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Tagged With "kiwi fruit"


Re: December 3, 2019: Palamidi Fortress, Greece

GarryRF ·
I love picking fresh fruit in Greece. Straight from the Tree. One of the highlites of any Holiday. Maybe it's just me - but the taste of a Lemon just off the tree is amazing. So many Greek Fruits I didn't know the name of. You dont get them in supermarkets.

Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

GarryRF ·
Only to be found in the Mediterranean are the delicious Meyer Lemons. A cross with lemon and a mandarin orange. A sweet and juicy - less acidic fruit. Colour of a lemon and shape of an orange. Wish they were available when I get home to the UK . Delicious !

Re: Sept 1, 2016: Wild Roses on the River Side.

GarryRF ·
WILD ROSES Wild Fruit - before the birds eat them ! I've been told by other walkers that further along you can only smell wild Jasmine. On the waters edge - where these grow - can best be described as a cool climate. With the onshore breeze off the river it rarely passes above 21c / 70f. So about the same climate as your Mountain rose. The smell really takes you by surprise - like walking into a small room holding a large "Women's Institute"meeting ! Perfume overload !

Re: Gallery: Fuli Town Market, Guangxi, China

GarryRF ·
First visit to Bondi Beach in Sydney they had a stall at the side of the road. "Freshly Made Smoothies" The fruit was uncut and drinks were made to order. The display looked so amazing -but what were they all ! Even when someone tells you its Starfruit - you've no idea what it tastes like. So I had the best smoothie - ever. Fresh sliced Pineapple and Root Ginger. With extra Ginger. Nothing else added. Heaven in a glass ! Been to so many countries since that insist you have to have Yoghurt or...

Re: Luxembourg, Old City

Paul Heymont ·
Clafoutis (I lost an s in typing) is a French dessert that is essentially a tart with fruit (the most traditional is cherries) in a flan-like custard. Usually you bake part of the custard a bit, add the fruit and more custard. I always thought it was from Normandy, because I first encountered it there, and then in a Norman restaurant in Paris, but it turns out the food historians say it comes from Limousin, and the name is from the Occitan "clafotis" which means "filled." So what probably...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #10

Paul Heymont ·
Originally Posted by TatToo: Did Mrs. Gumbo not get to the tapas bar ? No, because we had already eaten. But, against the wall of the Cathedral she found a truly gaudy fruit cart that made her a wonderful fruit salad to order, which we ate in the Jardin Borda...

Re: Strawberry Fields Forever

GarryRF ·
"If God made a fruit more beautiful than a Strawberry then he surely kept it to himself"

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#59)

Paul Heymont ·
Here's some help with what it's not! No trains stop at this building (but they do nearby). No chance here at fruit and vegetables (but you can get information about them) And: Nowhere in Europe!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

Paul Heymont ·
My wife sometimes believes that my main photo subjects are bread, fruit and veg, and birds perched on statues, so it's nice to know someone else appreciates how beautiful bread is, and how easy it is to smell it and taste just by looking at a great picture like this!

Re: Gallery: Borneo, Market in Sibu

Paul Heymont ·
You can always get me with a market, but this one was especially interesting because of the display of canned goods. Living in a neighborhood with many Caribbean, Asian and South Asian neighbors, I see some of those brands and products in our local fruit stands and small groceries. Truly "world food!"

Re: Beating Jet Lag

JetLagCalc ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Do you find hydration matters? Can you drink a lot of water? Yes, hydration is in fact quite important. You should drink as much water as you like. Also, 16 hours without food is a long time, so we recommend that you have some light snacks along the way, like some fruit.

Re: January 15, 2020: Shopping in Jojawar

Amateuremigrant ·
A great post about the ordinary in small town India. I've never been a great one for grand buildings of any sort. Ordinary people built them all ! Hardware stores are MOST illuminating 😃 The green fruit is a bit hard to be sure but it looks like 'amroodh', grown I believe in hilly northern areas - they're almost sweet, not that interesting and lots of ball-bearing seeds. There is an English name that escapes me ! Well it did so I looked up on Ecosia - it's guava !

Re: Possible second Viking site found in Newfoundland

GarryRF ·
History tells us that the first English settlers in North America would not have survived the first winter without food from the indigenous tribes. The winters in England and Europe are warmer than what was waiting for them in Newfoundland. There is a weather history from about the year 1150. If you look at records kept by French wine makers it notes the date the first shoots appear. The date when the grapes are set, then harvested and the quality and size of the fruit. All good indicators...

Re: Apr. 7, 2016: Budget Vacation in France

GarryRF ·
We enjoy camping here. And we have our own equipment. And we can put it up in 10 minutes too. But going to an area of Europe and getting budget accommodation that's central to exploring Paris - Berlin - Munich - Marseilles - St Tropez - Brussels - the Spanish Costa's etc and all at a budget price. With toilets - showers - hairdryers - on site stores for wine and food - then even the Ladies can't complain. And a car park so you can be off touring the caves and vineyards. Staying in a Budget...

Re: Vienna's Naschmarkt: 500 years of food

GarryRF ·
A wonderful display of fruit and vegetables Paul. No - never too many photos. I could be there myself ! Really enjoyed that excursion into epicurean delights. Not so sure about some of those prices, but they certainly looked fresh as could be. I'm just going back for another look - I'm sure I could smell the Pataks Curry ! The Stinkefrucht "Dorien" comes from Singapore as your photo says. But if you take it on public transport there - you will be pushed off the bus !. You may see it hanging...

Re: easyJet's founder launches cut-rate food store

Travel Rob ·
I really do like this idea because a lot of people are too proud to go to food banks if they are in need and at least they can get a few things there. Also , if it spreads its a good way for travelers to pick up a few snacks for the road. Here are the items for sale listed on the site : Tea Ground Coffee Chicken Curry Sugar Orangeade Pasta Mushroom Sauce Digestives Chick Peas Sardines and Sauce Cream Crackers Pasta Sauce Flour Tomato Ketchup Variety Pack Cereal Potatoes Jaffa Cakes Fruit...

Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

GarryRF ·
In my local UK store I can buy a 5 Kilo bag (10 pound) of irregular shaped fruit and veg for £2 ($3) in prime condition. It's to help low income families but there's plenty more where it came from. The photo above looks like fruit that's ready for the trash. That's not the idea behind the scheme that's all across Europe. Wonky Potato !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 19, 2013: Pike Place Market, Seattle, Washington

Former Member ·
Looks pretty good for plastic fruit ! ha ha Really does look almost too good to be genuine. Thanks for the great picture.

Re: A Visit to the “Spine Garden:”Cactus in Arizona’s Sonora Desert

GarryRF ·
I love to travel in the winter to hot countries - who doesn't ? But apart from the obvious reasons you get access to rare and strange fruit that just doesn't travel well. Star fruit, Custard apples, Salak and Prickly pears ! PRICKLY PEARS Delicious !!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 09, 2014: Roadside produce stand, Southern Sri Lanka

GarryRF ·
The best part of any journey is tasting the just picked fresh fruit ! When my daughter was living in Greece I would go up to the flat roof. A Lemon Tree was overhanging and laden with fruit. As large as an Orange. The Lemon skin had a glorious citrus perfume to it. Just scrape your thumbnail across it. And the flavour was so sweet ! Unlike a store bought lemon that we call "winky"... hard to eat without closing one eye ! Oh yes - I love eating Lemons ! GREEK LEMONS

Re: Granville Island Market, Vancouver. 1) The Produce

GarryRF ·
WOW!! Some amazing colours and sights there DrF, So vivid it could be 3D. Shame it wasn't scratch and sniff ! I could spend all day just looking at all that fresh stuff. So much nicer than what you get in a big Supermarket. Fruit is so much nicer when you can eat it within 24 hours of plucking it off the tree.

Re: St. Lawrence Market, Toronto, Canada

GarryRF ·
" If God made a fruit - more beautiful than the Strawberry - then he surely kept it to himself "

Re: What can't you live without on a plane flight?

Paul Heymont ·
My kindle, and the knowledge that I have a bag of dried fruit and nuts in my bag for emergencies. The emergencies happen so seldom that the current bag has made 3 transatlaantic trips since I gave away the previous one to a friend who was headed for the airport...

Re: What can't you live without on a plane flight?

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: My kindle, and the knowledge that I have a bag of dried fruit and nuts in my bag for emergencies. The emergencies happen so seldom that the current bag has made 3 transatlaantic trips since I gave away the previous one to a friend who was headed for the airport... Having been the recipient of one of PHeymont's emergency bags of dried fruits and nuts,I can assure everyone I ate it on my trip! Running out of stuff happens a little more frequently to me on trips!
Blog Post

Following the European Beer Trail: Oktoberfest to Sorrento

followthelocal ·
To answer your question. Yes, Italians drink beer. It’s not a well-known pastime of Italy, however it is becoming more common. But before we get to Italy let me tell you about my beer adventure that led me to central Italy.   I started the...
Blog Post

Ottawa – NOT the coldest Capital in the world!

DrFumblefinger ·
Ottawa is a vibrant and charming small city — so pleasant that it’s hard to believe it’s home to soooo many politicians.  Of the national capitals I've visited, Ottawa seems the most livable to me (ie. if...
Blog Post

Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec, like New York, is both a city and a state (or rather, a province).  It’s an island of French heritage and culture within our Anglo-North American continent.   We combined this visit with stops in Montreal and...
Blog Post

Mary's Hash House, Las Vegas

DrFumblefinger ·
  Anyone who stumbled onto this blog searching for "hashish" might as well leave, because that's not what this post is about.  It's about good food, not good weed.   The Las Vegas food scene has changed a lot since I first visited the...
Blog Post

San Juan: Two Markets, Old and New

Paul Heymont ·
As Gumbo readers know by now, a lot of us who write these pieces are suckers for markets, large and small, wherever we go. If an army travels on its stomach, an army of bloggers stocks up at the public market.   So, on our recent trip to Puerto...
Blog Post

A summer trip to Valencia, Spain

Andre Pur ·
Last Summer, in 2014, I went on an internship program in Valencia, Spain. My internship took place in a nice hotel near the center of the town and lasted 3 months.  While I was there I could visit and enjoy many touristic points while also...
Blog Post

Who Is Puerto Rico's Artisanal Ice Cream King?

Paul Heymont ·
  That's a tough question...and can only really be decided by tasting and tasting and tasting and...well, we couldn't spend all our time at it, could we? So, intrigued in advance by tales of great ice cream and unusual flavors, we identified...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 3: A Sunny Day in Sonoma

PortMoresby ·
  March 11, 2015    The drive down California Highway 1, along the Mendocino and Sonoma County coast, was a bit of a bust.  It started to rain as I arrived at Point Arena and Fort Ross was closed, it turned out, on weekdays, so I...
Blog Post

When do we want it? Now! What do we want? Read on...

Paul Heymont ·
But does it have WiFi?   A new survey tells us that WiFi is holding its place as the #1 desired hotel amenity—but not as many people listed it as #1 as last year. Breakfast held #2. And almost nobody cares about the mini-bar with its...
Blog Post

"Kona Coffee": Greenwell Farms Coffee Tours

DrFumblefinger ·
    Kona coffee is world famous for its full-bodied, non-bitter, bold flavor.  Hard to put the taste into words, but it's good coffee!  The micro-climate just south of Kona, around 1000 - 2000 ft above sea level, is perfect for...
Blog Post

Mixed messages in the air: chocolate and healthy fruit

Paul Heymont ·
We're getting mixed signals again from the airlines, on the snack front this time. On the one hand, sweet Valentine's Day chocolates, on the other an offer of fresh healthy fruit.   First the chocolate: The topper is a chocolate lava cake offered...
Blog Post

A Taste of Fall and More: Ithaca Farmers Market

Paul Heymont ·
Everywhere I go, my wife and I seem to find ourselves wandering aisles of fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood, cheeses and breads and more. But most often, aside from our local weekend Greenmarket in Brooklyn, our stroll is in the huge and chaotic...
Blog Post

Sept. 15, 2017: Red Admiral butterfly, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares images and the natural history of this beautiful butterfly.
Blog Post

Strasbourg: Self-service tour of Alsatian food

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont tries something new: A self-service gourmet food tour, organized by the Strasbourg Office de Tourisme.
Blog Post

Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage (Part 2)

Lisa Day ·
Lisa Day concludes her series on journeying the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage in Japan, ending in Hongu Taisha.
Blog Post

Road Trips with Kids: 5 Things that Will Help You Make Them Safe and Fun

Katica (Guest) ·
When traveling with kids, planning and preparation are extremely important. Katica offers a number of helpful tips to help make your journey a smooth one.
Blog Post

Food Tours in Sicily: Palermo

Paul Heymont ·
Palermo and Catania are only hours apart—who knew they could be such food rivals?
Blog Post

Our Amazing Pineapple Experience at the Dole Plantation

Samantha ·
Samantha visits a famous Oahu destination, and shows us how much more there is than just how pineapples are grown.
Blog Post

July 29, 2017: Late night fruit, Catania

Paul Heymont ·
Late in the evening, PHeymont and his wife found a vendor selling juices and smoothies, and providing the only splash of color.

Tips For A Perfect Summer season Tour

Humboldt Tours Berlin ·
Summertime’s have struck one of the most of the plain areas with the intense warm days; every passing day is getting hotter. The heat is making is harder for everybody to head out specifically in day time. Summer season breaks in the schools all across the country are almost to start, that makes it an ideal time for the family trip to go for Berlin Wall Tour . This is the time when kids are already set for a daring summertime vacation and they anticipate you to plan a trip to some hill...
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Río Piedras and The University of Puerto Rico

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a visit to the University of Puerto Rico, and the town and market of Rio Piedras.
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Journey through Karnataka: Bidar and Hyderabad

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe concludes his journey through Karnataka, with visits to the interesting sites of Bidar and Hyderabad.
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Caguas Botanical Gardens: a taste of history and culture

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of the garden, which is organized to mirror aspects of the island's culture and history.
Blog Post

Indoor Farmers Market at Hyatt Regency, Waikiki

Samantha ·
Samantha features a highlight of her hotel stay: its extensive twice-a-week indoor farmers market featuring Hawaiian produce.
Blog Post

Dispatches from Ikaria: Pt. 3

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's visit to Ikaria continues, with some great sightseeing spots. We drift to local fresh foods and cuisine. You'll be salivating by the time you reach the end of this post!