architect"

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating piece, Pheymont! I learned a lot. The architecture is a feast for the eyes. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Barcelona's "Other Architect"

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for the excellent info!Great Photos too!I havent been to Barcelona in a number of years so I guess it's time to return.
Blog Post

And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
Can you recall a moment from your travels that has really shaken your soul? A moment that has changed you forever?   Well, here's mine.   As I sat watching that sun set over Barcelona from the incredibly beautiful Parc Güell earlier...
Blog Post

Barcelona's "Other Architect"

Paul Heymont ·
Almost everyone who visits Barcelona goes knowing a little about Antonio Gaudi, the “moderniste” architect of the Sagrada Familia basilica and a host of unusual early 20th century buildings. Those who don’t soon find out that Gaudi...
Blog Post

Palau Güell, Barcelona (Where Gumbo was #170)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting on of Gaudi's first home projects, Palau Güell, in Barcelona. See the fine architectural details of this interesting home.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #101

HistoryDigger ·
Is it the Palau Güell ?
Blog Post

September 5, 2020: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger stops by the beautiful The National Art Museum of Catalonia. Constructed for the 1929 World Expo, it is now one of the largest museums in Spain.
Blog Post

Best Places to Visit in Europe

Lee L. (Guest) ·
Soon Europe will be ready for tourists again. Lee has some suggestions on places you should consider visiting (sponsored content)
Blog Post

Getting to know Barcelona: an unforgettable adventure!

Jack (Guest) ·
Barcelona is one of the great travel destinations in the world. Jack offers suggestions for exploring it, including a great hotel accommodation (sponsored content)