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Tagged With "Internet Day"


Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

GarryRF ·
Last time I went from Mexico to Philadelphia they had no Coffee. So we received free WiFi for the flight. Was great fun saying Hello to friends. They would all ask where are you ? "I'll look out the window - somewhere above the clouds in the Gulf of Mexico!" Beat that !! And Facetime on the IPad was a hoot!

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

DrFumblefinger ·
I've been told that wi-fi over the ocean is a real technological challenge, because it requires constant re-positioning of 2 moving targets (the plane and satellite). In contrast, Wi-Fi over a continent only involves connecting one moving target with a stationary one, a simpler thing to do. Glad to hear this problem seems to be mostly solved. It would be nice to catch up on some wi-fi chores while on a long flight (although I usually manage to fill such flights watching movies or working on...

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

FlashFlyer ·
Not sure I understand that. The plane is moving, but the data aren't, they are launched into geo-synchronous or its so they are always over the same patch of earth. So why should it matter whether the flight is ny to la or ny to London? Anyone know?

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

DrFumblefinger ·
Geosynchronous orbit is only close enough to planes flying in that area (ie. around the equator). A plane flying the polar route from North America to Europe won't be able to connect with a geosynchronous satellite. They will be connecting with a series of lower altitude satellites, not unlike global satellite phone system. These satellites are moving quickly, as is the plane.

Re: Travel planning: Japanese travelers like to book way ahead

DrFumblefinger ·
Some of us need to go out well beyond two months to be sure we get the time off we want (especially popular vacation times like Thanksgiving or Christmas vacation). So I'm very much in favor of planning in advance. Of course this makes it hard to be responsive to great last minute travel deals.
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New aluminum battery could be traveler's best friend

Paul Heymont ·
Imagine a smartphone battery that could recharge fully in just over a minute, could be recharged 7500 times, and is lighter than any battery you've ever had. And, oh yes, it can't catch fire as lithium-ion batteries can, and it's easier to recycle....
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When the safety video becomes inflight entertainment

Paul Heymont ·
Be honest: How many of you keep on reading while the flight attendants give you the required safety briefing and show the video? (in the interests of honest disclosure, I plead guilty).   But in recent years, there have been a number of attempts...
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For Internet Day, a look at the first airline website

Paul Heymont ·
It's just over 20 years since it first became possible to buy tickets on the internet...and now it's hard to buy them any other way!

5 tips for travelling abroad with your iphone

Loganathan ·
Almost anywhere you travel in the world these days—especially to any First World country or popular tourist destination—a strong cellular signal and Wi-Fi hotspots in hotels, restaurants, Internet cafes, shopping centers, and airports are readily available. So even though you may be on the opposite side of the world from where you live, your iPhone or iPad can still serve as a powerful communication, organization, and productivity tool, as well as an interactive entertainment device. The...
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WiFi on the way for international flights

Paul Heymont ·
GoGo Internet, the company that supplies the inflight WiFi on most U.S. domestic flights has gotten the OK to begin installin on Boeing 747-400s for international service, and will soon extend to other models as well. Details

10 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

clareabner ·
Since I am a travel blogger and a woman, I have been traveling to many countries around the globe. My solo trips have taught and trained me in keeping myself safe and secure. And after years of globetrotting experiences, I believe now I am capable of giving some good piece of advice to others. Especially to the solo woman travelers. The choice of traveling alone especially for a woman is not easy. Only those with the wildest adventurous streak can make it. But, when you will look back,...

8 Tips For Travelling To Thailand On A Budget

clareabner ·
Just a few years ago, Thailand was a dirt-cheap travel destination. The first time I visited Thailand in the mid-2000s, I just did a little research using my Frontier bundles. The internet and the Travel Channel were pretty much all you needed to discover the world back then. And I was off! My 2-week sojourn in Thailand involved street food, island hopping, beach parties, and clubs. The whole trip cost me only a fraction of what it did the second time I visited in 2012. For my third trip...
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北溪廟 Bok Kai Temple, Marysville, California

PortMoresby ·
Bok Kai Temple, a California registered landmark and national treasure, was built in 1880, the oldest Taoist temple in the United States.
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Travel planning: Japanese travelers like to book way ahead

Paul Heymont ·
At a time when there are so many apps for instant and last-minute booking, it will probably come as a surprise to many that there are travelers (I'm one) who like to book plans way in advance -- especially true of Japanese tourists.