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Re: Iceland: 'No we're not Disneyland'

GarryRF ·
Now that Rekyjavik is on the European Budget Airlines destinations list its hard to avoid a rush. It was one of those places you wouldn't visit unless you had a business interest and an expenses account. They're still advertising Iceland on TV, so someone must be pleased with the extra income tourism brings.

Re: Sept. 4, 2018: Istanbul's Spice Bazaar

GarryRF ·
The first time I visited a Bazaar like this I was amazed with the colours and sights. Reminded me of the time when after years of black and white TV I saw my first Colour TV - Speechless !!

Re: Sydney Expat Guide

GarryRF ·
My first impression of Australia was how clean and modern everywhere is. Oz has a shorter history span than the US. Their view of people from other countries is limited to what they see on TV News. Similar to Americans. My 3 kids lived in Australia for a while and found it very safe with well mannered folks. I have lots of family over there and the great plus of living in Oz is being able to enjoy the great outdoors. Even in winter when most days are above 60f - which the locals call cold !

Re: Everyone loves a parade and party!

GarryRF ·
Just another example of how warm and friendly people are around the world. No TV or Newspaper report. Lots of colours in their clothing. And I'm pleased to see the Bagpipes travel so well ! You didn't say if you fell under the spell of a curry meal. But a wonderful flavour of the day.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 2, 2014

GarryRF ·
After being married for 40 years, I took a careful look at my wife one day and said, "Forty years ago we had a cheap house, a junk car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep with a hot 20-year-old girl every night. Now, I have a £500,000 home, a £45,000 car, a nice big bed and a large screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 60-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things." My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 23, 2013: Iceland's Black Sand Beach

GarryRF ·
Beautiful Photos indeed Paul. I often think travellers who choose the best weather for a vacation miss out on moments like these. I blame the TV weather forecasters who always call a Rainy Day "Bad Weather". If you don't get rain then you wont get Rainbows !

Re: Films that affected your Travel destinations

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoyed the Bob Hope/Bing Crosby road pictures too. I remember watching them on TV as a family. Lots of fun! I understand what you mean Dan, about Casablanca and Ingrid Bergman. I felt the same way about Catch a Thief and Grace Kelly.

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

arion ·
Of course, you don't have to cook. But it is nice to make a pot of coffee in the morning and eat nice warm croissants fetched from the bakery down the street, before you venture out into the city. It's also pleasant once in a while when you are tired at day's end to pick up something to heat in the microwave and maybe a bottle of decent wine for only a few euro, and sit with feet up and watch TV. Ahhh....

Re: We Love our Travel Gadgets--And We Take Them with Us

PortMoresby ·
That's interesting. I travel in part just so I CAN lose touch. Except once. On a stroll through a Borneo jungle, emerged alongside the only restaurant for many miles, it's TV announcing the election of Pres. Obama. An exciting moment but the only one I can think of when I was momentarily glad to be in touch. Maybe another thing that separates tourists from travelers is the "need" to be available.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #19

Former Member ·
Hmmm i think i saw something on TV these days about a minivan contest or something! hmmm i want to remember how was it called but...

Re: Do you see what I mean ?

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for a wonderfully different view of nature! Of course, that expectation of 'the perfect moment' exists outside of nature, too. Those who have only watched baseball games on TV have no idea how many small motions and signs are happening on the field, because the cameras focus so thoroughly on pitcher, batter and ball—ignoring the players changing positions and postures to match the changing circumstances.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sep 18th 2014: Portmeirion , Wales

Roderick Simpson ·
This village was the setting for a rather weird TV series in the 1960s, "The Prisoner". This has quite a cult following, including apparently Matt Groening, as it has been referenced at least a couple of times in my eponymous TV series, The Simpsons.

Re: Hotel rooms for Millennials

DrFumblefinger ·
I have seen the future. And the future has hotel rooms that are 90% bed (by surface area), 9% flat screen tv, 1% room for walking. No room for anything else. Except for the TV part, it could have ben Caligula's design.

Re: Visual Bulimia? A Bloated Surfeit of Images?

Paul Heymont ·
Sheer volume has become a digital-age issue not only for images. The constant flow of e-mail (more spam than real, often); tweets about celebrities' teeth, clothes and turmoil; TV and radio repetitions as well as Konstant Kardashians are serious forms of mind pollution. Sometimes it takes an extended series of images to create a picture, an insight. But too many will mask, not highlight, the point. That's why I enjoy well-curated exhibits of the work of thoughtful (not merely skillful)...

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

DrFumblefinger ·
You are correct, GarryRF. There have been a number of movies filmed in the park. Lifted straight from Wikipedia , here is a listing of these: Film History : Valley of Fire is a popular location for shooting automobile commercials and other commercial photography. It has provided a setting for the following films and television shows: The Professionals with Burt Lancaster , Lee Marvin , and Claudia Cardinale was filmed in 1966. As of November 2012 a piece of the movie set is still up for...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#113)

Roderick Simpson ·
I suspect the background is real. I have never been to Hawaii, and remembering from a long time ago the opening credits of the TV series Hawaii 50, I wonder if this could be a carved bow of a canoe from there or some other Pacific Island..

Re: Airfares have remained flat for 20+ years

Paul Heymont ·
Another factor to keep in mind when considering why flying seems more expensive: while the base airfares are flat when you factor in inflation, earnings are not. Over the past 40 years, depending on measure, real wages (what you get when you factor in inflation) have actually eroded a bit, and at points a lot. Add to which the fact that "wages" as used in those figures includes benefits such as health care, which doesn't translate into spendable income. And add to which many other things...

Re: Celebrating Nature on 7 Continents: Asia, part 2 - Demoiselle Cranes in Khichan, India

RoadWorrier ·
I'm really liking this's kinda like a TV nature series, except wthout the annoying voice-overs! Thanks...

Re: Celebrating Nature on 7 Continents: Asia, part 2 - Demoiselle Cranes in Khichan, India

Kirsten Hines ·
I'm so glad to hear it! Thanks for the feedback.

Re: Flying Emirates Business Class: a review

GarryRF ·
A small taste of self indulgence. Reminds me of a TV ad. "Because I'm worth it" On a First Class BA flight from London - San Francisco the only problem I had was staying awake. Not paying all that money for a good sleep ! OK - I paid for a Round - the - World Ticket but the first flight was overbooked. It pays to be well dressed in economy. But I would have enjoyed the Black Forest Gateau you had instead of my French Champagne.

Re: Reindeer migration: Norway's latest 'Slow TV' hit

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE! The Norwegian 'slow TV' broadcast of migrating reindeer was suspended temporarily on May 2 because it became just TOO slow: the herd stopped moving. For details, click HERE .

Re: Ethiopia Musings: 4)The Food

GarryRF ·
Ethiopia was always on the TV News as millions were starving - and died. Their drought continued for many years. But thanks to "climate change" the rains returned and Ethiopia is now self sufficient in it's own food supply. It exports much of its produce to neighbouring countries too. Climate change isn't all bad news!

Re: The Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego

GarryRF ·
Looks like an amazing place to visit. I wish they would show more of these hidden gems on the "Visit America" ad's on TV. So much more to see of America - than a mouse with ears !

Re: Ringo Starr's boyhood home in Liverpool sells for £70,000

GarryRF ·
Hi Rob. That's just the going price for those properties. No sentimental value. Ringo isn't flavour of the month with many people now. We don't like "stars" who forget their roots here in Liverpool. John, George and Paul often returned. Paul still makes frequent appearances helping our younger folks into making a career of arts and music. In a recent TV interview Ringo was asked what he missed about Liverpool. "Nothing" was his reply. Bold statement for a drummer who was evicted from...

Re: A visit to Normandy: exploring the D-Day beaches

GarryRF ·
When I was a little nipper and hadn't started school we would visit family at the weekend. No TV. No money. 1950's -you get the picture. So socialising with Dad's 9 brothers and sisters was as good as it got ! If you mentioned the War in some homes you'd be out the front door quicker than a Rat up a Drain pipe ! Others would tell you tales to make your hair curl. Tails of unbelievable bravery, absurdity and stupidity. The Ladies would tell the tale of how the American and Canadian GI's would...

Re: Classic American Cars #1

Former Member ·
They were named that for Dagmar, she was a big actress...big THAT way...back in the 50s. My mom used to say that's the only time my dad really wanted to watch TV...

Re: Visiting great places -- before they're gone

GarryRF ·
When I first visited Cuba back in the 90's it was a different Country to the one today. No TV's - Radio - Phones and many had no electric ! The Cuban Government asked visitors not to show the locals photos of our 3 cars - 2 houses and 14 acres of land by the beach. And how we had a Colour TV in every room. It upsets them. Not surprising really - and quite cruel ! Now its Air Con and fast catching up with the World ! The people are now free to leave and travel. They watch American Satellite...

Re: California road trip ideas

Theodore Behr ·
That helps me figure out what to tell you, Mrs. Briggs OK, so I'd suggest you fly into LAX. You'll need a car rental to get around LA. Spend three or four days here, may go see Disneyland, maybe go see Universal Studios, maybe go to Knott's Berry Farm. Maybe see the making of a TV show. You could easily spend 10 days in LA, but you've got 10 days for the whole trip, I guess, so that's all you'll have time for. Then head out of the city. You'll want to head out on Hwy 101, which takes you...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #6.5

WorkerBee ·
Congrats to Fcar! I suspect that the modern fame mentioned by Pheymont is not the connection to all the cruciverbalists but to the Wallander books and the two TV series based on the books. They are set in and around Ystad as Wallander is a detective on the Ystad police force.

Re: Camera Advice, Please?

GarryRF ·
Travelling as light as you do it would be an awful burden Rob. I found a lovely bargain today. A Samsung ST 72 camera. It has wifi to view the pix on my TV and its so tiny that I could tuck it into my sock. $50 US and brand new ! Its been in the stores for over a year. So its reduced ! Getting to be a collector I'm afraid ! Sounds just like your "Cup of Tea" though Rob

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar 10, 2014: Fiori di Como, The Bellagio, Las Vegas

GarryRF ·
I love staying in Harrahs in Vegas. I get control of the TV. She looks out the window at the Bellagio - for the water and music show !

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
Whitney. I was just emailing TravelRob. Maybe you could contact a TV station here in England. The Centenary of WW1 is big news across Europe this year 1914 - 1918 and we have many programmes looking back at all the wars since. Have you seen the "Great Escape" Movie. ( Steve McQueen - James Garner and all ) ? Some facts are true - some "based" on the true story. It's very late here in England. Contact you tomorrow.

Re: Credit Card size Cameras ! Any Good?

GarryRF ·
6 Nuns in white carrying a coffin Rob I'd go back at midnight but..... (thinks of an excuse)..... There's a good film on TV !! Oh no -its that American Comedian again !

Re: Bayfront Stadium, Pensacola: As Good as it Gets

Paul Heymont ·
Nice touch, having a chance to catch a ball while swimming! Seriously, maybe the best thing about the revival of minor-league ball (besides the training opportunities for future big-leaguers) is the affordability that makes it possible for families to enjoy and learn the game now that most major league tickets (and concessions) are out of range! There's no way you can really understand baseball from TV watching, where you don't really see the game, only the camera angle chosen at that...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#61)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Reading your description I couldn't help but think "where everyone knows your name" At first I thought it was the building the tv show Cheers was based on but it's not. Still guessing...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

GarryRF ·
Passing through Towns in Australia and North America (incl. Canada) I like to stop off and take a few photo's of places that have been named after places in the UK. In Chester PA. I was asked "Do you have a Chester too?" - " Yes and a Jersey, York, Boston, Washington, Dover, Bethesda, Birmingham and a few more " Didn't know you had a Fort William until I was watching a "Who Do You Think You Are" TV show recently. A female Celebrity was tracking her ancestral trail from the UK.
Blog Post

Hotel rooms for Millennials

DrFumblefinger ·
I thought most folks more or less wanted the same features in a hotel room, namely a good night's sleep, free parking, free television and free internet.  Plus or minus free breakfast.  It seems I am naive.   Modern hotel rooms are...
Blog Post

Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec, like New York, is both a city and a state (or rather, a province).  It’s an island of French heritage and culture within our Anglo-North American continent.   We combined this visit with stops in Montreal and...
Blog Post

ET, Call Home: A visit to the Arecibo Observatory

Paul Heymont ·
On our recent visit to Puerto Rico, we took an unplanned side trip to what might be called ET’s phone booth—a vast radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory that “listens” to space both for astronomical information and any...
Blog Post

Hotels change in response to Entertainment on Demand

DrFumblefinger ·
Some good news from the hotel industry!  In response to Marriott's customers requesting greater entertainment options, the big hotel chain is rolling out a trial of NETFLIX at several of its properties.  NETFLIX, one of the greatest...
Blog Post

Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

YarnsofWhalesandSnow ·
When you see the Northern Lights for the first time, they seem unreal. Almost magical, maybe even scary to some. The Aurora Borealis is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena you can observe and well worth a journey to the northern parts of the...
Blog Post

Slow TV Comes to the Travel Channel

Travel Rob ·
A live 12 hour road trip will air Friday, November 27, at 9 a.m. ET on the Travel Channel. The BBC of the UK has also commissioned a series of programs doing away with commentary, script or drama.   This format is called Slow TV. It became...
Blog Post

Looking for a quirky vacation spot? Here's "Northern Exposure"

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, Talkeetna, Alaska, the town that was the model and lent scenery to the TV series Northern Exposure has a well-tended reputation for quirkiness, and welcomes visitors. Although some may have found the welcome a bit rough: there are rumors that...
Blog Post

32 years later, Marriott opens its 1000th Courtyard

DrFumblefinger ·
Hard to believe there was a time before Hilton Garden Inn or Holiday Inn Express.  Back in those days over 30 years ago, Marriott pioneered  the idea of a hotel aimed at busy people traveling, often sales people or businessmen on the...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 10, 2015: Northern Ireland

Non Stop Destination ·
    I recently came back from a 3 day trip to Northern Ireland, and loved it. The weather was unusually sunny (but very cold) while I explored one of the most beautiful coastlines in Europe.     Northern Ireland has become quite...
Blog Post

Death Valley National Park

My Thatched Hut ·
Death Valley is one of the most desolate place I have been. Others include central Greenland and the Dead Sea. Death Valley is the lowest place in the western hemisphere at 282 feet (86 metres) below sea level. The Dead Sea in Israel is 1,370...
Blog Post

Visiting Cuba pt 2. + more cars !

GarryRF ·
EXPLORING CUBA   (Missed pt 1 ?..... )   Getting about in Cuba varies dramatically. In the populated areas they have regular buses. Out in the countryside you'll have to take a taxi or go on an...
Blog Post

Visiting Cuba.

GarryRF ·
 After 50 years of strained relations between Cuba and the US it looks likely that travel will soon be possible again.     I've been visiting Cuba - for over 15 years - from the UK. - I'm British. I spend some time living in the US...
Blog Post

Seeing the World's Game at a Local Stadium - Palermo Football

Jonathan L ·
A longtime soccer fan, Jonathan L has an exciting afternoon sitting with the locals at an important game in Palermo.
Blog Post

Reindeer migration: Norway's latest 'Slow TV' hit

Paul Heymont ·
A herd of slow-moving reindeer, headed for summer pasture, are the latest star's of Norwegian public televisions series.