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Tagged With "hotel security systems"


Re: Switzerland: First passengers for world's longest tunnel

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure is a long tunnel, and from a country that likes to make them as much as the prairie dogs I see on the plains. I would think ventilation would be a problem in such a long tunnel. Would you know if the trains need their own oxygen system? Having driven through the Swiss tunnels by car before, which were about 15 km long as I recall, the air was extremely bad in them and made me regret not driving the scenic route over those windy roads across the mountains.

Re: Canadian snowbirds: Don't clip our wings!

PortMoresby ·
I have a hard time feeling sorry for those snowbirds, generally retirees with the wherewithall to escape the winter. I suspect subsidizing lying on a beach for weeks or months wasn't something meant to be built into the system.

Re: Floating hotel set to anchor in Seine

PortMoresby ·
I haven't booked my last night yet and looked but their website isn't up yet. I'm going to keep checking though. Wouldn't THAT be fun.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

Paul Heymont ·
Don't know how practical that giant Chernobyl system is...but if it works, it's a legitimate wonder, no matter what someone else should have done 20 years ago. What happened then was terrible and still worries me that it could happen elsewhere...but how does that detract from the work of someone who's figured out how to fix what remains?

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: Marriott buys Starwood for $12.2 billion...what's in it for loyalists?

Ron B. ·
Received this e-mail this morning. Today we're excited to share the news that Starwood Hotels & Resorts will join together with Marriott International to create the world's largest hotel company. For our Starwood Preferred Guest® (SPG® members, this will mean even more choices in even more places, giving you access to 1.1 million rooms across 5,500 hotels and resorts in more than 100 countries. We will work to bring you the very best of SPG and Marriott Rewards®, two of the most...

Re: Marriott buys Starwood for $12.2 billion...what's in it for loyalists?

Paul Heymont ·
I'm hopeful, since I think the last thing in the world Marriott should want to do is to signal Starwood loyalists that they aren't valued. Wonder how long before SPG rewards will book Marriott rooms...that could be a quick thing to do!

Re: Marriott buys Starwood for $12.2 billion...what's in it for loyalists?

Ron B. ·
As I'm also a Marriott rewards member, I wonder when I'll get an e-mail from them.

Re: The Best Things To Do In Boston

GarryRF ·
From Logan Airport you can take the Metro into the City. When you've seen enough at the first stop - get back on the Underground system and come up to ground level at the next stop. Repeat as often as time will allow. Great way to spend 8 hours between flights. Only the Bostonian's would drink green beer on Paddy's Day.

Re: August 5, 2017: The Potter and his Wife

Amateuremigrant ·
An interesting insight garage med by poking around in unexpected places. The caste system is still a blight on Indian society, though breaking down in towns and cities due to the pressures of modern life (sharing transport for example), in rural areas it can be deadly serious when low caste people try to assert democratic rights

Re: Top 7 Hidden Resorts in Europe

Travel Luver ·
Which was your favorite?

Re: Take a road trip in Elvis's 'last Caddy'

DrFumblefinger ·
The 8 tracks would be part of the ambience of the car. You can still find lots of them on eBay and such, so I'd keep the audio system as it is.

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

Mac ·
The Air France flight 447 that went down with all souls lost, out of Rio, Brazil in 2009 would have benefitted from a greater system override of the pilots misinterpretation of their flight 'status'. Anything that can reduce pilot error OR system error has to be desirable.

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't mind autopilot and I don't mind a second opinion from a computer, but I don't like the computer deciding when to "fly" and override the humans, unless with very clear program instructions (eg. If plane is clearly out of control. JFK Jr could have used such a system to prevent his plane crash because he was completely disoriented when he crashed his private plane)

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comments, guys! The entire shuttle is actually much longer than I'd thought, maybe 180 ft. What was surprising is how small the living/pilot compartment is where the astronauts spent so much time. It's that space in front of the opened cargo door. The US space program is just a former shadow of itself with the retirement of the Shuttle program and nothing ready to take its place. But I was pleased to hear that NASA is working on the Orion project. It is a rocket based space...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Former Member ·
What great news to hear that a publisher recognizes the need for practical budget travel information. I can spend ages on the Internet trying to work out a basic trip scheme. When a location is new to me, I need that overview in hand. It does me no good to read that the Paris' Luxembourg gardens are wonderful when I am trying to work out how long I can afford to be in Paris. It does me no good to know that there are marvelous chambre d'hotes in the Ile de Cite when what I need is a couple of...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

Mac ·
Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago.....

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger your photos are amazing. I can see why you love the country so much.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Mac: Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago..... I was told the Galle Face Green was actually green until the pope showed up and a massive crowd destroyed the grass. After that it became the Galle Face Brown. The green is slowly trying to make a comeback, though. I actually visited someone...

Re: Sleeping with the fishes--an underwater hotel room!

PortMoresby ·
I saw this featured on (I think) CNN yesterday. I thought, I hope the bedroom is above water, hyperventilated at the thought of sleeping below. I wouldn't mind going down for some awake time but don't think I could fall asleep. But if I could it would be a lovely place to wake up. I'd be interested to know what it sounds like in the room.

Re: Sleeping with the fishes--an underwater hotel room!

Former Member ·
When I saw the picture with the fish in the window, I thought--I wonder if lots of fish and other creatures will come to stare at the strange beings in the box. Will they make faces and try to attract attention?

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Here's a good quote Paul PORTRAIT OF AN UNHEALTHY CITY - NEW YORK INTHE 1800'S by David Rosner Columbia University When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. In addition to lacking street cleaning, the city also had no sewage system and no flush toilets. Garbage--which included both human and animal waste--was basically thrown out windows and onto city...

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

Former Member ·
Yes, some facilities have no space for reassembly. The least they could do is hand people clear plastic bags for all of their little stuff at the beginning. Toss coins, keys, cell phone etc into clear plastic bag. Toss belt and shoes into clear plastic bag. Slam plastic bags into bin with your luggage items. Grab your plastic bags and luggage items out of bin at the exit and run for your gate, shoeless. At least people would not be fumbling around, trying to get their small odds and ends out...

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

Former Member ·
Yes, Bling, but flying is a three dimensional activity, not a two dimensional one, at at gar greater speeds! And Google is not infallible by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, flying is three dimensional but the dimensions do not change. The ground is the ground, however you get to it. The airport runways do not move right and left. The skies are now virtual highways, with planes flying along set paths. That is data for the computer guidance system. Have there been problems with the...

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

Paul Heymont ·
Well, of course Bling is right that a completely automated system wouldn't have resulted in that situation...assuming it was functioning properly (note the Westworld reference above). That's why so many systems (cruise control in your car, autopilot on a plane, driverless transit trains) all have a human override built in.

Re: Most mobile bookings are last-minute

DrFumblefinger ·
That actually makes a lot of sense. The beauty of smartphones and the like is their ability to let you get things done at the last minute -- complete with price comparisons, etc. I know that a lot of hotels offer deep discounts the last day if they have a lot of spare inventory, but you're taking a risk at a busy time in a busy place. I tend to be more of a planner and to save my travel time for traveling and not looking for hotels. But to each his own.

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

DrFumblefinger ·
Geosynchronous orbit is only close enough to planes flying in that area (ie. around the equator). A plane flying the polar route from North America to Europe won't be able to connect with a geosynchronous satellite. They will be connecting with a series of lower altitude satellites, not unlike global satellite phone system. These satellites are moving quickly, as is the plane.

Re: Venice's ban on huge cruise ships suspended

PortMoresby ·
A perfectly logical solution if, indeed, logic applied in a system that officially condones adding insult to the injury Venice is already suffering. I predict, not in our lifetimes.

Re: Cape Grace Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

Former Member ·
so vintage and classy, must be expensive

Re: Cape Grace Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

DrFumblefinger ·
It was part of a package that included safaris in Botswana and travel to Victoria Falls, so I'm not aware of the line item expense but the package was expensive. But it was a remarkable experience, Andredeya. I usually stay in "average" places but once in a while it's nice to pamper yourself. The Cape Grace will definitely pamper you More info on Cape Town HERE . A Daytrip from Cape Town HERE .

Re: Aug 4. 2016: Delaware City. Delaware.

DrFumblefinger ·
I agree with Garry. Exploring small town America is tops! I love a few days in the big cities but feel at home in its small towns. Have yet to visit Delaware City but will check it out next time I'm in that part of the country. Imagine they have good crab?

Re: Aug 4. 2016: Delaware City. Delaware.

Travel Rob ·
Great post Garry! Good to see Delaware City in the spotlight today.

Re: Aug 4. 2016: Delaware City. Delaware.

GarryRF ·
Delaware City has only one set of traffic lights - how's that for small ! I only get crab when visiting the family in the US. Not here in the UK. I've had crab from Delaware - Chesapeake - Rehoboth Beach (Hooters) down to Ocean City Maryland. All gorgeous and worth waiting for. I've learned to say "These are the best ever" because that's what the locals say. Best Pizza - Best Crab-cakes - Best Chilli Fries. When my son was working his way through University he worked the late shift in a...

Re: Paris warned: bigger floods will happen

GarryRF ·
One flood management project - close to me - was deemed to be unviable as its cost of £26 million was beyond the value of the damage that might be incurred. The local population ( not experts in London ) whose homes were at risk designed a system of releasing pressure points for the flood water at under £1 million. During recent floods the knowledge of locals has been proven to give greater value than University Educated "experts"

Re: Greek debt deal will raise taxes on tourists

DrFumblefinger ·
It will definitely hurt tourism, especially for those who want to stay awhile and relax in Greece. The increase in food and accommodations will take a bite out of most budgets. It won't hurt the cruiseship travelers, though.

Re: ANA Japan flight becomes flight to nowhere

PortMoresby ·
When I worked in a library, checking in returned books to be reshelved sometimes the scanner would beep even though the barcode hadn't actually registered in the computer. So if we didn't watch the screen, but depended on the sound, occasionally a book would still be checked out as far as the system was concerned. A long-winded way of pointing out that may be akin to what happened in the case of the ANA passenger.

Re: In Egypt: Sleeping

Amateuremigrant ·
As ever, a succinct and informative post from PM. It definitely gets its teeth into the eternal travel dilemma - how to feel comfortable when you're unconscious ! I always maintain (in life generally) that the greatest gap lies between expectation and reality. PM also found the smallest; that between scalding and frigid on an unfamiliar shower 😆😎

Re: In Egypt: Around Aswan

DrFumblefinger ·
You've the spirit of a pioneer. And it seems a terrific market!

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm not sure if "mandating" certain seat sizes would do anything but raise prices, but it might be nice if they introduced a simple grading system. "A" for business/first class, "F" for the sardine can seating in the most cramped airlines. If I was less than 5 ft tall and weighed less than 100 lbs the current seating system would work fine for me. For most folks it's much too crowded, especially on long flights. All the worse if you have to have your bag under the seat in front of you. Let's...

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

DrFumblefinger ·
It looks quite cool! If someone actually goes to one of the places its being displayed, please post a comment so we can hear directly how the experience was.

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

PortMoresby ·
The "bleeding edge"? Ouch. Is that akin to hair-brained? Maybe not.

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

Paul Heymont ·
I can’t remember who coined the term, but it was intended to convey a sense of being so far out on the “leading edge” that one might easily cut oneself on some unfortunate reality…

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 25, 2014: Statue of Elvis Presley, Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm old enough to remember the Vegas Years, although was too young at the time to go see Elvis in Vegas. Fans always commented that Elvis was at his best in Vegas -- relaxed, chatty (talking to the crowd a lot), and despite it's large size, it was a fairly intimate performance venue with lots of direct audience contact. (Watch the video all the way to the end to see the audience) The statue was unveiled by Barron Hilton just outside the showroom where Elvis performed, and it stood there for...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 25, 2014: Statue of Elvis Presley, Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

Ottoman ·
DrFumblefinger: I really appreciate your feedback and extra information you provided in the above comment. As Elvis would say "Thank you. Thank you very much. Your a beautiful audience. Thank you."

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

Travel Rob ·
A lot travel agents are upset with this because they say it puts them at a disadvantage because clients cant get free wifi booking through them http://www.travelmarketreport....omote-Direct-Booking

Re: Wawona Hotel, Yosemite National Park, California: Where Gumbo Was #60

Dr.Y ·
Looks like a very nice and comfortable place to stay!

Re: A visit to Waterton National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
I love the pictures, Roderick. Part of what makes Waterton so special are its many wild animals. Almost like going on safari in America! I'm especially fond of the little bear. He looks so very lost without his mother. Hope you didn't get between her and the little one! And thanks for your first contribution to Travelgumbo!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
I'll confirm that it's a city transit system, and some parts are subway, although obviously not this one. Maintenance? That's been an issue...

Re: Help with mobile phone for Morocco

Paul Heymont ·
Mobell and Mobal are one and the same, divided only by a trademark issue. Mobell is a British-owned company, and had to use an alternate name for the U.S. to avoid confusion with the then-unified Bell System, aka AT&T.