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Tagged With "Traffic circle"


Re: Swindon's 7 layer traffic circle

DrFumblefinger ·
That is amazing! And I see it as a convincing argument for traffic lights. Perhaps locals know their way, but for a tourist traveling here it would be a nightmare. While the videoclip says that there are few fatal accidents, that's likely because of the low speeds involved in the roundabout. I suspect the rate of fenderbenders is extremely high. Thanks for sharing this, Jonathan.

Re: November 30, 2017: Delhi in a Nutshell

Amateuremigrant ·
The Ajmeri gate, if I'm not mistaken - Ajmer in Rajasthan was much more important in the past, but now known mainly as the portal to Pushkar, where the world renowned 'camel fair' is held. Perched on a conical hill there is the only temple in India dedicated to Brahma

Re: Chicago Fire Still Holding Up Air Traffic

HistoryDigger ·
Thanks for posting. I wondered about that.

Re: Autobahn driving hazards: ducks and planes

Paul Heymont ·
It must be duck season in Europe! Moments after I posted the story above, I found an Italian weekend story, with video, of Rome police holding up traffic in the Italian capital. A passerby posted a video of the action, and now, perhaps, ducks will replace cats in internet popularity. Anyway, here's the story, with the video embedded near the bottom
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US-Int'l Air Traffic Sets New Records

Paul Heymont ·
International non-stop air traffic to/from the U.S. last hear hit 197.3 million comings and goings, up 7% over the year before. Of the total, about 56% was non-US citizens, and 44% citizens, with the tickets split almost evenly between U.S. airlines...
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Spanish air controllers on strike, 5000 flights affected

Paul Heymont ·
Spanish air controllers are on a two-hour strike this morning, the first of four planned (See Gumbo's report of the plans). Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the airport operator AENA estimate up to 5300 flights could be affected.  ...
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Spanish air traffic controllers to strike 4 days in June

Paul Heymont ·
The Spanish air traffic controllers' union (USCA) has called for four days of strikes in June to protest punishment of 61 controllers for a 2010 strike.   The strikes will take place on June 8, 10, 12 and 14; each will last from 10 am to noon and...
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Autobahn driving hazards: ducks and planes

Paul Heymont ·
Last week was not the best for traffic on Germany's high-speed autobahns, as two major tie-ups were caused by totally unexpected events: a flock of orphaned ducks, and a disabled fighter plane.   On Friday, near Kiel in northern Germany, a...
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Day 2 of Spanish Air Control Strike: Mixed Effects

Paul Heymont ·
Today is the second day of a planned 4-day series of short strikes by Spain's air traffic controllers, who are angry over punishments meted out for a strike in 2010.   Monday's first day of the strike, which was expected to cause issues for up to...
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Busy summer predicted for U.S. air travel

Paul Heymont ·
2015 could be the busiest summer for air travel in U.S. history, breaking a record set in 2007, before the big recession. Airlines for America, the lobbying arm of the major U.S. carriers, is predicting 222 million travelers between June 1 and August...
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Remote-control air traffic control goes live

Paul Heymont ·
A small airport in Sweden, as well as a few others, including one in the U.S., are testing taking the air traffic controllers out of the tower, leaving robot cameras to send images to controllers working far away. The idea, ultimately, is to allow...
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Trouble in paradise: Delta quits airline lobby

Paul Heymont ·
Delta has left the building...or at least the lobby. They've announced they are quitting Airlines for America, the lobbying organization that speaks for many of America's carriers, including the Big 3 legacy carriers.   The splitting issue is air...
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Peace in the Air for Spain's air traffic

Paul Heymont ·
Spanish air traffic controllers have called off their 12-hour strike planned for tomorrow, October 3, after reaching an agreement with management over penalties imposed on controllers for a 2010 stoppage. The penalties will be dropped.   The...
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November 30, 2017: Delhi in a Nutshell

DrFumblefinger ·
A favorite image that captures the chaos and variety of ways people get around the crowded streets of Delhi.

Cool video...even better than looking down from the plane!

Paul Heymont ·
I always want a window seat, I always want a cloudless day, I like to take pictures from the plane, both for pictorial interest and because the view from above makes interesting, seemingly abstract, patterns. I've posted some of them  here on...
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Chicago Fire Still Holding Up Air Traffic

Paul Heymont ·
Flight delays caused by a fire at a major FAA facility near Chicago have had paralyzing effects across a wide area of the country, with planes unable to use normal facilities at Chicago's O'Hare (a hub for United and American) and Midway (a major...

Swindon's 7 layer traffic circle

Jonathan L ·
Swindon has what may be the most confusing and elegant traffic circle ever.
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On the road with your phone? There's apps for that

Paul Heymont ·
Getting ready for a road trip still calls for packing and getting in the car, but when it comes to maps and routes and where to stop and where to stay…well, there’s an app for that. Quite a few, in fact.
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Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

Paul Heymont ·
Tomorrow (Tuesday) could be a tough day for travelers and others, as protests by taxi drivers, air traffic controllers and farmers promise disruptions.
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FAA funding bill: battleground of amendments

Paul Heymont ·
As Congress begins work on the FAA funding bill, consumer advocates and industry lobbyists go to work to get their favorite amendments included.
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Copenhagen latest to try a car-free day

Paul Heymont ·
Copenhagen joins other European cities in experimenting with car-free days and other strategies to lower pollution and change city life.

Re: On the road with your phone? There's apps for that

Travel Rob ·
In the US, I use the Scout GPS app. They seem to listen to feedback and have made several improvements in their updates of the app. Overseas I use Google Maps, but will try others

Re: On the road with your phone? There's apps for that

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE: There's an important update to Google's navigation and maps: it's now possible to download the Google Maps for most areas and then use them for turn-by-turn navigation while off-line. Considering that there are still areas where cell service is weak and that many people don't have generous data allowances when abroad, this can be a BIG advantage. Available now for Android users, and soon for iPhone.

Re: Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

DrFumblefinger ·
Ahhh. France's national pass-time seems to have become rioting in the streets and damaging private property -- usually with police in riot gear standing by and watching. Nothing quite like mob rule. Am I reading more into your photo than intended, or is there a certain ethnic group over represented in this image?

Re: Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

Paul Heymont ·
Not wanting to extend this too far, but no, no particular ethnic group is represented; it's actually got a mix...and both the licensed and unlicensed drivers in Paris do include, as in many other cities including New York, a fair percentage of recent immigrants. I think your characterization of France in general is a bit unfair; direct action is not always pretty, but is sometimes the only way to get government attention. We've see that in many countries; whether a specific one gets labeled...

Re: Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

DrFumblefinger ·
Also not wanting to take this too far, but during our last visit to Paris the city was locked down two nights as the "rowdy youth" took to the streets and rioted. The reason had nothing to do with gaining government attention or making a political statement. Paris had won the French soccer division. That's all. Not a World Cup or even a European Union win. Paris had the best soccer team in France -- my, what a surprise. But the action cost the city millions in property damage and lost...

Re: Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

GarryRF ·
Whenever France has a "day of action" they block the ports and air traffic controllers block the air space over their country. This effectively puts a blockade on all traffic to Europe and beyond from the UK. Trucks are set ablaze. Miles of traffic bound for the UK is trapped. Families held to ransom in the ice cold winter. Stuck on freeways. Britons held in faraway airports because their flights coming home cut across French airspace. And the Riot Police stand by and watch as the Mob Rules.

Re: Traveling in France? Strikes forecast

TravelGirlJenn ·
Hmmm. Drfumblefinger, are you sure you weren't in LA? ;-) Don't they seem to do the same thing...Dodgers win a Division...riots. Lakers win a major series...riots again. Now that they got the Rams back, yipes. I'm being a bit tongue in cheek, of course. But I have to wonder if Paris' and France's protests or strikes ever really yield results. Granted, the only thing I can compare it to are the social and political protests of late in the Bay Area; which, I fail to see how blocking traffic on...
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Florence Traffic Sign fun

Jonathan L ·
Florence Traffic Sign fun
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Shrinking airports to serve more passengers? Perhaps!

Paul Heymont ·
If the headline seems to be a paradox, it should. As air traffic grows by 5-7% a year overall, airports get bigger, baggage carousels get bigger, the distance between your plane and the exit gets bigger...are you really being served?  
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Austria extends 'marriage equality' to traffic lights

Paul Heymont ·
The green man who welcomes you to cross the street in most of the world has become more diverse in Austria, with Vienna's installation of lights that show couples crossing the street, with hearts connecting them.
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Copenhagen traffic cops: ticket or tour?

Paul Heymont ·
Copenhagen, which already has a reputation as a visitor-friendly city, is planning to take it a bit further by turning the traffic wardens who give out parking tickets into part-time guides as well. Equipped with "Ask Me" badges, and a new training...
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Those darn computers! Outage snarls London

Paul Heymont ·
Computer outages in Britain's air traffic control system are fouling up flights in and out of London, as controllers limit the number of flights to what they can handle without the misbehaving machines. 
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Paris mayor gets power to ban traffic when pollution peaks

Paul Heymont ·
A horrific spike in air pollution in Paris Monday has led to the national Ecology Minister, Segoline Royal, granting Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo the power to impose traffic bans when pollution is high.  
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Today's the day: France's annual traffic nightmare

Paul Heymont ·
August is the month of family vacations in France, and traditionally everyone (who can, anyway) leaves town (every town). But the month of quiet streets and deserted shops is over, and today, the last Saturday of the month, brings an annual traffic nightmare as everyone heads home.
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"Black Saturday" to jam French roads

Paul Heymont ·
If you're planning to to leave tonight on a vacation road trip in France (don't you wish you were!), tonight and tomorrow may not be your best days, because they are the first day of the traditional French August vacation break.
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France: Ferry strike on, air controllers tomorrow

Paul Heymont ·
A strike planned for yesterday and today by French air traffic controllers was cancelled yesterday, but the strike called for tomorrow by the other air traffic controllers' union is still on, and expected to cause serious disruption tomorrow.
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French air controllers to strike July 2,3

Paul Heymont ·
July air traffic controllers' strike could cause scenes like this...   Angry over salaries and what they believe is neglect of their industry, French air traffic controllers' unions have announced a two-day strike for July 1 and 2.
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French air traffic control strike highlights bigger issue

Paul Heymont ·
Air traffic in parts of Europe is being affected by a strike of French air traffic controllers, scheduled to last through tomorrow. As a result of the strike, French airspace is closed to most flights, even those not landing in France.
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A striking moment for travel in France

Paul Heymont ·
Not the best day for travelers in France, as air traffic controllers continue to strike, grounding hundreds of flights. Long-haul international flights continue, but domestic cancellations and shorter international flights are affected.  
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Paris to take a breath on 'Day Without Cars'

Paul Heymont ·
Paris, the city of light and sometimes bad air, will take a mini-break from traffic and air pollution this Sunday, when the capital celebrates its first "Journee sans Voiture," a project of Mayor Anne Hidalgo.   