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Tagged With "Airbus A320neo"


Re: Ever wonder what the inside of the A380 looks like

Paul Heymont ·
I'd like to try the A380 someday...but only in economy. It's not that much wider than many other wide-bodies (3-4-3 seating compared to 2-5-2 or 3-4-3 on others) and it's divided into sections that keep the perspective comfortable. But it appears that the big trend these days in first-class and business is seats that are practically cocoons, and separate the adjoining passengers with consoles, tables and who-knows-what-else. What happened to sitting companionably with your spouse, maybe even...

Ever wonder what the inside of the A380 looks like

DrFumblefinger ·
I've avoided flying on the Airbus A380 because the thought of over 600 people on a plane makes it all seem a little too crowded to me.  But a nice piece in the Washington Post shows a photo tour of the Emirates A380.  Worth a look....