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Tagged With "East End London"


Re: Nov. 12, 2016: Memorial to Women of WW II, London

GarryRF ·
The Cenotaph in London is a remembrance of all the war dead from all the British Empire. Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and many more. They all send servicemen to represent their own countries in a march past. Did you know that Belgium has a parade of armed soldiers at the London Cenotaph too ?

Re: United, Delta ready to retire 'Queen of the Skies'

DrFumblefinger ·
It is the end of an era. My first overseas flights were all on 747s. Getting on one was always exciting, for back then they were comfortably configured and they always too me to exotic locations.

Re: A Rambler's London

DrFumblefinger ·
London really lends itself to walking and exploring, and your post does a wonderful job explaining why....

Re: England’s Thames Path: Kew Gardens

George G. ·
My wife Diane and I spent almost an entire day at Kew Gardens. So much natural beauty to see. We arrived from central London at the Kew Station in mid-morning and didn't leave until almost dusk. At one time our son had a possibility of being transferred to London and I recommended getting a place in the Kew Garden area for the beauty and quiet. One of my photos from Kew.

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger. This whole no travel thing is making me insane, l We've missed two trips already, one because of sickness over Valentines Day and one one because of this irritating virus issue. We also have two more (2+ week road trip through 11 states for our anniversary, and a trip to Atlanta for a convention) before the end of June that will prob not happen. Just so frustrating. I am also worried about a trip to AZ in Sept, NH, VT, and ME in Oct and CA in Nov. Not knowing when...

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
British Airways are trying their best to hold on to their customers' money. We have had 4 flights from Frankfurt to London cancelled by them (on two separate bookings). Whilst by law they should simply refund the money to the credit card, they send you links involving only 'travel vouchers' and phone numbers with automated messages directing you to the same vouchers. It is extremely difficult to find anything to do with actual refunds, but I am persisting. I also am pursuing claims under EU...

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Mac ·
Very useful reminders Marilyn, thanks. Absolutely agree with "don't over-pack" (I still do and get cross with myself when I have unused items at the end of the trip. And yes, Kindles, packing cubes and ZipLoc bags have made great additions to my bag in recent years. Two other thoughts occur: 1) fast drying travel clothing (wash and wear overnight) helps lighten the load 2) don't pack every last item of shampoo, tea bags, snacks etc etc in the belief that you can't possibly buy x x x-thing in...

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Paul Heymont ·
Adding to Mac's point. A big turning point for us was when we started packing for 7 days, no matter how much longer the trip. Usually we have a washer in the apartments we rent, but when not, there's always a laundromat nearby, and usually one that will wash and fold while we tour. We don't often enough change locations to want to keep everything packed (and anyway, I'm a compulsive unpacker) so some of the tools are less useful to us...but I do remind everyone that shoes are actually...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

GarryRF ·
Mac. I'll be in Pennsylvania - Delaware - Maryland - Virginia later this month through September. Although a good way south of your expedition the colours of winter arrive gradually and the days are still warm enough to enjoy walking the empty State Parks. Only a leisurely days drive south of Boston. I love that warm gap between the end of an English summer and getting back home for that first chill of winter. LATE SEPTEMBER

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Regarding hotels, Mac, I think I'd spend a few days in Boston to begin with, presuming that's where you are flying into. This will let you get over your jet lag and also give you a chance to see the state of the colors and plot out where you want to go. I would NOT go without having at least a night's reservation booked ahead because you'll waste too much time looking for a place to stay and will end up paying rack rate. Things will be busy and pretty filled up in the small towns of New...

Re: Norwegian bank is out of cash, on purpose

Travel Rob ·
On my last trip to London, I arrived at night and the Tube stopped running. The ticket machines for the buses weren't working and now the buses are cashless. Luckily the drivers let me on anyway, but I think as more places don't accept cash ,those type of scenarios will be more common.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

Dan Carter ·
The London Crossrail picture looked amazing, but I wasn't sure just what the project is, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. It's really amazing, it's a railroad project that goes 89 miles from west of London through the city and out the other end to the south. In the center of London it's got 13 miles of the tunnel in the picture! You can see more in Wikipedia at

Re: Miami or Orlando to Brussels : $324 Round Trip

Travel Rob ·
If your looking to get to Europe for the holiday season on the Dreamliner cheap, this deal is too good to pass up. From Brussels, it's normally pretty cheap to get to Paris,London or Amsterdam.

Re: EU Parliament Ends Cell Phone Roaming Charges in 2017

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, it will apply to prepaid plans, which many Europeans as well as visitors use, but it's not as happily absolute as some of the celebrators make it sound. The final June 2017 step depends on a reform of the European wholesale roaming market in which carriers pay each other for roaming use, and is also subject to limits for those who roam "too much." Here's a quote from one of the Parliament members who was a leading proponent of the law (which also originally included provisions for net...

Re: So, what’s it worth ?

Travel Luver ·
Great story, Bob!

Re: So, what’s it worth ?

DrFumblefinger ·
No one spins a travel yarn quite like Robert Cranwell! Enjoyed this one. Podcast is worth listening to as well, everyone.

Re: So, what’s it worth ?

GarryRF ·
A familiar story when travelling in those countries we know little of. But the eagerness of the Police to put it right was assuring to others that follow. Perhaps we're not that well advanced. An interesting story and educational too.

Re: Portland, Maine: A Big Little City

Paul Heymont ·
It's about 30 miles north of Cabot's Cove, which is near Wells, Maine. Which is at one end of the excellent Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, which combines forest and shore habitats and makes a wonderful walk. It was featured in a couple of Pictures of the Day, and was the scene, back in 2013, of Where in the World is TravelGumbo #5

Re: Visiting My Backyard—Riverside Park

Paul Heymont ·
It was my backyard, too, for quite a while. We lived at 99th St and West End, a short walk away in the late 40s and early 50s, and my uncles used to take me for walks there. My father tried to teach me to ride a bike there (our family story is that I learned, but he didn't teach...go figure). Later, I went to Columbia for several years; aside from anything else, it's where I escaped from tiny apartments and roommates to spread the Sunday NY Times out on a bench. Glad to see it's alive and...

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I think the banks have a fairly minimal (as small as I can make it) impact on my currency transactions, in part because I never deal with exchanges; I use bank ATMs. That way, the exchange takes place not on my account, but as an interbank transaction at the base rate banks use with each other. I used to use my ATM card from Citibank, but eventually they began charging a 3% foreign exchange fee even on withdrawals. At that point, I opened an account with Charles Schwab, a brokerage...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#276)

Paul Heymont ·
Clues for Saturday, almost the end...

Re: What's the Best City in the World to Eat in?

Paul Heymont ·
I won't claim any city to be the best in the world—at least not until I have time to visit them all! I'm always skeptical anyway about "the best" "the most" and so forth. That said, I'll also add that the best is not always the most expensive or famous. And I'm pleased to see that he's not pushing posh places, but rather inexpensive curry houses and a 24-hour cafe. His point seems to be that London is the best city to eat in because it is, his opinion, the best city to BE in. So, I'll...

Re: What's the Best City in the World to Eat in?

GarryRF ·
The Restaurants in London have Chefs and Staff from the country they represent. They're not 2nd or 3rd generation French or Indonesian people. They have mostly arrived in the UK after learning their trade. Even in Liverpool I can taste the authentic food of 30 or more countries, So in a Cosmopolitan Capital like London I'm sure I could eat genuine food from anywhere in the world !

Re: Controversy in What City is #1 in Foreign Tourists

Travel Rob ·
This feud is now drawing comparisons on which city is better. The London Telegraph did a fun photo chart.Of course London won on their chart lol. To me its like comparing apples and oranges. Both great cities. And only Megabus ride apart!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #14

Theodore Behr ·
That sure looks like a sewer to me to. I know they have sewer tours in London and Paris because my bro's been on them, but not sure how you'd tell one from the other. Not sure about other cities in Europe. New York is supposed to have interesting sewers, what with all those crocodiles and snakes and gators people have flushed down their drains .

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

Paul Heymont ·
Back to research, and found that between 1903 and 35 there were quite a few colored films, colored in the sense of dye being added (usually by mechanical, not hand, process). 1935's Technicolor Process 4 was the first true color film, made with 4 negatives (CMYK). Claude Friese-Greene, responsible for the London film, used a process (started by his father) that used multiple copies of black and white negatives, rephotographing them through different color filters.

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

Travel Rob ·
Thanks PortMoresby. I too was struck by the similarities.No mistaking that's London. I wonder How many cities would still be that recognizable in 90 or so years?

Re: Made in Puerto Rico - Jibaromania!

PortMoresby ·
It sounds like Isla Verde has come a long way since the days when Cecelia's Place and one other, on the water at the end of Calle Amapola, were the only places to eat outside the 2 big hotels (Americana & El San Juan). It was my home then and it may be time for a return visit.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

Paul Heymont ·
I think '79 or '80 was the end of the line for MGB, so you're probably in the right time-frame. Sad thing about the could never look to me like an MG. Tell me MG, and this is what I see...

Re: Lawrence and the Pirates

PortMoresby ·
A sad addendum, "our" Lawrence, Peter O'Toole, has died in London at the age of 81. One of my very favorites for all time, the movie and the actor. RIP "Orence".

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Technically, it would be possible to create very large WiFi zones, whether free or paid. But since someone gets paid (either on the meter, or a fee for the project) and there is a cost to constructing/installing the equipment to broadcast that won't happen unless someone is paying. In the case of the hotel, picking up on rbciao's point about breakfast--have you noticed that the free WiFi and the free breakfast tend to come with the budget chains, while the high-end places charge...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho. Well done Port Moresby. However there is a minor point about the location. Higgens Point (yes, this is the correct spelling) is about 0.2 mile southeast of the location of the statue. The statue is actually located on the 34 acre Coeur d'Alene Parkway, a thin strip of park land running along the Centennial Trail for about 1/2 mile...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Travel Rob ·
Hi Hank, I've actually found the UK a pretty reasonable destination in recent years, especially outside of London.(My budget was way under yours for a month long trip to Europe last June.)A lot of museums are free. Transportation costs within the country can be reasonable too.Not only do they have advance cheap train tickets but they have bus and budget air choices.And of course there are some good budget hotel chains as well, such as Travelodge and the Tune Hotel Have fun and keep watching...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Staying in the UK is no more expensive than being a tourist in the USA. You wont get a month in London. Same as me travelling from the UK to New York. Silly Prices ! So decide on what you want to do over here and start planning, Have a look at the YHA web site. Youth Hostels Association. Forget the Youth reference. My Kids aren't Youths anymore. And I use them too! They are used by Travellers like yourself - and me - across Europe. They are Family groups and Ramblers ( Countryside Walkers)...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow! This has been very helpful, especially the tip about the Youth Hostels. I'm definitely going to look into that. I think staying at a hostel can help me stay within my budget. I'd really like to go to the UK if at all possible. I know there are cheaper places, but there's only one England and I've always wanted to see it. I think I'd like to spend maybe a week in London then head into the country, maybe doing a circuit to include parts of Wales and Scotland. I need to do some thinking...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Again thanks, this is incredibly helpful!! So I think I'll look at trains for trips from bigger cities to other cities, and fill in the gaps with bus if the pricing works out. A little more planning is needed. Even though it's expensive, I do want to spend around a week in London. Being an architect, there's just so much to see and do there, like seeing the Houses of Parliament and Westminister Abbey. I plan on being on the go almost all day each day there -- can rest later, maybe in the...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Spring Honeymoon Help

DrFumblefinger ·
Congratulations SueZee! We're delighted in your marriage, and you've picked a great country in which to honeymoon. May is not too early to go to Italy, although pack a light jacket just in case. The crowds won't be there yet and you'll save some money when compared to the peak summer season. Where to go is very much a matter of taste. Most definitely you need to go to Venice and I'd say spend at least 5 days here, maybe with a day trip or two (such as to the glass making island of Murano or...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
That's helpful too, Rob. So with your guys advice, I'm thinking of the following plan, which still has holes I need to fill. I actually like the idea of Paris more than Scotland for this trip, plus I worry about the cost of travel to Scotland back so unless I can get a really cheap plane ticket or train ticket to Edinburgh, I think I'll drop that and focus on eastern UK and then on to Paris. So this is where I'm at now: 1) Arrive in Manchester. Maybe ??2 days 2) Travel Liverpool. 3 days 3)...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Paul Heymont ·
Here's a link to the current rates: The rates are based on distance from London to capital of the other country; for U.S., that's 3661 miles and the rate converts to about $108, twice that for any class above cattle class. The APD particularly bites for Caribbean people living in UK; they're in the next band up and that means a family of 4 visiting home pay about $750 round trip on top of the tickets!

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hank, While you're in London you can get a Coach (Bus) Tour that will show you Stonehenge and Bath and The Cotswold Villages - very pretty and very old. Leeds Castle (not in Leeds, close to London). Stonehenge is not an overnight stop - remember what I said about distances in the UK being smaller? If you need to fill a gap take the Train (or Bus) to York. Very old - lots of History and a Museum that will take you back 150 years walking the streets of Victorian England. Go into Old Shops and...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I told Pauline Frommer that I was disappointed with the Frommers' England Guide. She said I'd be Happy with the new Frommers' London (not England) so I wait with baited breath for a read of the new issue.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Paul Heymont ·
Garry...I don't have an order in for London (not going there soon, alas) but will you review it for Gumbo when it appears?

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
A review for London ? Haven't been there for 40 years Paul. Really don't like big Cities and the "too busy to care attitude of people who live there" It's just my personal opinion. On the Tube Train into London people don't make eye-contact or talk to strangers. Here in Liverpool you'll be in conversation with 3 or 4 strangers and share a few laughs on the journey ! Someone falls on the street here ( and most of Northern England ) and folks rush to help. London they step over you. Rant over...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Everyone's been very helpful! I can't tell you what a great welcoming and helpful group of people you are. My uncle is an employee of Delta, so he has some kind of free ticket that requires me to fly on Delta only (no partners). I will have him check into the dates. I like the idea of flying up to Manchester, slowly working my way to London then returning from Paris. I think going to Amsterdam is more than I can bite off now, plus I want to spend the time seeing stuff, not traveling all the...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Paul Heymont ·
Garry...I hope you'll give London a chance again sometime. Some of the things you're saying about London are a lot like the very popular (but totally untrue) things people say about us New Yorkers...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

arion ·
Of course, you don't have to cook. But it is nice to make a pot of coffee in the morning and eat nice warm croissants fetched from the bakery down the street, before you venture out into the city. It's also pleasant once in a while when you are tired at day's end to pick up something to heat in the microwave and maybe a bottle of decent wine for only a few euro, and sit with feet up and watch TV. Ahhh....

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

Paul Heymont ·
AirBnb, and the other major rental agencies, have cancellation policies upfront that give you some choice. AirBnb has several levels allows you to cancel almost up to the last minute, others have shorter deadlines. An advantage of using an agency that works this way...pretty much like a hotel booking that the intermediary is holding your deposit and that can save hassles. Obviously, rules about dissatisfaction vary also, but usually if it can't be ironed out, you'll get at...