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Tagged With "wooden buildings"


Re: Herculaneum, 79 A.D.

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the trip, PortMoresby, it looks like a fascinating place to visit. Those Romans certainly knew how to build a city..

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 21, 2013: Fujian Life

PortMoresby ·
Bamboo is used in so many ways it's impossible to know. My favorite use for the material is to build scaffolding on multi-story construction projects. Quite amazing.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Venice's ban on huge cruise ships suspended

Paul Heymont ·
The only alternatives I can see are to build a new cruise port outside the lagoon. Chioggia might be too far, but perhaps just north of the main way into the lagoon, across the inlet from the Lido. That would provide land-based alternatives for other day trips from the boats, and could also be served by vaporetto-sized boats heading into Venice itself. Of course, I haven't consulted the folks who live there and run campgrounds there...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Friday's clues...two more days to go! Two brothers built mirror image houses side by side until one brother’s house was demolished so his other neighbor could expand their home and build a carriage house. This house has Italian and French Renaissance influences with a gothic window. The other house has a blend of Italianate and Georgian Revival which is currently a B&B.

Re: New Orleans plans an "unplugged" airport

HistoryDigger ·
We're waiting to see them start to build this. Things move slow down here, but it could be the boost our city needs to bring in new business.

Re: Russia to Open Up Gulags as "Tourist Camps"?

PortMoresby ·
Oh, those Russians, ever the tricksters. Troop build-up on the Ukraine border = maneuvers. Summer in the gulag = fun in the sun. Yekaterina, you clever girl, you.

Re: Norway's plea: Please pick up after our bears

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: Did you know that if you felled all the trees in Canada and laid them end to end then .... the Bears would have nowhere to take a dump !! Garry -- the bears are smart and would use those millions of trees to build rafts they could float to England, where they could dump often and where ever they wanted!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Travel Rob ·
The dining hall at Flagler College(in your last photo) is really something to see. The Tiffany Windows are incredible.I also love the concrete used to build Flagler college , former Hotel Ponce de Leon , made from the local coquina stone.

Re: Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Lestertheinvestor for sharing. I love aquariums and haven't been to the Monterey Bay one yet. Can't wait to see it. I know aquariums are expensive to build and maintain but I wish there was some way to keep the admission prices down .

Re: One 'Ghost Airport' in China Plans to Expand Again

Paul Heymont ·
Seems as if someone really believes "if you build it, they will come."

Re: Longer Wait at Security? New TSA Leader Says They Will Focus on Screening

GarryRF ·
Reading the NY Times it appears the TSA still haven't got their act together. The most productive target is intelligence gathering and immediate action on it. No matter how high you build a fence - someone will crawl under it.

Re: Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia

JHeymont ·
While this report is interesting in one regard, I find myself disturbed by the discussion of Woodrow Wilson that leaves out so many negative aspects of Wilson's legacy. Negative enough that students at Princeton have been trying to get his name off buildings. Wilson was a racist. A member of the KKK, or at least a friend. He showed Birth of A Nation, a racist, pro-Klan movie in the White House. He segregated the civil service, which had been one of the ways that Black workers had been able...

Re: Portland, Oregon - Part III - Escaping

Jonathan L ·
Thanks again for a wonderful view of the Portland area. If you had continued East along the Columbia River you would have reached the Maryhill Museum . This fascinating collection of art started as the dream of Samuel Hill who was president of the Seattle Gas and Electric Company around the start of the 20th century. He hoped to build a Quaker farming community, but irrigation proved too difficult. Istead he was convinced to turn his mansion into an art museum. His collection was eclectic. I...

tani cargo

tani cargo



Re: When there are no more beaches, will we all head for the hills?

PortMoresby ·
So many resorts truck in their "beaches", it may turn out to be more an excuse to build new fancier versions of themselves than the prospect of their disappearance. Where there's a will...and you know there is!

Re: Help with Provence Itinerary

artsnletters ·
Nearest St-Remy: - Don't miss Les Baux . The village is touristy but the castle complex on top is fantastic and the views are to die for - you don't need to be a fan of scenery to appreciate them. - Roman ruins of Glanum , walking distance from St-Remy - Arles for more Roman ruins (but I think you've been already?) Farther away: - Day-trip to the Luberon for unmatched scenery and charming little villages full of vernacular architecture - what people build themselves, without an architect.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

Jonathan L ·
You may have noticed that NYC has 2 areas of very tall buildings - The Battery/Financial District and Midtown, separated by an large area where building height is limited. This was not just due to zoning. The reason is geological. The bedrock is very close to the surface in Midtown and Battery so there is support for very tall buildings. However, From 34th street down to Canal the bedrock is much deeper and the ground is more sandy/gravely, so it was unsafe to build tall buildings in area.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 3, 2013: Brandenburg Gate

Paul Heymont ·
Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate is surely one of the world’s most-recognized landmarks, and symbolizes Berlin in the way the Eiffel Tower means Paris and the Parthenon means Athens. It’s been the ceremonial center for marches and...
Blog Post

Washington State’s Long Beach Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
 For most travelers, the southwestern corner of Washington state is easy to bypass.  It lies well over an hour’s drive from the busy I-5 Interstate Freeway.  The broad mouth of the Columbia River limits access from the Oregon...
Blog Post

ET, Call Home: A visit to the Arecibo Observatory

Paul Heymont ·
On our recent visit to Puerto Rico, we took an unplanned side trip to what might be called ET’s phone booth—a vast radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory that “listens” to space both for astronomical information and any...
Blog Post

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Lestertheinvestor ·
  Located directly on the Monterey Bay just south of Santa Cruz is a sprawling complex of nearly 200 exhibits of more than 550 species in a 2 storey building nearly 30 years old: the Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA). Started in 1978, and open to the...
Blog Post

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach Park, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

Ottoman ·
  I love visiting the state of Hawaii.  Although I have enjoyed all the Hawaiian islands I have visited (Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii Island), my favorite island would be Hawaii Island (aka the Big Island).  The diversity of the Hawaii...
Blog Post

American adds DFW-Beijing and Asia mileage bonuses

Paul Heymont ·
Looking to build up its Asia business and partnerships, American Airlines is offering a double-miles promotion on its flights from the U.S. to Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong, as well as on many intra-Asia routes served with its partner, JAL.  MORE...
Blog Post

Old San Juan: Beautiful...and not all old

Paul Heymont ·
San Juan, Puerto Rico is a city of contrasts, of modern skyscrapers, crowded residential areas of different eras, resort hotels and casinos along Condado, and much more...but the image that usually comes to mind is really that of Old San Juan, the...
Blog Post

Ambitious Plans Presented For High -Speed Train & Mega Road to Link Europe to Asia

Travel Rob ·
In the future,will you be able to take a high speed train and or drive a modern road from Europe to Asia or even Europe to the US? Some ambitious plans were presented at the Russian Academy of Science. Vladimir Yakunin ,head of the Russian Railways ,...
Blog Post

Airbnb's plans for business travelers

Paul Heymont ·
Airbnb has become so pervasive in the leisure travel market, you just know there must be business travelers using it, too. And not surprisingly, Airbnb would like to encourage that. In an interview with Business Travel News, Marc McCabe, the company's...
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Airbnb now open for business in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Jumping ahead of the airlines and hotel chains, Airbnb has opened its first list of lodgings available in Cuba, mostly rooms in existing "Casas Particulares," which are private rentals of rooms in homes. Airbnb, famous for "disrupting" the lodging...

Airbnb's Cool Model Train Commercial

Travel Rob ·
Airbnb is so happy with their complex Model Train commercial ,they are going to translate it  into multiple languages and publish it worldwide. The set of this commercial took 30 people five weeks to build. The filming took 85 takes to get...
Blog Post

Big Changes Coming to United Airport Lounges

Travel Rob ·
                   Photo from United Airlines :United Club Bar- London Heathrow Lounge This coming year ,United will build two new lounges in Atlanta and San...
Blog Post

Local travel is up, too: Highest transit use since 1956

Paul Heymont ·
While other reports focus on growth in travel and tourism across oceans and continents, another figure has been growing, too. U.S. mass transit, once spoken of mainly in the past tense by planners focused on a car-centric future, has climbed back in...
Blog Post

AA-USAir loyalty merger...and a maybe last chance

Paul Heymont ·
American Airlines will merge its two loyalty programs "within 30 days" according to e-mails sent yesterday to all members of the USAir Dividend Miles program, which will be folded into the AAdvantage program. All existing miles will transfer; for some...
Blog Post

NY to DC in 40 minutes by train? Maybe!

Paul Heymont ·
A US rail promoter is trying to get funds and approval to build a maglev (magnetic levitation) train line between NYC and DC. TNEM, the company, has already applied for permits to build on an old right-of-way between DC and Baltimore.   Magnetic...
Blog Post

Welcome to the town of Dawson City, Yukon

My Thatched Hut ·
  Dawson City owns its existence as a direct result of the Klondike gold discovery in 1896 in the nearby creeks. Dawson was founded in 1897 and incorporated as a city in 1902.  By 1898, the population was almost 40,000. It was the largest...
Blog Post

Jerez Cathedral and Neighbors: Where Gumbo Was (#75)

Paul Heymont ·
  Frequent-solver Roderick Simpson identified Gumbo's locale as the Cathedral of Jerez, in Spain. Another frequent contributor to the solutions spotted lots of clues: Spanish garb of non-angel statues, size not huge and cathedral not wealthy...
Blog Post

Magnolia Plantation: Beautiful but Complicated

Paul Heymont ·
  This story started out simple: A visit to a beautiful riverside plantation, renowned for its centuries-old formal gardens. But the past is usually not so simple, and in this instance involves not only the ugly story of the slavery that made...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 23, 2015: The 1903 Wright Flyer, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.

Ottoman ·
  I heard a joke once that said "Y'know the Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.?  They actually have stuff in there!"  Case-in-point, the 1903 Wright Flyer.  Many reproductions of the Wright Flyer have been made, but this is...
Blog Post

Gold Country, California: Auburn

PortMoresby ·
  Auburn is a town at a crossroads.  Interstate 80 passes through from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the desert of the Great Basin and the nation eastward, and west to San Francisco.  It was the main route migrants traveled coming west,...
Blog Post

Airlines, Airports split over new fees

Paul Heymont ·
You'd think the airlines had never heard of a fee they didn't like, but now they've found one. Maybe what they don't like about it is that the money goes to airports, not airlines. The charge, which the airlines call a "tax" is the Passenger Facility...
Blog Post

A Day in Ponce, Puerto Rico (Where Gumbo Was #87)

Paul Heymont ·
On our second-to-last day in Puerto Rico, we headed to the south shore of the island, to the city of Ponce. It's smaller than San Juan, has less tourist traffic—all that, and yet it considers itself the cultural equal of the capital or of...
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Air Canada adds Montreal to its China hubs

Paul Heymont ·
Air Canada extends its China services another stop east to Montreal to offer connections for East Coasters.
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October 6, 2017: Victoria Gardens, Tenerife

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares the story of Jardines Marquesado De La Quinta Roja, in Tenerife. A lovely garden built to house a mausoleum that was never used.
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Columbus Antiquities Discovered in the Unlikeliest of Places

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Who would have thought a great collection of Christopher Columbus artifacts could be found in a small Pennsylvania town. Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares her discovery!
Blog Post

October 9, 2017: Views from the Giralda, Seville

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally built as a minaret to a mosque, the belltower of Seville's Cathedral has long been used as an observatory. Thousands of tourists walk up its ramps every day to enjoy the wonderful views of the city.
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Bridge not far enough, Take 2

Paul Heymont ·
Norway and Russia dedicate a new road link in the far north, but 400 meters of road to complete the link are waiting for diplomatic decisions.
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Paris starts to build its Eiffel Tower wall

Paul Heymont ·
Paris has begun work on a glass security wall for the Eiffel Tower, but city authorities promise it won't spoil the experience.
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Keep old airport open? Berlin votes tomorrow

Paul Heymont ·
With its new airport still a distant vision and already too small to handle all the traffic, Berliners may give its old airport a new lease on life.
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A Tale of Two Cathedrals - Palermo Italy

Jonathan L ·
Palermo, Sicily has two beautiful cathedrals, less than three miles apart. Jonathan L explores them both and explains their history.
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A Rambler in Portland, Oregon

Paul Heymont ·
A few days in Portland, spending more time wandering the streets than the big sights, but finding plenty to see.