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Tagged With "Turkey Legs"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#294)

Professorabe ·
Is the puzzler pulling your leg? Actually, he has provided a very strong clue. And it's almost the last!

Re: Signs of the Times, and Smiles

Paul Heymont ·
I guess that's for those who feel they don't have a leg to stand on...

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

DrFumblefinger ·
Good for Airbus! It seems the airline industry may have reached a tipping point where people will pay a little more for a little comfort. I hope that's the case and that they listen and provide options. I always look for a good airfare, but I also look at what kind of comfort that airfare buys me and am willing to pay a little more for a little more. 8-12 hours on a plane is not great fun, although I can divert my attention usually. But it's made infinitely more pleasant by a few extra...

Re: Alitalia: No money, but new uniforms

PortMoresby ·
I'd suggest that, designer duds aside, Alitalia has arrived at this point in the company history because someone, or someones, has their head you know where. I was on an Alitalia flight this past Thursday and for those hours I was unable to put my knees together, so stingy was the leg room (aka "pitch") for my steerage-class seat. I had to place my feet on either side of the seat-back pocket and there they stayed. I'm a mere 5'6" in height and I felt for the tall guy next to me who was...

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for sharing this story with our audience, Ottoman. I remember Terry Fox well. His run across Canada became an important news story, and the image of him hoping on his good leg before stepping with his prosthesis has always remained with me. He was a remarkable brave young man, and it's sad that he didn't live to see the profound influence that one life can have. A reminder how how cancer can strike anyone. No age, no sex, no race, no social class is immune from its reach. I really...

Re: Seat Wars break out in the air...

Travel Rob ·
The Daily Telegraph conducted a poll after the first 2 incidents on "Should Reclining Seats be Banned" and 70% of the respondents said yes. The lack of leg space is a big issue and I hope airlines enact more reasonable legroom space for coach. If the reported stories are true though, some passengers weren't acting mature or reasonable at all and really should face stiff penalties for their actions

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- the City at Large

GarryRF ·
Enjoyable walk around Toronto DrF. Love your "Victorian" attitude to some stores as "smutty" Looks like a very enjoyable city and worth visiting. I fear that all my relatives would discover my plans if I went. I would spend most of the week drinking tea and hearing stories of Aunty Ethel's bad leg. Oh ...and the twins....let me get the photo album...

Re: Boeing's 'Cuddle Seat' tackles the economy snooze

GarryRF ·
I just love an air travel video that presumes passengers in economy have so much leg room. Maybe - with that much leg room - reclining the backs of our current seats wouldn't be such a disaster. Resting your head on the guy sitting behind you !

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
I'm flying on an Airbus 330 next month. 4,414 miles non-stop on each leg. So I've booked extra legroom near the exit. Wise investment for 9 hours 21mins. If only I could get those aerobics fans to stop tripping over my feet when I'm asleep.

Re: Eating our way through Istanbul (Part 2)

GarryRF ·
That was an amazing tour of gastronomic delights Paul. It takes some courage to indulge in something we don't recognise. But on a tour designed for tourists you know you'll be safe. So now you've acquired a taste for fish lets hope you continue indulging. You must have tried the Baklava ? Makes searching out a Turkish bakery worthwhile. And all that variety in winter too. My friends are in Turkey today and they're still waiting for spring to arrive !

Re: Eating our way through Istanbul (Part 2)

Paul Heymont ·
Of course we tried the baklava...several places, several flavors and more... Which gives me a moment to mention something I forgot in the blog...chicken-breast pudding, or tavuk göğsü. On Wednesday, Katerina mentioned it, and joked that people make faces when they hear about it. Didn't sound so odd to me. On Friday, Senem brought one to the table so we could try it...and it basically was a protein-enriched blanc mange. The chicken is boiled and separated into fine fibers and mixed with milk,...

Re: Biltmore-House A Place of Fairy Tales & Magic – The Biltmore Estate

GutterPup ·
I could see myself lost in a book, cozy in a chair with a leg up on a arm in that library with a fire crackling away.. yes I could.
Blog Post

Historic Route 66 (pt 4) - Gallup to Albuquerque

Jonathan L ·
The last leg of my journey on Route 66 was from Gallup to Albuquerque. The is a lot to see on this leg, but I rushed to meet The Amazing Ms. D ,who was flying in to Albuquerque for a writers workshop. Therefore I only had time for one thing. I chose...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 9, 2015: "Teddy Bear" Cholla

DrFumblefinger ·
  When you see a group of them at a distance in the "Cholla Cactus Garden" (Joshua Tree National Park), they're a memorable site.  With their arms outstretched, these cacti seem rather fuzzy, almost soft, and hence the name "teddy...
Blog Post

Changing Trains in La Serenissima

PortMoresby ·
  My English friend and I left the beautiful apartment on the Anfiteatro in Lucca , she home to Bromsgrove in the West Midlands, and I toward Budapest and my old friends with a guesthouse near the famous synagogue.  I was treating myself to...
Blog Post

What travelers really want in 2015

DrFumblefinger ·
What's on your travel wish list for 2015?     Seems we all want more or less the same thing when we travel.  Quality inexpensive accommodations in a place that values our business.  Reasonably priced airline seats that provide us...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

PortMoresby ·
  Gateway to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas     March 9, 2015   In the late ‘80s, I lived in L.A. for a couple of years.  My S.O. knew lots of cool L.A. stuff.  One of those was something he’d read that...
Blog Post

Airports, Airlines battle over passenger fees

Paul Heymont ·
It's hard for a traveler to tell what's going on sometimes in the pot-calling-the-kettle-black wars of the air travel industry. We've covered elsewhere the dispute between the legacy airlines and the Gulf carriers over subsidies and "Open Skies."...
Blog Post

Amtrak's Auto Train - Relax your way to Sunshine

Jonathan L ·
There is a rhythm to train travel that is different. This is especially true when you are taking a train for a long distance. I recently took a round trip excursion on Amtrak’s Auto Train. And it immediately reminded me why I enjoy train travel...
Blog Post

Believe it?More Legroom,Lower Fees & a New Menu on Ryanair

Travel Rob ·
Blog Post

Historic Route 66 (pt 3) - Flagstaff to Gallup

Jonathan L ·
The next leg of my trip was the shortest distance I had to drive, but it took the longest time. There was a lot to see along the way.   Flagstaff AZ I was last in Flagstaff 20 years ago. It was a dismal depressed town in which nothing was...
Blog Post

New device uses walkers' muscles as GPS receiver

Travel Rob ·
German researchers at the University of Hannover developed a new  Satellite Navigation device that guides walkers using an electrical pulse to stimulate the sartorius muscle. The researchers claim it feels like a like a gentle tug in one...
Blog Post

Four Ways to Savor Savannah

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares some of her favorite ideas on what to see and do when visiting Savannah, Georgia
Blog Post

Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Istanbul to Sofia

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur's exotic train journeys continue, today with stops in Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Meteora (Kalambaka), Skopje, Niš, ending in Sofia. If you love train travel stories, you'll love this post.
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Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Zagreb to Veliko Tărnovo

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur's train journeys around Eastern Europe continue, this week with stops in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Sofia, and Veliko Tărnovo
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Icelandair to offer live theatre in-flight

Paul Heymont ·
Icelandair rolls its 80th anniversary, a Stopover Pass promotion and Icelandic culture into a new kind of in-flight entertainment.
Blog Post

United shakes up its award program

Paul Heymont ·
United introduces flexible (and potentially higher) award pricing and a new way to qualify for stopovers.
Blog Post

White Pass Railroad, Alaska: On the Trail of '98

Paul Heymont ·
From Skagway over the mountain into the Yukon, a railroad built for gold-miners today carries mostly visitors. It's still quite a trip.
Blog Post

July 14, 2017: The Ascent of Monte Baldo

Ian Cook ·
A cable car ascent of the mountain provides spectacular views!
Blog Post

At the Summit of Monte Baldo

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook takes us along a precarious trail to the summit of Italy's Monte Baldo, with spectacular views!
Blog Post

Swat Valley, Pakistan

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell remembers a visit to Pakistan's remote Swat Valley.
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EU threatens legal action against 5 big airlines

Paul Heymont ·
Five major airlines face stiff fines from the EU for stiffing passengers on compensation they're due under EU rules.
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To the top of Mount Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Ian Cook ·
If you like hiking, Ian Cook shares a fascinating adventure this week, as he works his way up one of the tallest volcanoes in the world.
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Journey through Karnataka: Bangalore to Mysore

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe presents the first of a six-part series documenting a journey through Karnataka, India. Our journey begins in Bangalore.
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The Road to Yellowstone

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby sets out on a closer-to-home-than-usual trip of a lifetime, a first visit to Yellowstone National Park, with her Montana-born pal, Deb, as guide.
Blog Post

August 27, 2017: Ethiopia - Camel Caravans in the Danakil Depression

Grand Escapades ·
Grand Escapades shares memorable images of camel caravans carrying huge loads of salt on their way to market, much as they have for centuries.
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Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey #5: Istanbul to Tbilisi

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur takes us on another memorable train journey, this one starting in Istanbul, then on to Ankara, Erzurum, Batumi (bu bus), Yerevan and ending in Tbilisi
Blog Post

Grecia's Red Metal Church, Costa Rica (Where Gumbo was #372)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the unusual all-steel church in the Costa Rican community of Grecia. The steel plating was made in Belgium and shipped overseas, being delivered to the site by train and ox cart.
Blog Post

New sked gives AA America's shortest flight

Paul Heymont ·
Following CARES Act rules, American keeps small cities in Colorado on the map, but only in one direction.
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High Road to Taos Scenic Byway, New Mexico Highlands

Jonathan L ·
Join Jonathan L off the main road through the New Mexico Highlands
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Where to get Discounts on Oman Airlines Flights

Cleartrip (Guest) ·
Sponsored content about discounted flights on Oman airlines.
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December Lights in New York City

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a walk through Manhattan to see some of the Holiday Lights
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Visiting the West Bank

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares memories and reflections on a visit a few years ago 'behind the lines' in the occupied West Bank.
Blog Post

Seven ways to make Your Trip Unforgettable

Monica Albert (Guest) ·
Monica suggests ways you can make your next trip a smoother one (sponsored content)
Blog Post

Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

DrFumblefinger ·
    We've all heard stories of people who develop deep vein thrombosis (DVTs) while flying.  The lack of leg mobility puts individuals prone to developing blood clots at risk because blood pools in the legs when sitting for hours on...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 10, 2015: Cranbrook Ed

DrFumblefinger ·
    I'd like to introduce you to "Cranbrook Ed".  Cranbrook is a small city in southeastern British Columbia with an important history as a railway hub.  Situated in the heart of its historic downtown is this statue of an elephant,...
Blog Post

What do Travelers look for when Traveling?

DrFumblefinger ·
    In a recent survey of 4300 American travelers by TripAdvisor, and a similar survey of 2300 mobile travelers by FlightView,  some well know travel trends were reaffirmed and a few others of interest were noted.    Not...
Blog Post

How much tax is there in a plane ticket?

DrFumblefinger ·
      You have it in your hand!  A magical pass that let's you transport yourself from one part of the country to another, or one country to a different continent in a matter of hours.  Air travel is truly one of the greatest...
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Exploring Namibia – Part 1

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe takes us on the beginning of a great safari adventure in Namibia, through some dramatic desert scenery.
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Nov. 24, 2017: World's Fair, Rockton, Ontario

Paul Heymont ·
The name is big, the concept is local, and SeeSaw has a great time at an old-time agricultural fair.