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Tagged With "Narita Airport"


Re: Best and Worst U.S. airports: No surprises

GarryRF ·
I believe Airports should be judged solely on whether you had a pleasant experience. There is no way Orlando isn't in the Top10. New York is a disgrace. But I pass through as an alien - US residents see no problem. Philadelphia is a dream. Excellent Airport.

Re: Qantas eyes more UK-Oz nonstops

GarryRF ·
After sitting on an airplane seat for 12 hours it's an absolute pleasure to ride an exercise bike in Kuala Lumpur Airport - before my onward journey to Oz. Just for 20 mins so the lower part of my body regains the will to live. I thought a few minutes jogging would help me - until I realised I had presented myself as a moving target to the Airport Police. The thought of a 17 hour direct flight in cattle class is awful. Maybe travelling in business class - with room for my arteries to...

Re: The Beluga gets even bigger

GarryRF ·
It's a beautiful sight as it passes over Liverpool. Descending into Hawarden Airport. It collects new Airbus wings and then returns to Germany. This aircraft is so big it appears to be stationary in the sky as it passes above.

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Jonathan L ·
I bought in-suitcase bags from e-bags last year. I love them. And I wish I had them the one time that the airline broke my suitcase and took it from me at the airport to fix.

Re: Surprising Speke Hall, Liverpool

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! I can't say enough good things about John Lennon Airport that's next door. Not only is does it have a wide array of budget flights for Europe, the passport control is actually friendly there.

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

arion ·
Yes, we will go through U.S.Immigration at Trudeau Airport in Montreal. At one time, the U.S. Immigration hall there had a huge banner across it emblazoned with the words "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" It isn't there anymore. Someone must have figured out this was still, after all, Canada. Yes, 17 days is a long time on a ship. I am travelling with a friend who needs this type of getaway just now.

Re: Airport traffic up worldwide!

Former Member ·
Must be a good time to run an airport gift shop. Business is up.

Re: Airport traffic up worldwide!

Former Member ·
I've noticed more shops and selection in airports in recent years. Overall, there has been a trend toward "normalcy"; airport offerings and prices have become more in line with the world off airport.

Re: World's most dangerous airport? Would you land here? Lukla, Nepal

PortMoresby ·
Your pictures remind me very much of the Shimla Airport, same end of runway in space, same commitment required by pilot and passengers alike. The plane was tiny, I sat immediately behind the pilot, a Sikh with headphones perched atop his turban rather than over his ears, unique in my experience. The view was a bit too immediate for my liking but we made it off just fine and bounced in the heat all the way to Delhi. Thanks for the memory, DrF.

Re: Flight Attendants Say NO to Phone Calls

FlashFlyer ·
I have mixed feelings on this one... Been on buses, been on trains where people can use their cells. With a few exceptions--and you can find them on the street, in the airport in restaurants, too--people just don't act as bad as some of you expect. P.S....before people get too excited, this isn't going to be cheap, either. You will pay extra to use the relay circuits that go plane to satellite to cell tower!

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

Former Member ·
This is a no brainer. The money was left behind by frustrated travelers. It should be used to minimize some of the frustration and indignity imposed on travelers at the TSA checkpoints. Little things would make a big difference in the "reassembly area" : + Buy easy-to-clean sturdy benches for the re-assembly area. + Put footstools in front of benches to help with putting on shoes. + Put baskets under the benches so people can place their small backpacks, purses, shoes, and belts out of the...

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

FlashFlyer ·
Sounds great...especially if your airport has a reassembly area. I've been in some where it's go so little space people are dressing on the end of the belt and holding everything up (LaG, for one). Your last one is the best, though...

Re: Holiday Flying: How to Beat the Wrap

PortMoresby ·
Just a note of caution, if, as PHeymont suggests, the airport mall tempts you to pick up holiday cheer and other liquids, don't forget connections and possible second trips through security. Just because you bought it at the airport doesn't mean they won't snag it if you have to leave airside to get to your connection. I can imagine very well supplied TSA holiday parties courtesy of some chagrined passengers.

Re: Holiday Flying: How to Beat the Wrap

Former Member ·
Thanks for the good information. I would not have thought about the airport mall, Amazon Locker or the big box stores. Those are terrific ideas. I have given up on gift wrapping and just toss a few colorful gift bags and some tissue paper into my luggage. Later, I put the gifts in the bags for the big "reveal" for the recipient.

Re: The "Noah's Ark" airport

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger- I couldn't pull up that link.Does a person need to be a Wall St Journal Subscriber? Frankfurt's airport is also pretty nice for people.

Re: Ryanair: Sell the Extras, Give Away the Tickets?

Paul Heymont ·
I certainly remember People Express...the only reason I became familiar with Newark Airport. We used to fly to Buffalo ($19, $29, $39) and then rent a car to visit family in Toronto. Then we snagged $49 specials from NY to SFO...and while we were sitting on the plane realized we could have gone to London for the same price! Which we did the next year, but it cost us a bit more. PE didn't always make its schedule, and other things could go wrong, but the staff were unfailingly friendly and...

Re: TSA books possible new delays

Professorabe ·
I had never experienced problems with books in my rucksack, but last week at Athens airport I had to empty it completely because the books (at the bottom!) apparently had been at the 'wrong' angle for the x-ray machine.

Re: Is your airport bin clean enough? Maybe not.

DrFumblefinger ·
I think I'd rather have rubber globes patting me down than someone's sweaty hands! But your point is well taken. The intrusion of airport security into our privacy is truly shameful.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
Across the water looks all the world like an airport to me. Hangars, possibly a fuel truck and what appears to be a runway at the far right.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
It makes me wonder if it isn't a private facility or even a manufacturer, as opposed to a public airport. Like a Boeing factory, or similar. Or general aviation (private planes).

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
Assuming they're hangars, the doors for the planes would be on the other side, cars on this side employees' cars. I'm thinking now that this could be any airport. Now, finding an airport near water, lots of those, but one with a ferry as a neighbor, not many of those I suspect.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

DrFumblefinger ·
I think it's time for some more clues. Some excellent observations so far. Here's what's true: 1) It is an airport and those are hangers. The hangers do have low doors, implying huge aircraft don't use these hangers. 2) That is a ferry in the foreground of the photo 3) The water is indeed very calm 4) Not a secretive facility. Everyone is welcome. Last clue, another photo. This is what it looks like from the other ferry terminus, looking back at where the original photo was taken. Does this...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

DrFumblefinger ·
Again excellent observations! But an answer as generic as "Vancouver" or the "Great Lakes" isn't good enough. Gumbo seems to be taking a ferry to an airport. How many can there be? Last day to get in your solutions. The reveal to this quiz goes up tomorrow.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

Ottoman ·
I think I knew this one right from day one, but saved my guess until now. I have to say the TravelGumbo members are great detectives, for I do believe they pretty much solved this puzzle. My guess is: Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, which is located on an island just 122 m (400 ft) from shore (downtown Toronto). I believe the ferry route is one of the world's shortest regularly scheduled ferry routes.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#54)

Lynn Millar ·
I was thinking it looked like an airport. Are those slot machines through the glass doors? Or ATMs?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#54)

DrFumblefinger ·
It is not in a museum of any type, although this place has a lot of interesting modern art. It is not an airport. Lynn Millar, those may be slot machines in there. Does that help?

Re: For those who hate Heathrow, Gatwick plans new allure

DrFumblefinger ·
I would hate for Heathrow to get any more complex to get around in that it already is. I like flying into Gatwick, although a lot of carriers don't offer that airport from at least my part of NorthAmerica.

Re: For those who hate Heathrow, Gatwick plans new allure

PortMoresby ·
Maybe part of a proposal for Heathrow could include making it less complex to negotiate. I've never had a problem with it, although I know it's the airport people love to hate. Never having flown into Gatwick, I can't compare. The other 2 I have used are Stansted & Luton, but, like Gatwick, transport to them is limited compared to Heathrow. I'd prefer they get it all right at one, rather than have 4 less than convenient. Maybe I'll just charter a plane and go into City next time, which I...

Re: U.S. on track to record for overseas visitors

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, what surprises me is that overseas tourists keep coming, despite the terrible attitude so many of them encounter from airport Customs and Immigration people, and the whole visa issue.

Re: New trend: airport lounges for non-members

PortMoresby ·
Twice I've used a commercial lounge at the Hong Kong Airport. After the long transpacific flight, nothing is nicer than a shower and a quiet place to stretch out before going on. I'm surprised it's taken so long for the concept to catch on in the US.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

GarryRF ·
22 April 2014. A British woman has been arrested and is facing deportation in Sri Lanka over a Buddha tattoo on her arm. Naomi Michelle Coleman, 37, was taken into custody at the airport in Colombo, after she arrived from India. Ms Coleman, who has a tattoo of a Buddha seated on a lotus flower on her right arm, was arrested for ‘hurting others' religious feelings,’ a police spokesman said. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter |...

Re: World's 10 Best Airports? Maybe...

GarryRF ·
I don't want Restaurants or a shopping experience at my airport. I want to check in and go as soon as possible. I don't like being overcharged for something I don't want by an airport that insists on holding me hostage for 3 or 4 hours. My worst experience was JFK for 3 days when my flight was cancelled. Like Rob, if you get me away in under an hour of arrival I'm happy. Liverpool has destinations all over Europe.

Re: World's 10 Best Airports? Maybe...

Paul Heymont ·
I think the comments, and mine are all hitting on the same point: better airport is not more amenities for while you're trapped there...better airport is not trapping you there. I get disbelieving stares when I tell people that Laguardia is my favorite. But, while it looks a bit dated, its size means you don't have ridiculous hikes, and it's easy to get in and get out. Heathrow T5, on the other hand...especially if you are transferring from an experience that makes you feel like...

Re: World's 10 Best Airports? Maybe...

GarryRF ·
Dulles airport was unique. A bus on "scissors" rose up to the planes exit door and we all walked into the carriage. It drove back to the main terminal, Then the announcement. Because of a backlog of passengers we would have to stay on the shuttle bus. We were packed in tight. Standing shoulder to shoulder. No seats. We stood in it for two and a half hours. Sweltering under a July sun. No AirCon. No water. We weren't allowed to open the doors "for security reasons". Temperatures soon rose...

Re: World's 10 Best Airports? Maybe...

Paul Heymont ·
Well, there you have it literally: the road to hell, paved with good intentions. But something does need to change...the airport walks can't just keep getting longer!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#43)

PortMoresby ·
I see luggage, I see what looks like a big trash can, center through the trees. First thought is it's an airport atrium. Maybe a hotel but it seems to me a passage on the way out as the left end appears to be open. And if it is open that would imply an airport in a warm place. There's also an interesting buff colored wall with moorish-looking details on the very far side. Hmm. Andalucia? All shots in the dark, I really have no idea.

Re: Air Canada Launches Free Layover Program in Toronto

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm not sure why they're limiting it to people from the USA. Vancouver to Toronto is a 5 hour flight. A layover might be enjoyed by people traveling overseas. A few months ago a dedicated train service from Pearson airport to downtown Toronto began and this has greatly improved access to the city. And also reduced the cost of reaching downtown dramatically.

Re: Airports, Airlines battle over passenger fees

DrFumblefinger ·
What I dislike are when fees are not used for what they're charged for. If airport improvement fees really are used to fix up and improve airports, I think most consumers are fine with that. But when they just get put into the general revenues of a city's cash pool, that bugs most of us. What a find far more unreasonable than this are the fees to change or cancel a flight. Often they approach or exceed the value of a ticket. That's really gouging the consumer.

Re: Airports, Airlines battle over passenger fees

Paul Heymont ·
The other fees that especially bother me are the ones you never see in tickets, because they come out the back door. Compare airport car rental prices with off-airport of the same brand; compare the price of gum or candy at the airport or a neighborhood store. That’s airport revenue, too, either through a direct charge (car) or super-high-rents (newsstand)

Re: Airports, Airlines battle over passenger fees

DrFumblefinger ·
Good points, PHeymont. I have noticed the extremely high fees imposed by airport car rentals. Sometimes these exceed the cost of the car rental itself.

Re: As scheduled Cuba service nears, charter operators face unknown future

GarryRF ·
On leaving Cuba last year our flight home to the UK was delayed. We had to wait on the plane for 4 hours. The airport had run out of Jet Fuel A1. So a fuel tanker was dispatched to fetch some. I do hope the US embargo stops before I go again. I'm not fighting American Airlines for the last drop of Jet Fuel !!

Re: On your marks, get set, get on board!

Travel Rob ·
I love the idea!

Re: On your marks, get set, get on board!

DrFumblefinger ·
I just find it hard to envision the reserved Japanese jogging down this airport track....but I, too, like the idea!

Re: On your marks, get set, get on board!

GarryRF ·
Sometimes getting to your gate involves walking half a mile. Walkways - when they are working - are a necessity to our ageing parents and less mobile neighbours. I just hope distances in this airport are not extreme.

Re: Finally a Cheap Way to Get From CDG Airport to Paris

Travel Rob ·
I sometimes try to walk from an airport, especially if i have a connection and want to remain close. In the case of CDG ,I was unsuccessful.I've taken the RER and the city bus before but this seems a better choice.

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a nicely researched and well-written piece, PHeymont. Thanks. I'm with PortMoresby, though. Given a choice, I'd rather travel to a smaller airport, and avoid these mega-hubs if at all possible. I know at some level you agree with this (based on some of your past comments on Heathrow for example).

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

Paul Heymont ·
Far from Third World except In the minds of Gov. Cuomo and Joe Biden, but Laguardia is my favorite NY airport precisely because it's so much smaller.

Re: Brits still in love with long-haul holidays

GarryRF ·
I can get an 11 hour flight from the UK to Cuba, Airport transfers, All inclusive Resort on the Beach and evening Entertainment. 2 weeks in June. Same price as I pay for a return Flight only to New York - 6 Hours. $1250 US. I'll be responsible when the UK Prime Minister gets the Train from London to Brussels instead of Flying.

Re: TSA: More lines, delayed flights

Travel Rob ·
European airlines have taken a big hit this year with Europeans staying home more. It was because of terrorism before airport security and also in public places in Brussels and Paris. Isn't that more of a risk now? We have accepted that minor risk on other forms of transportation and still go about our lives. I'd vote to cut back on scanning 100% of the people in airports to occasionally, like we did a few years ago. We can still walk through metal detectors. I guess the added carry-on bags...

Re: TSA: More lines, delayed flights

Paul Heymont ·
Several Senators suggested last week that the airlines kill the bag fees to speed up the lines, but there was an audible silence on that... Meanwhile, in Paris the lines have been growing, too, and causing delays at CDG; the airport authority is calling for more staff to speed up border controls.