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Tagged With "European Herring Gulls"


Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
Her husband is Canadian and went with his job. And she loves the fresh air and wide open spaces. She reckons its a good place to raise her 2 sons,

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Kirsten, Behind in my emails, but did want you to know that the last of your series on Celebrating Nature went live today. I want to personally thank you so very much for sharing your tremendous talents with our audience. I enjoyed reading -- and learned a lot -- from your posts and greatly enjoyed your wonderful photography! I'm sure many others did, too. If you have more material you'd like to post on TravelGumbo in the coming months, it would be our pleasure to host it. Hope you had a...

Re: 'Le Doggy Bag' catching on in France

kerouac2 ·
Why would anybody say that the habit was "despised"? Disdained, perhaps, but most of the French are quite frugal. If anything, they have always been embarrassed by leaving leftovers, if they had to do so. I had a great aunt in Moselle who always kept plastic bags in her purse for stowing away extra food at restaurants.

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

George G. ·
Almost a Big Mistake in Venice. I remember taking my daughter to Venice for her birthday then buying a $750 ring for her in one of the jewelry stores. The owner told me I could get the tax refunded from the government and he said it would be about $700. I said that is almost the entire price of the ring, then he told me the ring was $7,500 because I converted the Lira wrongly on my calculator due to many Lira zeroes with that currency. She did get a ring but not that one.

Re: EU Parliament Ends Cell Phone Roaming Charges in 2017

Travel Rob ·
I'm guessing this is going to affect pre paid plans and sim cards for travelers. Anybody else know more, please comment.

Re: EU Parliament Ends Cell Phone Roaming Charges in 2017

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, it will apply to prepaid plans, which many Europeans as well as visitors use, but it's not as happily absolute as some of the celebrators make it sound. The final June 2017 step depends on a reform of the European wholesale roaming market in which carriers pay each other for roaming use, and is also subject to limits for those who roam "too much." Here's a quote from one of the Parliament members who was a leading proponent of the law (which also originally included provisions for net...

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

GarryRF ·
The Author of these "Do's and Don'ts" is a Trainee Journalist and has gathered this list without leaving the comfort of her armchair. Lazy journalism based on stereotypes you find in cheap travel guides. Maybe we could start a list of "Do's and Dont's" for US Hotels and employees ? #1 : DONT say "You guys from Europe all sound the same !"

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps not a trainee journalist. Since the list came from the government's tourism promotion agency, we might presume the author to be a Trainee Bureaucrat, who someday will be, sadly, writing the rules! Originally Posted by GarryRF: The Author of these "Do's and Don'ts" is a Trainee Journalist and has gathered this list without leaving the comfort of her armchair. Lazy journalism based on stereotypes you find in cheap travel guides. Maybe we could start a list of "Do's and Dont's" for US...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World. She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets) When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect. She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !! I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #10

Paul Heymont ·
Originally Posted by TatToo: Did Mrs. Gumbo not get to the tapas bar ? No, because we had already eaten. But, against the wall of the Cathedral she found a truly gaudy fruit cart that made her a wonderful fruit salad to order, which we ate in the Jardin Borda...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, she almost looks ready to sail (were it not for the concrete footings holiding her in place)! But what place?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
The mystery and waiting are over. The puzzle has been solved by PortMoresby. Here is her answer: " Tangalla Bay Hotel, Tangalle, Sri Lanka." I'll post the discussion for this on Tuesday. Another travel puzzle will be up very soon.

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
Walking the "Walls" that enclose the City - maybe 3 miles around - is a local ritual ! At frequent intervals there are Pubs to stop at. The idea being that you stop at each one , have a drink and proceed to the next. Its only the hardened drinkers who complete the circuit. A friend from Anna Maria Island, Florida sent his daughter to stay with us for a while. Same age as my daughter and they got along like a house on fire ! So when we arrived in Chester I told her our day was walking around...

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

GarryRF ·
This display of beautiful cars is a modern day "Work of Art" They require no adornment by mannequins from the Kmart. I'd compare it to the Ad's we see at Bus Stops where some gorgeous model has had a Moustache added by some "Wag" with a Sharpie pen ! Or maybe adding some "Christmas Tinsel" to the Mona Lisa to improve her good looks ! "A place for everything - and everything in it's place!" (A Bimbo - over here - is a Lady with stunning looks - but lower than average IQ)

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

DrFumblefinger ·
Remember these recommendations were in essence from the hotel owners. They are trying to have the consumer subsidize the poor salaries many of them pay. I'm a reasonably generous person, and I realize that most hotel employees are not wealthy, but I don't tip at those levels. I usually leave a few bucks for the maid if a good job is done, and for an excellent bit of advice or help will as well. But if I ask the concierge where the nearest bus stop is, that's his job and not worth the five...

Re: Paris-Barcelona Now Linked by High-Speed Train

DrFumblefinger ·
Great thing about Europe, especially for travelers, are the many options they have for getting around. Train is often the best option for those going from the heart of one city to the heart of another. I'm glad to her this route is now open to people.

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Dave B. ·
Before I retired, I traveled quite a bit on business, both inside the U.S. and abroad. I still travel frequently to racing and club events, but almost all are in the U.S. or Canada. That said, here’s my take on tipping: Restaurants – According to the sources I checked, in the U.S. the Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13. Most states have set higher amounts, but food service workers are still generally paid much lower wages that other ‘minimum wage’ employees. Unless the...

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Voyager. I did find the piece about animals in transit interesting. I know a little about animals. It's my wife who is the Dr. Doolittle. She loves them in all sizes and shapes and they seem to like and understand her.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Former Member ·
they seem to like and understand her. Animals - including birds - know who the "friendlies" are. Must be an innate trait for survival.

Re: In Egypt: The Egyptian Museum

PortMoresby ·
An item from the UK's Guardian comments on the timelessness & "place-less-ness" of Nefertiti's image. If she'd stayed in Egypt after her discovery at Amarna, she'd likely have a place near her image above with her family, in the photo titled " Scene of worship of the Aten ..." as that's a far more interesting historical context, rather than the following reign of Tutankhamun, in which to put her. I hope the book does her real life justice.

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Mac ·
You guys are certainly mirroring all the thoughts that we had yesterday! I hope that my photos (taken in the drizzle) will come out to show you. The views that struck us immediately were the Dismaland logo above the entry (and on the souvenir T shirts), the Mickey Mouse ears worn by all the staff, the dilapidated, iconically-shaped, crumbling fairy tale castle with it's polluted moat - but perhaps the most dramatic is the centrepiece in the castle with the life-sized princess's pumpkin...

Re: In Egypt: Up the Nile

Amateuremigrant ·
Egypt is always going to be a conveyor belt for most visitors, outside of the resorts, and it's hard to get around this, given the country's geography. But PM is right to take the costs on the chin; how many times are you going to be there in this life ? Obviously didn't miss much, from her photos !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#67)

Paul Heymont ·
In some previous puzzles, Gumbo has flown far, but has not been as far as might appear... Could that be a hint that will be useful here? But remember the Sibyl: Her words were always true...but did not always mean what she appeared to say! (That's how I feel about GPS, too....)

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#67)

Paul Heymont ·
Sunday evening, and time to post the e-mail responses. This week, there has been one, from PortMoresby, and her guess was correct. Gumbo was in the Parc des Buttes Chaumont in Paris, looking at the Ile du Belvedere. For more about the park, see tomorrow's "reveal" blog. A new puzzle will appear on Tuesday. And again, congrats to PortMoresby!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 25, 2014: Fall colors at Upper Kananaskis Lake, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi GarryRF, Yes, this part of the world includes vaste stretches of wilderness. Lots and lots of unspoiled mountains, valleys, forests, rivers and lakes. It is only an hour's drive from west Calgary, so lots of those of us who live here spend our weekends in the Rockies. Much like those in Denver. Camping is wonderful in the summertime, as the weather is mild and the days very long. It's also great to hike here at that time. Camping in the winter is only for the brave of heart. You need to...

Re: Montmartre Cemetery, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
I noticed that...but for me, the hardest moment of the afternoon was the sense of relentless mortality I felt at the grave of Louise Weber, "La Goulue." To look at the severe and confining stone box, and think at the same time of the image we carry of her...

Re: Montmartre Cemetery, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
She died nearby, as well. She returned to Montmartre in 1928, a year before her death, and eked out a living selling matches and peanuts on a corner near the Moulin Rouge.

Re: A visit to Waterton National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
I love the pictures, Roderick. Part of what makes Waterton so special are its many wild animals. Almost like going on safari in America! I'm especially fond of the little bear. He looks so very lost without his mother. Hope you didn't get between her and the little one! And thanks for your first contribution to Travelgumbo!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 3, 2015: Chanteuse of Montmarte

IslandMan ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: IslandMan, would you consider adding the un-vignetted version? It may not be as artistic but it would be interesting to see, to compare and to see details currently obscured. Hello PortMoresby, I chose the vignette effect to focus on the chanteuse and to mask the other distractions around her. I think it adds a sense of surrealism and mystique that I believe is in keeping with the essence of Montmarte. I don't like "messy" pictures and I thought the original...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 3, 2015: Chanteuse of Montmarte

PortMoresby ·
I'd dearly love to see her "messy" cart. But, yes IM, your vision takes precedence, certainly.

Re: Visiting Versailles

Paul Heymont ·
DrF, the pictures are as awesome as the palace itself...and frankly, I, too, like them better. I long ago ceased to be a lover of the places where the rich and powerful flaunted it over those who were forced to pay for it and to obey. Versailles (where I have not been inside in 50 years) has the added "attraction" of Marie-Antoinette's "Hameau," or hamlet, off in the woods, where adults were forced to play at being children for her amusement...almost like a living dollhouse. True, it would...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
As a frequent Airbnb renter (about 16 times) I obviously think it's a valuable thing and want it to succeed. I also think that there's room for reasonable regulation that's sensitive to local needs, and that a reasonable compromise can be found. Let's take the case of New York City...there is a real shortage of affordable housing. While it's not caused by Airbnb, but rather by a series of market issues that I won't rehearse here, it's reasonable for the city/state to ban short-term rentals...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
I think my proposal as written could work; in my haste I left out one aspect and that is that Airbnb or similar would be expected to require that a host supply his or her city registration number, or look it up on city website. The company would be subject to penalty for unlicensed listings or for handling rentals beyond the limit. Of course if the host rented through other agencies beyond the limit, that would not be on Airbnb...some city enforcement mechanism would be ended but that's true...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

GarryRF ·
22 April 2014. A British woman has been arrested and is facing deportation in Sri Lanka over a Buddha tattoo on her arm. Naomi Michelle Coleman, 37, was taken into custody at the airport in Colombo, after she arrived from India. Ms Coleman, who has a tattoo of a Buddha seated on a lotus flower on her right arm, was arrested for ‘hurting others' religious feelings,’ a police spokesman said. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter |...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

GarryRF ·
My daughter was in Vietnam a year ago on her honeymoon DrF. She would visit the local Churches - as these were often pieces of exquisite architecture. On occasions outside Christian Churches she would recognise the tune of a Hymn - and while staying outside - she would sing along ! Yes - I know - a little crazy and religious too ! Communist countries don't outlaw religion, its just tolerated. The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Ho Chi Minh City. (Photo by my daughter) She has a list of good and...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for that note, GarryRF. Ask your daughter to share her information with all of us! A short post about her trip on TravelGumbo would help many out!

Re: Happy Birthday, Eiffel Tower!

Paul Heymont ·
I like her tips, especially the advice not to rush past the second level, which too many people regard as just a place to change elevators. I also like that up-from-under shot of the tower...It reminded me to go and find my darker version of that view from 1960, on my first visit to Paris.

Re: A Visit to Topkapi, Part 1

PortMoresby ·
I remember that restaurant fondly. A woman on her own was seated with us and we became instant friends, still in touch after 12 years.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #104

GarryRF ·
I would love to pay the fair maiden a call Mac. But alas, I fear, you may have courted her emotions and beat me to the post !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #104

Mac ·
Oh but no my friend GarryRF, a real maid is never truly undone until the true nature of her flight is revealed to all!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#120)

DrFumblefinger ·
Agreed. She was a much loved individual during her day. But it is a clue. You wouldn't find a statue like this in, say, Russia or Iran.

Re: Travel for Garden Lovers, Part I

PortMoresby ·
Dgems, maybe you should give Patricia Silva a call and ask her about her varieties of roses. She's up off 49, down Newtown Road and must have deer too. I don't recall fences that would inhibit them. The only one I checked was a David Austin variety, the pale pink climber in the horizontal photo above.

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

PortMoresby ·
This conversation reminds me of a day I was photographing a very popular garden in England and I was waiting for one woman to get out of the frame. What I hadn't noticed as I watched her was that a group was forming behind me, not impatient with me, but waiting with me. Finally, a woman said "come on, move along" to the woman taking her time, who was too far away to hear, and we all laughed. It was a very nice moment with a group of very nice people, as garden people tend to be. I did...

Re: Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
An apology...I mixed my files and misidentified the girl reading her stack of bronze books; we met her in Seville, not Lisbon!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 13, 2015: Willie Walleye, Baudette, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Thanks for your feedback gentlemen. DrFumblefinger...I agree that walleye (aka pickerel) are probably the best pan fried fish I have ever had. To anyone who has never tried this fish, treat yourself by cooking some up yourself or try it at a restaurant. PHeymont and TravelRob, I'm glad that you also enjoy these types of sculptures. You said it well Paul...there is something "weirdly wonderful" about them. In terms of your question Rob, the reasons I'm not in any of the pictures is...

Re: Safety tip: Hold that Instagram!

Amateuremigrant ·
Another angle to this came to the front of my mind recently. A female friend is doing a solo walk along a long distance trail through very unpopulated areas. She attracted a lot of followers from her Instagram prepping, but soon became aware of a group of supportive women hikers advising her about known unwanted followers. In particular she was advised not to post locations until they were long past so it would be more difficult to track her movements. This could equally apply to any form of...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#301)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here is our next set of puzzle clues. The top photo, with the gazebo framed against water, was key setting in a movie filmed her about 35 years ago. The gazebo was built by the production company and donated to the community.

Re: Celebrating Nature on 7 Continents: Asia, part 3 - European Bee-eaters in Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates

DrFumblefinger ·
Bee-eaters are amazing birds. I've never seen more than one or two around, so it must be quite a treat to be at the edge of a migration of them! And they fly so quickly -- amazed you were able to get that last photo framed as well as you did. Thanks for sharing these.